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Fandom Transgressions: Flight to Utopia [NOT ACCEPTING]

Shadow Monarch Shadow Monarch
Underground maze
"You don't have to ask twice." Clive told Sung. "The sooner we're put of this hell the better."
Ubuyashiki residence.
"Yes,that is the truth unfortunatly." Kagaya said to Pyo."So,what do you plan to do here in the meantime?" Tengen asked Pyo.
Shadow Monarch Shadow Monarch @DawnEarlyLight
Noctis and Ignis's room.
"Welcome...Mr Wright?" Noctis said in confusion. " I suppose he heard our conversation?" Ignis asked. He looked toward Phoenix. " You do have a plan in mind,right?"
DawnsEarlyLight DawnsEarlyLight
Heart of the shrine
Torgal continued his hold on the beast. Genya tried to target the beast while making sure not to hit Torgal.
The ladies's shrine cellar.
"Mist breathing...Second form...eight layered mist!"
"Love breathing....fifth form...Swaying love Wildclaw!"
Muichiro and Mitsuri unleashed their respective breathing techniques toward Weavess.

Marcus noticed the lava balls aimed at him. He noticed the others being busy fighting. "The coast is clear." He focused and took hold of hid katana,partly unshelthing it,revealing it to be a Nichirin katanas.
"Thunder breathing...seventh form..." He blitzes toward Brewess as a electrical aura taking the shape of a dragon,made with the combination of King Noctis's magic and his own training was visible.

"...Flaming Thunder God!" He aimed for Brewess's neck. The rip on Marcus's right cheek became larger,even revealing a small bang of golden hair over his real right cheek.
Academy of magic.
"That might be tricky then..." Jill replied.
"I do not know anything abput politics sadly..." Gentiana replied. "It's a excuse for men for control,war and destruction...like what happened in Solheim..." she added,sadly.
Taskforce embassy.
Giyu looked shocked as he was trapped.
"I do not recommend you to hurt Tomioka." Shinobu said with a smile. "Why hurting each other? We are friends!"
"Keira-sama! I need to speak with you!" Tanjiro said to Keira.
Underground maze.
"Yeah,what he said."Zenitsu replied. He sighed. "I could hear the sounds coming from that shape shifting monster... It was too strong..."
Heart of the Forest
SirPrompto15 SirPrompto15

The fiend continued to fight back, but then suddenly it stopped in its tracks and caught fire. The other creatures also caught fire, all burning to ash and disappearing. With their foul mistresses gone, the creatures' connection to this world died with them, and both the civilians and the Kakushi could finally breathe a sigh of relief.

Ladies' Shrine - Cellar
SirPrompto15 SirPrompto15

The exhausted Weavess and the weakened Brewess stood no chance. Weavess was sliced to pieces in a matter of seconds. Brewess' head, still inside its basket, rolled onto the floor as her massive body collapsed. For good measure, Geralt stabbed through the remains of each of their heads with his silver blade.

With all three Crones dead, the boiling lava in the floor cooled, and the remaining tree roots all shriveled up and disappeared. Upstairs the candles around the tapestry all went out, and there was the distinctive groaning of wood as the entire shrine started to collapse.

Utopian Academy of Magic
Margarita Laux-Antille’s Office
SirPrompto15 SirPrompto15

"I know." Margarita said sadly. "Truth be told, I never cared at all for politics. My sole reason for joining the Lodge was to protect my students. To ensure that they would never again fall prey to the political games of others. And yet that's exactly what happened to them in the end..."

She shook her head.

"Anyway... Phil will be expecting me to call on her soon regarding the Corps. I shall instead use that opportunity to ask her about possibly exposing the Taskforce."

Taskforce Embassy
SirPrompto15 SirPrompto15

"Friends?! Is that why you're all hunting me down like a criminal for choosing Utopia's needs over yours?" Keira laughed aloud, but there was no amusement in her scent: only fear and pain that seemed to grow stronger over time.

Then Tanjiro spoke next, saying he needed to talk to Keira.

"There's nothing left to say." Keira said, her tone turning lower and colder. "The king thinks I'm a traitor, and so do all of you. I can tell." There was a deep sadness mingled into her scent now, though Keira hid it well.

"But it doesn't matter what you think. Not anymore." Keira said icily. "You can't even begin to understand what you and the king have done. If you had any idea what you stand to lose, you'd all be on your knees begging Phil for mercy."
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DawnsEarlyLight DawnsEarlyLight

Ladies's shrine

"We need to get out of here,now!" Muichiro shouts. Marcus,Mitsuri,Muichiro and Joshua headed for the trapdoor and climbed up,getting out of the cellar.
Heart of the forrest.
Torgal whined in confusion after the beast was gone. He shook the ash off his fur.
"At least it's over." Genya said to himself. Marcus,Muichiro,Mitsuri and Joshua emerged from the shrine.
Utopian academy of magic
"A very wise choice." Gentiana replied. A knock was heard on the door.

Taskforce embassy.
"You are no criminal. The king's advisor must be paranoid." Giyu replied.
"Your scent....you are affraid and sad. I can understand." Tanjiro said to Keira. " Going to the Taskforce is not a good idea! Please reconsider!"
Heart of the Forest
SirPrompto15 SirPrompto15

As soon as the shrine started to collapse, the Kakushi immediately sprang into action once more. They banded together to evacuate everyone as quickly as possible, especially those among the captives who were too severely injured to climb the ladder on their own. Once everyone was safely out, one particularly intrepid Kakushi even managed to retrieve Mitsuri’s sakura mochi before they could be lost in the collapse.

The tapestry on the inner wall suddenly caught fire during the collapse, setting the rest of the wreckage ablaze as well. The civilians gathered a safe distance outside could only watch in confusion and shock as the group returned with several horrifically wounded demon slayers.

"Ladies preserve us!" The old woman from the shrine cried out in horror. "What happened?!"

Utopian Academy of Magic
Margarita Laux-Antille’s Office
SirPrompto15 SirPrompto15

The sudden knock startled Margarita. Had someone else overheard everything just now? Where would all of this end?

Motioning for Jill and Gentiana to keep quiet, Margarita carefully approached the door and opened it just enough to peek outside.


Taskforce Embassy
SirPrompto15 SirPrompto15

"Spare me the sympathetic act!" Keira snapped... but after a moment, her composure weakened, and she sighed heavily and shook her head. Giyu's sword arm was released, and he was dropped back to the ground.

"What am I saying? Of course it's not an act. You demon slayers are too honest for your own good." Keira looked up at the three demon slayers, ignoring the warning growls of the dragon behind them.

"You should have just stuck to slaying demons." Keira mused. "Honor like yours has no place in politics. It just might get you all killed soon."
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Taskforce Prison Facility
Underground Maze

As both he and the creature left in the opposite direction, fate looked back with a sad look in his eyes. How did something like that lose its sight? It was a shame. That was all he could think about that creature. Placing Greed back in his sheath. Continuing to walk down the hall.

That was he saw something ahead of him. It was a completely black creature that looked like an ant that was walking on two legs. He stopped walking and almost yelped in surprise. However, he kept his mouth shut as he pulled Greed once more pointing it at the ant.

Beru looked at the human that had been fighting the creature as he pointed his blade at him. His Monarch told him not to fight, because he could kill a possible ally. Cocking his head to the side as he just turned to his side and pointed down the hall. As long as he was not attacked, he wouldn’t attack. He was not able to speak to the child. So, he could only do what he could. That was the point and take this child to his master.

“Good. I have some friends further back that way.” Sung said, pointing behind him. Time was not on their side. He had spent too long out of his cell, and if he was found out then he was going to pay for it. He might even end up as a test subject. So, he really needed to get all of these people together and in one spot. So, they could help one another.

“My time is running out. So, is he with us?” Sung, said pointing at the mummy.

Turning to look out the door he didn’t say a word. He had already told Sung about what was happening. He was just going to do his duty. That was all.


Ubuyashiki residence

Plans? He really didn’t have any plans. His whole goal was to meet with Wright. Anything else was an unexpected situation. So, he didn’t know how to answer that question. He thought for a moment and still nothing came to mind. Well one thing did, but he doubted the Master would allow him to fight the two that he encountered earlier. He wanted to see how far their power went. See if they were strong enough to give him a challenge. But he was not going to ask that. So, he just smiled.

“I have no plans. My mission was only to have a conversation with Wright and try to get supplies for ‘her’ goals.”


Noctis and Ignis's room.

Chuckling slightly at the way Wright was presenting himself he could only imagine what was going through his head. Crossing his arms and leaning against the wall relaxed he just stared at Wright.

“Finally someone asks.” He said as he just shook his head. “My name is Hua Cheng. I am one of the Ghost King’s of my world.” He said in reply as he just shook his head. “If you want to know more, ask those two. I am not going to repeat myself.”
DawnsEarlyLight DawnsEarlyLight


Heart of the forrest.
"Well,there was an accident unfortunatly..."Marcus lied while covering his cut cheek.
"You recovered my sakura mochi! You are so kind!" Mitsuri said to the kakushi.
Utopian academy of magic.
"Hi Ms Laus Antille." Rinoa replied. Fortunatly,Rinoa didn't here the conversation as she just got here. Jill and Gentiana stayed quiet. "I was thinking...The lodge...well...I'm interested in joining."
Taskforce embassy.
"I only joinned the Corps to help my sister regain her humanity."Tanjiro replied. "Our honor,getting us killed..well,there might be truth in all of this.." Giyu replied. "Forget Tomioka,he's dosrn't know about politics." Shinobu replied.
Shadow Monarch Shadow Monarch
Underground maze

"I shall join you then. The more we are,the sooner we can get out." Clive replied. "And the mummy,yes it's on our side now."


Ubuyashiki residence
"Her you say? You mesn the leader of the resistance?" Tengen asked. "I shall send a Kasugai crow to Wright-sama and let him know that you need to speak with him." Kagaya proposed.

Noctis and Ignis's room.

"Ghost king? That makes you royalty too?" Noctis asked. " Oh it's a good thing you're here too Mr Wright. You'll be able to help us get out of this mess."
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Taskforce Prison Facility
Underground Maze
Shadow Monarch Shadow Monarch & SirPrompto15 SirPrompto15

Slightly unnerved by Greed’s silence on the matter, Edgeworth tried to focus on the task at hand. However, the booming voice that shook throughout the entire labyrinth also echoed within the small room where he and the two young demon slayers were holed up.

“What in the world was that?” Edgeworth asked himself, not liking the look of this little omen at all.


As the mummy finished calling out, his booming voice echoing through the corridors, four streams of black mist flew overhead and converged around the mummy, condensing into more solid forms. Sung would have quickly recognized one of them as the same massive, boil-covered humanoid that had come dangerously close to finding Edgeworth, Zenitsu, and Nezuko. The pale, eyeless entity with a sarcophagus chained to his back appeared next: the same creature that had previously attacked Fate near the abandoned research lab. But the other two creatures would have been unfamiliar to any of the people present.

The next creature to appear was a truly gruesome entity. He had five arms extended from very lopsided positions: two from his left side and three from his right side. In place of his missing lower jaw, there was a large gaping mouth in his chest filled with razor sharp teeth, a giant red tongue protruding from the maw. His natural eyes were perpetually rolled back and bleeding, but multiple other eyes dotted the front of his torso. What looked like part of his intestines was wrapped around the thigh of one of his two distended legs, which ended in deformed, almost cloven-looking feet that made him walk in a very awkward way.

The last cloud of black smoke seemed to disappear altogether. However, the sound of boiling water and the distinct smell of sulfur now emanated from the spot where the cloud was last seen.

Once all four clouds had manifested, the creatures began to converse with one another in a foreign language. Despite there being only four entities visible, there were a total of five distinctive voices speaking. If Clive were to extend his telepathy to each of them, he would be able to hear more of their conversation.

“Brother Mejai…” Rathos addressed the others. “Where is Ouphris?”

“The Eyeless Witch took him above again.”
Said another voice, even though none of the visible creatures had spoken. “She had him take the form of a little girl, then told him to wait in a cell and kill whoever tried to free him. I saw it all undetected.”

“Setting another trap, is she?”
Boil-Covered Hulk hissed. “That witch isn’t half as clever as she thinks she is.”

“But if her trap DOES succeed, perhaps Ouphris will let me have the bodies again!”
Five Arms said giddily. “I’m in need of more parts for my collection.”

“Again, Ataimon?”
Sarcophagus Man said to Five Arms, annoyed. “Your body’s too heavy as it is! You can barely even walk!”

“Enough! Hear me now, brothers!”
Rathos roared to the assembled group, briefly motioning toward Clive. “This boy claims he can help us find the king’s descendants. If so, then our suffering is nearly at an end.”

Heart of the Forest
SirPrompto15 SirPrompto15

"Oh, well... it was nothing. Just doing my job." The Kakushi in question said, despite visibly blushing behind his mask as he handed the mochi back to Lady Kanroji.

“Will you be needing any help?” The old woman asked, deciding not to question it any further. As unfortunate as the loss of the shrine was, the wounds on the lower ranked demon slayers were clearly the bigger priority.

Meanwhile Geralt took a final, hard look at the ruins of the shrine before returning his focus to the rest of the group.

“I’ll search the wreckage to make sure no curses were left behind. While I’m at it, I can deal with any questions they may have later on.” Geralt offered, knowing that the others didn’t have time to waste on the subject of the Crones any longer. “Can you make it back to the city on your own?”

Utopian Academy of Magic
Margarita Laux-Antille’s Office
SirPrompto15 SirPrompto15

Margarita froze at Rinoa's words. Rinoa knew of the Lodge, yet she still wanted to join? And now of all times?

"There was a time when I'd have gladly introduced you to them, Rinoa." Margarita said candidly. “But after what became of my previous students, partly because of my association with the Lodge… now I’m not so sure. And under the current circumstances, absolutely not. I can’t give any details now, but it would be too dangerous, for you and for everyone close to you.”

Noctis‘ & Ignis’ Room
Shadow Monarch Shadow Monarch & SirPrompto15 SirPrompto15

”Really?” Wright asked, a bit surprised at being put on the spot like this. Had something happened just now, that everyone was acting so worried all of a sudden? Did this Hua Cheng have anything to do with it?

”Pleased to meet you.” Wright bowed politely to both Noctis and the ‘Ghost King’.

”So… how can I help you, Your Majesty?”

Taskforce Embassy
Back Entrance
SirPrompto15 SirPrompto15

"To be perfectly honest, none of you do." Keira said bluntly.

With the tension diffused for now, Saskia reverted to her human form and moved to stand with the other demon slayers.

"I've met the real Sheala de Tansarville before, so I know you're not her." Saskia said coolly, her arms folded. "You must be Keira Metz. Former advisor to the late King Foltest of Temeria... and esteemed member of the regicidal Lodge of Sorceresses."

"And one of the only ones who could have saved all of you." Keira retorted. "But you refused our help, and now it's too late. Utopia's fate hangs by a thread, and soon your precious Corps will be reduced to slaves at most. But I'll not be dragged down with you when it happens. I've been given a way out, and unlike you, I intend to use it."
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DawnsEarlyLight DawnsEarlyLight
Underground maze.
Clive watched as other creatures answered the call of the mummy. Others like him perhaps?
He listened to their conversation. One of their own didn't answer the call. "Ouphris" They also mentioned about an " eyeless witch".
"An eyeless witch you say?" Clive asked. "She is the one who trapped me here."
Utopia Embassy
"Yes,we do understand that things are...complicated to say the least..." Giyu replied. "It's not just for the potential rescue mission,defeating Muzan will be difficult as well."
"What do you mean?" Tanjiro asked. "We had intel that Muzan has become a benefactor for the Taskforce. So as long as him and his kizuki are part of the Taskforce,we can't defeat him."
Tanjiro looked worried.
Heart of the forest.
"Help would be appreciated. Thank you!" Muichiro replied.
"We...should be fine." Marcus replied. "You can take care of any remaining buisness you have."
Noctis and Ignis's room

"Well...we do have a political problem on our hands." Ignis replied to Wright. "You might remember about young Mr Agatsuma from the Demon Slayer Corps?"
Rinoa raised an eyebrow.
"I....I don't understand. I'm doing alot of progress. I want to help the world like I did with the Forrest owls." Rinoa replied.
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Heart of the Forest
SirPrompto15 SirPrompto15

“Thanks. Farewell then.” Geralt said, then turned to walk back toward the ruins of the shrine.

Meanwhile, having just received the consent of the Corps, the civilians immediately stepped in to aid in whatever the wounded demon slayers needed, working with the Kakushi to ensure they received proper first aid, food, water, and rest.

Utopian Academy of Magic
Margarita Laux-Antille’s Office
SirPrompto15 SirPrompto15

"I know you do, Rinoa, truly." Margarita sighed. "But the truth is, the Lodge is far less noble than the Forest Owls were. The Forest Owls were dedicated exclusively to stopping the tyranny of the Galbadian regime. The Lodge cares little about stopping any sort of tyranny unless it threatens the Lodge's own interests."

After a moment, however, another realization dawned on Margarita, and she looked Rinoa in the eyes.

"But there is one thing you can do." Margarita said. "The Demon Slayer Corps has recently caught the attention of the Lodge, and not in a good way. The Corps have done nothing wrong, but I still have reason to fear for their safety, the Master and the Hashira in particular. They can't know of the Lodge yet or it would make things worse... but could you watch over them, discreetly?"

Noctis‘ & Ignis’ Room
Shadow Monarch Shadow Monarch & SirPrompto15 SirPrompto15

“Zenitsu Agatsuma, right? Tanjiro Kamado’s friend? Yeah, I remember him.” Wright replied. How could he possibly forget how the poor boy had spoken up about inhumane experiments being done on him, which Ms. Eilhart had tried to cover up by saying he was being treated for violent sleepwalking episodes?

Taskforce Embassy
Back Entrance
SirPrompto15 SirPrompto15

As Giyu spoke, Keira’s jaw dropped. Tanjiro would have immediately picked up scents of shock, disbelief, and a very palpable fear emanating from her now.

“Rescue?!“ Keira shrieked. “You’ve ignored every sensible warning not to get involved, and now you’re considering a rescue?! Are you trying to have Utopia wiped off the map, or are you just incredibly stupid?” After a moment, however, she sighed as she shook her head.

“I will only explain this to you once. If by then you still can't get it through your thick skulls, then you really are as hopeless as Philippa says." Keira said more calmly. She took a deep breath before continuing.

"You, the Demon Slayer Corps, are part of Utopia's formal military. Utopia is directly responsible for every little thing you say or do outside of Utopia. An attack by a Corps member is an attack by Utopia itself, and it is Utopia who must face the consequences."

"Now consider the Taskforce. Say what you will about the Taskforce or their methods, but they were lawfully established by the 120 as a form of national defense. Any attack on the Taskforce is an attack on the 120 themselves, and can and will be punished as such. Attempting to rescue any Taskforce detainee without the consent of the 120 would qualify as such an attack."

"Now imagine what would happen if the Demon Slayer Corps were to proceed with a rescue attempt, regardless of whether or not you succeed. In the eyes of the world, such a rescue mission would constitute a direct attack by Utopia on the 120. The 120 would then be well within their rights to declare war on Utopia. Singapore would be forced to revoke their protection agreement with Utopia or risk war with the 120 as well. King Noctis' only hope to save Utopia would be to give back the rescued detainees AND hand over the rescuers to the Taskforce as well, and not even THAT is guaranteed to appease the 120."

Keira gave Tanjiro a cold, solemn glance. Despite her icy tone and glare, there were the undeniable scents of sympathy and sadness.

"All this and more, because you want your loved ones back."
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Heart of the forrest
"Nice to have met you!" Muichiro said to Geralt. Genya,Mitsuri and the two Hashira acepted the Kakushi and villagers's help. "I suppose one of you is a vet,right?" Joshua asked. "Torgal might need some medical assistance.
Marcus on the other hand,kept his distances,trying to treat his own wounds.
Rinoa looked disappointed. "I know. You told me about them. But perharps we can..." Then her mentor asked her for a favor,involving the Demon Slayer Corps. "S...Sure! I can do that!" "I'll keep an eye on her so she won't try anything stupid." Squall replied from behind her.
"Squall,did you follow me?!" Rinoa shouts.
"Well someone has to make sure you don't try anything reckless." Squall replied.
"Sleepwalking episodes,yeah right..." Noctis replied. "What he said sounds sincere."
"It's a shame it wasn't recorded. We could have used this as proof." Ignis replied.
Taskforce Embassy.
"Please forgive Tomioka Keira sama. He can keep his mouth shut when he does talk!" Shinobu replied with a smile.
"You are right...attempting to go through the Taskforce to get Zenitsu and Nezuko would be reckless."
Tanjiro looked down as Keira looked at him.
"Like you said we are part of the defense of Utopia...howrever,we might need...some lawful support..."
Shinobu's explaination was cut short when a familiar figure came to them. He was dressed in a black outfit and tie and glasses under an umbrella,but the Corps regonised him.
Upper moon 2 Doma.
"Lady Keira! So nice of you to join us! Lady Phillipa shall be pleased!" He then saw the Demon slayer Corps. " Oh...I see you had them escort you. I shall take it from here gentlemen!" Doma added.
He then looked at both Shinobu and Tanjiro. "It's a shame really. Your love's ones's lives belongs to the Taskforce. Nothing you can do about it." He added,trying to hide a laughing grin.
"There is something I can do..." Tanjiro replied. "Come again?" Doma asked. Tanjiro looked back up,his face showing determination.
"I want to join the Taskforce!"
Shinobu and Giyu looked shocked.
Taskforce Prison Facility
Underground Maze

Sung nodded his head as the mummy let out a loud cry. This caused more of the creatures to arrive in clouds of mist. All he could do for now was to wait. They had already agreed to come along. He just allowed them to converse and talk amongst themselves. Right now, he had more on his mind than to worry about what the creatures were talking amongst themselves. He knew that the more people they had on their side the better. Even if they weren't human. Hell, he dealt in creatures that were no longer human.

“Is everything settled?”

Taking a different route Sephiroth had made his way through the labyrinth as he heard voices ahead of him. The voices were low, and sounded like they were trying to stay hidden. A smile crept on his face as he grew closer to the sound. When he got close enough, he saw a creature with a skull-like mask in front of a passageway. He didn’t waste any time and quickly dispatched the creature. Walking into the room he saw two boys and one girl. Recognizing that they shouldn’t be out of their cages he approached them with his sword drawn.

“Why are you stalking about? Shouldn’t you be in your cells?”


Ubuyashiki residence

Pyo looked at the two that were with him and nodded his head.

“She was the one who sent me. Though, I am beginning to wonder if I, choose the right side in this war.” Pyo said as he stood up from the chair and looked at the two once more. He had been questioning himself since he began speaking to this man. All he wanted was peace after everything he had done. He had gotten the strength to protect what was important to him in his world, and then lost what was important to him in this one.

“I would like time to think. So, don’t send the crow. Wright should be here by tomorrow. By then I will have things sorted out.”


Noctis and Ignis's room.

“Royalty?” Hua Cheng asked. As he looked at the men. “Not so much royalty. My title was given to me by actions and power. Not by a birthright. So, don’t think of us as the same. I am the ruler of the Ghost city in my world. Even the Heavenly court is nothing to me.” he said as he just shook his head and shrugged his shoulders.

“So, this is the man who might be able to help?” He asked inquisitively, as he looked the man over. He didn’t sense any power from the man. So, why is it because he was smart, that the king trusted him so much?

“Knowledge is power, and none of you have that power right now. Your rescue mission is full of inconsistencies, and a lack of understanding of what your enemy is capable of.”
Taskforce Prison Facility
Underground Maze
Shadow Monarch Shadow Monarch & SirPrompto15 SirPrompto15

When their guardian was suddenly slain, Edgeworth instinctively reached to pull Zenitsu and Nezuko behind him, but then realized what he was doing and stopped himself from holding them back. He may have been the only adult among the trio, but the two youngsters were undeniably better suited than him for a physical fight like this. In contrast, Edgeworth's primary skills were better suited for strategic thinking, so that was what he needed to focus on right now.

Nezuko stepped in front of Edgeworth and Zenitsu without hesitation, holding out her arms defensively in front of them and snarling at Sephiroth. Her tiny physical form rapidly matured from a toddler to an adult woman, with vine-like patterns appearing on her skin and a single small horn growing out of the side of her forehead. By all accounts she could hold her own easily enough...

But Edgeworth still had his concerns about Zenitsu. The boy had just barely started recovering from his trauma, and now this. Panicking at a time like this would only get Zenitsu killed, so the first order of business was to keep the boy calm and thinking clearly. At the very least Edgeworth could buy him some time to collect himself from this latest shock.

“You’re not like the other guards down here.” Edgeworth noted, using this opportunity to glean as much information as he could from the swordsman. “Who are you? What business do you have with the Taskforce?”

Utopian Academy of Magic
Margarita Laux-Antille’s Office
SirPrompto15 SirPrompto15

“Thank you. Both of you.” Margarita said, becoming a bit more relaxed now.

“Then in that case, I see no point in keeping any more secrets from you in this matter. Jill and Miss Gentiana already know the whole story, but you should know as well, so that you may be better prepared for what lies ahead. Would you both come in for a moment?”

Noctis‘ & Ignis’ Room
Shadow Monarch Shadow Monarch & SirPrompto15 SirPrompto15

“Zenitsu’s word alone isn’t decisive evidence per se, but it’s a start.” Wright replied. So that’s what they needed his help with. They wanted to expose the Taskforce’s crimes in order to free the detainees once and for all. If they could actually pull this off…

Wright needed no more convincing. This was their chance to finish what Edgeworth started and finally end the persecution, and Wright was all for it.

“If it’s information you need, the upcoming investigation will be critical. As long as we stick to the terms of the agreement today, the Taskforce has to let us investigate as much as we need to.” Wright began.

“In fact, the 120 may not be as much of an enemy as we might think. They all seemed pretty shocked when Zenitsu mentioned the Taskforce doing experiments on him. Not to mention the Taskforce lost a lot of credibility in the 120 back when Edgeworth was doing exposés for the Resistance. This may just be a hunch, but it looks like the Taskforce has been keeping a lot of secrets from the 120.”

Wright thought to say something else, but stopped himself and looked toward Hua Cheng.

“There may be one other thing, but first…” Wright said next. “What’s your connection to all of this?”

Taskforce Embassy
Back Entrance
SirPrompto15 SirPrompto15

There was a sudden scent of surprise, and Keira’s expression softened once again. That was so much easier than she had expected. Lady Kocho had even anticipated the need for ‘lawful support’, which seemed to imply some sort of plan to avoid everything Keira had warned them about just now. It seemed the Corps really were smarter than Keira and Philippa had given them credit for.

Saskia's expression softened as well. She knew better than to fully trust anyone associated with the Lodge of Sorceresses, but it looked like something they all said had gotten through to Keira. At the very least, they had managed to disprove her harsh criticisms of them from before, and it seemed Keira had taken notice of that.

But before Keira could say or do anything further, a blond man with Japanese kanji in his eyes arrived to deliver Keira to the Taskforce. Then Tanjiro, in his desperation, declared that he wanted to join the Taskforce. It was incredibly quick thinking on his part, but he was much too kindhearted to really fool anyone in that regard.

Right now the blond man was the priority. The Corps' reactions meant that this man was likely a demon, and a high-ranking one at that. They had finally gotten through to Keira to some extent, but this demon could easily ruin all of that. It was time to prove to Keira that remaining aligned with Utopia was the wiser decision.

“I think not.” Saskia said firmly, stepping between Keira and the man. “Lady Metz is still an official member of the Utopian delegation to this country, under the protection of the Utopian government. And while Corps may be formal members of Utopia’s defense, I am not, so don’t try to claim my intervention in any way implicates Utopia in any misconduct.”
Shadow Monarch Shadow Monarch @DawnEarlyLight
Underground maze
"So,what now? I suppose you have more allies to your side?" Clive asked his new ally,Sung.
Zenitsu looked shocked as he saw the silver haired man slaying their bodyguard. "No,no,no! I don't want to go back to the cell...I don't..." he suddently collasped and fell asleep. It didn't last long though as he quickly got up,despite his eyes still being closed.

"Thunder breathing...first form...thunderclap and flash...eightfold!"

He blitzes toward Sephiroth,attempting a series of eight slashing strikes.

Ubuyashiki resisdence
"You are welcome to stay in the meantime." Ubuyashiki replied."We will escort you to a guest room for the night,if it's alright with you."
"Well...sure..." Rinoa replied,abit concerned. She went inside,followed by Squall. "I don't have all day." Squall replied,annoyed.
Marcus received a call through his com. "Alright...I'll go,even though I'm not really...well...I'll go." He ended before ending the conversation. He went to see Mitsuri and Muichiro.
"New mission..I'm asigned to escort you to the Demon Slayer Corps headquarters." Marcus replied.
"You don't seem enthousiastic about going..." Muichiro said.
"I can't explain." Marcus replied.
"Nice to meet you all!" Mitsuri said to Joshua,Torgal and Geralt.
"Likewise!" Joshua replied.
The demon Slayer group waved goodbye to their new friends.
Demon Slayer Corps HQ
Marcus followed the Hashira and Genya to the Ubuyashiki resisdence. "So this is where it is in this world...sign,even though it looks like home, I don't belong here." Marcus muttered to himself.
Noctis and Ignis's room.
"Right now the Taskforce has the law on their side,but with enough proof,we might expose the Taskforce and free the detainees as you mentioned Mr Wright."
"Yeah,what's your story,other then telling us there's no hope?" Noctis asked Hua Cheug.
Taskforce embassy.
"This is the only way...to be with my sister snd my friend once again." Tanjiro replied.
"Ah,ha,but Lady Meiz over here is part of Phillippa-sama's Lodge and the Lodge sides with the Taskforce." Doma replied.
"No matter...I'll play with you for a little bit. As far as I'm concerned,you're intruders that need to be disposed of." Three ice clones of Doma materialised at his side.
Shinobu was the first to react,bringing out her Ninchirin katana.
"Now now,you can't do anything against me Miss Kocho." Doma taunted.
"I am with the Tadkforce."
"I do doubt they know they have demons on their side...or they know and hide that fact?" Shinobu replied.
"They DO know...but you and your other Demon Slayer friends will not be there to tell the truth!"
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Taskforce Prison Facility
Underground Maze
Shadow Monarch Shadow Monarch & SirPrompto15 SirPrompto15

“Zenitsu!” Edgeworth turned to catch Zenitsu as the latter passed out from fear.

But then suddenly, as quickly as he had passed out, Zenitsu calmly got back up. His eyes were still closed, but he still seemed fully aware of his surroundings. And now, instead of screaming and crying in fear like before, Zenitsu gripped his sword and faced this new threat head-on.

When Zenitsu attacked, Nezuko joined the fight as well, leaping at Sephiroth from the opposite side to try to claw at him.

Fully aware that he could not join the fight directly, Edgeworth immediately moved out of the way and retreated to the narrow space behind the embalming table. From here he could avoid becoming a liability to either Zenitsu or Nezuko, while still carefully observing the fight in hopes of finding a weakness that the two fighters could exploit.

Utopian Academy of Magic
Margarita Laux-Antille’s Office
SirPrompto15 SirPrompto15

Once Squall and Rinoa were inside, Margarita immediately proceeded to bring them both fully up to speed on the situation, not withholding even a single detail from either of them. She even used her megascope crystals in a spell to replay each of her conversations with Keira and Philippa up to now. They all needed to be fully prepared for whatever might lie ahead.

“Miss Gentiana raised the possibility of exposing the Taskforce’s crimes instead, and I intend to propose exactly that to the Lodge when next we meet. But unless by some miracle Philippa’s opinion of the Corps improves, I fear that would only delay the Lodge’s plans at most.” Margarita finished her explanation. “Jill, Miss Gentiana… since you both know of all this as well, you are both welcome to assist Squall and Rinoa as well, if you wish.”

Heart of the Forest
SirPrompto15 SirPrompto15

After all had said their goodbyes and went their separate ways, Geralt returned to the ruins of the shrine. Despite the relatively small size of the structure, it took a long time for Geralt to finish sifting through the wreckage, but eventually he found a small wooden chest containing exactly what he was looking for:

A small silver medallion in the shape of a wolf, identical to Geralt’s own medallion.

Satisfied with his find, Geralt pocketed the retrieved medallion and then finally turned his back on the ruins for good. Maybe someday he could find Ciri and give it back to her, but for now there was nothing left for him in this accursed place.

Taskforce Embassy
Back Entrance
SirPrompto15 SirPrompto15

Quickly realizing what Doma’s clones were made of, Saskia changed into her dragon form once again and aimed her fiery breath directly at the clones to melt them.

Keira watched both sides carefully, not quite able to bring herself to support either side right now. With a fight starting to break out and no clear winner yet, the best Keira could do was to wait and see how things would unfold, then throw her support behind the winning side. Philippa would surely have wanted nothing less.
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DawnsEarlyLight DawnsEarlyLight

Utopian academy of magic
Margarita 's office.
Jill,Gentiana,Rinoa and Squall watched the conversation. They slso listened to Rita's plans. "We need to keep an eye on this Phillippa so she dosen't do anything that would threaten Utopia. This is like with Edea all over again. I just hope that your college is not possed by Ultimecia." Squall replied. Rinoa looked worried as she heard the name. The time traveling sorceress had also taken over her body in the past.
"I'll help as much as I can." Jill replied. "I shall offer my aid as well." Gentiana replied.
Seifer's dorm
Seifer returned to his dorm,after parting way with his two lackies,Fujin and Raijin. He had taken the megascope he had built not too long ago in his dorm after hearing voices from it.
Heart of the forest.
Joshua was reading a letter he just received before he turned his attention to Geralt.

"I should really get going. I promised to meet with Jill at the academy." Joshua told Geralt."I was told a memberof the Lodge qorks there as a teacher."
Taskforce embassy.
Doma looked in shock as his clones melted. "I am no match against a dragon..." Doma replied. He backed away." I must get going. Sorry Lady Meiz,you're on your own!" He left the area. Tanjiro could smell fear coming from the Upper 2 demon.
"Running away,just like last time..." Shinobu replied. "He did this after killing Kanae,my older sister..."
Shadow Monarch Shadow Monarch @DawnEarlyLight
Ubuyashiki residence
Mitsuri,Muichiro and Genya returned to the resisdence along with a nervous Marcus. All of them kneed before the master.
"I'm glad you returned safe and sound." Kagaya replied."Including my missing children." He noticed Marcus. "You are part of the Kingsglaive,am I correct?"
"Y...Yes. I was sent to assist the Corps but my mission isn't over yet. I was told by my superiors to assist you in the next few days." He explained.
"I see very well,you are welcome to stay..."
"Marcus...Blitson..." Marcus replied nervously.
"Marcus,from now on you'll be treated as one of my children." Kagaya replied. "Would you escort Blitson sama to one of our rooms?" He asked one of the Kakushi.
Marcus looked uneasy."A fellow member of the Kingsglaive will come to assist me in this mission as well." Marcus added. "Good to know. We have a room with two beds." Kagaya replied.
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Taskforce Prison Facility
Underground Maze

Chuckling at the fact of the older man trying to protect the two younger children. Then he allows them to take the lead. He looked at them like they were just ants. Even when the two children got ready for battle, he never lost the slight smile on his lips. Then the older man spoke, and his blue green eyes shifted from the children to the older man.

“Oh. So, you do have a little back bone.” Sephiroth said, lifting his sword and pointing it at Edgeworth. “At least you have eyes. I am not here to playhouse.” he said as he sprinted forward to exchange blows with the child. He paired all eight of the slashes aimed at him like they were nothing. He also used his sword to stop the claws of the young woman. They each had strength, but it was nothing that he couldn’t handle. Neither of them was on par with Angel, nor Genesis

“There are three more that are trapped down here like you and these five. I am a different story.” Sung said as his head snapped up when Greed was destroyed. Was there someone strong enough to actually beat Greed? If that was the case, the others might be in danger.

“We have to go now.” Sung said as he pivoted on the balls of his feet. He was about to run at full speed, but he stopped himself. He didn’t want to go too fast and have this man get lost. “The others are in danger. Follow him.” Sung said as a black knight appeared. “He will lead you to the others. Sorry.” Sung apologized as he suddenly disappeared, and the knight waited for the others to make a move before leading them to where his Monarch would be.


Ubuyashiki residence

“Having the time and place to think would be appreciated.” Pyo said as he bowed politely as a new group arrived. The Master spoke to the new people politely as he did when Pyo had just arrived. Though the man was blind, he seemed to see better than anyone. It was like he already knew the man to whom he was now speaking. The man also seemed a little uneasy. He just watched and observed what was happening.


Noctis and Ignis's room.

Hua Cheng only chuckled at the mention of the investigation of the facility. If they only knew half of what he knew, but what fun would it be to give up all of that information right now. They would need to earn it. Though giving them a little bit of an insight won't compromise his position.

“If you think the investigation will go off without a hitch. I think you are going to be in trouble.” Hua Cheng said as he uncrossed his arms and stopped leaning against the wall. Looking at Wright at the moment. “I thought you were smart? Can’t believe that you haven’t figured out some of what you are asking.” He said with a smirk not revealing his hand too readily. He had already explained his position with the king, and he figured that this man must have been as smart as Edgeworth.

“So, many questions. Didn't I already tell you why I came? To think you have such a short memory, Noctis.” Hua Cheng said as he just shrugged his shoulders and shook his head. “Do you think everyone that works for the Taskforce does so of their own will?”
Shadow Monarch Shadow Monarch @DawnEarlyLight
Taskforce maze
Zenitsu backed away from Sephiroth after performing his attack. He was still asleep but was aware as if he was awake. He was like a different person.
"The sounds coming from that man...He's human yet his power is like that of an Upper Rank demon!" He looked at Nezuko. "Be careful Nezuko. That man is dangerous. You can regenerate but still...be carefulWe don't know what this man is capable of." He turned his attention toward Sephitoth.
"Who or are you?" the still sleepwalking Zenitsu asked.
"I shall help. I can't stand if other inocents are trapped here." clive replied to Sung. He quietly followed his new ally.

Ubuyashiki resisdence

"This Kakushi there will lead you to your own room as well." Kagaya replied to Pyo.
Marcus stares at Pyo. "Just who is this guy?" He muttered to himself. "You're the Corps's newest recruit?" He asked Pyo.
Noctis and Ignis's room.
"The way I think how the Taskforce operates,I doubt that anyone here can do as they please." Noctis replied. "And they have Ardyn on their side,that says alot."
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Taskforce Prison Facility
Underground Maze
Shadow Monarch Shadow Monarch & SirPrompto15 SirPrompto15

When Sephiroth repelled Nezuko with his sword, Nezuko saw an opportunity to deliberately slash her own wrist on the blade, letting her blood spray onto the assailant until the wound rapidly healed. Then as she fell back...

"Blood Demon Art... Exploding Blood!"

The blood on Sephiroth suddenly burst into bright pink flames. The flames would only harm Sephiroth if he was any sort of demonic creature, but if not, then at least they would serve as a distraction to let Zenitsu close in.

Then Nezuko and Zenitsu fell back momentarily, and Nezuko moved to stand between Sephiroth and Edgeworth. At least she and Zenitsu could fight back, but Edgeworth was a defenseless civilian. Although for a split second, Nezuko caught the faintest glimpse of her father Tanjuro in the older man.

Utopian Academy of Magic
Margarita Laux-Antille’s Office
SirPrompto15 SirPrompto15

"Unfortunately I can neither confirm nor deny that theory. I only hope it doesn't come to that." Margarita said soberly, pleased to see that Jill and 'Gentiana' were both willing to help as well.

"Witcher Geralt has had his share of encounters with the Lodge in the past. He took leave today to deal with a personal matter, but I'll have him meet you after school in the wisteria gardens outside of the Ubuyashiki estate."

Heart of the Forest
SirPrompto15 SirPrompto15

Geralt froze a bit, stopping to face Joshua once again.

"Not sure what you've heard," Geralt told the younger man, "but there is no more Lodge of Sorceresses; not the one I know of. Only two of its members ever showed up in this world, and they both retired after Utopia was founded."

Noctis‘ & Ignis’ Room
Shadow Monarch Shadow Monarch & SirPrompto15 SirPrompto15

Wright frowned a bit at Hua Cheng's evasiveness, but said nothing for now. The attorney-turned-diplomat had his own hunches, but there was no way he could share his own info now: not in front of this guy who seemed to be actively trying to look as untrustworthy as possible. Wright may have been a risk-taker on more than one occasion, but there was too much at stake on too many levels to drop the ball on this particular front.

Taskforce Embassy
Back Entrance
SirPrompto15 SirPrompto15

"Bloody coward." Saskia muttered to herself upon reverting to her human form. If that was all it took to scare off an Upper Moon...

Now that that was over, Keira eyed the group warily, particularly Saskia.

"You must be Saesenthessis. We've never met, but Philippa spoke of you often." Keira said. "How much of what you said just now did you truly mean?"

"Every word." Saskia said without hesitation. "I'll not lie for the Lodge nor whitewash your deeds. But I saw the way you reacted to the Corps' response to your statements on the possibility of war. You and Philippa really did seek to protect Utopia in your own way, didn't you?"

"Of course we did." Keira said, but not with nearly as much sarcasm as before. "Utopia's destruction is counter to the Lodge's interests. We schemed together, yes, but all to strengthen Utopia as a safe haven for magic."

"Just like Philippa sought to strengthen Vergen before that." Saskia noted, unable to hide a hint of bitterness in her voice. "What is the Lodge planning now?"

"No solid plans yet. Only observations and tentative ideas." Keira replied. "Philippa doesn't yet know you're here, Saskia: not unless that demon happens to be one of her sources."

There was a brief, faint wisp of smoke from Saskia's nostrils as she exhaled sharply. Keira ignored it for now, and eyed the three demon slayers next.

"There is one small detail I could share. Something you three in particular would find very interesting..." Keira smirked a bit, but then dropped it just as quickly. "But I know better than to share anything for free, especially under these conditions. I will have to speak with the king first, and see if we can come to an agreement."

Saskia remained wary, but glanced over at the demon slayers, waiting to see how they would respond.
@DawnEarlyLight Shadow Monarch Shadow Monarch

Underground maze
The still sleepfighting Zenitsu turned to see if both Nezuko and Edgeworth were still alright. " Nezuko, I hope I do not ask too much of you,but could you protect Edgeworth sama for now. I'll take care of this monster. Though I might not be able to defeat him alone. I have to though. We have to get out of here." He focuses and breathes heavilly.

"Thunder breathing...first form..Thunderclap and flash...Godlike speed!!'

Zenitsu blitzes even more faster thrn before toward Sephiroth.

The Thunderclap and flash technique was the only technique Zenitsu had manage to learn properly. Though he created variants of it to compensate of his failure to learn the rest. His adoptive grandfather was still proud of him for that.
"Sounds good to me." Rinoa replied to her mentor. Though the title of her mentor's slly seemed to worry her. "Witcher...as in witch hunter?" She asked,worried.
Taskforce embassy.
"Go on,what is it you want to share with us?" Shinobu asked Keira.
"Though it is more careful to speak with the king first as you said. An Upper Moon being here seems Kibutsuji has managed to get throughthe Taskforce and has them on their side. " Giyu replied.
Shadow Monarch Shadow Monarch
Ubuyashiki residence
"This way,I'll lead you to your quarters." The Kakushi said to Marcus. Marcus followed the Kakushi only nodding to him.
Another Kakushi came to Pyo. " I'll take you to your quarters for the night. Please follow me." He said,starting off.
Marcus's quarters.
"Here it is. I hope the room is alright.
Marcus looked around. "This is perfect. Thank you." The kingsglsive said to the Kakushi with a smile. " If you need anything,just come to see us. " The Kakushi replied before to leave. "Yes,thank you." Marcus replied before to close the door.
He sighs. "I didn't want to come here in the first place...It might look like home but it's only a variant of it.
He looked at his reflection in the mirror,removing the bandage on his right cheek,still revealing the cut showing organic skin through it.
"I need to repair it. The coast might be clear for now but I don't wsnt to get caught." He removes his glasses and puts them on the table. Marcus tried to stay in the shadows as much as possible. The only source of light in the room being the candle on the table near his bed.
He then reaches for the bottom of his neck,pulling it and revealing more organic skin underneith,pulling his face and hair with it. It was just a rubber mask,to hide his true face and identity.
Golden bangs,fell over "Marcus"'s eyes after he removed the mask. He then proceeds in putting the hood of his Kingsglaive uniform up so no one could see him unmasked. They could recognise him,even though he's a variant. the demon Slayer Corps is his home,but not this one. One from an alternate universe.

He puts the mask on the table and gets a needle and some thread ftom his bag. He heats the needle. He then proceeds in repairing the cut on the right cheek of the mask. It only took him half an hour to repair it.
Taskforce Prison Facility
Underground Maze
Shadow Monarch Shadow Monarch & SirPrompto15 SirPrompto15

Nezuko nodded to Zenitsu and proceeded to do exactly that, backing up a bit closer to Mr. Edgeworth, but never once letting Sephiroth out of her sight.

Meanwhile, as Sung disappeared and his servant led Clive and the others to his location, the assembled Mejai began to follow the knight, all except for Sarcophagus Man. Unlike the others, Sarcophagus Man could immediately sense the location of the disturbance that had the shadow sorcerer so riled, and Sarcophagus Man promptly teleported straight there, the chains on the sarcophagus rattling in his wake as he watched the scene dispassionately.

Utopian Academy of Magic
Margarita Laux-Antille’s Office
SirPrompto15 SirPrompto15

"No, not to worry." Margarita assured them. "In my world, witchers are genetically modified humans - typically male - with enhanced physical abilities and a certain degree of magical talent. The procedures they undergo are specially designed to make them into elite monster hunters, which is traditionally how they earn their living. But no witcher I've ever encountered would consider a mage to be a monster. And Geralt in particular is no friend of witch hunters."

Taskforce Embassy
Back Entrance
SirPrompto15 SirPrompto15

Keira did not comment further. Technically she could still just enter the embassy and they would be legally powerless to stop her, but if there really was still some hope left for this administration, Phil would surely want her to explore it. And so, with her bargaining chip still in hand, she silently motioned for the others to take the lead.

Utopian Academy of Magic
Seifer's Dormitory
SirPrompto15 SirPrompto15

As soon as Seifer's megascope was properly set up, the crystals crackled with energy as a female holographic image manifested itself within the circle. Standing in the center of the circle was a dark-eyed redhead, wearing a dress that was technically decent but left just enough skin exposed to draw attention to exactly the right places.

"Seifer. You’re looking well." The woman said in a crisply professional tone. "How goes your mission?"
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DawnsEarlyLight DawnsEarlyLight Shadow Monarch Shadow Monarch

Underground maze.
Clive looked surprised as he noticed that the Mejai followed him. He smiled. "Wait til the others see this." He said to himself. He followed Sung's servant.

"Thanks for the heads up." Squall said to Rita."So this "Witcher " can be trusted?" Squall asked. " Lady Rita knows him so he can be trusted!" Rinoa replied.

Seifer's dorm.
Seifer wasn't surprised as he saw the hologram appear.
" A pain,really." Seifer replied to the woman. This academy is just as worst as Balamb garden was. By the way,even your olf friend Margarita dosen't suspect a thing! " He added,arms crossed. " I must say though,making this megascope was easy. Now,what is the next step? I'm your knight after all."

Taskforce facillity
Back entrance.
The Demon Slayer headed back to the hotel.
" So,Tanjiro. You want to go forward with your plan? You won't be able to get out." Giyu asked Tanjiro.
"It might be the only way until Wright san finds evidence against the Taskforce." Tanjiro replied.
"Well,Zenitsu did say about the experiments they done on him. " Shinobu replied. " You heard this during the meeting as well,right?" She asked Keira.
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Taskforce Prison Facility
Underground Maze

“Such eager children.” Sephiroth said as the young man backed away from him. The young lady’s blood got on him, and she spoke some words as the blood suddenly caught fire. Yet the pink flames didn’t hurt him. So he had no idea what they were supposed to be used for.

Staying where he stood watching both of the children he didn’t move. Only waiting to see what happened next. Then the young man compared him to a high ranking demon. He also mentioned that he could hear him. This got him thinking about this person's abilities. Each word spoken only made him more interested in the child. Then he asked him who or what he was. Such a simple question, but what would the answer be?

“I am a soldier. That is all you need to know.” Sephiroth said as Zenitsu rushed towards him at an incredible speed. He didn’t move as he just parried the sword that came at him. That was when he realized the child was actually asleep. So, he was not using his eyes to fight. So, he must have been using his ears. He did mention that he could hear he was human.

“So, that is how it is. Interesting!” Sephiroth said as he then pushed off Zenitsu's sword, jumping back. He was still not worried a bit when suddenly he jumped into the air landing behind Edgeworth.

In the door where he had once stood was Sung. A red dagger in his hand and a serious look on his face. Sephiroth on the other hand was calm, and as he landed, he placed a hand on the older man's shoulder. “You all should choose your fights a little better.”

Sung cursed under his breath as he had missed his target. Though how he missed he didn’t know. He hadn't made a single noise on his approach. Yet the man was able to dodge.

“Don’t involve people that can’t fight.”


Ubuyashiki residence

Pyo looked at the young man who addressed him with a blank stare. To him this man seemed like he was a little too curious. However, he didn’t need to tell him anything if he didn‘t want to. Yet he didn’t see any reason to not say anything.

“My name is Pyo, and I am not a recruit. Well in the most common of terms. I was introduced to the master here, and he offered me a place. Though, I am here on business.” Pyo said as he bowed his head to the Kakushi.

“Can you lead the way?” He asked as he followed the man to his room. Which so happens to be right next to the man that had just arrived. Entering his room without as much as looking at the man he closed the door. He looked around the modestly decorated room and chose to take a seat.


Noctis and Ignis's room.

Cocking his head to the side Hua Cheng heard the name Ardyn. This was his first time hearing that name, and it made him wonder if there was a new player in this little game. He would need to check that out as soon as he got back. He didn't think there would be someone else that would willingly fight with the taskforce. He shook his head and got his thoughts back into the conversation.

Yet this conversation had seemed to become stale. Maybe he should say something to liven the conversation up? He could tell that Wright was an uptight person. Who didn’t like to show his hand either. Maybe they were a bit alike. Though he doubted it. He just believed the man had trust issues. Though he truly didn’t give him a reason to trust him. A smirk crossed his lips as he turned to face Wright.

“I am not the only one keeping secrets.” Hua Cheng said as he uncrossed his arms and took a step towards Wright. “If I am not wrong. There is a visitor to the prison that is working under your orders.”
Shadow Monarch Shadow Monarch @DawnEarlyLight

Underground maze.
Zenitsu backed away abit as he was pushed back by Sephiroth. "Soldier?" He replied in confusion. This man was human,but the sounds coming from him...Here was something more. As if this man was changed to be more then human. This was a difficult fight. Now the man was next to...
"Edgeworth-san!!!" Zenitsu shouts. This all changed when Sung arrived,with reinforcements.
Zenitsu could detect the sounds of this new ally. He was human,but there was something else inside of him. Something...not human.

Clive stood next to Sung. His eyes glew red and a red firery aura surounded him.

"You should know better then to pick on innocents!" he said to Sephiroth.

Ubuyashiki residence
The Kakushi led Pyo to his room,next to Marcus's
In his room,Marcus heard familiar sounds coming from the room next to him. He lowered his hood and puts the mask back on along with his glasses.
He made sure everything was in place. He didn't want to get caught.
He knocks on the door of Pyo's room. Little did he know that the repaired cut on the right cheek of his mask hasn't fully dried yet and abit of rubber was melting.
Noctis and Ignis's room.

Noct and Ignis could tell that their guest had no clue who Ardyn was.
"No surprise. Ardyn is the sneaky type...wait who work for him?" He asked,mentioning Wright's agent.
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Taskforce Prison Facility
Underground Maze
Shadow Monarch Shadow Monarch & SirPrompto15 SirPrompto15

Edgeworth turned in surprise as Sephiroth suddenly appeared behind him. The assailant could easily have taken him hostage right then and there, but chose to simply let him go. Sephiroth was toying with them. They were no match for him, and he knew it. Not even the arrival of Sung with reinforcements seemed to faze him in the slightest.

As Edgeworth tried to think of something, Sarcophagus Man snarled at all the light in the room and rushed at Sephiroth. The other monsters took this as their cue to attack as well, while Edgeworth used whatever opening this provided to try to get Zenitsu and Nezuko out of the crossfire.

Noctis' and Ignis' Room
Shadow Monarch Shadow Monarch & SirPrompto15 SirPrompto15

Wright froze momentarily, but quickly recomposed himself. He never would have expected this man to know his little secret. Did anyone else in the Taskforce know? Had Sung been compromised already? A knot of anxiety tightened in Wright's stomach, but he kept a solid poker face as he bowed his head to King Noctis.

"Your Highness... I have a confession to make. Truth is, I was going to tell you right now, before I realized we had a guest." He eyed Hua Cheng warily once again, but this time didn't let it faze him. Now that the only stranger in the room already knew, there was no point in keeping this secret from the young king any longer.

"When Utopia started officially accepting refugees from other worlds, my first instinct was to try to reach out to Miles Edgeworth. He's a good friend of mine, and I knew he'd be the perfect diplomatic asset for Utopia. To be honest, I was planning to nominate him for Minister of Foreign Affairs." Wright began, but didn't let himself dwell on that for too long.

"But Edgeworth was still doing exposés for the Resistance at the time. I had no way to contact him, and I couldn't just abandon my post to go looking for him. So I hired someone to find Edgeworth and help him escape to Utopia, without drawing attention from either the Taskforce or the Resistance. I didn't tell you any of this because I didn't want to risk you taking the blame if anyone found out what I did."

With all of that out of the way, Wright lifted his head to meet the young king's gaze.

"All this was before Edgeworth had his big falling out with the Resistance. Before they handed him over to the Taskforce." Wright said a bit sourly, but only for a moment. "But Edgeworth's not the kind of guy to let politics get in the way of the truth, so we were prepared for that. The guy I hired is probably searching the Taskforce's prison base even as we speak. And knowing Edgeworth, chances are he's already doing an investigation of his own into everything Zenitsu said, if not more than that."

Utopian Academy of Magic
Seifer's Dormitory
SirPrompto15 SirPrompto15

"That's good. Rita's always been loyal, if a bit soft, but I fear her new life in Utopia has made her softer still." The sorceress replied. "Never before would she have opposed us so strongly on behalf of…” She stopped herself right there, lest she risk saying something too incriminating.

“Anyway, I have a new task for you, as well as a question.” The sorceress said next. “For your task, I want you to obtain for me a sample of each of the Hashira. A strand of hair, a drop of blood… anything with a direct physical connection to each of them will do. And for your question... what do you know about this 'Master Ubuyashiki' whom Rita mentioned today?"
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DawnsEarlyLight DawnsEarlyLight

Underground maze.

Zenitsu heard the incoming monster charging toward the enemy. He moved out of the way and went to join Edgeeworth. "Mr Edgeworth,are you alright?!" he asked while still unconcious.



Noctis and Ignis's room.
Noctis and Ignis listen to Wright's confession.
"I do agree that Milles Edgeworth would have been a great ally."Ignis replied.
"The guy you hired to watch over Edgeworth. You think he's okay? I hope both are alright. "Noctis replied.
"Though I do hope Ardyn and this Philippa are not aware of all this and will not try to stop them." Ignis replied.


Seifer's dorm
"First, I need to go to the Demon Slayer Corps's HQ to get those samples? Piece of cake. They won't know what hit them." Seifer replied arms crossed.
"As for Ubuyashiki, I do recall the teacher saying that he dosen't agree with the Taskforce's way. Something like that. Are they a threat to your ideals?"

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