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Fantasy Unleash the Beasts(closed until further notice)

"Because unlike you i can actually fight toe to toe with that friend you made to day." To prove his point a distant roar echoed, "i think he still wants to play chase."
Klarion hissed, “yknow what.” He teeth had now transformed into snake fangs. “I am fucking sick and tired of you disrespecting me.” He threw off his jacket, got out his knives and headed towards the direction of the roar. “Noone takes me fucking seriously.” He growled.

"17 sounds good." Lucy agreed. "Unlike being found and watching someone get mauled. Maybe we should leave from here?" She suggested. It was likely an easy way to be found by waiting around at the scene of a crime. "And not go picking fights?"
"Might wanna check again. Because you're friend had one eye. Not two." Hunter pointed out
(I got plans for leonidas. And he isn't going to be killed that easy.
Klarion threw his knives on the ground and sat down, trying to cool his temper, “just... FUCK.” He threw a knife and it sliced through a tree.
Hunter shrugged, "anyways. You're right Lucy, we need to get going. Need to get you gear, and into shifting on the fly. Not to metion partial transformations." He explained as he went over a mental list.

"Ah, about that..." She began, looking to the side. "I haven't shifted in a while. Like, a few months." Lucy admitted, being truthful. Throwing herself into being a mercenary was beginning to look like a poorly thought out idea on her part.
"That why we start small. Guard and hunting jobs to get cash and help you get back into your instincts." He pointed out, "And the training part of our deal."
Klarion looked up, “why start that small? Why not try a few bounty jobs and if she cant handle it THEN start off small.” He looked at her, “i mean shes a tough one.”
"It's up to her what job she does. Pay is pay either way. I'm kinda just here for the ride and to help her out."
That earned a chuckle from the blonde, "who knows. Maybe you'll cash in on our bounties oneday." He laughed to himself as they reached the open market.
Klarion sighed, “look I’m sorry okay? What more do you want from me?” He looked at her, sincerely, “no matter how I act I’m still a professional okay I know my shit.”

"In either case I appreciate the help... even if being recruited by mercenaries isn't what I was expecting when I woke up this morning" She admitted, thinking back to a couple of hours ago.
Klarion laughed, “oh thats what i though when I got taken in but hey money is money and murder is murder.” Klarion saw his wanted poster tacked up on the wall, he ripped it down. He snorted, “they didnt get my ears right.”
"And better than me... I usually keep the funny ones" Petyr handed him a wanted poster which looked like a sheep with huge ridiculous horns. "Or this one" He handed another which had an eyepatch and a beard. "Or this one" He handed him the final picture, which lacked ears or hair. "I guess it's my otherworldly charm" He grinned. But he dawned a look of confusion, "Sorry I zoned out, why is there a damn LION'S HEAD on the pavement?!"
Hunter looked back at the other two mercs chatting awa, "a match made in heaven i suppose." He muttered before turning to Lucy again, "So any idea on what gear you want?" He started walking, motioning to follow.

"What would I need?" She asked. "I have a dagger," she tapped her thigh where she kept it hidden, "unless it would be a good idea to have a heavier weapon." Lucy suggested, entirely unsure of what she would use as a mercenary.
"Depends on what you prefer i suppose. I tend to go bare handed though i keep my waraxe on me if i need it." He pulled out the one handed axe, "best thing to do is just try weapons till you find something you like."

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