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Fandom Transgressions: Flight to Utopia [NOT ACCEPTING]

Taskforce Prison Facility
Underground Maze

The only thing Sephiroth did was smile at the two new fighters, and the reaction of Edgeworth. They all backed away from him as the man in armor gave off a fiery aura. So many different warriors have gathered, and yet he had no fear of any of them. However, something that he never expected to see. It seemed the Medjai had teamed up with the people that were sent down here. He chuckled lightly as the creatures decided to attack him.

Each of these creatures fought differently and had different weaknesses. Though he didn't care at the moment. He was not concerned about any of them at the moment. Even the one that was covered in a red aura didn't bother him. Nimbly dodging each of the Medjai’s attacks it looked as if he was dancing around. He held his palm out gathering energy to cast his spell as he moved around.

Once the spell took shape in his hand, he threw the red ball at one of the Medjai. Once the spell hit either the Medjai or anything the ball exploded into a large number of flames.

Sung watched as the man fought and was amazed by the way he moved. He moved as well as any hunter. Yet there was something about him that seemed off. That man moved as well as the King of Dragons, the Monarch of Destruction. Was that man even human? He had been hiding his powers since he came to this world. If people found out who, or what he was then he would be in trouble. He had even found a way to use the system that made him this way. He had been using it to hide himself. Even he might have a hard time fighting this man.

“Be careful. This one is powerful.”


Ubuyashiki residence

Sitting in the room as the time went by. Pyo was thinking about walking around the residence to get a lay of the land. He had been thinking on his stance, and still had not come up with an answer to his conundrum. As he was about to stand up a knock came from his door.

Turning his attention to the door. His eyes narrowed at the sound. He was never one to walk into a trap. So, instead of answering the door he used his threads. Wrapping them around the handle and manipulating them to turn the knob and then opening the door. Allowing the man to enter. As soon as the man entered, he closed the door with the same technique.

He stared at the man as he pointed to the seat across from him. As the man approached, he could see that there was a cut on the man's cheek, but there was no blood. In fact, it didn’t look like real skin. He shook his head as his eyes never let the man out of his sight.

“What brings you here?”


Noctis and Ignis's room.

It was amusing to watch as Wright had to explain what he had meant by the visitor that he had sent to the facility. Listening to the explanation he chuckled slightly. He loved how easy it was to make humans dance. Just revile something they didn’t want to have reviled, and they change into something different.

Wright and the king were worried that others inside of the taskforce knew the information that Hua Cheng knew about their little informant. What they didn’t know was that the only reason he knew anything was because of his butterflies. They were his eyes in the facility, and he knew enough to be dangerous. Though, there wasn’t much he could do since he didn't know where Xie Lian was being held.

“No one knows about him.” Hau Cheng said as he looked straight into Wright’s eyes as he smirked. “You also don’t need to worry about him. He is strong enough to hold his own. Let alone the servants that he has under his command.” he said as his butterfly landed on Wright's shoulder and flapped its wings a couple of times.

“You asked why I was here. I am here to ask for help. That is all.”
Shadow Monarch Shadow Monarch

Underground maze.

Clive stares toward the silver haired man. "He's powerful,yet he's no dominant." He replied. He took his sword and took a fighting stance. It was not time to summon Ifrit yet.

Noctis and Ignis's room.
"Yes,we shall help you in return. " Ignis replied. " Zenitsu mentioned the experiments that were done on him. Do you have any intel on the Taskforce's scientists?" He asked.

Ubuyashiki residence.

"Well..." Marcus replied to Pyo as he sat down." I just wanted to see how you were doing. And just to say that I'm waiting for a fellow Kingsglaive that will share the same room as I do." He added.
He noticed that the man kept staring at him,as if he didn't trust him.
He knew why and covered the cut with his left hand. " Just a wound from a fight against witches earlier." He said.
He had to be careful. He didn't want to be unmasked in front of a stranger that he didn't seem to trust.
"Anyway...it's nice to meet you,I should return to my room soon..."
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Taskforce Prison Facility
Underground Maze
Shadow Monarch Shadow Monarch & SirPrompto15 SirPrompto15

"Yes; I'm fine." Edgeworth said honestly, but there was no time for them to stay and reassure each other. Edgeworth stood slightly back, trying to usher the two younger ones back without distracting either of them from the fight. None of them were strong enough to face this man, so the only other option was to retreat.

Sarcophagus Man vanished just before the fireball could strike him, reappearing to attack again just as the flame struck the wall. Rathos visibly flinched at the fire, but then gathered his strength and let out another booming roar, putting out the fire instantly as the five Mejai all continued their attack.

Noctis' and Ignis' Room
Shadow Monarch Shadow Monarch & SirPrompto15 SirPrompto15

"There's always a risk, but the guy's a pro. I have complete faith in him." Wright said candidly. He was just about to repeat Ignis' question when suddenly there was another knock on the door.

Outside, Keira waited patiently outside the king's door, with Saskia and the three demon slayers all standing close by. Keira stood up straight and proud, but Tanjiro would have soon noticed the scents of trepidation coming from her as they waited.

Utopian Academy of Magic
Seifer's Dormitory
SirPrompto15 SirPrompto15

"Either a threat or an asset. The choice is his alone to make. All I can say now is that his name has often come up in conversation as of late." The sorceress said plainly. "Rita will contact our mutual friend after school hours to finalize our plans. In the meantime, I've been tasked with learning more about the young Master: his competence, his methods... and perhaps most importantly, his price. All three must be taken into account before we proceed. Should you learn anything while you're off collecting samples, report it to me straight away."
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Underground maze

Zenitsu backed away from the fight. As he got closer to Edgeworth and Nezuko,he woke up. "Uh...what's going on? Why do my legs hurt...Ahhhhhhh!!!! Those monsters again!!!!!"he said. "And they fighting that scary man!" He hid behind Nezuko.


Noctis and Ignis's room.
DawnsEarlyLight DawnsEarlyLight Shadow Monarch Shadow Monarch

"Are you alright? " Tanjiro asked Keira,having indeed caught the scents of trepidation coming from her. Giyu knocks on the door.

Inside the room,Noctis heard the knocks. " It seems we got company."
Ignis then went to open the door."Please come in,we were waiting for you. "
The demon Slayers were the first to enter the room. Giyu snd Tanjiro noticed Hau Cheug.
"You're not working for the king are you?" Giyu asked Cheug

Academy,Seifer's dorm.

Seifer listened to what the woman had to say. "I see...you want to take over this Demon Slayer Corps?" He asked. He then smirk. "I'm in. I do not know what you intent to do with those samples but I'll get them for you."

Shadow Monarch Shadow Monarch

Ubuyashiki residence Pyo's quarters.
"Nice to meet you,but I should really go back to my room..My name is Marcus Blitson from the Kingsglaive Corps.If you need anything,my room is next door..." Before to get up,he faced Pyo. "The sounds coming from you. You don't me." He said.
"To tell you the truth,I,well,I do not trust you either. " He said,covering his right cheek. Unfortunatly,the base of the chair broke,which made Marcus fall on the ground.

Unfortunatly,as he fell on the ground,Marcus accidently gripped his cheek and involuntarally pull his mask, When he got up, his face looked distorted. More organic skin was shown at the base of his neck and a golden and orange bang perked from the back. His glasses fell on the ground as well.

He noticed this and was worried. Marcus needed to get out.
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Taskforce Prison Facility
Underground Maze

Not once stopping his movements he continued to dodge the creatures as they continued their assault. Granted his magic didn’t hit its target, but that didn’t matter. He was only toying with them from the beginning. He never grew bored of playing with people, and rarely took anyone seriously when fighting. That was unless they proved to be a challenge.

Electrical current started to gather around his hand as he was using another spell. This time lightning shot out of his hand at the creature that was standing in front of the small group gathered at the door. If the creature dodged, then the ones by the door would suffer for it.

Sung didn’t know what the right decision was. If he released his power then he could possibly fight on par with this man, but that would risk revealing his hand, and he didn’t want to do that. His power was shielded by the system, and if broken the Taskforce will be able to detect his power. This was noy going to end well no matter his decision. He just needed to remember what he was here for.

“We need to get you and the children out of here.” Sung said, turning to face Miles. His mission was simple, and if he needed he would get him out of here without being discreet about it.


Ubuyashiki residence Pyo"s room

Using his strings, he set up a net around the door. He wouldn’t let this man leave without at least explaining himself. Pyo never let his guard down around people he didn’t fully trust, and there were very few people he trusted to that extent.

“I am doing fine, though you look like you are having issues.” Pyo said at the remark that was made. He was so skittish and seemed to be hiding something more than just simple things. Was he a spy? Or was he just someone that had trust issues, and not the power to protect himself? There were many reasons to hide one's face.

“Don’t lie.'' Pyo said as the man was saying it was good to meet him. If he just wanted pleasantries he would have tried to talk to him with others around. Right now he was trying to see if he was a threat, and he rushed things.

“Trust is something that is earned, and very few people have earned mine.” Pyo said, taking note of the odd comment of the sounds that were coming from him. As the man was getting ready to leave, Pyo decided to do something. He used his string to cut the leg of one of the chairs causing the man to tumble to the ground and rip his mask more.

He got up out of his chair and walked over to the man looking down at the torn mask, and the hair that was peeking out from underneath. He shook his head as he moved his fingers in what would be considered strangely. This causes some of his strings to wrap around Marcus to restrict his movements. He leaned down and grabbed the mask pulling it off the man’s face.

“Trying to hide your face with a flimsy mask is not a good way to keep your identity hidden. Now who are you, and why are you here?” Pyo asked as he dissolved the strings that were holding the man. It didn’t matter how he tried, he wouldn’t leave this room without the thing in Pyo’s hand. So, he would either talk, or try to fight.


Noctis and Ignis's room.

“There are several scientists that work for the Taskforce. Most of them are from this world/ However, there are some that are not of this world, and they are the ones that are allowed to run experiments on people.” Hua Cheng said as he turned his attention to Ignis. He was about to say more, however there came a knock on the door, and this caused the room to go quiet. Ant Ignis to go and answer the door.

This made Hua Cheng decide to change his appearance. By the time the door was open and the new group to enter Hua Cheng looked like a different person. His statue shrunk, and his hair was tied to the side. He looked younger, and even had both of his eyes showing. He was still wearing red, but now he was a completely different person.

“I don’t work for the king. The name is San Lang.” Hua Cheng said without skipping a beat. With his new skin he didn’t have to worry if one of these people were connected to the Taskforce. That was as long as the three that knew his other name didn’t mess up.
Shadow Monarch Shadow Monarch DawnsEarlyLight DawnsEarlyLight
Underground maze.

Zenitsu continued to watch the fight. "This man...he's human...but he has powers and strength like an Upper rank demon! Not only that He has malicious intent too! He takes pleasure in destroying his foes...Heeeee I don't want to die!!! Protect me Nezuko Chan!!!"" Sung came to them saying they should leave. " Yeah,let's get out of here!!!' Zenitsu shouts. " We can't defeat this psychopath!"

"Leave this to me." Clive replied. " I think it's time I let him out once again."
Flames surounded him once again.
"Come to me Ifrit!"
The flames envelloped him completly,only to die a few seconds later,really the giant fire beast once more. Ifrit ran toward the battlefield to join the fight against Sephiroth.
Zenitsu looked shocked. " That explains the inhuman sounds coming from him..."

Noctis and Ignis's room.
"Giyu Tomioka, water Hashira of the Demon Slayer Corps." Giyu replied to Hua Cheug. " Know that I have no trust in you."
"Forgive Tomioka. He has trust issues. No wonder he dosen't have sny friends!" Shinobu replied with a smile.
"His scent is...different. Is he working for the king?" Tanjiro asked Keira.
Ubuyashiki mansion.
Coming to see this strange man wasn't a good idea. Marcus stood here in fear,powerless to do anything as Pyo took his mask off,revealing his true face.

"I feared this would happen...please,do not tell anyone in the Demon Slayer Corps..."
Marcus was revealed to be a 21 year old future variant of Zenitsu Agatsuma. His eyes were the same golden brown color as his 16 year old prime variant,same thick golden and orange eyebrows over his grown up and handsome facial features. His blond and orange hairstyle was the same as his younger variant,exept for a small ponytail on the back of his head.

"My real name is Zenitsu Agatsuma. I'm the Thunder Hashira of the Demon Slayer Corps...well,not from this version of them. I belong to an alternate universe from the one they belong to. From the future of this alternate universe." He explained."During a mission,an unknown force sended me to this world,seperating me from my comrades. The Kingsglaive found me and brought me to King Noctis. They first wanted to sent me to join the Corps but I refused,telling then that they woudn't accept me since I'm a variant of their comrade. Their world's version of me is a 16 year old Kinoe rank demon slayer. I didn't want to replace him either. So the king letted me join the Kingsglaive instead under a new identity. They even made a made a mask so I could hide who I really was." AU Zenitsu added.
"General Leonis sended me here to assist the Demon Slayer Corps to aid them stop an imcoming threat that came for it's leader. He sended me because I was connected to them despite not being my world's version of them and to face my fears..."
AU Zenitsu had grown in power and maturity during his time in his world's version of the Demon Slayer Corps but even since he arrived in this world,he went through regression,becoming a coward again.He only shown his brave nature when he doned his Marcus mask. Tears fell from his eyes.
A small familiar looking sparrow emerged from the collar of AU Zenitsu's uniform and flew around Pyo,chipping aggresivly. This older variant of Chuntaro had patches of white in the brown parts of his features. Despite being old,this Chuntaro variant flew fast.
"Wait,Chuntaro! He's an ally!" AU Zenitsu shouts.
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Taskforce Prison Facility
Underground Maze
Shadow Monarch Shadow Monarch & SirPrompto15 SirPrompto15

Zenitsu's personality suddenly changed again, much to Edgeworth's surprise. The young man had been sleepwalking earlier; was that when he was at his most powerful? When his own self-doubt was not around to suppress his true courage? It would certainly make sense.

But for now, Zenitsu had the right idea. Anyone who could not fight needed to stay out of the way of those who could, so Edgeworth acted quickly and guided Zenitsu and Nezuko toward Sung, Nezuko shrinking to her 12-year-old form as she defensively pulled up the rear.

Noctis' and Ignis' Room
Shadow Monarch Shadow Monarch & SirPrompto15 SirPrompto15

"Not that I can recall." Keira frowned. This would make things a little awkward for everyone else, but Keira couldn't care less right now. Ignis and Noctis still thought she was a traitor, so now the time had come to use her little bargaining chip.

"I shall be brief, Your Majesty." Keira said firmly. "I am well aware that you and Ignis both believe me to be a traitor, given the conversation Ignis overheard. As this is clearly neither the time nor the place to explain the full context of what he heard, I will instead offer you a deal, the terms of which will have to wait until your guest has concluded his business here."

Utopian Academy of Magic
Seifer's Dormitory
SirPrompto15 SirPrompto15

"Excellent. I've arranged to create a diversion for you to do precisely that." The sorceress smiled. "But before you go, it is essential that I be able to identify which samples come from which of the Hashira. And so I give you..."

With a wave of her hand, the sorceress created a holographic image that changed shape from one Hashira to the next, each using his or her respective Breathing Style.

"Kyojuro Rengoku, the Flame Hashira. Typical knight errant. Can't resist a cry for help. Perfectly willing to throw his own life away to save any pitiful wretch he comes across."

"Gyomei Himejima, the Stone Hashira. Blind as a bat, yet they say he is the strongest Hashira of all. I've yet to witness even one moment when the man wasn't weeping for some reason, which may explain his blindness."

"Tengen Uzui, the Sound Hashira. This self-proclaimed ‘god of flashiness and festivals’ loves to make a big spectacle of himself at every possible turn. How he of all people became the Corps’ spymaster, I’ll never understand. And don't even get me started on his three wives."

"Mitsuri Kanroji, the Love Hashira. Her ridiculous title aside, she certainly knows how to put her feminine wiles to good use, and I can respect that. Her overall demeanor would lead one to believe she's more concerned with pleasurable male company than with demon slaying. Then again, that may just be part of her strategy."

"Muichiro Tokito, the Mist Hashira. A bit of a scatterbrain, but they say he's quite the prodigy. Only 14 years old, yet he rose to the rank of Hashira in only two months' time: a feat that normally requires one to either slay 50 ordinary demons or slay one of the legendary Twelve Kizuki."

"Obanai Iguro, the Serpent Hashira. One of two Hashira in particular who perfectly demonstrate just how lax the good Master's leadership can be. Rumor has it that Mr. Iguro routinely torments younger demon slayers for the most unbelievably petty reasons with impunity, on one occasion tying them up into an obstacle course for sword fighting simply because they just happened to piss him off. Whatever efforts the Master has made to curb his horrid behavior clearly haven't worked in the slightest."

"Sanemi Shinazugawa, the Wind Hashira. The second, perhaps even better example of Ubuyashiki's failures as a leader. On one infamous occasion, Mr. Shinazegawa openly insulted and berated the young Master in front of the other Hashira, and instead of giving him the public flogging such insolence deserves, the Master bowed his head and apologized! Even now, Mr. Shinazegawa continues to openly challenge and defy Ubuyashiki with impunity. Were it up to the Lodge, this arrogant little whoreson would have been hanged for insubordination by now."

"The final two Hashira are currently away on an errand for King Noctis, so you need not be bothered with them right now, but for your reference..."

"Shinobu Kocho, the Insect Hashira. Too weak to slay demons through conventional means, she instead relies on a variety of poisons, which she injects into demons through the tip of her sword. That sort of ingenuity is not to be underestimated, even if her poisons are meant primarily for demons rather than humans."

"And lastly, Giyu Tomioka, the Water Hashira. I must confess I know very little about him. He mostly keeps to himself, fulfilling his duties as a Hashira with little regard for anything else. Unbeknownst to him, many a young maiden in Utopia secretly swoons everywhere he goes."
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Noctis and Ignis's room.

"Well,first impresions can be deceiving. And I'm sorry about those earlier accusations." Ignis replied to Keira. If the king is alright with it,we are ready to hear you out."
"I'm all ears. Tell us what you have in mind Keira....once our new friends is gone." Noctis replied.
Seifer's dorm.

Seifer listened and watched the information that was given to him about each hashira."I see,to me all of them of a bunch of puny pushovers. This mission will be a walk in the park." He said with a smirk. "I suppose we strike during nightime?" he asked before the conversation was over.
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Taskforce Prison Facility
Underground Maze

The creatures that were attacking him were unable to lay a hand on him. Let alone even make Sephiroth work up a sweet. In fact, he was starting to want to eliminate them just to get them out of the way. He wanted to at least get some exercise, but that was looking to be a lost cause. That was until he heard the man in the armor call a familiar name.

Ifrit was a summon of fire, and now he watched as the man himself turned into the summon. He cocked his head as he took his sword and slashed at the Medjai. With all intent to slay them. He figured that playing with Ifrit was going to be more fun than playing with these weak things. Once the creatures were either destroyed or backed away from him. He lifted his sword up into his typical stance to attack.

“You might prove to be more of a challenge.” Sephiroth said as he charged at the summons. Slashing his sword down as soon as they both got within distance of his sword.

Ushering Edgeworth, and the two children behind him. He slowly backed up to the exit. The appearance of the man named Clive, and his transformation was something to behold. Though the man’s strength increased, and his form changed. Sung could tell that he was strong. Though, if he was stronger than the silver haired man was to be seen. This was a fight between monsters. Though he was one himself, he needed to keep that a secret for now.

“Zenitsu, you said that you could hear that Clive was not human, and that the man with silver hair was strong. What do you mean by that? How can you hear something like that?”


Ubuyashiki residence

Listening to every word that was said Pyo could now understand why this man wanted to hide his face. Yet did he really think that just hiding his face would be enough to fool people. It was almost like he thought less of himself. But that was not the real issue. The fact that the mask could so easily be torn, and his identity revealed was the real problem.

However, before he was able to say or do anything a small bird came out of the man's clothing and began attacking him. The small thing didn't bother him, so he ignored it. Besides, he couldn't fault the creature for protecting his friend. Giving a light sigh he reached down with one of his hands to help the man back onto his feet. From there he once more offered him a seat and he sat on the edge of the bed.

“So, you are a future version of one of the current Demon slayers, and you want to keep that a secret. Though I think that you have already been found out by the master of this place.” Pyo said, remembering the conversation from earlier. Besides, it is hard to fool a man that can't see.

“If you are going to hide your face you might want to do it in a different way. With something that won't be so easy to break. Though you might not be able to master it, I can try to teach you one of my techniques to change your appearance. There is also a chance that you can find someone that can change your appearance with Magic.” Pyo said as he still had the mask in his hand.

He decided to repair the mask for the man. He wove his strings into the tear and repaired it. As long as he didn't cancel them, they would hold stronger than what he was originally using to repair the mask.

“I will keep your secret.” Pyo said as he handed the mask back to UR Zenitsu.


Noctis and Ignis's room.

Nodding his head at the new arrivals and listening to what was being said. He couldn’t hold back his smile as the young man Giyu introduced himself, and then immediately said he didn’t trust him. It was not something he expected to hear from someone so young, but at least he was honest. So was the other one that picked on Giyu. Then there was the other young man that mentioned that his scent was different. This caught Hua Cheng's attention. Could he actually smell the differences in people? If that was the case, then he might not be someone he could be around much.

Then the subject of the woman’s loyalty was brought into question, and a new conversation started. He listened as he also commanded his butterfly to hide itself on Wright’s person. The butterfly crawled down Wright’s back. Once it reached the hem of the man's jacket it crawled underneath. Hiding itself for now.

Now the conversation took a different turn. The woman wanted to talk, but only when he left. It was understandable since he was a stranger to her, and the problem that she found herself in with the King. So, he decided that he would take his leave. At least for now.

“Well, I have completed my business here.” Hua Cheng said as he walked over to Wright. He grabbed his hand and placed a set of dice in them. “If you need to talk, just roll the dice, and I will come.” He said as he walked away, he took out another set of dice and tossed them into the air. Catching them as they fell back down. As soon as he did, a doorway appeared. “Till we meet again you Highness.” He said as he walked through the door and left the group.
Shadow Monarch Shadow Monarch

Underground maze

Ifrit roars as silver haired man came closer. His claws were now envelopped with flames. He ran toward Sephiroth and attempted to strike his small yet powerrful enemy with a flaming slash.

"My sense of hearing is sharper then that of a normal human being." Zenitsu explained to Sung. "I can detect a being's emotions,personality,thoughts ,strength and even species just by the sounds they make. I can even hear things from a distsnce." he added. " The monster man IS human but there is something not human inside of him and now he transformed into it. Good thing he's on our side! As for the silver haired evil man. He's human but he has the same strength and power as a Upper rank demon. He also got malicious intention and likes to kill for fun." Zenitsu added,worried.

Ubuyashiki residence
AU Chuntaro calmed down and landed on AU Zenitsu's right shoulder.
"Thanks." AU Zenitsu replied as Pyo helped him to get up then invited him to sit on the bed,which he did.

"I guess this mask is not battleproof. I was told it was made by a division of the Kingsglaive that is in charge of crafting disguises for espionage to use on infiltration missions. It was damaged during my latest mission. I had to help the Mist and Love hashira to rescue missing aDemon Slayers from man eating witches." AU Zenitsu explained.

He listened to Pyo's suggestion. About teaching him av technique to alter his appearence. "Sounds good to me." He replied. He took his mask back after Pyo repaired it. "Thank you."

"About Master Ubuyashiki finding out who I really am...I think you might be right."AU Zenitsu added. "My sense of hearing is...well...different. Just by the sounds a being makes,I can detect their emotions,thoughts,strength and even species. Earlier,I could hear the master's sounds. He knew who I was."

"You got that right Agatsuma...well,future alternate Zenitsu!" said a familiar voice at the door.
AU Zenitsu turned to see the Sound hashira,Tengen Uxui,standing at the door,which he seemed to have opened easilly.
"Uzui?! What are you doing here?! And how did you open the door?!!!!" AU Zenitsu shouts.
"Just as loud and obnoxious as your younger variant is." Tengen replied with a smirk. "I'm the corps's spymaster and a shinobi. Infiltration is my game! Anyway,the master told me everything. Your secret is safe with me as well. On one condition. Tell me,how is my version of me from your timeline?"

"Still lacks on hand and eye. By the way I don't know how you were able to get your hand and eye back...Is a 28 year old flamboyant and full of himself ..individual,and STILL got three wives." AU Zenitsu replied,annoyed.

"That's good! I would love to meet him when I'll get the chance!" Tengen replied."Anyway,showing yourself to the rest of the Corps or continuing to hide yourself behind your mask is up to you."

"I'll think about it. Though there is no way I'll be replacing my prime self." AU Zenitsu replied.
"You won't replace him don't worry!" Tengen replied. "And you're a Hashira too! I'm impressed. I wonder if your younger prime self will be able to achieve thst goal!"
Noctis and Ignis's room.

Noctis took the dice. "Well...it was nice meeting you." Noctis told the man.
Taskforce Prison Facility
Underground Maze
Shadow Monarch Shadow Monarch & SirPrompto15 SirPrompto15

Each Mejai ‘slain’ dissolved into black mist, but that was not the end of their participation in the fight. The black mist began to concentrate itself entirely on Sephiroth, effectively attacking him from all sides, aiming to cloud his vision and weaken him as much as possible. Some parts of the attacking mist even gave off a highly radioactive aura.

Edgeworth kept quiet as he listened to Sung talking with Zenitsu about the young man’s unique hearing abilities, as well as his assessments of Clive and Sephiroth. Zenitsu’s ability to ‘hear’ such traits in a person reminded Edgeworth of Athena Cykes, one of Phoenix Wright’s two protégés as a defense attorney. Perhaps someday he could introduce the two.

“A textbook psychopath.” Edgeworth said with regard to Zenitsu’s assessment of Sephiroth. “There’s no reasoning with such a person. Sung, do you know of anyone else trapped here with us?”

Noctis' and Ignis' Room
Shadow Monarch Shadow Monarch & SirPrompto15 SirPrompto15

“Really? Just like that?” Keira said very skeptically. If that was really the case, it would completely eliminate any need for Keira to divulge anything she knew to any of them. But perhaps this would be a good opportunity to clarify their highly skewed perspective of the Lodge.

“Despite what all of you seem to think, Philippa is no friend of the Taskforce. In fact, the Lodge of Sorceresses was created to protect the interests of magic, and therefore stands fundamentally opposed to the Taskforce and their cause. Phil herself said she’s merely capitalizing on the Taskforce’s failing reputation in order to expand the Lodge’s influence into the 120. A clever strategy on Philippa’s part, but cleverness does not an enemy make.”

With that out of the way, Keira turned her focus to Noctis in particular.

“We schemed, yes, but all in service to Utopia’s interests. To ensure, by any means necessary, that Utopia has the strong leadership it needs to survive. The Lodge is very displeased with your performance today, Your Majesty, and with your decision to involve the Corps in the upcoming investigations despite my warnings about their conflict of interest in the matter. It was for those very reasons that I was instructed to distance myself from your efforts at all costs; Ignis’ accusations just so happened to be a convenient way to do that.”

Utopian Academy of Magic
Seifer's Dormitory
SirPrompto15 SirPrompto15

“For now yes. The rest will depend on Rita.” The sorceress explained. “One of your new colleagues will be playing her flute nearby once all is prepared. Sing the correct lyrics, and they will know you are ready to proceed.”

Sure enough, just as their conversation was about to conclude, the sorceress did indeed begin to sing.

Wolves asleep amidst the trees.
Bats all a-swaying in the breeze.
But one soul lies anxious, wide awake,

Fearing all manner of ghouls, hags, and wraiths…

Noctis and Ignis's room
Noctis,Ignis and the slayers listened to Keira's explaination.
"I understand your concern." Noctis replied. "Know that despite Ignis's hasty conclusion,you are no traitor. You are a valuable member of the royal court."
" I take no offence. I was indeed too hasty." Ignis replied.
"I am familliar with magic...groups. I am sorry that I offended the Lodge. Two members of the Corps were involved and well...sending them during the investigation might not be a good idea. If we want to save Zenitsu Agatsuma and Nezuko Kamado,a legal approch should be taken." Noctis looked toward Wright and nodded to him.
"Our only way to save them is to expose the Taskforce. Your friend Phillipa might not be working with the Taskforce with the benifit of the Lodge in mind." Ignis added." Young Zenitsu Agatsuma claimed that he and Young Kamado's young sister were subjected to horrible experiments.
There's also the that Ardyn Izunia is working with the Taskforce."

"About Ardyn...His Ardyn Lucis Caelum." Noctis replied sadly. "He's my ancestor,thousand of years old. He was gifted by the gods of my world with the power to heal people from the starscourge,a disease that could turn human into demons..."
"Such a thing was possible in your world?" Shinobu asked,concerned.
"Unfortunatly. There was a catch to Ardyn's power. He could heal peopke from the scarscourge,but he could only absorb the scourge and gave it transfered within himself. He lost his humanity and became a monster. His younger brother,Somnus,used this as an opportunity to take the throne away from Ardyn,killed his older brother beloved and sealed Ardyn away on Angelgard.
Ardyn was found by Niflheim hundreds of years later.He became their chancellor and swore revenge on the Lucis Caelum royal bloodline."

Seifer's dorm
Seifer wrote the lyrics on a piece of paper. " Got it! I shall not dissapoint you!" He added,bowing to the woman.
Noctis' and Ignis' Room
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“You’re implying that Phil’s only in it for power, is that it?” Keira said, almost laughing. “I suppose that’s true of all of us to an extent, with only one or two exceptions at most. But in Phil’s case… simply put, Sire, Philippa Eilhart IS the Lodge. She founded it, she leads it… oh sure, we’ll all say the Lodge is an equal sisterhood, but when it comes down to it, it’s Philippa who always gets the final say.”

But as she mulled over all that was now being proposed, Keira had to wonder where this sudden change of heart was coming from. Did that stranger have anything to do with it? Regardless, maybe now they could finally get somewhere.

“Exposing the Taskforce would be the ideal scenario. If we did that, every legal protection the Taskforce currently enjoys would be nullified in an instant.” Keira said thoughtfully. “Philippa certainly has the insider’s knowledge to pull it off, but she’d be putting herself and her position at serious risk by doing so. She will expect considerable favors from Utopia in return.”

She dared a glance toward Giyu and Shinobu.

“I promised the three of you information that the Corps would find particularly interesting. Perhaps that will put into perspective a sample of the price Philippa will demand.” Keira said. “But in return I demand a full pardon, not for myself but for Lady Margarita Laux-Antille.”

“Another member of the Lodge?” Saskia seethed at the thought. “Just how deeply have you dug your claws into Utopia?”

“Aside from me, not in the slightest.” Keira retorted. “I never even knew Philippa was in this world until today, let alone working for the Taskforce. And Rita’s never cared one whit about politics; all she’s ever cared about is the welfare of her students. Soon as Rita arrived in Utopia, she got a teaching job and completely forgot about the Lodge, until today.”

Keira eyed the Corps once more, as well as Noctis.

“Originally Philippa wanted to let the Corps blindly walk into the trap that awaits you in Aruba. But Rita stood up for you. She begged Phil to have mercy on you, told her how beloved you are in Utopia. I’ll not see her punished for saving you the only way she could.”
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Noctis and Ignis's room.
"There might be a chance that Ardyn influenced her. He has done the same to the Niflheim emperor, Idolas Aldercapt." Ignis replied.
"If it's the case,there might be a chance to bring Miss Eilhart to our side." Ignis replied.
"You and your friend shall both have pardon,don't worry." Noctis replied with a smile."If you have the chance to talk with Rita again,tell her she has my thanks."Noctis added."I appreciate what she has done for me,the Demon Slayer Corps and Utopia."
"I expected a trap would be set for us. I suppose if Kamado here goes to the Taskforce undervthe pretense that he wants to join them,Eilhart might see through that and have him killed?"
Tanjiro looked worried as he heard that. " I will be fine. There is nothing to worry about Mr Tomioka.
"The Taskforce has Muzan and his Kizuki on their side. Eihart and Izunia might sent the Upper moon after you if you set foot in their base."
"Now,now Tomioka! There is no need to catatrophise!" Shinobu replied.
Noctis' and Ignis' Room
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"Phil's not one to be influenced so easily. More often than not it's the other way around." Keira noted. "But back to the matter at hand..."

Satisfied that all was in order, Keira steeled herself. The time had come to keep her end of the bargain, even if the Corps would surely not like what she had to tell them.

"Philippa is equally displeased with the Corps, particularly Young Kamado following his little outburst at today's meeting. She even went as far as to accuse Noctis of spoiling you." Keira continued. "The only way Philippa would have agreed to spare the Corps was if the Lodge could control them. Rita knew that, and to that end, she named the one target through whom the Lodge could seize total control over the Corps: Master Kagaya Ubuyashiki himself."

Steeling herself once again, Keira turned to face the Corps.

"But have no fear. Philippa won't harm your beloved Master... as long as she can use him." Keira quickly added. "Phil's agreed to make plans with Rita to do exactly that. But make no mistake. If for whatever reason those plans fail, Philippa would sooner wipe out the entire Corps than leave you to your own devices a moment longer."
DawnsEarlyLight DawnsEarlyLight
Noctis and Ignis's room.
Tanjiro bowed to Keira. " My sincerest apologies. Zenitsu is one of my friends and fellow demon slayer. And Nezuko,my sister is the only familly I have left." He added. " My emotions got the better of me."
" I...don't spoil my subjects and allies. " Noctis replied." I try to be fair. I had my big fair share of losses in the past. Imsomnia,Dad,Luna." He looked down. Tanjiro could smell sadness from the young king. He, Giyu and Shinobu could relate to Noctis as they lost loved ones as well.
"Yeah,I don't have experience as a king." Noctis added.
"Wait,Eilhart wants to control the Corps and target the master?!" Giyu shouts.
"This could be avoided if the Corps could get along with the Lodge."
This got Ignis's attention. " That's it!"
"Iggy,we have no time for new recipes." Noctis remarked.
"Not that. What Lady Kocho said. This is brilliant. An alliance between the Demon Slayer Corps and the Lodge. If we can achieve that,the Lodge eill be on our side!"
"We have to make sure we do it before Eilhart harms the master. If it happens,no one in the Corps would want to ally with them." Giyu added.
Noctis' and Ignis' Room
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"You are fair, Your Majesty. And just, and kind, and everything Utopia could ever want in a king.” Saskia said, her firm belief in every word shining through in her tone. “Don’t give Eilhart’s insults a second thought. The only rulers she respects are manipulative vipers like herself, who care more about cultivating their own power than about truly helping their people. No wonder she’s aligned herself with the likes of Ardyn.” Saskia then turned her attention toward the demon slayers next.

”For that same reason, I highly doubt any alliance between the Corps and the Lodge would last very long, or be as equal a partnership as you might hope for.“ Saskia said soberly. “I’ve endured Philippa Eilhart’s treachery firsthand, and she truly is the Master’s opposite in every way. Where Master Ubuyashiki sees beloved children and friends worthy of respect, Lady Eilhart sees pawns to be used and rivals to be crushed. As long as the Corps remains loyal to the Master and not to her, Philippa would inevitably seek to manipulate the Master, or worse.”

But then Saskia looked toward Keira.

”But Margarita Laux-Antille seems to be on our side already, having stood up to Philippa on the Corps’ behalf. I believe it wise to seek her out and enlist her aid in this matter. If she can be persuaded to help us, she can watch over the Corps and the Master until we get back to Utopia. And in the long term, with a bit of luck, perhaps the Lodge can be reformed with her help.”

”Reform the Lodge?” Keira asked, though not really expecting an answer. The thought had never really occurred to her, but in this new kingdom, so different from the cutthroat political landscape in which the Lodge was first created… could such a thing even be possible?
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DawnsEarlyLight DawnsEarlyLight
Noctis and Ignis's room.
"I guess I take it from my father. Fortunatly I am nothing like the founder king. His selfishness created the Ardyn we know now." Noctis replied sadly.
"So,for an alliance between Corps and the Lodge to be possible, Eilhart has to be overthrown?"Giyu replued
Taskforce prison.
DawnsEarlyLight DawnsEarlyLight

Ardyn headed for the laboratory,followed by Muzan. Two of the head scientists clad in white coats greated him. One was a man with long black hair tied in a ponytail and wearing glasses. The other had long oilly black hair,pale skin,yellow eyes eith purple markings around them similar to a snake.
"Chancellor! Welcome!" said the man with glasses.
"Lord Izunia!. What brings you here?" The snake like scientist replied.
"Proffesor Hojo, Lord Orochimaru. Good morning to the both of you!" Ardyn replied,while bowing with hat." My college over here is Lord Muzan Kibutsuji.
"The Demon king himself grace us with his presences I sssssssee." Orochimaru sneered. " A good timing too. I am in need of a new hosssst body. An immortal demonic body. Muzan's turned demonic as he gives an icy glare toward the Snake sannin who showed fear.
"I shall not end over my body to the likes of you." Muzan hissed.
" Perhaps your blood might do the trick. You did give it to Kabuto and my Sound Five." Orochimaru replied.
" Because they are part of Eilhart's plan." Muzan spat back.
" Mmph,I found other ways to achieve immortality." Hojo replied in annoyence.
"Nice of you to talk,but I need to find Miss Sheela. It's about...the variant."
"Oh,yes. Quite a fine specimen!" Hojo replied.
"Miss Sheela should be here soon!"
Noctis' and Ignis' Room
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“Philippa’s removal would be a start, but the Lodge as a whole would need to be fully reformed before they’re fit to become anyone’s ally.” Saskia replied. “Or failing that, this Margarita could help to create a new Lodge, without any of the corruption of the original. Keira did say Rita couldn’t care less about politics, which in and of itself puts her at odds with the rest of them.”

Keira hesitated to speak, still not yet fully processing what was actually being proposed right now. But then one other thought came to her that needed to be brought up.

“This is all very fascinating, but aren’t you all forgetting something?” Keira finally piped up. “Philippa is your only potential informant within the ranks of the Taskforce. Do you really think she’d agree to help you if you’re already plotting against her?”

“Your Highness, if I may…” Wright cut in. “We may not need to rely on Ms. Eilhart after all. Don’t forget, we have our own insiders in the Taskforce. And Edgeworth is still in the Taskforce prison too; knowing him, he’s already doing everything he can to find the truth and expose it, even from behind bars.”

Demon Slayer Corps HQ
Wisteria Gardens
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The wisteria trees surrounding the Demon Slayers' headquarters stretched on for miles in every direction. Not only were the delicate purple flowers hauntingly beautiful, but they also served two decidedly practical purposes: keeping the entire compound demon-free, and spreading far and wide enough to conceal the precise location of the headquarters proper. In addition to careful daily maintenance by the Kakushi, the trees were strategically planted such that each dying flower was swiftly replaced with new blossoms.

Finding a reasonably secluded spot within the garden, Margarita closed her eyes and telepathically scanned the area for any nosy onlookers. One of the Hashira, Lord Obanai Iguro, was known to hide in trees on occasion in order to startle trespassers. But if he or any other demon slayer learned too much tonight, the fate of the entire Corps would be sealed.

Sensing five people approaching, Margarita opened her eyes and hid behind one of the wisteria trees, but then emerged once she saw who they were. Rinoa, Squall, Jill, and Gentiana had all arrived right on time, and Geralt, though initially lost in all the wisteria, immediately recognized Margarita and joined the group as well.

"I'm glad all of you could make it." Margarita said warmly.

"Got your message." Geralt said, his witcher senses on high alert. "This better not be another one of the Lodge's power grabs."

"No, Geralt. Quite the opposite." Margarita explained. "I hope to stop the Lodge from making a very grave error tonight. That's all there is to it."

"You and I both know it's never that simple with the Lodge." Geralt said skeptically. "There's always some secret agenda, some political game being played..."

"Aretuza was destroyed, my students cruelly murdered, because of those political games." Margarita replied, unable to hide the raw emotion in her voice. "And if we don't act now, the Demon Slayer Corps will meet the same fate. I will not allow it. Will you?"

"Alright." Geralt replied. "But just what did this Corps do to piss off the Lodge anyway?"

"It's a long story, and I know how you despise politics," Margarita said, "but I can assure you, the Corps are innocent in all of this. The others here can all attest to that."
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DawnsEarlyLight DawnsEarlyLight

Noctis and Ignis's room
"Yeah,I forgot that your friend is in the Taskforce prison right now." Noctis replied. " It's a good thing but we still need to see if Eilhart csn be trusted."

Demon Slayer Corps HQ
Wisteria gardens

Rinoa,Squall,Jill and Gentiana just arrived in the gardens. " So that's the place eh?" Squall said,lloking around."We're all here Miss Rita!" Rinoa replied cheerfully.
"Who's he?" Squall asked,mentioning Geralt. "Friend of yours?"
"Squall! Be polite! He's a friend of Miss Rita after all!" Rinoa lectured.By looking at Geralt,Jill waa reminded of her lost friend Clive. "We will assist you Miss Rita!" Rinoa said to her teacher.
Taskforce Prison Facility
Underground Maze

Bringing his sword around Sephiroth parried the creature's claws. He held the creature at bay with just one hand. He didn’t even look as if he was struggling against the beast. Staring into his eyes he only smirked at the man.

“Is this the best you can do?” Sephiroth said as he began to push back on the creature's claws. as the mist that the creatures turned into surrounded him. The mist was an annoyance, but nothing that was going to hinder him too much. It may have blocked his vision, but it did little else to him. The only thing right now was he was tired of having interruptions during his fight. The defeated should just stay down.

Listening to the explanation as the boy spoke, he could only shake his head. All of the different abilities of every person in each different world were amazing. Yet at the same time he could see how this would be frightening to normal people. He needed to get the others out of this place, but at the same time he was interested in the fight.

The safety of the group was more important than seeing who was stronger. Turning around he began trying to usher Miles and the others out of the room. “We are leaving.” Sung said as he hoped that they would be able to get out without catching the man's attention.


Ubuyashiki residence

As they were talking, he could understand how he wanted to keep his identity a secret. All of his friends, and the life he knew was gone. Replaced by a past that was not his. He was about to say something when a voice from the door sounded out. He looked in surprise to see the man that had brought him here standing there.

Uxui had managed to sneak up on him. Something that hasn't happened to him in a very long time. He had no blood lust, so it made it even easier. He nodded his head at the assassin. Though he was really a ninja, there wasn’t much difference in his opinion. He allowed the two to talk as he banished his strings. This would allow the man to enter the room.

“Why not come in.” Pyo said as he knew there had to be more of a reason for this man to visit. For some reason he believed that if anyone snuck up on him there was a reason. He never had people visit for no reason. Especially people that were keeping their presence hidden.

“I am sure that there is more to your visit than catching up with a friend.”
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Underground maze.
DawnsEarlyLight DawnsEarlyLight Shadow Monarch Shadow Monarch

"Right,let's get out of here!" Zenitsu said nervously..

Meanwhile,Ifrit was fighting Sephiroth. He unleashes flames toward his enemy. This man was stronger then he thought.

Ubuyashiki residence
"Don't mind if I do!" Tengen replied as he got in and sat down." I was just following Agatsuma's double over here. "
"Double?!" AU Zenitsu shouts. " I'm an older variant."
"Sure. Well anyway,I came here because the master asked me to leave your stuff in your room. Your demon Slayer uniform. During your short stay to protect the Corps,he wants you to fight as yourself and not as your alter ego."
AU Zenitsu looked down. " I...well."
"According to intel,there might be a chance that Taskforce agents might raid the Corps's HQ." Tengen explained. " I f you fight as Marcus then unnasked by the enemy,your cover will be blown for future missions"
"Future...missions?" AU Zenitsu asked. " Well,I just received intel from the king's meeting with the 120.Your prime variant from our world...is under the Taskforce's custody,along with Kamado's young sister Nezuko.
AU Zenitsu looked shocked.
"Why are they retaining them?" AU Zenitsu asked. " No idea. I think they ended up in the wrong place at the wrong time." Tengen replied.

AU Zenitsu looked up. He grabs his mask then got out of Pyo's room,heading of his own room.
"Did I say something wrong?" Tengen asked.
AU Zenitsu returned a few minutes later,clad in his Corps uniform and yelloe and orange haori.
"Ever since I arrived in this world, I became a coward again. I was affraid of showing who I really was. This version of my familly was similar yet different. I was affraid of being judged because I am a variant of your comrade. Now my younger prime variant is in danger. His familly is as well." He looked up. " No more running away. I will defend the Prime Demon Slayer Corps as the real me, Thunder Hashira, Zenitsu Agatsuma."
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Noctis' and Ignis' Room
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Suddenly Keira’s eyes grew slightly wider, and she stood up.

”Rita’s called another meeting.” Keira explained to the group, starting to pace. “Philippa’s sure to be there as well. Either the Lodge is about to make its move, or the plans are just now being finalized.” She turned her attention to the two Hashira.

”Our deal is finished. I’ve given you the information I promised, and secured amnesty for Rita and myself in return.” Keira said crisply. “But this meeting will not be so straightforward. Phil will want to know why I’m still here and not at the Taskforce embassy. Furthermore, if she knew anyone not with the Lodge was here, she’d break contact in an instant.”

Demon Slayer Corps HQ
Wisteria Gardens
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“This is Geralt of Rivia: the one I spoke of at the Academy.” Margarita said by way of a brief introduction. “Geralt, this is Miss Gentiana, a fellow teacher of mine at the Academy, and three of our students: Rinoa Heartilly, Squall Leonhart, and Jill Valentine.”

“Nice to meet you, but…” Geralt nodded to each of them, but then looked skeptically at Margarita. “Your students, getting mixed up in the Lodge’s business?”

”I’d hoped never to have to bring up the Lodge again, much less involve my students.” Margarita said. “But all four have objected to the Lodge’s plot and come here willingly. The Lodge doesn’t know of them yet, and I’d prefer to keep it that way if at all possible.”

“Fine by me.” Geralt said. "So what now?”

”I’ve arranged a discussion with Philippa tonight. That discussion will determine how we proceed.“ Margarita readied a magic staff. “Now I must ask you all to hide.”

Once everyone was safely hidden, Margarita picked up the staff with one hand and waved the other hand over its tip. As she spoke an incantation, a bluish-green energy collected at the tip of the staff. And as she stuck the staff in the ground and took a few steps back, that same energy swirled in the air around the staff. After a few moments, a holographic image of Philippa appeared on the opposite side of the staff.

”Good evening, Philippa.” Margarita said politely.

”Margarita…” Philippa nodded a greeting to her, but then frowned a bit as she looked around.

”Are those wisteria flowers?” Philippa asked. “Don’t tell me we're having this conversation right in front of the demon slayers’ headquarters.”

”We’re still a long ways from the headquarters itself.” Margarita replied. “The wisteria is spread across several acres of the land granted to the Demon Slayer Corps.”

“Not good.” Philippa said. “The escort I sent to retrieve Keira returned empty-handed. The demon slayers in the king’s escort managed to get to her first, and now Saesenthessis is helping them as well. We must act now before they return to Utopia.”

”Phil, wait. There may be a better way to resolve this.” Margarita said while she still had a chance. “With all the resources at your disposal within the Taskforce, you could expose their corruption ahead of the Corps’ planned rescue mission. If the rest of the world knew of the Taskforce's misdeeds, the Utopian rescue mission would be deemed fully justified, and the 120 wouldn’t dare to retaliate.”

“Not so fast.” Philippa cut in. “The Corps and Utopia would indeed be exonerated, but the Lodge’s interests extend far beyond any one faction or nation. Removing the Taskforce from power so suddenly would create a massive power vacuum, and that coupled with the ensuing public scandal would plunge the world into anarchy. The emboldened Resistance would run amok, and hatred for our kind throughout the world would escalate to new heights.”

“Then that is where the Lodge must focus on now: keeping the peace while still dispensing justice.” Margarita tried to respond. “All this time we've been focused on King Noctis and the Corps, but conspiring against them will solve nothing. We have all we need to finally end this, without striking at the innocent."

"No, Margarita, we do not." Philippa said firmly. "You and I both know that politics is never that simple. Even if the Taskforce were to fall - which would be disastrous in more ways than you can imagine - it would do nothing to correct the severe failings of the current Utopian administration. Utopia needs strong leadership and a strong defense, but as of now it has neither. Until both Noctis and the Corps are firmly under our control, any talk of justice will have to wait."
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DawnsEarlyLight DawnsEarlyLight

Noctis and Ignis's room.

"Maybe it would be better for you to proceed in your room. Doing it here will raise Lady Eilhart's suspecions." Ignis replied. " I'll assist Lady Meiz and stay hidden." Giyu. " I'll do it. It's a lady's job!" Shinobu replied.

Demon Slayer HQ

Wisteria gardens.
"An honor to meet you." Gentiana said to Geralt.
"It's not the first time Rinoa and I got mixed into politics." Squall replied. Then Rita spoke about her discusion with Phillipa and that they had to hide.
Gentiana,Squall,Rinoa and Jill all agreed.
The group were in a room next to Rita's.They listened as much as they could." Figures. That Phillipa is no different then Ultimecia..." Squsl whispered.
Taskforce Prison Facility
Underground Maze
Shadow Monarch Shadow Monarch & SirPrompto15 SirPrompto15

Edgeworth needed no more convincing, following Sung and the two demon slayers without saying a word. The only person among them who had any hope of fighting back was already doing so, so there was no point in them staying here any longer. If anything, they would only be a liability if they stayed.

But now another question came up, though Edgeworth didn't dare voice it aloud now. With their little hideout now compromised, where were they to go next?

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"As you wish." Keira said in a very formal tone. Tanjiro would be able to smell the discomfort coming from her, but they all knew Keira was in no position to argue with any of them, let alone the king.

"Your Majesty... gentlemen..."

With a polite curtsy, Keira left the group with and returned to her hotel room with Giyu and Shinobu in tow. After closing and locking the doors, Keira reopened her luggage and set about reassembling her megascope.

"Who would have thought it would come to this? Letting outsiders from one of the Lodge's targets eavesdrop on one of our meetings... One prospective member was cast out and shunned for far less." Keira mused. It didn't particularly matter if either Giyu or Shinobu were listening, but Keira had felt the need to say it regardless.

Once both Giyu and Shinobu were safely hidden, both with a good enough view to see the conversation from a safe distance, Keira turned off the lights in the room to give them additional cover, then slipped in the final crystal. The megascope came alive with magical energy once more, and Keira deftly guided the energy until holographic images of both Philippa and Margarita appeared in the room with her.

Demon Slayer Corps HQ
Wisteria Gardens
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Before Margarita could say anything further in response, a holographic image of Keira Metz suddenly appeared among them.

"Keira!" Margarita gasped quietly.

"Rita!" Keira said with a playful smirk. "You're looking well tonight."

"You managed to join us after all, Keira. Even after Saesenthessis and the demon slayers intercepted you and your escort at the Taskforce embassy." Philippa crossed her arms. "Are you sure you managed to elude them this time?"

"Better still, I didn't need to." Keira said with a small laugh. "I convinced them that the Lodge is entirely on their side, and that you're secretly working to destroy the Taskforce from within."

"And they believed you? That easily?" Philippa asked, her arms still crossed.

“Believe me; I was surprised too.” Keira said. “Well it’s not like I was lying about that second part. The sooner the Taskforce is out of our lives, the better.”

“Whether you like it or not, Keira, the balance of power in this world cannot survive without the Taskforce.” Philippa said coolly. “My position affords me a certain degree of influence, but it will take considerable time to mold the Taskforce into something more manageable.”

“I see.” Keira said a bit more quietly, not letting any emotion show. “You always did know best, Phil.”

"Now, to the matter at hand.” Philippa said next. “I shall have to make this brief; we cannot afford any more nosy manservants. But rest assured that I've already made all the necessary arrangements myself."

"What arrangements?" Margarita asked, starting to raise her voice. "Why were we never consulted about this?"

"Keira was already compromised, and the risk that you would soon follow was too great. I could not take any chances." Philippa explained. “And under the current circumstances, it’s best if neither of you knows any more than that. That way neither of you can be blamed for what is to come.”
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