One Thousand Club

Underground maze
"You don't have to ask twice." Clive told Sung. "The sooner we're put of this hell the better."
Ubuyashiki residence.
"Yes,that is the truth unfortunatly." Kagaya said to Pyo."So,what do you plan to do here in the meantime?" Tengen asked Pyo.

Noctis and Ignis's room.
"Welcome...Mr Wright?" Noctis said in confusion. " I suppose he heard our conversation?" Ignis asked. He looked toward Phoenix. " You do have a plan in mind,right?"

Heart of the shrine
Torgal continued his hold on the beast. Genya tried to target the beast while making sure not to hit Torgal.
The ladies's shrine cellar.
"Mist breathing...Second form...eight layered mist!"
"Love breathing....fifth form...Swaying love Wildclaw!"
Muichiro and Mitsuri unleashed their respective breathing techniques toward Weavess.
Marcus noticed the lava balls aimed at him. He noticed the others being busy fighting. "The coast is clear." He focused and took hold of hid katana,partly unshelthing it,revealing it to be a Nichirin katanas.
"Thunder breathing...seventh form..." He blitzes toward Brewess as a electrical aura taking the shape of a dragon,made with the combination of King Noctis's magic and his own training was visible.
"...Flaming Thunder God!" He aimed for Brewess's neck. The rip on Marcus's right cheek became larger,even revealing a small bang of golden hair over his real right cheek.
Academy of magic.
"That might be tricky then..." Jill replied.
"I do not know anything abput politics sadly..." Gentiana replied. "It's a excuse for men for control,war and what happened in Solheim..." she added,sadly.
Taskforce embassy.
Giyu looked shocked as he was trapped.
"I do not recommend you to hurt Tomioka." Shinobu said with a smile. "Why hurting each other? We are friends!"
"Keira-sama! I need to speak with you!" Tanjiro said to Keira.
Underground maze.
"Yeah,what he said."Zenitsu replied. He sighed. "I could hear the sounds coming from that shape shifting monster... It was too strong..."