Other Unpopular Opinions

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This seems to be happening a lot with TV shows these days.

You can put characters in your TV show that have different morals and values from each other. It’s okay to do that. You don’t need to prove how progressive you are by adding a bunch of characters that are all the same from a moral perspective.
"You should have a more open mind." is, more often than not, short for "I don't like that you don't like this thing I like, because you should like it, because I like it, and if you don't like it then you just don't understand it."
I actually really hate competitive gaming. People who game competitively will always either mock or hate you for not playing absolutely perfectly, even when it really doesn't matter.
Avengers: Infinity War wasn't that good of a movie.

Man of Steel is criminally underrated.
Eddie Brock peaked as Anti-Venom in the comics and his return to the role of Venom a few months ago is criminally not taking into account recent stories about his turbulent relationship with the symbiote.
I have a feeling this one is actually unpopular

"Don't be negative about your situation. Don't form opinions about your situation that are negative. Just pretend like you're fine with what's happening to you."

Shut the fuck up. Forced positivity can be a bad thing.

I'm not saying a person should be depressed about a bad situation they're in. I'm just saying they're allowed to acknowledge the bad situation they're in.
koshka koshka Do you like controllers better or what? I can't imagine liking a console for any other reason.
Slav Slav yes, but I’ve also been playing console since the day I came out. And the PS Store has really good deals.

I don’t know if it’s just me but every time I try to play anything on PC, I cannot grasp the keyboard—literally. Maybe my hands are too small. Maybe it’s just my brain saying “No!!”
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