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Realistic or Modern Trouble in Paradise - Ex on the Beach


Forced Ending


Mariah apolla apolla
Milo MoxxyMoxx MoxxyMoxx

Skylar iShyShy iShyShy

Summer Clothes and Bag
Dante gave the young lady an encouraging nod. Just because he was used to being put on the spot with interviews and paparazzi photographers that just wanted to show the worse side of him in the (gossip) magazines. It had caused a lot of awkward and embarrassing moments, and over the years he had learned how to give quick answers from the top of his head or avoid questions without making it look like he avoided them. Sometimes he gave even answers that didn't refer the slightest back to the question, but gave them at least something to work with, so they could be happy and leave him alone.

His smile widened at the answer of her question, a busy lady indeed. "Animal shelters? Oh, that is so sweet," he said. He was an animal lover. All kind of animals could warm his heart. "I helped out at a shelter once too," he said with a soft smile. It was of course made into a publicity stunt afterwards, but his intentions had been genuine on beforehand. He had been so pissed with his agent, but of course, never really dared to confronted the guy. Just like about so many things... Anyhow no time to ponder on that now as Mariah continued their question round towards Milo. With a very good and interesting question. His gaze lingered on the female for a moment longer, she seemed very kindhearted, she was attractive and apparantly also very smart. How was someone like her still single? Cause that had been one of the requirements to get in, for as far as he remembered.

The Italian looked at the other male when he talked about medicine. Chronic illness? He didn't ask, perhaps later in private, when the topic was brought up. He didn't want to seem intrusive or anything like that. He understood this was a rather private matter, though Milo seemed to bring it up so casual. He chuckled when he added his teddy bear as third option. "Hey, no judgement from me! I won't go anywhere without mister Rabby..." He was pretty sure the old stuffed animal was even somewhere in his bag right now. He always took it with him. Like a good luck charm. It was small enough to fit in his pocket, so yes he even took it with him on auditions. And that very first date with Skylar. Though he was pretty sure she never found that out.

"Spirit animal? Oh, I have to think about that," Dante chuckled. Of course it was a common question during interviews, but normally he just answered with whatever animal the other party might here. Like a lion or tiger, but honestly that was not what he really felt like. For some reason he wanted to keep things honest with these people. "I think I will have to go-" Just as he wanted to answer his phone suddenly vibrated. He had turned of the sound as soon as he got it. He hated those phone sounds, it could drive him mad. "A turtle I guess..." He finished the question with a mutter, while looking at the message. A challenge? His eyes sparkle a bit. This meant they would meet up with the others soon!

Dante opened up the map that was attached to the message and came to a stop. "I don't know, guys, but I am terrible with maps," he said. He could still get lost in his beloved Napels, if he had to go somewhere with only a paper map to guide him. Now navigation and GPS were his best friends, but this... Oh no. With this he couldn't work. "I think we are going the right way?" he said with an unsure tone. He tried to make sense of the map, which shouldn't be nearly that hard with the water and the weird shape of the island they had been on. "This is where we are now, right?" As he pointed at his map. He honestly had no idea.
Mariah Reynolds
Milo's answer brought a smile to Mariah's lips. Although she was curious too about what kind of medication he'd need or that he couldn't go without, she wouldn't pry, at least not in a setting like this. It was too open, and she was well aware that they were probably already being recorded. The teddy bear, though, distracted her from the medication and she giggled, especially when Dante interjected, talking about his own Mister Rabby.

As she glanced over at Dante, she couldn't help but be impressed. Not only was he super duper famous, and she'd gotten to meet him, but he seemed so much more down to earth than she ever could have imagined. Working at an animal shelter? She couldn't wait to talk to him about that later. His answer to Milo's question was an interesting one, too, but when all of their phones buzzed, she grew distracted again and glanced down at it.

Dante didn't seem to know how to read a map, and she wasn't sure about Milo. She cast a glance in his direction before pausing, studying the little map on her phone with a curious expression. For a few moments, she was silent, glancing this way and that as she studied the little map.

"Oh!" She exclaimed suddenly, head snapping up to look at the other two. "I got it!" Nearly bubbling over with excitement, she pointed in the opposite direction they'd been going. Not back towards the water, but inland the other way. "We need to go that way." She started off in that direction, glancing back at the other two. "Come on! I don't know about you two, but I can't cook for shit."

Couple: "Forever Alone"

Location: beach

Mood: I got it!

Tags: Milo ( MoxxyMoxx MoxxyMoxx ); Dante ( DarkiusHeavenstein DarkiusHeavenstein )
code by apolla apolla
Milo Xiao
Location: Beach
Interacting: DarkiusHeavenstein DarkiusHeavenstein apolla apolla
Outfit: Light Blue Sleeveless Shirt, Dark Blue Swimming Trunks and Brown Leather Sandals

The text alert made Milo regret not taking Geography classes as a teen. History, English, and Art were more of Milo's style. He could write the longest essay about a wide array of subjects, painted the largest of canvases and recounted tales of old but a map... That wasn't his speed. He would let Dante and Mariah decide how to get to the mansion.

"I can cook," he said. "I was always a very practical kid. I learned to make things instead of play with all the other kids but now I kinda think I should have studied more. I know nothing about Geography." He rubbed the back of his neck with his free hand. "Is there anything you guys are good at that could help on the island? The producers are gonna spring stuff on us. Best keep friends close. We'll need people to go to about our problems and I'm happy to be a friend to you both when you need it. Who knows what the others will be like."

Milo's intentions were always kind. He wanted to make it so the trio were there for each other. This show was about single people having fun but a good friend should be there on this journey, especially when there was no access to family. The only problem with these two however was the tension between Dante and Mariah already. Perhaps it was just Dante's personality but he seemed to be quite the flirty guy and Mariah seemed to like him. He couldn't have the people he hoped to be his friends start something together. He'd be a third wheel and have to find something to do or someone to hangout with and he was just starting to enjoy their company. He'd have to scope out the other contestants on the show and see how they match up to his personality.
As Tae-Hyun bows, Allison steps back slightly. Not many people bow these days, though it makes Allison almost instantly like her new housemate. She does her best not to look over her new housemate too much, though takes note of their pretty skin and elegant mannerisms. Moving to other side of the table to examine the room more, she then takes another chip. She definitely favors salt over sweets, so this was a nice treat. When the young man with dark hair enters the room, Allison greets him with a wave. "I am Allison. Yes, wonderful, isn't it?" The young marine biologist in training then walks over to shake hands with the new arrival, even if less graceful than Tae-Hyun. When Tae-Hyun asks if she has ever been to a mansion as fancy as this one, she is quick to respond.

"My friends aunt has a mansion similar to this, although it is slightly less prodigious."

Something about sitting down seemed tempting, but Allison was too set on appearing sophisticated. She stretches slightly, admiring the views from each of the windows in the bedroom. The secret drunk in her was wanting to go swimming in the ocean, but she was certain she should stay in the mansion for the first day of filming. Browm eyes peer aross the room to Tae-Hyun as she gets comfortable on the bed. "My favorite hobby is learning about different sea animals, to be honest," she says, raising her hand to beside her face and laughing softly. "My favorite animal species are whales, and I am a manager at a retail store back home." Allison goes back to get more chips. "Also, thank you so much for the compliment about my hair... yours is also quite lovely. How about you?"

DarkiusHeavenstein DarkiusHeavenstein Fanaa Fanaa
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Location: Mansion :- Tae’s room
With: Tae-Hyun & Allison
Mentioned: Tae-Hyun [@@DarkiusHeavenstein], Allison [@EricSings], Chandler [@ReigningKing]

Very much like Tae, Jacques couldn’t believe he was selected. He wasn’t sure what made him stand out from the rest. Unbeknownst to him, it was Chandler, someone that Jacques thought he was going to grow old with, someone that he shared his dreams and aspirations with, someone he didn’t mind being corny, cheesy, or unconventional with. Jacques would absolutely love to see that perfect smile one last time so that he could (un)kindly tell the other male to fuck off one last time (well wish granted).

The ravenette turned to Tae, answering their question about the mansion with a casual “I catered for some rich fuck, he had a place like this.” it came with the business, rich people, poor people, they both loved a good meal, and Jacques had the honor of serving both. While he had toured a mansion of two, living in one was surreal, a completely different feeling. Tae-Hyun was the complimenting, happy-go-lucky type, Jacques wasn’t used to it, but flattery was definitely one way to win him over. “Thanks, I use conditioner.” the chef said jokingly flipping his hair like a diva.

Allison worked in retail and loved whales, as well as alcohol, Jacques could smell it, though faint, perks of being a chef, kneen sense of smell, though it could also be quite unpleasant. “I’m a chef, I run two trucks, working on opening a restaurant sometime next year.” that was the end goal at least, but legitimately owning property was a pool he had yet to swim in. “As far as hobbies go, I guess my side job is my hobby, I’m a tattoo artist, love seeing the smile on my client's face when they see the finished piece.”

“Favorite animal is easily dogs, adorable little shits.” he took another sip of his drink. “What do you think the others will be like?” sure Allison and Tae were likable, but people were bound to butt heads.


Tae-Hyun Cha
One and One equals Three

Bedroom 3 (orange)

Allison EricSings EricSings
Jacques Fanaa Fanaa

Milo MoxxyMoxx MoxxyMoxx

Cute white two piece
Tae-Hyun had to admit ze was happy the new persons seemed to accept zes rapid fire of questions and tried to answer all of them as well. Both of them had apparently already been in fancy houses like this. Ze couldn't help but to feel a bit envious. Definitely when it seemed to be family held property in Allisons case. In Jacques case it was work related. Ze had to admit, ze didn't like the harsh words the other used. Jacques was definitely American raised. Or at least... zes mother would never allow zem to talk like that. Zes smile brightened when zes hair was complimented in return. "Awh, thanks, but it is all fake. Or at least, it is real hair, but it is not mine. Just a wig," ze admitted without any shame or second thoughts. If ze was gonna live together with these people, they were gonna find out sooner or later anyway. Probably.

"Conditioner does do a good job indeed," Tae-Hyun grinned as Jacques flipped his hair diva style. It really looked very healthy and shiny. So, a chef and tattoo artist. Very interesting combination. "Oh, I would love to get a tattoo, but... I cannot commit," ze chuckled. Ze knew zemself. One day ze would be a totally fan of this design and the next day it was something totally different. No, tattoos was probably a very bad idea. Though henna was fun, and even with that ze sometimes grew bored of it or started to dislike it. So something as permanent as a tattoo was not a good idea in zes case. Ze looked at Allison as the question were returned. Honestly, the Asian had already forgotten all the question ze had asked in the first place so ze went by the answer they had given her.

"I have a part time job as a waitress and barista. I am mainly busy with my thesis for my study in communication sciences. Uhhh, I like all animals?" Ze was sure there had been something about animals. Since Allison had mentioned whales and Jacques had said something about dogs. "But butterflies in particular. They are so colorful and I like caterpillars as well and the whole transformation they go through," ze cheerfully spoke. What else had been mentioned? Nothing right? Only hair treatment and compliments. Ze sat a bit up so ze could take some of the chips as well. For now even ze couldn't really think of any question, more because ze didn't want to bother them too much. Ze looked back over towards Jacques. "Can I touch it?" ze asked, of course refering to the hair. Though ze had placed their barefoot on the ground now, ze waited for an answer. Ze would never touch anyone without consent, it was one of the most important things to zem. Not just when it came to sex, but also when it came to other body contact. Not everyone liked that! Even though ze was a very cuddly person, ze always tried to respect that. Emphasis on trying.

Tae walked over toward Jacques, though still waiting for his permission as ze picked up one of the drinks. If ze was standing here, ze could just as well drink some. "So... how did you two end up here? And what went wrong that you are both still looking for love?" ze asked, not aware of how personal and intruding that question might be. Ze hugged zemself a bit. "I am looking for someone who can accept me in every way I am and won't try to push me too much into one strict limited relationship," ze answered first. Perhaps a bit too intimate already, but ze didn't care. It was not something ze saw that needed to be hidden or something. "My last boyfriend... He was a really sweet guy, but... I don't know, I think I did something wrong. And I may have... I know it wasn't really right of me to kiss someone else, but..." Ze sighed softly as ze fell silent. It wasn't painful. Or it was, but that was not the reason that it made it this hard to talk about it. It had just been such a confusing period in zes life. "I just hope that one day... I could explain it to him. Or that we could at least talk about it... I never meant to hurt him."
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The ocean. It was calling to her. The beauteous blue water and white sand... if Allison could, she might just camp out for a few nights. Allison listened as Tae-Hyun spoke, allowing the cameras to only see her best angles. She places strands of brunette hair behind her ear, eyes widening slightly when Tae-Hyun mentions their studies in communication sciences. "Fascinsting. I wish you the best of luck in your career. Also, I find butterflies to be beautiful."

When Tae-Hyun asks how Allison ended up on the show, she laughs. "My boss suggested I sign up for the show. Nothing really went wrong between my ex and I, but we were constantly getting back together after breaking up. It became too much."

The subject of finding love makes Allison slightly uneasy, this feeling disappointed Allision because she told herself to be prepared for anything while on the show. "I am a confident woman who deserves the right man, that's all I know."

The glorious sunlight coming through the windows creates subtle shadows the way it shines on the furntiure, and before Allison responds to Tae-Hyun about her kissing someone, she silently admires the ravishing paintings on the walls. "Yes. That certainly doesn't sound pleasant like peanut butter kisses." Although this might offend Tae-Hyun, she only hopes that it doesn't.

"I am certain everyone will be diverse, and I can't wait to meet them!" she says politely to Jacob.

To the lovely people~ ♡♡
DarkiusHeavenstein DarkiusHeavenstein Fanaa Fanaa

Forced Ending


Mariah apolla apolla
Milo MoxxyMoxx MoxxyMoxx

Skylar iShyShy iShyShy

Summer Clothes and Bag
Dante came to a stop when Mariah did as she studied that phone, or rather the map on it. It was cute how she kept on checking the surroundings. His eyes darted towards Milo when he spoke. It seemed like he was not the only one that was horrible about reading maps, that was nice to know. Apparently whatever point he had though was where they were was wrong, so he just let Mariah figure it all out. "As a true Italian, I can make some lovely pasta dishes, but the kitchen will be an absolute mess," he said with a soft laugh. Though he did enjoy cooking, he wasn't a star chef. Though he wasn't horrible either. He could make a decent dish and keep himself alive, without burning the kitchen down completely.

While Mariah figured out the map and where they were, he listened to Milo talking about them staying close as friends. "I one hundred procent agree with that. Friends are very important." He gave him one of those dashing smiles that had made Mariah, and many other females, swoon. It was just his natural charm, nothing he could do about it. "As for useful skills to survive on an island, I don't know. I can cook and I am rather well with physical exercise. I have a great endurance and am pretty flexible," he said, "I am also really good at acting, but I am not sure how that will be helpful on the island." So that could help with whatever assignments would be thrown at them. Hopefully. He looked up when Mariah suddenly exclaimed that she got it and he grinned towards her.

"Smart girl," Dante hummed. He looked into the direction she pointed which was the complete opposite of the way he had lead them. "Let's just say that navigation is not my thing and my sense of direction is non existing apparently," he said. He send a playfully wink in Milo's direction as it was more or less a continuation of their previous conversation. He quickly followed after the brunette, though it wasn't too hard for him to catch up with her. "Let's see if those short legs can keep up," he teased them both gently. Though he made sure not to go too fast. First of all, he didn't know the way. Second of all, it was no use if he arrived there all alone. The assignment was clearly ment for them as group.

"So, my spirit animal is a turtle," the Italian spoke. Even if they were in a bit of a hurry now, they could still have fun right? "Because I tend to hide away and avoid confrontations, though I am able to handle a lot of pressure and chaos around me without cracking. Sometimes I can be a bit slow in picking up on things, definitely when it comes to romance," he grinned. He didn't mind making a bit fun of himself. He knew when someone was obviously flirting with him, but when things were done more subtle, he was not gonna notice. Even if he did notice, he would be too shy to act on it. It really was no wonder why it had taken him and Skylar so long to finally get together. "Anyway, Mariah, now that we are on the subject of food anyway. If you had to chose one dish to eat for the rest of your life, what would it be?" he asked.
[div class=container][div class=image][/div] [div class=c2][div class=scroll] [div class=border]in character: brandy rattana[/div]
when brandy learned that he got in, he tried to keep it under wraps, only alerting his clients of his absence. if he could help it, he'd have preferred to make as little fuss about it all, but unfortunately, his mother, ever the intuitive sleuth, managed to suss out the truth days before his departure. obviously, she was offended and heartily scolded him for keeping this from her. soon after that, his mother spread that news generously on Facebook, stating that 'her baby boy was going to be on television'. embarrassing.

this was exactly the sort of thing he wanted to avoid.

it's not like he was going to be acting out in a major role or anything. it was just a reality show where people would try to find a date and he tried to explain that this was basically just like a vacation for him. when she heard that, she grew even more ecstatic, glad to see that her baby boy was getting back into the dating scene. and like before, she shared that news with her besties back home and supplied further details on his being on television. Even more embarrassing.

fortunately, he only had to endure that for a few days before he took off to the island. and now, here he was at the lake, fresh off the jeep.

this was the place. the place he was going to spend the next few weeks at. and God, it's a beautiful, beautiful place. he had received some information about the island they were staying at, but nothing beats being there himself. in fact, that clean and clear seaside meters away from his drop-off location, just past the greenery, was already calling to him.

he's about to run for it, too, until he hears the cell's default ringtone, (which shook him for a second, since he was used to his custom little chime.)

right, the show. unless he wanted this vacation to end prematurely, he's going to have to fulfill his end of the bargain, which means playing along with the rules of the game. he took out his phone and read the message:

Dear Rembrandt,

This will be your first assignment: Follow the road on the map to the Mansion. Last (complete) group to arrive will have to make tonight's dinner for everyone.

Good luck!

In other words, he's just going to have to postpone getting to know that seaside.

s'get this over with. frowning, he clicked on the attached image and studied it for a bit. it didn't seem too far, at least. So that’s one thing off his mind. but what was that bit about the group thing? He reread the message again. "last complete group." but where was his group? Had they moved on without him? or did he spend too much time admiring the scenery and missed them?

Although he had no objections with cooking, he can’t rightly say the same for the rest of his group, given that he hadn’t even seen them yet.

no, wait, there. some ways ahead of him was a group of people. maybe his group? or could be some other group. regardless, they're busy talking and not moving, so maybe they didn't notice the message. he could just leave them there, sure, but why not be a good and social samaritan? Just for today? establish himself early so he can rest up later, right? as nonchalantly as someone like him could manage, he jogs to catch up to the group and wiggles the phone in his hand as he nears them. "did you guys check your phones? need to get."

[div class=border]location[/div]
the lake.

[div class=border]interactions && mentions[/div]
Interacting with chandler, killian and skylar. [ Reigning King Reigning King OSWonder OSWonder iShyShy iShyShy ]

[div class=border]out of character[/div]
the first posts are always the hardest <:^T a lil rushed hasjkdasd

Legend: thoughts "speech"
[/div][/div][/div] [div class=c]code by: @undine [/div] [class=container]height: 375px; width: 280px; border: 1px solid grey; margin: auto; cursor: url(https://i.imgur.com/fkP02Jr.png), auto [/class] [class=image]height: 40%; width: 100%; background-image: url(https://www.unique.dk/wp-content/uploads/2017/08/JKA-62-1456x1941.jpg); background-size: 100%; background-position: 20% 25%; [/class] [class=title]width: 100%; font-size: 0.57em; position: relative; color: #1C2A71; top: 45%; text-align: center; font-weight: bold; font-family: 'Montserrat', sans-serif; text-transform: uppercase [/class] [class=c2]height: 50%; width: 80%; padding: 20px; margin: auto; font-size: 10px; overflow: hidden; text-transform: lowercase; [/class] [class=scroll]height: 100%; width: 100%; overflow-y: auto; padding-right: 100px; text-align: justify [/class] [class=border]padding: 10px; width: 96%; background: #5F745D; color: #fff; font-size: 0.95em; text-align: center; position: sticky; top: 0%; letter-spacing: 2px; font-family: serif; z-index:5 [/class] [class=c]width: 100%; text-align: center; opacity: 0; font-size: 10px [/class]
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The cameras are watching, drama is happening, tears are flowing.
And I'm just here to watch the show.

So, what are you expecting?

Killian mulled over that question as he listened to Skylar’s rather relatable answer to it. He wasn’t expecting much, either. Money had never been an issue in his life so that definitely wasn’t his end goal. He might go around flirting with people and playing up a romance for the fun of it while on the show — because, let’s be real, it’s a rare chance to be literally surrounded by this many attractive people — but he didn’t think he was going to get love out of this, either. Mostly because, deep down, he hoped not to fall for anyone here.

Things that come quickly always leave twice as fast. At least, that was the case in his experience. His last real relationship was formed over a holiday trip, too, and just look at how that had ended; so terribly that it had even dragged another one down with it. He would find the thought amusing if he wasn’t aware that mirth was an entirely inappropriate emotion for that particular incident, especially when it had arguably been largely his fault.

Those thoughts flickered across his mind in a flash as he replied, in something like a white lie, “I agree with Skylar. I’m just here for the vacation, really, so I’m game for anything.”

Just as he said that, the phone in his pocket buzzed lightly. It wasn’t usual for Killian to check his phone while he was in a conversation, particularly with new acquaintances. This time, though, it wasn’t his phone but one for the show, which meant they were likely finally getting to their new house.

He pulled it out to check the new message and, sure enough, it was a call for them to find their way to the mansion. Killian could cook and wouldn’t mind the punishment at all but…well, one shouldn’t aim to lose.

Now, Killian always had a languid sort of charm in the way he held himself, akin to a cat. Even when he was excited, it didn’t show strongly in his actions unless he purposely wanted to hype up the people around him. But he had a tell-tale sign that the more observant ones could see and that was that mischievous glint in his eyes that instantly comes to life.

“I guess we should get going,” he laughed as he looked back up at his companions, including the one that had last arrived, “anyone confident in reading maps?”

Even though he asked that, he had already taken a step in the direction of what was supposed to be the main road that would lead them straight to the house. Or, at least, the direction he thought was correct.

“Oh, yeah, and,” he paused mid-step before releasing his luggage handle to stretch an open hand toward the newcomer, “The name’s Killian, by the way.”

location: the lake | with: chandler, skylar, brandy | outfit: here

So, what are you expecting?

Killian mulled over that question as he listened to Skylar’s rather relatable answer to it. He wasn’t expecting much, either. Money had never been an issue in his life so that definitely wasn’t his end goal. He might go around flirting with people and playing up a romance for the fun of it while on the show — because, let’s be real, it’s a rare chance to be literally surrounded by this many attractive people — but he didn’t think he was going to get love out of this, either. Mostly because, deep down, he hoped not to fall for anyone here.

Things that come quickly always leave twice as fast. At least, that was the case in his experience. His last real relationship was formed over a holiday trip, too, and just look at how that had ended; so terribly that it had even dragged another one down with it. He would find the thought amusing if he wasn’t aware that mirth was an entirely inappropriate emotion for that particular incident, especially when it had arguably been largely his fault.

Those thoughts flickered across his mind in a flash as he replied, in something like a white lie, “ I agree with Skylar. I’m just here for the vacation, really, so I’m game for anything.”

Just as he said that, the phone in his pocket buzzed lightly. It wasn’t usual for Killian to check his phone while he was in a conversation, particularly with new acquaintances. This time, though, it wasn’t his phone but one for the show, which meant they were likely finally getting to their new house.

He pulled it out to check the new message and, sure enough, it was a call for them to find their way to the mansion. Killian could cook and wouldn’t mind the punishment at all but…well, one shouldn’t aim to lose.

Now, Killian always had a languid sort of charm in the way he held himself, akin to a cat. Even when he was excited, it didn’t show strongly in his actions unless he purposely wanted to hype up the people around him. But he had a tell-tale sign that the more observant ones could see and that was that mischievous glint in his eyes that instantly comes to life.

“I guess we should get going,” he laughed as he looked back up at his companions, including the one that had last arrived, “anyone confident in reading maps?”

Even though he asked that, he had already taken a step in the direction of what was supposed to be the main road that would lead them straight to the house. Or, at least, the direction he thought was correct.

“Oh, yeah, and,” he paused mid-step before releasing his luggage handle to stretch an open hand toward the newcomer, “The name’s Killian, by the way.”

Mariah Reynolds
Mariah didn't look up when Milo started talking, though she did scoff at his question. "I can honestly say that I am that girl that veges on the couch in a robe watching netflix. This island stuff is gonna be a huge culture shock for me." Still twisting and turning the map, she sighed. "At least the two of you can cook."

When Milo spoke about being friends, though, she did glance up and offer him a small smile. "I'd like that." Looking between him and Dante, she let her gaze linger for a few seconds before looking back down. When she'd finally gotten the map right and figured out which direction to go, she started off. It didn't take long for Dante to catch up to her slow jog.

Glancing in his direction, she grinned at his teasing. "I may be short, but I make up for that with other things." Realizing too late how her words could be taken, she pressed on, taking the lead so that he wouldn't see her blushing. She turned to jog backwards once she had her face under control. "One food?"

Thinking for a moment, she made a small 'aha' noise when she thought of it. "Honestly? I'm a carb lover. Give me pasta or bread any day." Laughing, she looked over at Milo. "Tell us about your worst breakup, Milo."

Couple: "Forever Alone"

Location: beach

Mood: "He's the cutest turtle ever."

Tags: Milo ( MoxxyMoxx MoxxyMoxx ); Dante ( DarkiusHeavenstein DarkiusHeavenstein )
code by apolla apolla
Milo Xiao
Location: Beach
Interacting: DarkiusHeavenstein DarkiusHeavenstein apolla apolla
Outfit: Light Blue Sleeveless Shirt, Dark Blue Swimming Trunks and Brown Leather Sandals
Mentions: DarkiusHeavenstein DarkiusHeavenstein OSWonder OSWonder

The young man grinned. "It's not short okay? I'm a perfectly acceptable height especially when I'm bi. It's very easy to deal with short girls and tall guys." He talked as if he had relationship experience. Tae was his first relationship. Xe was the first person he felt he could open up to about his gender dysphoria, body dysmorphia and overall sexuality problems. Tae was the one for him for so long but xe was poly. He thought xe would change for him as he fitted his entire new life in America around xem but it wasn't meant to be.

Milo quickly became very quiet and closed off. Tae was still such a tough subject. It hadn't been that long. He just needed time and he hoped this show would help him like his father said. Mariah asked however and he wasn't one to avoid a question.

"It's a long story." He started. "I came to LA for college. I got the opportunity to study at UCLA and I was so excited to finally have fresh start despite all the expenses. I was so greatful for my family for paying for my medical bills, my tuition and everything else. I wanted to make them proud but first I needed to be happy so I signed up to an LGBT Club. I met Tae there and ze was really good looking and kind and generous and just the person I wanted to be with all that confidence and happiness. I attached myself to zem and sooner or later we just sort of fell into a relationship and we were together for about two years. It didn't last though. Tae was poly and I'm very not poly and so ze changed for me after I moulded my entire world around zem." He sighed and held hugged his own chest. "He cheated on me a few days before my surgery at the party I was meant to be at celebrating it. I was told about it by other people and I broke up with zem after I flipped out about it. The one time I left zem alone to do something without me and ze cheats on me with the one guy I didn't want being around my Tae. Tae was mine and mine only and Killian ruined it."

He didn't dare look Danté or Mariah in the eyes. It hurt so much. This break up messed with Milo for so long and he was only just trying to fix it. He had no social life as all of Tae's friends were his friends. The few that he still spoke to promised to never report to Tae about how he was. A few did soon after the breakup and now he didn't trust people. It broke him in more ways than one. He only focused on school and working on his own personal projects. It hurt so much and he just wanted distractions. He just couldn't drink because he still had to heal from surgery. This show was the first thing he did since everything happened. He just wanted to enjoy this for what he could.

"But I'm fine." He clearly was lying. Milo was close to tears and was still hugging at his chest. "You can just mention your relationships and we'll all be in the know of each other's lives." Milo sounded as if he was salty for being asked but he wasn't. He was heartbroken and flooded with too many emotions for his small body to handle. He didn't want to talk but he did and now he regretted it. He just wanted to run and hide but for now they had to get to the mansion. Then he could feel safe.
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Forced Ending

Beach (on the way to the Mansion)

Mariah apolla apolla
Milo MoxxyMoxx MoxxyMoxx

Skylar iShyShy iShyShy

Summer Clothes and Bag
Dante laughed and nodded. "I am very sure you do," he replied, though she was already pulling ahead. His words could be taken in a complete different light as well, since he was refering to her personality and intelligence and not persay other aspects. However he didn't dwell much on the choice of words from both of them as she was answering his questions. Of course, he approved very much of her choice for pasta. "Very smart choice, since pasta can be eaten in quite a lot of variations," he chuckled, "and it is of course stroking my Italian ego. So I am gonna ignore the fact you also mentioned bread." All of it just meant in a playful way of course.

The charming male frowned a bit when she changed the innocent question game to something a lot more personal and darker with her question. He glanced over towards the smaller male. It was obvious a very painful question. "You don't have to answer, if you don't want to," he said softly. Though the Asian was already starting on his break up story, which brought up the medical issues again. His curiosity peeking again, but he stayed silent as he listened to the story slowly unfolding itself. Yet it quickly got very confusing for him as well. Ze? Zem? At first he had thought the Z-sound was just Milo's accent, but it didn't make any sense. Poly? What... Okay, he knew what LGBT was, but that was pretty much where his knowledge on non-straightness stopped.

"I am sorry, Milo... But he kinda sounds like an absolute asshole douchebag," Dante decided. That Tae person had to be male. If Milo was going to a LGBT club that meant he was gay. So his partner was male. This was all so confusing. He shook his head softly as he pulled Milo in for a, hopefully comforting, hug. It looked like the Asian needed it very much. "Come here," he said softly, "you know what? If I ever see him, I will kick his ass for breaking your heart. You deserved better." He let go of him again. Yet the actor knew the dangers of believing one sided stories. They could ruin so much, he had seen it all happen in the world of glamour and gossip.

"My last relationship is... quite some time ago," Dante spoke. No one after that had managed to catch his eye again. He was still way too hung up on Skylar and he knew it. He still had those pictures from the photobooth in his wallet. He carried it with him everywhere. True love. It was a real thing. "Skylar was... she was amazing. Absolutely stunning and out of this world," he said. His expression softened and his eyes got that dreamy look to them as he thought back. "She was an intern or something with her study when I got a part in Teen Wolf. She did the behind the scene stuff and we worked really close together," he said, "but I will keep the story short. After Teen Wolf I got an offer on an Italian series so I left the States and the long distance just made things very difficult." He swallowed softly. "She wanted to come over when my mom had died, but it just wasn't the right time and she blew up when I told her that a different moment was perhaps better." He bit his lower lip a bit. It wasn't exactly how things had gone, but close enough to the truth.

"I saw some facebook posts or instagram pictures, after our fight, where she was pretty close to some dude, and she... I don't really know. The long distance was obviously not working for us, so I let her go..." He gave them both a wry smile and then a shrug. He had started walking again while talking and now looked over towards Mariah. "So what about you, miss Reynolds? What stupid man didn't know how to appreciate a gorgous woman like you?" he said with a chuckle. "Or undeserving woman of course, if you are into that," he added quickly. Milo had made it pretty obvious that he shouldn't assume people were straight on this show. Not that he was against that or anything. Though it kinda complicated things a bit.

Skylar Reyens
A tad all over the place.

Location: Island Lake

Interactions: Chandler Reigning King Reigning King Killian OSWonder OSWonder Brandy pinnasina pinnasina

Mood: Stoked

Skylar listened to Killian express his similar view on the reality show and island. it's nice to hear that she wouldn't have to worry about every person being pushy. Killian seemed chill and down for anything so he would be a good friend to have while on this miniature vacation.

Now that thee group has had a chance to introduce themselves, Skylar was ready to start moving. Standing in one place wasn't the most fun and the new experience had given her too much energy to stay still for long. Even if they could walk around a bit it would be nice. Of course she knew it was important to not be overly energetic at first but now that they've talked a bit she was ready to explore and maybe meet the other contestants as well. There had to be a handful of others at least, that's how a reality show works. And just by seeing the overflowing abundance of attractive people around her currently, she couldn't help but be excited to meet the other presumably gorgeous people. Yet no matter how badly she wanted to forget about the man who made her feel insufficient, she knew she would never have a serious relationship. She can't bring herself to ever since Dante left her feeling inadequate. She's been okay with flings a friend, or two, with benefits but that romantic investment and attachment she adored was shattered and there's no way it would happen again with someone else.

While waiting for Chandler to respond, the symphony of notifications erupted as her phone went off just like everyone else's, cutting him off. “Ugh phone sounds. Sorry.” She promptly turned the phone to silent, disliking that she had forgotten to do so in the first place. It didn't matter if it was a new phone provided for the show, she would treat it like her own. Obnoxious sounds and notifications could distract her when she was in the middle of doing anything and she's learned to err on the side of caution. There was no thought more embarrassing to her than having to explain that she got hurt because she was startled by a blaring phone notification.

She smiled, enjoying that the text was clearly for everyone but they took the time to text each person separately. Her eyes quickly scanned the text and the thrill of competition boiled up inside of her. Reading maps was easy enough, even though she preferred to not use them unless she had to. This was one of those cases. She giggled and looked up at the group. “Good luck? We'll make our own luck too!” Killian was ready to go as well. When he made the declaration to move another attractive male had made his way over via jog. Things really just kept getting better. Skylar adjusted her bag as she moved to walk in line with the boys and offered the new friend a warm smile as he shook Killian's hand. “Yeah, we just saw! I'm Skylar! It's nice to meet you...” She trailed off to allow the new friend to introduce himself. She then cheerfully added, “I guess this is everyone for our group!” She continued walking in the direction Killian had started in and turned to walk backwards for a moment to make sure they followed. “I'm pretty sure you chose the right direction. Let's win this thing! I would prefer not to cook but I care more about winning.” She winked and giggled at the boys while she playfully stuck her tongue out. “It'll be a great way to start off our adventure.”

Mariah Reynolds
Mariah hadn't meant to turn the conversation into such a dark topic, though it probably should have been expected. Coming from someone who'd never been in a real relationship, she'd simply been curious. She realized, however, that her question was a lot less innocent than she thought when she saw Milo's facial expression turn.

His story really broke her heart, even if the terms xe and xem left her more than confused. She didn't comment on it, though, not wanting to make things worse. Then Dante started telling his story, and Mariah felt as equally heartbroken for him. Long distance had never sounded fun to her, either.

Soon enough, the spotlight was on her. She opened her mouth to speak, but nothing came out and she blushed at the attention and the embarrassment. "Well-" She started, biting her lip as she thought about what to say. She could come up with some elaborate story, but what would be the point?

Besides, she hated lying.

"I'm actually... a little more on the innocent side." She laughed, a little nervously. "Call me the next virgin mary, if you will. Minus the baby part."

Couple: "Forever Alone"

Location: beach

Mood: "Well, fuck me. Virgin here."

Tags: Milo ( MoxxyMoxx MoxxyMoxx ); Dante ( DarkiusHeavenstein DarkiusHeavenstein )
code by apolla apolla
Milo Xiao
Location: Beach
Interacting: DarkiusHeavenstein DarkiusHeavenstein apolla apolla
Outfit: Light Blue Sleeveless Shirt, Dark Blue Swimming Trunks and Brown Leather Sandals

Milo allowed for Dante to give him affection despite them having just met. The younger man was upset and any walls kept up to protect himself from others didn't matter. The Italian had a warm comforting vibe and he was feeling emotional. "Thanks," he said simply, "But that won't be necessary. Who knows what Tae's up to. I haven't been keeping up to date with anything outside of my own personal space lately. I've only been speaking to a few people since the breakup and working on school stuff to get through my day." Milo's once fun and joyful life turned into a closed off prison like lifestyle pretty quickly. He only really went outside when he needed to. It was kind of sad but as long as he didn't have to run into Tae that was all that mattered.

The Chinese boy chuckled at Mariah's comment. "Well, feelings are complicated," he stated. "If there's a chance you can avoid love on this vacation and just party, take it. Love is weird and one night stands are not my thing. Make sure you know what you're getting yourself in for." Milo didn't mean to be deep or anything. He just needed these two to not spend all their time having meaningless relationships with the others. If Milo met someone which he highly doubted. He wouldn't want to do anything serious in a place he didn't know, on an island he couldn't remember the name of, in the middle of a stupid ocean.
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