Other Unpopular Opinions

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Nightcore is not, never was, and never will be a valid genre of music.

'Nightcore' (how I hate that word) is literally just an existing music track sped up. It is an utterly disgusting form of sound and a terrible excuse for music. If you nightcore a song, it will forever be ruined. If you listen to nightcore, I automatically assume you have a negative IQ.

Also, accept the fact that there are two fucking genders: male and female. How hard is that to understand? There aren't 32 fucking genders. Two are genders, the others are mental disorders.

unpopular opinion: some of y'all need to find a hobby ✌?
I don't meant to start an argument, I'm simply curious. How? I don't understand.

It’s fine man. I just think they’re insulting because with fat shaming you’re basically just insulting someone based on appearance and you put overweight and obese people in the mindset that all they are is just a big blob and they grow to despise themselves. Fat acceptance is similar where you’re telling the person it’s ok to be unhealthy and you should continue this lifestyle which could lead to malignant illnesses like diabetes and possibly death. There’s no lesser evil between the two.

If someone does look heavy and you don’t know how to approach them based on their appearance, then support and encourage them to live a more healthier lifestyle. Have them acknowledge the fact that you appreciate them the way they are, but you want them to be around longer
It’s fine man. I just think they’re insulting because with fat shaming you’re basically just insulting someone based on appearance and you put overweight and obese people in the mindset that all they are is just a big blob and they grow to despise themselves. Fat acceptance is similar where you’re telling the person it’s ok to be unhealthy and you should continue this lifestyle which could lead to malignant illnesses like diabetes and possibly death. There’s no lesser evil between the two.

If someone does look heavy and you don’t know how to approach them based on their appearance, then support and encourage them to live a more healthier lifestyle. Have them acknowledge the fact that you appreciate them the way they are, but you want them to be around longer
Oh, I see what you mean.
While we're at the topic of heroes, I don't like The Avengers movie franchise.

Scarlett Johansen isn't as hot as she's hyped to be.

Tony Stark is cool but too stubborn and close-minded.
Same, the movies just feel like homework so that when the Avengers crossover comes you know what’s going on. The only Marvel movies I genuinely enjoyed were Dr. Strange and Thor: Ragnorak
Here’s another doozy:

I hate DC and Marvel. I don’t like the hype, I don’t like the heroes, and I most definitely do NOT like Superman and Captain America. And screw Thor. All he’s got going for him is his looks, I stg.
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