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Realistic or Modern Trouble in Paradise - Ex on the Beach



Creator of my own little Universe
Roleplay Type(s)
  • Episode One: Getting Familiar

    Hello, welcome to the first episode of Ex on the Beach! Our participants have all arrived and been brought to the island by boat. They have been picked up and are dropped off on the island seperately. So no prior interaction has been possible. The participants have been allowed to take with them whatever they could carry themselves, but have been warned that most was provided for them. However if they wish to take a million clothes with it, their choice. If they chose to pack lightly, no problem either. In order to make the introductions not too overwhelming and easier interaction possible, the directors have chosen to drop the participants off in little groups. One group will start of at the Lake (where they are driven to by a jeep), one group will be dropped off at the scuba dive point and one group will be dropped at the mansion. Of course the participants have been selected in such a way that none of them are dropped in a same group as their ex. Let's keep that drama for a bit later, shall we? For now, let's see how our participants fair.

    It is 8 May around 11AM. The weather on the island is nice. It is sunny with a soft breeze. They arrive with a temperature of 21 degrees Celsius (70°F) and that will climb up during the week to 23 degrees Celsius (73°F). The sea-temperature will be pretty much the stable at 24 degrees Celsius (75°F).
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Tae-Hyun Cha
One and One equals Three

Mansion --> Living room --> Kitchen

People in the Mansion

Everyone and no one

Cute white two piece
Tae-Hyun Cha couldn't have been happier when ze recieved those airplane tickets in zes mail. Along with an official invitation to the island, a congratulationary letter that ze was selected and some set of rules that should have been read carefully. Or something like that. Ze had skimmed them over, but mostly been excited and hugging those airplane tickets. Ze was very much ready for a vacation, some distraction from school, thesis and other stuff, ze rather not thought off. Tae had already stood with zes phone in zes hand when zes noticed the rule participants were not allowed to say anything about their selection or it would be evoked immediately. The days after were pure agony for zem to keep zes mouth shut and not tell anyone who wanted to hear about it. Lucky for zem however, ze had a natural cheery personality so it was nothing out of ordinary to be this happy for no reason at all.

Five days. Five whole days of silence. But it was finally over. Today ze would travel to the mysterious island to meet up with the other nine people that had been selected. Oh, ze hoped they would all be handsome. And pretty. And sweet. And of course respectful. That was a very high thing on zes list. For anyone ze interacted with actually, not just friends and lovers. However ze was easy going and not a mean bitch or anything like that. People made mistakes, ze understood that. Some people didn't understand. As long as they would make an serious effort, ze would be more than happy to help them understand it or correct them those times they misgendered zem. Or whatever. Ze didn't worry too much about liking the other people. Ze was a social butterfly and easily adapted, so that should not be a problem. For now, Tae was bursting with energy and excitement.

The flight was long and boring. Ze had chattered with the person next to zem on the plane. Ze even managed to get invited to a wedding later this year as ze had been helping the girl, and thus bride, with chosing make up, hairstyle and nails. So perhaps the flight had not been that boring after all. However nothing could compare to this. Zes heart was racing as there was a sign held up with zes name and ze quickly went over. Again ze was reminded of the rules and ze quickly took out the paper with the rules. On the boat ze made sure to get familiar with them, but by the time the island came into view whatever had been read was forgotten again. Hopefully the other participants had paid closer attention and could keep Tae-Hyun out of trouble. "Oh my goddddd," ze squaled in a rather high pitched tone. Zes hands clapping together as ze ran to the railing. Ze breathed in the salty ocean air and watched the island get closer and closer. Ze had noticed some other small boats, with most likely the other members, but all of them too far away to really make them out or get any information to it.

"Well, then this will be your starting point. Welcome to Love in Paradise, have fun," one of the man said. Zes bags were handed to zem and ze got pretty much left on zes own in front of some huge ass modern mansion. Ze was looking zes eyes out as ze hardly could believe it. Sure, luxurity had been expected but still, this... This was amazing. Quickly Tae picked up zes bag, mostly filled with zes special make up and other stuff to keep up this specific appearance. Even though ze looked very convincingly female and most people were fooled, biological ze was still male. So yes, ze needed rather specific stuff to make sure the penis stayed in place as well as the boobs. Ze quickly ran over the warm grass towards the entrance of the house and pulled the door open. Inside was just as pretty as outside as ze stepped into the spacious living room. "Unbelieveable," ze gasped as ze simply dropped the bags at the stairs. That would be a thing for later. Ze laughed as ze let zemselves fall back on the couch, black hair spreading over the dark grey fabric of the couch as ze looked up to the ceiling. Ze giggled for a moment as ze let zes gaze wander around. "This is absolutely insane..." Ze sat up a bit on the couch again and looked over to the hallways of the second floor. So far, this place was absolutely more than ze could have even dreamed off.

Slowly, the young Cha got up again. Zes hand striking the lace white fabric of the skirt down as ze wandered a bit around. Mostly because after that flight, ze was pretty thirsty. The kitchen was just as impressive as the rest of the house. Zes hand slid over the smooth flat surface, before pulling open what ze assumed was the fridge. It was stocked with more food than ze had ever seen in zes life. Those dark chestnut eyes widening as ze took some ice tea out of the fridge. There was a bit of a nervous tingle going through zem, that was okay, right? Ze looked over towards the living room as ze could hear the sound of other people arriving. That was right, ze was not alone! "Hey, do you want something to drink as well? Come, help me find glasses," ze called out to whoever was around.

Location: Island :- Airport ↠ Island :- Mansion
With: no one ↠ whoever is in the mansion
Mentioned: Tae-Hyun Cha [@DarkiusHeavenstein]

Jacques removed his face mask as he felt the plane landing. There were a few must-haves when it came to long haul flights. Face masks, Jacques learned the hard way that lengthy flights could dehydrate the skin, he always carried at least two face mask with him. Noise-canceling headphones, because for some reason people liked to travel with their children, their loud-mouthed, whiny, tantrum at the most inconvenient time, children. Lastly, a sleep mask, because some passengers liked to watch movies on bright ass screens in the dead of night. Yes, Jacques was well prepared, he even packed moderately light in comparison to other trips. Given this vacation was free, he took some time to skim over the rules and regulations. Though truth be told he found anything constricting an absolute disgust.

The ravenette waited to the plane to empty before he got up from his seat, for some reason people thought if they stood as soon as the plane landed they’d get off the plane sooner. Grabbing his carry-one, Jacques exited the plane. A smile etched on his face as he caught sight of a man holding a sign with his name on it, it made the whole experience seem more legit, it was a sight only seen in movies, but for him, it was now a reality. If Jacques were being entirely honest, he wasn't expecting to be selected. He’d never won anything that he signed up for, but boy was he glad he was a trip to a beautiful island getaway. The trip to the island was more complicated than Jacques would have liked, plane, car, and boat were all required. He jested that skydiving out a plane would've been an easier route.

The boat ride was a quiet one, Jacques thanked the helmsman as they docked and gathered his bags. His arms aimed high for a much-needed stretch, he then fixed his shirt. The dark-haired male took a moment to intake the beauty of the house he’d be staying at for the remaining of the trip. It was gorgeous. Entering the house Jacques heard the voice of what he assumed to be a fellow house occupant coming from what he believed to be the kitchen. I’ll join you shortly. he shouted back, hoping whoever it was could hear him. He wanted to claim a room first, heck he had watched the real world when he was a teenager he knew he had to get the best room in the house. Giving each floor a quick run through Jacques had come to the conclusion that the third floor was the best place to have a room, there were a bar and a cinema just feet away.

What he had noticed upon giving himself a tour was that he had only noticed five bedrooms, but to his understanding, there were supposed to be ten people living in the mansion. The long-haired male shrugged, seemed like a personal problem because he had found his room. Giving his duffle bag a toss on the bed in bedroom five Jacques then pivoted on his heel and headed back downstairs to grab a drink with the person he had heard earlier.

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Mariah Reynolds
When the letter had arrived in the mail announcing that Mariah had made the final cut, she couldn't believe it. She was Mariah-- a normal girl. Normal girls didn't get invites to a fantastic beach vacation in a mansion. She'd clutched the letter to her chest and did a little spin in her room, thinking that she might be dreaming and would wake up at anytime. But everytime she woke up, the letter was there, folded nicely and sitting there on the table beside her bed.

The morning rolled around that she would be leaving, and her things were packed into two bags. Always an overpacker, even she was impressed with herself. After making sure everything in her apartment was set, she grabbed her things and headed for the airport. The flight itself was uneventful, which was probably a good thing. Flying scared her shitless, but with where she was going, she couldn't tell whether the butterflies in her stomach were from fear or excitement. Probably a good mixture of both.

Once she arrived, the thought of how she would know where to go struck her. Suddenly feeling panicky, she hurried her steps towards the door, nearly missing the night with her name on it. Stumbling, she paused and stared at it for a minute. The man holding the sign noticed and lowered it, quirking a brow in her direction. "Miss Mariah?" He questioned, pointing to the bold letters.

Nodding after a moment, she followed him to the car after getting her other bag from the terminal. The driver stayed quiet as he started away from the airport, and she studied the scenery as they drove. The city gave away to a more rural area, and next thing she knew, they were at some docks. Sliding out of the backseat, she headed for the boat once instructed by the driver.

Feeling the sea air on her face brought her grin back, and before she knew it, she'd arrived at the beach. One of the guys on the boat helped her off, and she was glad she'd worn flip flops. Kicking them off, she squished the sand between her toes and bit back a childlike giggle.

This was really happening.

Couple: "Forever Alone"

Location: beach

Mood: excited | nervous

Tags: no one yet
code by apolla apolla
Eric here. ^^ Here is my introductory post for Allison~

Allison had not been on a plane for nearly five years, and was excited she got to be on a plane. She has been studying and working too much to really even think about vacations, so this trip to an island of the Southern hemisphere would be rather enjoyable. Her plane is full of people, with no seats to spare. Next to her is an older married couple who is moving to the island she is going to for the show. They have been telling Allison all about their plans on the island, and that Harold's wife even wanted to dye her hair pink. This amuses Allison, though she doesn't laugh. When the male flight attendant arrives, Allison decides she wants to order an alcoholic beverage. A martini to be exact, and although she isn't one to typically drink, her nerves are getting the best of her. "One martini, please." she says politely, then points out the window so Harold's wife could observe the beautiful white clouds. The married couple orders some soda, and after a short wait, their drinks arrive. "Oh, would it be too much to ask for another martini?" asks Allison.

The flight attendant looks at her with a puzzled expression. "Okay."

An announcement from the pilot says that they will be arriving in fifteen minutes. Allison was five martinis in, and was anxious to land. She pulls out her compact from her brown carry-on bag and reapplies her dark red lipstick that oddly compliments her soft pink crépe dress with simple straps, the dress reaching her feet. Today she is wearing minimal make-up, with no blush on her cheeks but a very light tan eyeshadow and hardly any brown mascara. Her hair is down and styled in loose waves. Putting the compact away, she also puts a book she was nearly finished with in her bag. The plane lands and all of the passenger hurry to get off. Harold and his wife walk with Allison to get their suitcases, Allison's sticking out because it is bright pink. She picks up her suitcase. "I hope the both of you have many fun adventures..." says Allison, holding her martinis down rather well. Allison then waves and decides to grab one more drink from the bar. This was her... I'll just pamper myself tomorrow and drink lots of juice mindset. She orders a martini and chugs it, then walks into the main section of the airport where there there are several large windows. She notices a man holding a sign with her name on it, and is quickly taken to his black BMW. The drive there is nice, Allison admiring the dark green leaves of several plants she had not seen before. Once at the port where a boat awaits her, Allison does her best not to stumble onto the white boat.

Sitting in the bow cockpit which is located in the front of the boat, Allison looks down to the deep blue water. She remembers studying about the Pacific Ocean and the different animals that inhabit it. There are sea otters, manta ray, humpback whales, and more in these waters. How these animals maneuver the ocean intrigues her, and she is working hard in school to become a marine biologist. As the boat nears the island, Allison is amazed by the beautiful green island before her. When the boat reaches the island, she is shown where the mansion is and walks inside.

"Hellllloooo!" she calls out, assuming some of the bedrooms will be on the second floor. Allison slings her brown bag over her shoulder, and picks her suitcase up to carry it up the extravagent stairs. There is a hallway to the right of her, so she walks down the hallway and picks the first bedroom she comes across. She removes her maroon-colored heels and changes into a pair of flip flops. With a soft grunt, Allison puts her belongings on the bed and begins looking through the new phone she was given.​
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Milo Xiao
Location: Beach
Interacting: OPEN
Outfit: Light Blue Sleeveless Shirt, Dark Blue Swimming Trunks and Brown Leather Sandals

Mister Xiao knew that his only child needed a break. That's why he suggested for Milo to go on this TV show. A big getaway from everything, what's not to love? The audition was spur of the moment, not planned and very tough in Milo's opinion and the young man didn't expect for the casting team to choose him amongst the many applicants they must have sieved through. Maybe it was the Asian factor or the trans factor or the bisexual factor... The animator didn't know but once he recieve the acceptance letter, he soon backed a suitcase filled with a week's worth of clothing, personal belongings and a lot of sunscreen. Milo wasn't letting his skin get burned on this trip. It was to be for, rest, relaxation, fun and a lot of hot people.

Milo questioned the type of people to be on the trip. He was certain there would be the typical white people and a few black people. He wouldn't be surprised if he was the only Asian there. Asian representation in western media was poor and he doubted that a reality TV show would do the Asians justice. In all fairness being the only Asian would be good; tokenism was good for popularity on a show like this. Maybe he should put his morals out the window for a second; it's not like reality shows were the most honest of the TV show genres.

Time catches up with everyone and soon, the school year came to a stop and along came the TV cameras. Milo was throwing himself in at the deep end. This would be fun. Passport and plane ticket in hand, Milo whisked himself off to the airport with one question in mind; was this a good idea? His heart and mind argued but it was too late for doubt. He knew that he couldn't doubt anything anymore. He needed a break and he got one. This would be a good time and he just had to trust himself.

After quite some time, Milo arrived at the beach. In simplest terms, his brain was in overload. There was so much to see. It was a beautiful island. With white sand, clear sea and lots of sunshine, Milo knew. This was going to be great. A break away from everything before he finished up his degree was exactly what he needed. Then he could get a job at Disney or DreamWorks and he'd finally be where he wanted to be. He would have a place in this confusing world.
Chandler Michaels

Location: Airport ► The Lake | Interacting with: No one | Mentions: No one | Outfit: x

The plane had landed on the runway and Chandler's eyes were plastered to the outside of the small window that was currently sitting beside. He had closed his eyes and breathed a little bit, wondering to himself what exactly was going to happen on this beach trip that he was signed up for. Chandler loved the beach since he was from a beach town so this would be smooth sailing for him. When the plane halted to let them board off the plane, he immediately got up to grab the bag that he was allowed to bring on board from the overhead compartment. From there, he walked through the seats, down the aisles before he reached the top step of the stairs. He had basked in the environment for a moment, people behind him were murmuring and wishing that he'd get the hell out of the way. With a chuckling scoff, he done so as he walked down the stairs and eventually, into the airport and immiedately went over toward baggage claim. There, he grabbed his bags then went over towards the drop off area, where he found a driver holding a sign with his name on it.

❝Hello. I'm Chandler.❞ He muttered and instinctively extended his hand for the driver tot grab and shake, which he did with a smile after he lowered the sign. The driver then loaded up Chandler's bags in the backseat, as where Chandler sat at and the drive began. His eyes were heavily focused on the scenery that thrived within the city and could not believe that was actually here. He also couldn't believe that he was one of the chosen ones to come on this trip. Speaking of which, he had wondered who else was chosen, who they were and just many, many other things ran through his mind right now.

With a sigh, he leaned backward in his seat now and nerves were starting to set in. He had seen that they weren't exactly going in the direction of the beach but somewhere that looked like a lake. A brow arched with curiosity as he rather not say anything. As soon as he thought that, the driver gave him very specified instructions on where they were headed and why. Chandler understood then let out a sigh of relief before the driver made one more turn and halted at the destination.

Chandler had opened the door and got out of the vehicle. The driver almost did not hesitate to drive off once he had dropped Chandler off and now, this was starting to get a bit weird. He already had on an outfit, which was a beach like one because he thought that he was instantly going to the beach and not something like this. He started to pick up a trek around the lake to see if anyone else was here or was it just him. If it was just him, he was going to be so upset because he had no way of getting to the beach from here.

This trip was already turning out to be a long one.
code by Ri.a


The cameras are watching, drama is happening, tears are flowing.
And I'm just here to watch the show.

His eyes scanned over the rules once again as the flight attendant on the miniature screen announced the landing. A habit gained from studying medicine, perhaps, but Killian liked to memorize every document that came his way. Whether he stuck to their contents, of course, was another story altogether but, still. It helped to ease his boredom.

His seat partner was a rather despondent-looking woman who, apart from a prolonged stare at his face when she’d first arrived, had not shown any interest in interacting with him at all. The phone he had with him was one that the show had sent to him, which was why he hesitated about using it much. Plus, it had none of his music or eBooks. He had slept fairly well the previous night as well and had no desire to nap. Thus, the long flight had been spent awake and sober, mostly in utter silence, with nothing to do and it had been starting to grate on his nerves. As the plane rolled to a stop at the airport, he could only thank god that it was coming to an end.

With his escape from the dull atmosphere of the trip, the idea that he was participating in, of all things, a reality show finally came back to hit Killian with some giddiness. His parents had been off-the-charts furious when they heard of it, being of the idea that only trashy people took part in such ridiculous things. Personally, he was just curious and excited for the days to come. He’d been planning a short vacation away from the stress of college, anyway, so the invitation had arrived at a perfect time.

Honestly, he hadn’t expected much from signing up, being not quite in line with the all-american heartthrobs they liked to show on TV. He did it more as a joke than much else. Who knew it would have worked? He had even suspected a scam for a moment, though further contact with the provided numbers proved otherwise.

Grabbing his bags off the conveyor belt, he strode toward the man holding his name card ⁠— a sight he’d been quite amused to see while walking down the escalator.

“Hi! I’m Killian?” He introduced himself, shaking the escort’s gloved hand with a cheeriness that seemed to surprise the older man. Still, the driver remained wordless as he carried Killian’s larger black luggage and walked off in front of him. As expected, the man wasn’t about to tell him anything about the show. Shame, he thought as he tagged after the man to the car outside.

The ride was quiet, again, but this time it didn’t really bother Killian. The surroundings were bright, beautiful and interesting enough to occupy him for a while but, more than that, he was thinking about the others taking part in this show. What kind of people would they be? Would there be anyone he knew? He doubted it. While he’d been rather blase about the whole thing thus far, now that he was finally here, he was growing more and more curious by the minute.

When they came to a stop, they were far from the mansion that he’d assumed they would arrive at. He sent their escort a questioning glance and received a sheepish, “You gotta wait a little.”

Well, Killian sighed internally as he nodded his thanks to the driver before the man drove away, wait a little, huh?

As his gaze travelled over the rather empty expanse of the lake he’d been deserted at, he spotted another man standing around, looking as confused as he felt. Grabbing his luggage, Killian immediately headed over to who was undoubtedly a fellow participant. As he got closer to the man, he could better make out his features.

Ah, there’s American Dream dude, he mused to himself as he approached.

“Hello,” he greeted, “are you taking part in the show, by any chance?”

He gave another subtle glance-over at the tattooed man. The blonde seemed older, perhaps in his mid-20s, and a fair bit taller, as well, just enough that Killian had to look up slightly to meet his hazel gaze While his overtly Hawaiian outfit was debatable, he was indeed rather attractive. The tattoos were a great touch. He thought about his own plain, urban-ish outfit, which seemed rather in contrast to the man's, having assumed they would get to the house first and wished he'd worn shorts, too ⁠— though, in retrospect, he would have frozen to death on the plane. Those thoughts flickered across his head but failed to show on his face as he offered a hand to shake with a bright smile, “I’m Killian, by the way.”

Something told him he'd be introducing himself many, many times that day.

location: the lake | with: chandler ( Reigning King Reigning King ) | outfit: here

His eyes scanned over the rules once again as the flight attendant on the miniature screen announced the landing. A habit gained from studying medicine, perhaps, but Killian liked to memorize every document that came his way. Whether he stuck to their contents, of course, was another story altogether but, still. It helped to ease his boredom.

His seat partner was a rather despondent-looking woman who, apart from a prolonged stare at his face when she’d first arrived, had not shown any interest in interacting with him at all. The phone he had with him was one that the show had sent to him, which was why he hesitated about using it much. Plus, it had none of his music or eBooks. He had slept fairly well the previous night as well and had no desire to nap. Thus, the long flight had been spent awake and sober, mostly in utter silence, with nothing to do and it had been starting to grate on his nerves. As the plane rolled to a stop at the airport, he could only thank god that it was coming to an end.

With his escape from the dull atmosphere of the trip, the idea that he was participating in, of all things, a reality show finally came back to hit Killian with some giddiness. His parents had been off-the-charts furious when they heard of it, being of the idea that only trashy people took part in such ridiculous things. Personally, he was just curious and excited for the days to come. He’d been planning a short vacation away from the stress of college, anyway, so the invitation had arrived at a perfect time.

Honestly, he hadn’t expected much from signing up, being not quite in line with the all-american heartthrobs they liked to show on TV. He did it more as a joke than much else. Who knew it would have worked? He had even suspected a scam for a moment, though further contact with the provided numbers proved otherwise.

Grabbing his bags off the conveyor belt, he strode toward the man holding his name card ⁠— a sight he’d been quite amused to see while walking down the escalator.

“Hi! I’m Killian?” He introduced himself, shaking the escort’s gloved hand with a cheeriness that seemed to surprise the older man. Still, the driver remained wordless as he carried Killian’s larger black luggage and walked off in front of him. As expected, the man wasn’t about to tell him anything about the show. Shame, he thought as he tagged after the man to the car outside.

The ride was quiet, again, but this time it didn’t really bother Killian. The surroundings were bright, beautiful and interesting enough to occupy him for a while but, more than that, he was thinking about the others taking part in this show. What kind of people would they be? Would there be anyone he knew? He doubted it. While he’d been rather blase about the whole thing thus far, now that he was finally here, he was growing more and more curious by the minute.

When they came to a stop, they were far from the mansion that he’d assumed they would arrive at. He sent their escort a questioning glance and received a sheepish, “You gotta wait a little.”

Well, Killian sighed internally as he nodded his thanks to the driver before the man drove away, wait a little, huh?

As his gaze travelled over the rather empty expanse of the lake he’d been deserted at, he spotted another man standing around, looking as confused as he felt. Grabbing his luggage, Killian immediately headed over to who was undoubtedly a fellow participant. As he got closer to the man, he could better make out his features.

Ah, there’s American Dream dude, he mused to himself as he approached.

“Hello,” he greeted, “are you taking part in the show, by any chance?”

He gave another subtle glance-over at the tattooed man. The blonde seemed older, perhaps in his mid-20s, and a fair bit taller, as well, just enough that Killian had to look up slightly to meet his hazel gaze While his overtly Hawaiian outfit was debatable, he was indeed rather attractive. The tattoos were a great touch. He thought about his own plain, urban-ish outfit, which seemed rather in contrast to the man's, having assumed they would get to the house first and wished he'd worn shorts, too ⁠— though, in retrospect, he would have frozen to death on the plane. Those thoughts flickered across his head but failed to show on his face as he offered a hand to shake with a bright smile, “I’m Killian, by the way.”

Something told him he'd be introducing himself many, many times that day.
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Skylar Reyens
A tad all over the place.

Location: Home -> Boat -> Island Lake

Interactions: Chandler Reigning King Reigning King Killian OSWonder OSWonder

Mood: Stoked

"No way! No way no way no way!" Skylar ripped open the letter she received from the producers of the show she interviewed to be on. Throwing the envelope on the floor, her amber eyes scanned the page with extreme speed. The congratulations and acceptance were almost too hard to believe as she squealed with joy. As she started reading the rules that were behind the acceptance letter, her mother walked into the room followed closely by the foster twins. "What in blazes has you yelling?" "WHY ARE YOU SCREAMING?!" They yelled into the room respectively. She quickly hid the letter behind her back. Ugh. Of course I can't tell anyone. This blows. Scrambling for something to say, she blurted out what came to mind first. "My vacation got approved from work! I've just been so worried they would deny it. But yay.." She flashed her family a nervous smile, hoping they would buy the lie. They all were disappointed and annoyed with her noise making but took her word for it anyway. Her mother smiled gently, "I'm happy for you honey. Enjoy it! We'll miss you." So Skylar spent the next couple of days packing the necessities to get ready for her once in a lifetime trip since she couldn't brag about it to anyone. As difficult as it was, she was really just excited to meet some hotties and possibly the love of her life.

After a couple days of waiting Skylar was on her designated boat headed toward the island with her one backpack full of the things she thought she would need. There was no reason to bring too much since they said everything would be taken care of and if there was anything missing she would just order it from Santa with the phone they sent her. It was nice and she planned to make use of it. The captain of the boat was friendly and was able to keep Skylar entertained on the ride over but she was so drawn in by the vision of the island that she ran to the bow of the boat in an attempt to see more sooner. "That's where this thi- where I'll be staying?! This is awesome!" When she arrived on shore she said her farewell to the captain and hopped into a truck with a gentleman who was holding up a small sign with her last name on it. He expressed to her that he hoped that she has enjoyed her trip and that she enjoys her stay. It felt really formal to her but she had to remember that she was on a reality show. This was their job so of course they would act like they're at work, because they are.

It wasn't long before the truck came to a stop and Skylar could feel the butterflies in her stomach coming to an all time high. She froze for the smallest moment before the driver turned to encourage her. "Go on. Don't miss out on the fun." Did he know the magic words or what? There was no way she would miss out on anything. She hopped out of the truck with a grin and watched as it drove off relatively quickly. With her bag slung over one shoulder, she waved to the leaving vehicle before turning to take in the scenery of the lake before her. The gentle breeze was blowing her ponytail from side to side as she walked her way around the lake. She could make out a couple of people not too far from her.

As she got closer to the two she could tell they were both men. Very tall, very handsome men. She's been given a miracle to be chosen for this show. If these two were any indication of how hot everyone would be, she really couldn't wait to meet the rest of the lucky contenders. With a bright smile on her face she waved to the two. "Hiya! I'm Skylar. I'm guessing you guys were also accepted to be on the show? Look how awesome this place is! It's so exciting!"

Jacob Yao


Jacob needed a vacation. He felt he earned it with all the all nighters he pulled to get to where he is now. Though he did go against his parents wishes about getting a job after graduation. Quite ridiculous that he was 26 and still living with his parents, but he didn't have a job yet so there was no point in moving out. Which is why he wanted to do this island show where he could potentially meet someone and move out of his parents house. As long as she liked unemployed math whizzes it wouldn't really matter. He didn't bring much but a week's worth of clothes, he would assume the island would have the amenities he needed. Well most of them at least. He did have his neck pillow though and it was super comfy. He was passed out while there were a bunch of empty plastic cups all over his tray table for one and was a lot apple juice cups.

A flight attendant accidentally bumped into Jacob's leg while he was asleep in his seat. He was awoken by the flight attendant who quickly apologized but Jacob forgave her and gave her a quick smile before she passed. Jacob sighed as she looked out the window, he could see the island inching within his vision and eventually their descent was almost immediately, Jacobs seat was upright as it always was and he could feel his stomach slightly churn as the plane dived onto the runway and made its way to the open gate. The light for 'keep seatbelt on' eventually turned off and Jacob immediately stood from his seat and opened the overhead bin to take his suitcase and walked with the slow line out of the plane and into the terminal.

Walking from through the terminal there was a huge window pane that stretched through the hall of the walkway. It wasn't anything Jacob had never seen before, he lived in the Pacific his whole life, but it was nice scenery nonetheless. He eventually made his way to the arrivals entrance of the terminal and there were groups of people waiting. There was a middle aged man in a tuxedo with a tablet that had Jacob's name on it. He waved at the man who then waved back and took Jacob's suitcase. "You're a bit behind schedule so we'll have to avoid the scenic route." the driver said. "It's fine. I bet it's nothing special, I live in Hawaii." Jacob said playing this place as down as just another island.

"Ah well you'll see that this place holds more than you think." The driver said putting Jacob's suitcase in the trunk.

"Haha, you're probably right." Jacob got in the backseat and the driver dashed from the terminal trying to make up for lost time. There wasn't any traffic which was great, they took the road around the island which was quicker. Originally Jacob was to be driven inland and emerge to the coast where the mansion was but like the driver said he was running late. But this gave Jacob a chance to admire the coast, he looked out and saw the bright blue ocean and the small beach houses that were sprinkled along the coastline. To his left was nothing but vegetation, again nothing too special.

As of this moment he was just taking in what the island offered him.

Last edited:

Forced Ending


Stunning woman apolla apolla
Asian male MoxxyMoxx MoxxyMoxx

His ex, Skylar iShyShy iShyShy

Summer Clothes and Bag
Traveling was not something Lorenzo D'Antonio was unfamiliar with. Even having people hold up a sign with his name was rather normal bussiness for him. Now, that may sound a bit aloof, but he wasn't. Far from it. He just traveled a lot for his works and there was a lot of times he had to follow people with name signs to get to the right location for a shooting, and interview or a party. He was not overly world famous or something like that. He was no Anna Hathaway or Ryan Reynolds, by far from that. He had only done some side roles and minor roles, but still he had made an apparence in quite a lot of movies and series. Enough to be recognized on the streets and have some personal fanbase. Especially under the females that loved werewolves. Both True Blood and Teen Wolf were on his cv. Though that had been quite some time ago. He let out a deep sigh and then scolded himself. He couldn't, he shouldn't dwell on the past. For four years he was trying to move on now, but still... every time things got too serious he couldn't help but to back out. None of them met up to Skylar...

Dante, as he was called by the media and he liked to call himself, watched the world pass by as the cabdriver took him to the ports. And from there it was up on a boat and then finally the island. He was glad, he had decided to only take his old sturdy messenger bag with him. It had all his toileteries and one pair of clean clothing. It had been said there would be clothes in the mansion, they were staying, but he rather was safe than sorry in the end. He swung it onto his shoulder as the boat dropped them off on the shore. Not at the mansion that he had seen from the deck but quite a bit further down the beach. He also noted there were already two people there. An Asian male and a rather attractive female. He smiled, not just because of her stunning beauty, but just to be polite and well, he was on a freaking tropical island! Away from the stress of shooting, away from the craziness with fans and what all not. He took off his shoes and put them in the bag, before jumping into the water. He didn't want to trouble the crew too much and the water seemed nice.

The Italian had been quite right about that. The water was a lovely temperature as the liquid played up his calves. He was wearing his sandcolored bermudas exactly for this reason so he did not have to worry about his clothes getting wet. Water, he loved being on, it and around it. He ran a hand through his hair, tossling it a bit as he walked onto the shore. He flashed his bright camera ready smile as he looked at both persons there. The male seemed to be rather at awe from all of this, and he did not blame him. The female was rather giddy it seemed as she played with the sand between her toes. "It feels good, doesn't it?" he asked. The loose sand was happy with clinging to every part of his wet skin as he walked closer up to the two of them. This was always a rather awkward moment, for him at least. Would they recognize him? He doubted any of the series he had been in where known in Asia, but then again just because someone looked Asian it didn't have to mean they were from an Asian country. Furthermore this was a mainly American show, he had the feeling, so he was gonna assume most people were from America and he was one of the great exceptions.

"Did you guys have a good travel up here?" Dante asked. He gently took the womans hand and brought it up. His lips hardly even striking the back of her smooth skin as he looked up. "I'm Lorenzo D'Antonio," he introduced himself to her. The whole action had even included a little bow. He came up straight again as he gently let go of her hand and then turned to the male. For him he simply held his hand out for a gentle handshake. "But please, call me Dante," he said with a charming smile.

Tae-Hyun Cha
One and One equals Three

Kitchen --> Bedroom 3

General to the people in the manion EricSings EricSings Fanaa Fanaa

Voices of the people in the mansion EricSings EricSings Fanaa Fanaa

Cute white two piece
Zes question, or request, were answered from upstairs by a male voice. Ze noted and continued to open and close the doors of the many cabinets that the kitchen had. For a moment ze had been distracted when ze had opend what seemed to be the snack cabinet. Not now! Then again, drinks and snacks were a good idea. So Tae-Hyun pulled of the bag of chips, both the natural and the paprika flavored. Zes quest for glasses and now also something to put the chips in continued. When a female voice sounded with a long drawn cheery hello. Ze smiled and decided immediately ze already liked this new person. "Heyyyyyyyy!" Ze called back with a big grin on zes face. Though this second person seemed to go upstairs straight ahead as well. Ze frowned a bit, what could be so important there?

Well, bedrooms probably. Ze pulled out three glasses and filled them up with Ice Tea Green ze had found in the fridge. Two bowls were filled up with the chips she had come across and ze put it all on a bamboo tray. Zes experience as a waiter really helped now, though everyone could probably carry a tray with three glasses and some chips. Ze hadn't heard any one else come in, perhaps they were introduced in little groups to eachother. Since Tae was sure ze had read something about there being nine other people. Or perhaps the others were gonna arrive later? Ze was hardly ever the first one to arrive, so that was a bit new to zem. All together it didn't matter for now, as ze carried the tray to the living room and then decided to simply follow the others example.

The Asian balanced the tray in one hand while grabbing zes bags. One backpack with makeup and such and one sports bag with zes wigs and other neseccary things to keep up a feminine appearance. Ze had no idea if the show was that inclusive. Though thinking of it now there would probably be women and male clothing available since there were gonna be people from all genders. That however still didn't mean that fake boobs and such things would be around. Ze huffed a bit as ze walked up the stairs. "I got drinks and snacks!" Ze called out as ze had no idea where the other two had went of to. Perhaps it would have been a better idea to leave everything downstairs and meet up in the living room after all.

Tae-Hyun went into the first room on zes right. "Oh.. this is nice," Ze talked to themselves in sweet Korean. Ze put the tray with drinks and snacks down on the little table. This was a very nice room. Ze liked the flashy colors. Ze put down the bags and looked a bit around. The bed was big enough for more than one person. Were they suppose to share the rooms? Were they even allowed to chose the rooms themselves? Ze couldn't remember having read anything about it in the rules. Then again ze couldn't remember much of the rules that ze had looked over hasty. "I am in the orange room!" Ze called out and left the door standing open so the other persons could find zem. Ze played a bit with a strand of the black long haired wig ze was wearing, while ze waited for the other two. Ta-Hyuns heartbeat was slowly going a bit more up, nervous and yet excited to meet the other two. To put names and faces to the voices ze had heard before.
Mariah Reynolds
Mariah wasn't alone for very long, although the newcomer didn't seem like much of a talker. Scrunching up her nose slightly, she cast a downwards look at her feet in the sand. Normally, she wasn't shy. She could strike up a conversation with just about anyone, and do a decent job at keeping it going. But for some reason, here, in this new environment-- she couldn't even summon up the word hi.

"It feels good, doesn't it?"

Already angry with herself, she looked up again when she heard someone else approaching, their footsteps splashing in the shallow water. Her jaw nearly dropped as her eyes traveled up the legs, torso, and then finally the face of the man speaking. Only he wasn't just a man. She'd seen him before, many times, even if she'd never met him in person.

As her lips parted in surprise, she mustered up a nod, though to which question she was answering would forever remain a mystery. To her surprise, he approached her, greeting her by lifting her hand and kissing the back of it. Of course, his lips barely touched her hand, but she felt herself quiver in response.

"N-nice to meet you, D-Dante." She managed to get out, her voice creaking. "I'm M-Mariah. Mimi for short."

Couple: "Forever Alone"

Location: beach


Tags: Milo ( MoxxyMoxx MoxxyMoxx ); Dante ( DarkiusHeavenstein DarkiusHeavenstein )
code by apolla apolla
Milo Xiao
Location: Beach
Interacting: DarkiusHeavenstein DarkiusHeavenstein apolla apolla
Outfit: Light Blue Sleeveless Shirt, Dark Blue Swimming Trunks and Brown Leather Sandals

Milo was busy questioning his existence when the dashing Italian showed his face to both him and the only girl on the beach. The young man was nervous and so he let the others carry the conversation. However, the girl clearly had some nerves as well. It seemed the manly Italian was the confident one which made Milo immediately feel like he had to step up his game. If this guy was a confident, flirty, manly man, then Milo had to have something that made him stand out as well. He stepped forward and smiled wide. If he couldn't be manly, he'd be happy. He'd be the happy and joyous guy that everyone liked. Yes. That would be his character. That would be what people would know him for.

"Hi," he said with gusto. "My name's Milo." His British accent came through nicely. People would be surprised. He had quite the family background. Growing up in England before going to America for his studies was a good choice but it did lead to a lot of questions: 'is that your real voice' 'why do you speak like the queen' 'wow your voice is crazy'. It was very boring after a while. He hoped he wouldn't get any of the same questions that he got back in L.A.. He needed a break, not an onslaught of people who drove him insane. If this island was going to be filled with people who were kind, funny and had a good aura surrounding them, he would be content.
♡ - ♡ -

After looking through the new phone she was given, Allison places it on her nightstand. She also unpacks most of her belongings, putting her clothes away neatly, and deciding to keep her makeup and hygiene essentials in the drawer of the nightstand. The sound of the ocean from her window calms her some, even though she feels slightly drunk. Her eyes squint slightly, and she decides on taking a selfie on her new phone. A picture that says... I may be the drunk girl on the first day, but I am here for a great purpose. Allison picks up the phone again, and walks over to her patio that offers an amazing view of the ocean. Her lips form a soft smile, and she takes a picture, the beautiful blue water behind her sparkling from the sunlight. She sighs softly, thinking to herself that she will never have another martini again. A lot was going on today, so that might also be why she felt tired. Allison shakes this feeling off and is mesmerized by the view, taking a moment to look around the island below and out to the sea.

Walking back inside, she closes the patio doors and decides if there was going to be cameras filming her, she should really freshen up. Although unsure if they would be filming right away or not, she still wants to look her best. She sets her phone down and grabs her makeup bag from the nightstand drawer and takes it with her into the luxurious bathroom. "Wow," she says, amazed by the layout and style of the large restroom. Allison washes her face and touches up her makeup, then walks back out to the bedroom to find her hair styler. It provides the most perfect waves and curls, and today she felt like waves... for she is on one of the most beautiful beaches she has ever been on. Now that she is back in the restroom, she plugs in the hair styler and styles her brunette hair in loose waves. Allison then looks herself over and deems herself ready to meet some of the other housemates. In the bedroom now, she looks at the large book on her bed that provides information on different animals that live in the ocean. It is one of the books she can't seem to get enough of at the moment, and she is to study it whenever she can since she is missing school to be on the show.

She hears a voice claim that they have snacks and drinks, which is oddly more than enough to lure Allison out of the bedroom. She peeks her head out of the bedroom, trying to figure out where the cameras were. It is her goal to always show confidence, so that viewers might be inspired by her. Even if she is a little drunk on the first day. Allison walks out and finds a young lady with black hair, and approaches her slowly. This was not the place to appear drunk. "Hello. I am Allison. And you are?" She politely takes a chip from the bowl.

This was going to be a wonderful experience, and Allison was going to make sure of it. How will she do on the challenges? Will she really fall in love?

DarkiusHeavenstein DarkiusHeavenstein
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Location: Island :- Mansion
With: No one ↠ Tae-Hyun & Allison
Mentioned: Tae-Hyun [@@DarkiusHeavenstein] Allison [@EricSings]

Now that he had staked his claim Jacques was ready to start having fun. He began his search for the two other voices he had heard while searching for the perfect room to call his own for the next few months. Jacques noted that both of the voices seemed feminine, he was already outnumbered. This could be taken as a good thing or a bad thing, depending on who was viewing. ‘Threesome...’ he joked, deep down he knew it probably wasn’t best to mess around with anyone in a house full of cameras.

On the other hand, the world did deserve to see how great his ass was.

Finally finding the room that one of the voices had beckoned him to, the long-haired Asian male gave the two occupants of the bedroom a wave before he flopped down next to the table with the snacks. Grabbing ahold of the drink he took a sip before introducing himself. “I’m Jacques, It looks like we’re gonna be living together for a while huh?” He said leaving the last bit open-ended. He wondered what they did for a living, what their hobbies were if they ever contemplated murder. Well…….he supposed he’d find out.

Last edited:


The cameras are watching, drama is happening, tears are flowing.
And I'm just here to watch the show.

The next person to arrive at their little gathering spot was a cheerful woman who introduced herself as Skylar. She was fit and gorgeous, of course, but the most noticeable thing about her was the beaming smile that she shot in his direction; he almost couldn’t help but return it as he waved back.

“Killian,” he introduced, for the third time in an hour, shuffling a little closer to Chandler so she could talk comfortably to both of them while standing beside him.

“How’re you finding the island so far?” He asked, infusing some happiness with a dash of genuine curiosity so that his short opener didn’t come off too awkward. He adjusted his backpack as he looked out at the glistening lake they stood in front of, gesturing vaguely to it as he added, “The sights are really something, aren’t they?”

Just as he said that, he noticed another figure coming up in the distance. Another man, which made him raise his brows at the skewed ratio of three to one. Maybe this love game would end up not quite as straight as he had assumed it would be. Not that he was complaining. If he had to choose, he usually preferred men for romantic partners, anyway — one reason why he didn’t bring along much ambition for results with him while coming to this place.

The man was Asian, or at least of Asian descent, as well. Another surprise to Killian who fully expected to be the token Asian in the reality show. He re-scanned the gathered bunch with some amusement. He supposed they were trying real hard for the diversification of the cast. Another thing he wasn’t complaining about, though it made him even more curious about what the choosing criteria even were for the show. None of the staff he met would reveal so much as a peep about it, to the point that it felt almost ominous. He was probably being ridiculous, though.

He smiled at the approaching new member of their lakeside crew, preparing himself for his fourth self-introduction of the day.

location: the lake | with: skylar ( iShyShy iShyShy ) + jacob ( Sylvio Sylvio ) | outfit: here

The next person to arrive at their little gathering spot was a cheerful woman who introduced herself as Skylar. She was fit and gorgeous, of course, but the most noticeable thing about her was the beaming smile that she shot in his direction; he almost couldn’t help but return it as he waved back.

“Killian,” he introduced, for the third time in an hour, shuffling a little closer to Chandler so she could talk comfortably to both of them while standing beside him.

“How’re you finding the island so far?” He asked, infusing some happiness with a dash of genuine curiosity so that his short opener didn’t come off too awkward. He adjusted his backpack as he looked out at the glistening lake they stood in front of, gesturing vaguely to it as he added, “The sights are really something, aren’t they?”

Just as he said that, he noticed another figure coming up in the distance. Another man, which made him raise his brows at the skewed ratio of three to one. Maybe this love game would end up not quite as straight as he had assumed it would be. Not that he was complaining. If he had to choose, he usually preferred men for romantic partners, anyway — one reason why he didn’t bring along much ambition for results with him while coming to this place.

The man was Asian, or at least of Asian descent, as well. Another surprise to Killian who fully expected to be the token Asian in the reality show. He re-scanned the gathered bunch with some amusement. He supposed they were trying real hard for the diversification of the cast. Another thing he wasn’t complaining about, though it made him even more curious about what the choosing criteria even were for the show. None of the staff he met would reveal so much as a peep about it, to the point that it felt almost ominous. He was probably being ridiculous, though.

He smiled at the approaching new member of their lakeside crew, preparing himself for his fourth self-introduction of the day.

Forced Ending


Mariah apolla apolla
Milo MoxxyMoxx MoxxyMoxx


Summer Clothes and Bag
Dante could see that she recognized him, but the woman was fairly normal over it. No fangirling or squealing or asking for a picture. Or worse just shoving a phone into his nose. He hated that most of everything. He didn't mind fan interaction and he didn't mind taking pictures and selfies with people, but at least have the decency to ask. He was still a human being! Especially in the United State it was so much worse than in Europe. Asia was suppose to be completely different, from what he had heard. He had never been to that side of the world. Perhaps in the future...

Her voice was trembling as she spoke to him, something that he was not unfamiliar with either. Though again, he didn't understand why. He was just another human being. Only a bit more well known. He ran a hand through his hair as he pushed the dark locks a bit more back again. Mariah and Milo. He gave the Asian another look over, that british accent was rather unexpected. He answered the bright smile with one of his famous million dollar smiles, though it was genuine as it reached his eyes. "It is very nice meeting you both, Mariah and Milo," he said, "I really like the name Milo." He added a wink, even though he had no flirtatious intentions. It simply happened automatically. Italian charm, right?

The male looked a bit around of the beach they were standing on. It was rather large and the wind was strong. Perfect if you liked windsurfing or stuff like that. Not something he was a fan of persay, not that he had ever done it. He'd love to try though. "So what now? This cannot be everyone," he said. He was sure they had spoken about at least ten people being here, and there were only three of them. Would the others arrive at different times? Or perhaps different places? That would make sense. He had never been on camera before with so little instructions. Even their improv sessions had a more clear frame to work with than 'have fun and perhaps you'll find someone you love'. "If I am correct, there should be a mansion that way?" he said with a slight unsure tone. Not that he was unsure about what he had seen, but more in whether they had seen it as well.

"It might be a bit of a walk, but I think that is where we are supposed to go eventually, so why not get moving already?" His suggestion was paired with another friendly smile towards the other two. "We can play some question game to pass the time and get to know each other?" He was already on the move towards what seemed to be some kind of path. Every now and then he glanced over his shoulder, since he was walking backwards so he could look at them and see their reactions. It seemed impolite to just turn his back towards them. "I will start. Mariah, what do you do for a living or spend most of your time on back home?" he asked. Ladies first, right? Though he was dying to know where that british accent came from. Though he was afraid that it might be a bit racist to ask? Like, why could Asian people not have British accents? For all he knew Milo was born in mid London! And he really did not want to offend anyone within the first hour, heck, he didn't want to offend anyone during his whole stay here.

Tae-Hyun Cha
One and One equals Three

Bedroom 3 (orange)

Allison EricSings EricSings
Jacques Fanaa Fanaa

Killian OSWonder OSWonder
Milo MoxxyMoxx MoxxyMoxx

Cute white two piece
Food and drinks seemed to lure out the other two after all. Ze smiled brightly, as ze always did it seemed, when the woman was the first to enter the room. Tae-Hyun got up from the bed, ze was sitting on and gave a soft bow. Typical Asian nature. "It is very nice to meet you, Allison," ze spoke, "my name is Tae-Hyun, but feel free to call me Tae!" Most of zes friends shorted zes name and ze knew it wasn't the easiest to pronounce for Americans. Unlike Killian however ze had not taken on an American name as well, for the simple reasons ze would totally forget about that. So, Tae would be fine, most American were able to pronounce and remember at least that.

Zes dark chestnut stare took in the lady a bit better. She was very pretty and looked very friendly. Ze didn't have much time to observe her though as the third person of their little party came in. Another Asian. Male, with very long hair, that ze couldn't help but to be jealous of. Zes smile became a little brighter at the fact, ze was not gonna be the only Asian here. Ze never understood how in most movies and series there was almost only one Asian character and that was the whole representation they got. "Tae-Hyun!" Ze happily reintroduced zemself. Again with a little bow, while the male flopped down at the table. Hmm, American born probably? Not that anything was wrong with that of course. Ze took a sip of zes drink and sat back down on the bed. "God, I still cannot believe I got chosen to experience this!"

Zes slender hand moved to put the glass down on the nightstand, before ze let themzelf fall back on the bed. Ze bend zes leg a bit to be able to push zemself further onto the bed. It was so soft and big! "Have you guys ever stayed as anything as fancy as this mansion?" Ze asked curiously. Ze would love to learn everything there was to know about them, but ze knew ze had to hold their enthusiasm a bit back. Too often ze had scared people off. Or at least Milo had several times told zem so. A bit sad smile appeared on zes face as ze felt a heavy thump in zes ribcage where the heart was. It had been a couple months now, but still... ze knew ze had made a mistake, but... ze wished they could have at least talked about it properly. Instead of being blocked on everything and avoided like the plague. Anyway, this was not a time to think about that! There were new people to met. A lot more than only these two, but it was a nice start.

Tae rolled over toward zes side so ze was curled up and facing the other two. "Sorry, but god both your hair is so pretty~." Ze just had to get that out too. Ze had never been someone to be able to keep silent. Not for long at least. The Asian was a rather energetic person. "What do you to do for a living? Do you have any hobbies? Favorite animal?" The questions just came automatically. Ze really couldn't help it, but nerves and excitement made zem a really chatty person. "I am sorry if I am being too much. I can't really help it. I am just so stoked for this," ze said with sparkling eyes, "and you don't have to answer that all! I just am a very enthusiastic and curious person."
Jacob Yao

Mentions: iShyShy iShyShy | Interactions: OSWonder OSWonder | Outfit: Aww man

The car eventually pulled up to the road overlooking the mansion, Jacob's eyes were caught in amazement with the mansion before him. He stepped put the car to absorb the scenery before him. He inhaled sharply to feel that nice pacific breeze enter his system. He saw the driver take his luggage from the trunk, Jacob offered him a tip and the driver kindly refused. "Thank you sir but we're not allowed to take tips." The driver said while giving his luggage over. "Enjoy your stay." he said while Jacob replied with thanks and was ready to make his way to the mansion. Hopefully he wasn't too late as he rushed his way to the mansion with his suitcase in tow. His heart rate sped up as he got ever closer to the mansion, he hoped he wasn't gonna be ridiculed for being super late. He had that a lot and it was pretty common for it to happen to him. He did see a lake in the distance, maybe he could go to take a slight detour to the lake.

He could use a little more scenery to help him relax to be honest. As he made his way there he saw two other people, which did show that he wasn't on a tight schedule and that everyone was just getting settled in. There was a dude, looked Chinese just like him! Well half of him at least, his other half being Korean. The other was a black woman, she seemed pretty and very nice. This would be the perfect time to make friends and ease tension. He walked up to the Asian guy, he wasn't 100% sure he was Chinese, maybe 80% sure. He walked to him and did what he could to introduce himself. "Yo what's up I'm Jacob. I bet you're part go this reality show too?"

Mariah Reynolds
Dante's arrival seemed to stimulate something in the first male, who stepped forward and introduced himself as Milo, with more confidence that Mariah originally gave him credit for. Smiling in his direction, Mariah offered her hand to him to shake as well. "Nice to meet you, too, Milo!" She liked his accent, and wanted to say so, though she wasn't sure if that would come across as weird or not so she shut her mouth.

Dante looked around, commenting on the fact that there were only three of them. Mariah glanced around herself, as if doing so would make more people appear. No one did, but before she could say anything, he suggested that they start towards the mansion. She couldn't see anything, but she trusted that he knew where he was going.

Or she hoped, anyway.

Either way, it was gorgeous out, and she was ready to flop on a comfortable bed. "Alright, let's go." Returning his smile, she started off after him. Getting to know two of her roommates on the way sounded fun. Of course, she got put on the spot first, and she stumbled over her words at first.

"Oh, me?" Swallowing, she looked between the two of them, reaching up to tuck a strand of hair behind her ear. "I work as a waitress at a sports bar in my hometown, and I volunteer at a couple of the animal shelters nearby." It took up alot of her time-- no wonder she was still a virgin. Flushing a little at the thought, she cleared her throat and looked away.

"Okay, Milo, now you. What's something-- a physical item-- that you can't live without?"

Couple: "Forever Alone"

Location: beach

Mood: Question time, question time.

Tags: Milo ( MoxxyMoxx MoxxyMoxx ); Dante ( DarkiusHeavenstein DarkiusHeavenstein )
code by apolla apolla
Milo Xiao
Location: Beach
Interacting: DarkiusHeavenstein DarkiusHeavenstein apolla apolla
Outfit: Light Blue Sleeveless Shirt, Dark Blue Swimming Trunks and Brown Leather Sandals

Milo smiled brightly at the both of them. They seemed nice. First impressions were a big thing for Milo. They say to not judge a book by its cover but kindness and general friendliness were a big deal. If you didn't come across as a good person, a person's image can be tainted forever. Presentation of oneself. It went a long way. For example, Dante clearly was quite the charmer. The man oozed confidence, not to mention the long hair was a striking choice.

Mariah on the other hand was quite shy, in Milo's opinion. She seemed a bit struck by the situation. Perhaps she had never done anything like this before. Milo was extremely frightened when he moved to America for his studies. Being all alone in a new place, only able to contact friends and family back home at certain times of the day, living off of instant ramen and coffee... It wasn't the best life. He grew accustomed to it however and he couldn't imagine living back in England after everything that happened in LA. The good, the bad, and the ugly aside, this was a city with amazing opportunities and this was where he'd have to be if he wanted to make it in the world of film and television.

He shook Mariah's hand gently. He didn't want to come across as tough, flirty, or rude. It's not like he was any of those things anyway. He couldn't threaten a child, that was how unintimidating he was. "It's nice to meet you both," he said politely. Manners were needed. He didnt want to come off as a bad person and ruin his chances here with the islanders. He'd like to get along with everyone and make the most out of this experience. That is why he thought a question session would be good. Mariah seemed to have a busy life and he respected that. Hardworkers always get what they want in life.

"A physical item," he thought out loud. "That's quite difficult." He pondered in it for a second. "I guess if I had to pick a top three it would be my computer because of work and school, my medical supplies because my life will fall apart on me without it and my giant teddy bear. Don't judge okay? It reminds me of home and I've had it since I was a kid." He let his face fall into its natural pout and thought of a question for Dante. "For Dante, what's your spirit animal or like the animal you think reflects you?" It wasn't the best question but it was the best one he could think of one the spot.
Chandler Michaels

Location: The Lake | Interacting with: Killian( OSWonder OSWonder ), Skylar( iShyShy iShyShy ) | Mentions: No one

Chandler had walked the lake, eyes wandered around to see if he was the only person there. Of course, he was because maybe it was one of those find your own way to the mansion shows. He sighed before he finally dropped his bags down along with himself somewhere comfortable. Chandler rubbed his eyes with his hands before he opened them up again, eyes focused on the male specimen coming towards him. He thought that it was a mirage of someone and that he was already hallucinating but luckily, that wasn't exactly the case. ❝Yeah, I am here for the show. I am assuming that you are, as well?❞ Dumb question but it was still meant to be asked. Killian could've been the person to show him to the house or something.

❝Oh, I'm Chandler. Nice to meet you.❞ He introduced himself and shook Killian's hand before he released it then dropped his own back beside him. He glanced over the male, a slight smile began to form over his lips. Chandler sat back down with a bit of a grunt then eyed Killian, who was currently the only one keeping him company. ❝So, how do you think this show is going to go?❞

Just when he asked that, another person started to walk up towards them. A female and a very pretty one at that. When she introduced herself, Chandler stood up again with a smile, nodding his head at her. ❝Nice to meet you, Skylar. I'm Chandler.❞ He introduced himself again and extended his hand for her to shake. ❝Yeah, we're here for the show, too and you're right. This place does look amazing!❞ Chandler's face gleamed with delight as he spoke those words, his eyes taking in the surroundings around them. This place was already proving to be worth it and he couldn't wait to see what this show had to offer.

❝So, what are you guys expecting?❞ He asked as his hands slithered their way into his pockets.
code by Ri.a

Skylar Reyens
A tad all over the place.

Location: Island Lake

Interactions: Chandler Reigning King Reigning King Killian OSWonder OSWonder Jacob Sylvio Sylvio

Mood: Stoked

The men before her were so strikingly attractive that the looming thought of things being a dream was in the back of her mind. But Skylar was embracing this dream come true as she received a smile and wave from the tall, extremely wonderful looking Asian who is beyond pleasing to the eye. Her heart could have stopped at that moment and she would have accepted a content death. It took a lot of will power not to audibly swoon. She quickly learned that his name is Killian. The attractive blonde stood up and Skylar was able to take in his fantastic looks as he stood at even taller stature. She felt like a child among giants but she did not mind one bit. The tattooed blonde introduced himself as Chandler and Skylar reached her hand out to shake his with as firm of a grip she could manage while being dazzled. She tried to take a look at his arms to make out the designs and appreciate the artwork in the short time she had. Once they let go, he expressed the same excitement about their surroundings and that was a great sign to Skylar, knowing she wasn't the only one stoked about the whole place.

She was about to do a small dance in place to get her energy out but instead her attention was caught by Killian asking a question and expressing his own appreciation for the island. “Yeah!” She nodded her head in agreement. “From what I saw on the ride over the island is beautiful! I have no idea where I am but honestly it's just so calming and looks like we can do a bunch of activities here that I don't even care. I hope we can surf, snorkel, hike, and more! How about you guys?” The question was directed to Killian first but meant for both men as she made a gesture to encourage both to answer.

While waiting for the responses another tall Asian man seemingly came out of nowhere. He stepped right up to the group and introduced himself to Killian. Skylar took a step back to make the small circle bigger for them all to speak but was curious why he wouldn't address everyone. She overheard him say his name is Jacob. As inconspicuously as she could, she walked around Jacob, closer to Chandler, so when Jacob stepped back the circle would be complete again. Chandler was taking in the sights around them with wide eyes and she couldn't help but wonder what was going through his head. “If you want to explore this place I'd be happy to join, if you'd like.” That's when Chandler snapped back to reality and asked the group what they expected out of this experience.

“Uhm..” She didn't know what she was expecting. And she definitely wasn't ready for that question to happen to soon after arriving. She looked at her feet for a moment then back up at him with a small smile and shrug. “I'm not expecting much of anything. Not in a negative way, but I just like to be surprised! I think we'll undoubtedly have fun here and I can't wait for it. If I get to meet the right person for me I will be super grateful but...” She paused for a moment. You know you're still stuck on Dante, even though he hurt you terribly. She hid her thoughts with her smile and excited voice. “We'll see! Are you expecting anything specific?”

The seven phones of those not in the mansion recieved a message at the exact same time. It was a simple and short message. A challenge you may say.

Dear [character name],

This will be your first assignment: Follow the road on the map to the Mansion.
Last (complete) group to arrive will have to make tonights dinner for everyone.

Good luck!

Attached was the general Island map and in red the shortest path to the mansion. No GPS, no turning the map according to their position or anything like that. Just the map and the route for them to figure out. Either as group or individually. On top of that, they had no idea who of how many other groups they were racing against.

iShyShy iShyShy Sylvio Sylvio Reigning King Reigning King OSWonder OSWonder apolla apolla MoxxyMoxx MoxxyMoxx

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