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Fandom Transgressions: Flight to Utopia [NOT ACCEPTING]

Taskforce Prison Facility
Underground Maze

Sung moved through the labyrinth at a quick pace. The small fry that infested this place weren't even a challenge for him. Granted they had numbers, but that was it. They didn’t even provide him with much XP. It was like fighting monsters in a c ranked dungeon. A complete waste of time. After clearing the third wave of creatures he paused at a fork in the road.

He looked down both paths though he didn’t know which path would lead him to whoever had caught the creature's attention he didn’t have time to waste. So, he summoned Beru who kneeled before his monarch.

“You take the path to the right. Be careful and let me know what you find. Don’t get involved in any unnecessary fighting. If you are attacked, then retaliate, but try not to kill anything other than what you have seen me kill. Don’t want to kill a possible ally.”

“Yes, my liege.”

With that they each went their separate ways. One would be heading to Fate, the other would be heading to Clive/Ifrit.

Fate was surprised about the reaction the greater had to Greed sinking into his side. It was almost like the sword hurt it more than the arrows that were created by him. Could it be that Greed has an adverse effect on the creature? However, Fate had no time to think on the matter. When the creature was able to wrap his clawed hand around Fate’s sword arm.

He saw the creator trying to turn its body to grab him, and that he was not going to allow it. He shifted his momentum to pivot his body away from the other hand. He needed to get free from the clawed hand at the moment he only had one idea that came to mind. He was in close proximity to the creature, so he used his free hand and cast a fire spell. Granted he might be hurt by it as well, but it was a price he was going to have to pay, to free himself. At least he hoped.

A man with long silver hair was walking down the hall towards what was left of the scientist lab. He had been requested to go to this place and collect the research notes that had been left. The only reason he was asked is because the creatures feared him enough to leave him alone, and he could walk the halls without being bothered.

“Such pathetic creatures.” The man said as he passed another batch of the residence who cowered in fear. He had finally reached the lab walking into the room he saw a bunch of broken glass, and then the desk the papers were left on. There were also a lot of papers all over the floor. He walked to the desk and looked upon the old wood. There was nothing there. He calmly looked in the dewars to find the papers.

As he once more came up with nothing he smiled slightly. Someone that had been banished to this place must have found this place and taken the notes he was sent to collect. He was curious about who had the gumption to walk these halls and fight all of the residence.


Ubuyashiki residence

Pyo chuckled at the thought of those two having to work with him. He could see them throwing a fit. Well, that would be a sight to see, and he was curious as to when something like that would happen. But his mission came first before all else.

“We will see how that works.” Pyo said as he looked into where the eyes of the man who invited him to join his group. “What is your story? Something had to have happened to take your eyes.” Pyo was curious, but also knowledge was power if it came to it.


Noctis and Ignis's room.

Hua Cheng chuckled at the prospect of having to prove himself to them. Would they really trust him even if he did? He knew he didn’t trust them to keep their word. They knew nothing about him, and the same goes for him. He didn’t know if he could trust them but decided to ask for help anyway.

“You are wanting me to prove I am not going to stab you in the back.” He said a slight smirk appeared on his face. “Trust is a fickle thing, and never truly earned. Everyone has reservations about putting their complete trust in someone.” Hua Cheng said, placing his hand on top of this blade.

“One should keep their friends close, but their enemies closer.”
Mysterious Cave
SirPrompto15 SirPrompto15

Still reeling from the Black Blood, Menge had no chance to defend himself from the fatal blow. Muichiro’s sword sliced cleanly through Menge’s neck, and both head and body fell to the ground.

Geralt took a look at the offered potion and shook his head, holding up a bottle of his own.

"Thanks for the offer, but that one should go to the others." Geralt told the cloaked figure. "I'd offer mine, but this stuff's too toxic for humans to handle."

He downed his own potion. The black veins on his face worsened a bit, but his wounds were already visibly healing.

With that taken care of, Geralt turned his focus to Menge. There was still some slight twitching coming from the slowly dissolving body, and the head was spouting various insults at each of them that Geralt didn't even bother to pay attention to. Geralt simply hefted the body over his shoulder and tucked the head under the other arm, then looked out at the bright afternoon sunlight outside the cave. The head immediately realized what Geralt was about to do and fell silent, frozen with fear.

"No evil can survive the holy fire." Geralt said coldly, causing both body and head to tremble.

"The holy fire enlightens, burns, and cleanses." Geralt continued. He stopped just outside of the sunlight entering the cave, then took one last look at Menge's terrified face.

"Behold the flame of grace and mercy."

Geralt threw the head outside into the open sunlight, then took the body in both hands and dumped it outside as well. The already-severed head screamed in agony, just as all of Menge's past victims had, until both head and body finally dissolved into nothing. Satisfied with that, Geralt turned his focus back to the others.

"Had to show him what it feels like before he died." Geralt briefly explained, saying nothing more on the subject.

Utopian Academy of Magic
Margarita Laux-Antille’s Office
SirPrompto15 SirPrompto15

Before Margarita could say anything further, she felt a sudden mental pull, and knew exactly what it meant.

"The Lodge has called another meeting." Margarita said quickly, her face turning a little bit paler as she looked at Jill and Gentiana. She went for the storage closet in her office and opened it, revealing ample room for the two of them.

"Both of you need to hide. And above all else, keep quiet."

Taskforce Prison Facility
Underground Maze
Shadow Monarch Shadow Monarch & SirPrompto15 SirPrompto15

Ifrit's claws slashed deep across the mummy's torso, knocking it to the ground. Such a blow would surely have killed an ordinary human, but the mummy merely stood up and collected itself. Now it seemed to try to study Clive and Ifrit, looking for any possible weakness, but at the same time shifted its position defensively from time to time.


The large humanoid didn't see the fire spell coming until it was too late. The burns were quite bad, causing the humanoid to stagger back and let go of Fate, though the damage was not quite enough to slow him down too significantly. Now the humanoid charged once again, swiping his clawed hands blindly in search of Greed.


Edgeworth winced sympathetically at the sight of the bruise in question. That was definitely not good.

"Unfortunately we don't have any useful supplies for bruising here." Edgeworth noted. "Sung may have some when he gets back, but in the meantime at least try to keep it elevated."

Edgeworth took off his jacket and started neatly folding it into a makeshift pillow for Zenitsu's arm. But before he could start putting it into position, there was a brief whooshing sound coming from somewhere nearby, though not quite enough for the person involved to see the guard posted by the embalming room.

Then came a female voice whom Edgeworth recognized immediately.

"Ouphris, come to me now."

There was no response. After a few moments, electricity crackled from somewhere nearby, and Edgeworth caught the faint smells of ozone and baking soda.

"Philippa..." Said another female voice whom Edgeworth did not recognize.

"Keira..." Philippa said, but then her tone became more concerned. "You're out of breath. What's happened?"

"They know, Phil! They heard everything!" Keira said frantically. "The king's aide was outside my door, listening to our conversation!"

"What exactly did they hear?" Philippa asked, her tone slightly more on edge now. "Have you informed Margarita?"

"I didn't stop to find out. He left in a hurry, so it can't have been good." Keira explained. "I reached out to Rita as well, but she hasn't answered me yet."

"Leave her to me." Philippa said quickly. "Get to the Taskforce embassy immediately. Tell them I sent you."

"Right." Keira said. The electricity, ozone, and baking soda briefly returned again, and Keira was heard no more.
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Shadow Monarch Shadow Monarch @DawnEarlyLight
Taskforce prison
Underground maze.
Ifrit gave another fiery slash toward the Mummy creature. "Just what are who? Did that witch create you?!" Clive said mentally.He had the feeling that someone else was approching.
Zenitsu's eyes widened as he heard Edgeworth's replied. "Is it that bad?! I'm going to die?!" He asked,tears in his eyes. He quickly calmed down as he heard Phillipa's voice. "That evil witch...she's back.." he whispered. He listened to the conversation. "The king? Who is she talking about?"
Shadow Monarch Shadow Monarch
Ubuyashiki residense
Kagaya looked toward at Pyo sadly,even if he coudn't see. "Disease...it has taken my eyes. I might not have much time left...Sadly I won't be able to see our old world again. It is all fue to a curse that affected my clan through generations."
Hotel room.
"That is true." Ignis replied. "Since you are in the Taskforce,you might be of use. Be our ears and eyes. We are returning back to Utopia tommorow and will prepare for an investigation of the Taskforce's prison facillity.
Academy of magic.
Both Gentiana and Jill were caught off guard as Rita told them about a call and the need to hide. Both nodded and hid in the closet.
Unknown cave
"Quite understsndable Sir Geralt." The hooded figure replied. "Just WHO are you anyway?!" Genya shouts.
The hooded figure lowered his hood,revealed his face and golden hair." My name is Joshua Rosfield,heir,or rather former heir to the throne of
Rosaria." The young man replied.
"Dosen't ring a bell..."Muichiro replied.
Unknown cave outskirts.
"Taking one of those ears would have been disgusting!" Love hashira Mitsuri Kanroji said.
"We don't need them...I can track them down using my sense of hearing." said a young man with messy brown hair and green eyes with glasses He was wearing the Kingsglaive uniform.
"You sure are confident Blitson-San!" Mitsuri said cheerfully.
The 20 year old Kingsglaive,who address himself as Marcus Blitson surprisingly blushed. " T...That was nothing Mitsur...I mean." He quickly stopped blushing. "It's the least I can do..."

Hiding the fact that you are a variant wasn't an easy thing. Marcus Blitson was only an alter ego. He could have joined the Demon Slayer Corps from the prime world in Utopia,but decided against it and joined the Kingsglaive in disguise. He was scared that if the prime variant of his Corps members find out who he is under the mask,that they would reject him,even with the highest rank in the corps,what his prime variant dosen't have.

Outworlders are treated badly,but variant outworlders have it worse.
"Blitson-san? Are you alright? The Kakushi are catching up to us!"
"Oh,right,let's wait for them then!"
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Mysterious Cave
SirPrompto15 SirPrompto15

While everyone else was conversing, Geralt once again caught the scent of blood deeper in the cave, and went to investigate. The only room of note was a makeshift torture chamber, but aside from the fresh bloodstains, shreds of black clothing, and discarded Nichirin swords, there was no sign of anyone in here.

Then he faintly heard voices and footsteps, and returned to the group.

"Someone's coming."

Utopian Academy of Magic
Margarita Laux-Antille’s Office
SirPrompto15 SirPrompto15

As soon as both Jill and Gentiana were safely out of sight, Margarita quickly slipped her megascope crystals back into place. There was a sound like crackling electricity, and the faint smells of ozone and baking soda filled the air. If Jill or Gentiana tried to take a peek from the closet door, they would see a holographic image of Philippa Eilhart standing in the circle in front of Margarita.

"Philippa..." Margarita nodded to Philippa, straightening herself up.

"You took long enough to respond, Margarita." Philippa said bluntly. "Keira was starting to get worried."

"Now that you mention it, where is Keira?" Margarita asked.

"In hiding." Philippa said point-blank. "One of King Noctis' aides overheard our previous conversation, and she was forced to flee. No doubt they'll be knocking on your door soon enough."

"They know of the Lodge?" Margarita turned pale. "All we discussed about the Demon Slayer Corps, Master Ubuyashiki?"

"Keira doesn't know how much they heard. But I do know one thing." Philippa said sharply. "The Demon Slayer Corps is even more foolish than I thought. For the good of Utopia they must be restrained, or they must be destroyed."

"Phil, I thought we agreed to settle things discreetly." Margarita said, trying to stay calm. "Master Ubuyashiki-."

"Is the most dangerous fool of them all, if my sources are correct." Philippa snapped. "You said he is like a father to the Corps, did you not?"

"Yes, of course." Margarita said. "And in return, the entire Corps has the utmost respect for him."

"Because he spoils them." Philippa replied. "You may recall that two Corps members are currently being detained by the Taskforce. Those two happen to be the sister and friend of one other Corps member: one Tanjiro Kamado. It was Mr. Kamado who disrupted the king's meeting, begging for their release despite the horrible precedent that would set. And now my sources say he means to rescue his loved ones with the full approval and support of the Corps, including that of the Master himself. Now do you understand, Rita? A foreign militia breaking into a legally established institution to free two lawfully detained inmates..."

"If the 120 found out, they would not hesitate to declare war on Utopia." Margarita said quietly. "They could even use the threat of war to force Singapore to revoke their agreement with Utopia."

"Precisely." Philippa said grimly. "Should you still insist on saving the Corps, the father must learn to discipline his children, especially Mr. Kamado."

"I understand. I'll call on you somewhere more discreet to work out the details." Margarita said, her tone resigned. "But before you go, I've heard rumors that an Ardyn Izunia was also present at the meeting, and may have used their shared past to provoke the king into saying things he hadn't meant to say. His real name is Ardyn Lucis Caelum."

"I had suspected they knew each other prior to the meeting." Philippa said. "I doubt that will excuse the king's words in the eyes of the 120, but Ardyn has certainly proven to be quite cunning."

Taskforce Prison Facility
Underground Maze
Shadow Monarch Shadow Monarch & SirPrompto15 SirPrompto15

The mummy fell back yet again, but continued to stand his ground as much as possible. Hearing Clive's voice in his mind, the mummy responded likewise in his thoughts.

"We are immortal. Witches and wizards are nothing to us. They trap us here because they cannot control us. They cannot control our curse."


"No; thankfully it's not that serious." Edgeworth said calmly to Zenitsu, but then kept quiet as Lady Eilhart and her companion spoke, motioning for Zenitsu and Nezuko to do the same.

There was a sound like crackling electricity, and the faint smells of ozone and baking soda filled the air. If Edgeworth, Zenitsu, or Nezuko tried to take a peek from the closet door, they would see a holographic image of Margarita Laux-Antille standing in the circle in front of Philippa.

"Philippa..." Margarita nodded to Philippa, straightening herself up.

"You took long enough to respond, Margarita." Philippa said bluntly. "Keira was starting to get worried."

"Now that you mention it, where is Keira?" Margarita asked.

"In hiding." Philippa said point-blank. "One of King Noctis' aides overheard our previous conversation, and she was forced to flee. No doubt they'll be knocking on your door soon enough."

"They know of the Lodge?" Margarita turned pale. "All we discussed about the Demon Slayer Corps, Master Ubuyashiki?"

"Keira doesn't know how much they heard. But I do know one thing." Philippa said sharply. "The Demon Slayer Corps is even more foolish than I thought. For the good of Utopia they must be restrained, or they must be destroyed."

"Phil, I thought we agreed to settle things discreetly." Margarita said, trying to stay calm. "Master Ubuyashiki-."

"Is the most dangerous fool of them all, if my sources are correct." Philippa snapped. "You said he is like a father to the Corps, did you not?"

"Yes, of course." Margarita said. "And in return, the entire Corps has the utmost respect for him."

"Because he spoils them." Philippa replied. "You may recall that two Corps members are currently being detained by the Taskforce. Those two happen to be the sister and friend of one other Corps member: one Tanjiro Kamado. It was Mr. Kamado who disrupted the king's meeting, begging for their release despite the horrible precedent that would set. And now my sources say he means to rescue his loved ones with the full approval and support of the Corps, including that of the Master himself. Now do you understand, Rita? A foreign militia breaking into a legally established institution to free two lawfully detained inmates..."

"If the 120 found out, they would not hesitate to declare war on Utopia." Margarita said quietly. "They could even use the threat of war to force Singapore to revoke their agreement with Utopia."

"Precisely." Philippa said grimly. "Should you still insist on saving the Corps, the father must learn to discipline his children, especially Mr. Kamado."

"I understand. I'll call on you somewhere more discreet to work out the details." Margarita said, her tone resigned. "But before you go, I've heard rumors that an Ardyn Izunia was also present at the meeting, and may have used their shared past to provoke the king into saying things he hadn't meant to say. His real name is Ardyn Lucis Caelum."

"I had suspected they knew each other prior to the meeting." Philippa said. "I doubt that will excuse the king's words in the eyes of the 120, but Ardyn has certainly proven to be quite cunning."
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Mysterious cave.
The rest of the group caught up to Geralt. "What happened here? Where are the Corps members?" Muichiro asked. "We're too late." Genya replied.
Torgal looked toward the direction of whoever came inside,his ears peeking up. Joshua,Muichiro and Genya kept their guard up.
Outside the cave.
"So this is the place,right?" Mitsuri asked. "According to the sounds,seems like it." Marcus replied. "Hope the Kakushi caught up to us.
Academy of magic.
Both Gentiana and Jill listened to the conversation. It was cornfirmed,Ardyn was working with the Taskforce,and he,this Phillipa and the Taskforce were retaining two loved ones of a member of the Corps and would consider any attempts at rescue them treason.

But then the Corps's leader, Kagaya Ubuyashiki was brought into the conversation. This Phillippa called him dangerous,and considered the Corps a threat that must be restrained. They both had questions for Rita.

Underground maze
"Curse?" Clive replied. "Being a dominant,host to an Eikon,I am under a curse myself. But what is your curse?" He asked.
Zenitsu listened to Phillippa's conversation. The more he listened,the more it enraged him and saddened him at the same time. "That witch...that creepy demon hobo guy Ardyn....Kibutsuji...the entire Taskforce..." he whispered. "They have no right to do this...to make any rescue attempts from our loved ones an act of treason....They have no right to do this..." He started to cry."Nezuko and I didn't choose to end up here.We do not belong to them..."
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Mysterious Cave
SirPrompto15 SirPrompto15

Geralt spotted something on the floor of the torture chamber and picked it up. It was some kind of doll made of what looked like burlap, though upon closer inspection, its thick fibers were actually human hair.

"Think I know who got to them, and it wasn't the witch hunters." Geralt said, then paused and frowned as he noticed the severed ear in Genya's possession.

"Where did you get that?" Geralt asked Genya, just as voices started to echo from outside the cave.

Meanwhile, through the severed ear, the Ladies spoke to Genya once more.

“Hark, sisters!” Cobwebs whispered excitedly. “The demons are slain!”

“Oh well done, young heroes! Well done!”
Underwater Lady exclaimed cheerfully.

“Your pink-haired friend approaches now.” Cartoon Grandma explained. “Go to her, then join us one and all in the heart of the forest.”

“Our followers have all gathered here in your honor, awaiting your success.”
Cobwebs said next. “Come at once, that all may reward you justly!”

“Go now, but trust not the white-haired one.”
Cartoon Grandma warned. “He is a monster of a different sort. Murderer of our kind.”

Mysterious Cave - Outside
SirPrompto15 SirPrompto15

"Kanroji-sama!" The kakushi team exclaimed in unison as they arrived, all bowing politely to the Love Hashira.

"The Nichirin swords in the trees have all been collected, but not all of the missing demon slayers' blades are accounted for yet." One of the kakushi reported. "Awaiting your orders, Kanroji-sama."

Utopian Academy of Magic
Margarita Laux-Antille’s Office
SirPrompto15 SirPrompto15

As the conversation with Philippa ended, Margarita immediately removed the megascope crystals once again and, taking a deep breath, returned to the storage closet and opened the door.

”It’s done. You can come out now.” Margarita said, not quite able to look either Jill or Gentiana in the eye. Now even the most compromising aspects of their conversation were out in the open, and they had every right not to trust her any longer.

”Now you know most of what we were talking about, but not everything.” Margarita started to explain. “As you can see, the Lodge is very displeased with the Demon Slayer Corps as well, though not nearly as much as Philippa was just now. In the eyes of the Lodge, the Corps has become a threat... and I know all too well how the Lodge deals with threats."

With a heavy sigh, Margarita sat down at her desk once more.

"I am deeply ashamed of what I did next, but it was the only way to save the Corps. Philippa would never agree to spare the Corps unless the Lodge could control them. So I offered a way to do that."

Margarita dropped her gaze.

"I named Master Ubuyashiki as a potential target. The Lodge won't harm him as long as they can use him. But we haven't decided yet on how to do it, and now Philippa is growing impatient."

Taskforce Prison Facility
Underground Maze
Shadow Monarch Shadow Monarch & SirPrompto15 SirPrompto15

The mummy stopped its assault for now, observing Clive.

"So long as the king's blood flows, we will never fall. That was the sorcerer’s promise. The king ordered us to undergo his ritual, to be his bodyguards for as long as he lived."

The mummy shambled forward.

“The king died long ago, but his blood still flows, in his descendants. So long as even one still lives, we can never die... but they are too many, and their numbers grow every day!”


"Ouphris, come to me now."

Philippa was calling for 'Ouphris' again, so Edgeworth took the opportunity to try to address Zenitsu's concerns.

"I know." Edgeworth said softly, refraining from mentioning the statements in Sung's position lest they risk Philippa finding out. "The question is, what are they planning now?"

Nezuko peeked out the door as much as the guard would allow, watching as Philippa spoke into some sort of walkie-talkie and a black mist started to appear.
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Mysterious cave
"I got this ear from those weird trees." Genya replied to Geralt. He stopped when he heard the voices coming from the ear again. Those old lady voiced."Understood." Genya replied before turning to his allies. "What is it?" Muichiro asked. "Kanroji is waiting for us outside. We need to regroup with her then meet with those "ladies" in the heart of the forest. He looked at Geralt. "They said that you were a monster,murderer of their kind." Genya added. "Sir Geralt is no monster. " Joshua replied in Geralt's defense. " I have no doubt about it. I don't trust these old ladies." Genya added. "Let's not make Kantoji wait." Muichiro replied. He headed out of the cave,followed by Genya,Joshua and Torgal.
Outside the cave
"That's great,good job!" Mitsuri replied with a smile. "Now we should head for that cave over there. Blitson-sama is gonna lead the way!" "Yes Mam!" Marcus replied with a smile. Both Mitsuri and Marcus let thr group to the cave just as Muichiro,Genya,Joshua and Torgal came out.
"You're all okay!" Mitsuri replied cheerfully. "Yeah,we made it out alive." Muichiro replied. "I see you brought the Kakushi with you and..." he noticed Marcus. "Who is he?" Marcus was nervous,despite not showing it.
"Marcus Blitson,from the Kingsglaive. It's an honor to meet you Tokito-san." He replied. Muichiro looked at him with his head on the side. "I dunno,something seems familliar about you, I can't tell just what."
"I doubt it." Marcus replied. Mitsuri noticed Torgal. " Ohhhhh that's a cute doggy! I'm more a cat person,but I like dogs too!" She started to pet Torgal who wnjoys it. "What a good boy!"
Joshua smiled. "Look's like Torgal made a new friend."
Academy of magic.
Jill looked shocked as she heard all of this. " That might not be a good idea. Is your friend Phillippa can be trusted? Those two Corps members,they end3e up in this world against their will and they didn't choose to crosd path against the Tasksforce. Is there a way tp convince the Lodge so they they convince the Taskforce to set them free.?"
Gentiana signed.

"This Phillippa and Ardyn are on the same side. I'm affraid nothing good will come out of it if their plan succeds." She said. The air in the office started to get colder as Gentiana changed back to her true form as the Astral Shiva,a blue skined humanoid with snow colored hair. Jill,being the dominant of Eikon Shiva,was immude to the cold.

"Margarita Laux Antille of the Lodge,please listen to the advice of a goddess..."

Underground maze
" I see...And I suppose you need to find them,right? His descendants?" Clive asked. "If it's the case I can help you find them!"
Zenitsu nodded to Edgeworth,before to use his sharp sense of hearing to hear what Phillippa was planning.
Prison facillity
Gyutaro looked toward the door of his cell as it opened. Ardyn came inside. "Upper Moon six Gyutaro I presume?" Ardyn asked.
"You are you?" Gyutaro spat."And why are you robbing that nice dressed figure of yours in my face? I envy you you know and I hate you for that!"
"Is that so? What if I told you that I'm offering to the once in a lifetime opportunity to play my role,for you see,we have some unespected guests and I need you to pass as me while I lure some of them to their doom."
"Do I get to..."play" with some of them?" Gyutaro asked.
"Why yes,if you lure them in a corner,you are free to do so."Ardyn replied."And your Master Muzan agreed."
Gyutaro made a twisted grin." I'm in."
Mysterious Cave
SirPrompto15 SirPrompto15

Geralt couldn't help but flinch a bit when he was indirectly called a monster and a murderer. It honestly didn't surprise him too much to be called that, but what did surprise him was how quickly Joshua came to his defense, and how easily Genya dismissed the idea altogether. Not many people were that open-minded toward witchers, but these people were so quick to give him the benefit of the doubt, even though they barely knew him. It was a nice change of pace compared to his home world.

But then Genya mentioned some 'old ladies', and Geralt immediately put two and two together and got back down to business.

"The Ladies... I should’ve guessed.” Geralt growled a bit. He was about to say something, but then they all started walking outside before he could get a word in edgewise.

Mysterious Cave - Outside
SirPrompto15 SirPrompto15

As the small party regrouped with some new arrivals in the cave, Geralt saw his chance to speak up. He was the only one in the whole group who knew exactly what they were dealing with, and now he had to act quickly.

“It’s not over yet.” Geralt spoke up, holding up the doll. “I found this in that torture chamber. The Crones - your so-called ‘Ladies’ - use them to place curses. Luckily this one isn’t active.” He pocketed the doll.

“Your friends may still be alive, but we’ll have to move fast.” Geralt said next. “The Crones don’t eat humans raw. Prefer to make soup out of them first.”

With that out of the way, Geralt turned back to Genya and pointed to the ear.

“Get rid of that ear. Crones can hear your every move through that thing.”

Utopian Academy of Magic
Margarita Laux-Antille’s Office
SirPrompto15 SirPrompto15

“Phil may be ruthless, but she’s rarely wrong when it comes to politics.” Margarita replied to Jill’s first question. “And unfortunately she has a point in this case. The Taskforce can’t afford to release the two. Not all Taskforce detainees are innocent, and if the Taskforce released those two, it would set a precedent for their truly evil detainees to just as easily demand their own release as well. That is why the Taskforce’s official policy is to only release those detainees who agree to serve them in return.”

Then there was an unnatural chill in the air, so much so that Margarita had to quickly cast a fire spell to keep everyone as warm as possible… though as it turned out, Margarita herself was the only one who really needed it.

Gentiana had transformed, taking on a clearly supernatural form with her blue skin and white hair. There was something very different about this woman, who was now addressing herself as a goddess. And whoever she was, the stranger’s connection to Jill was evident, as not even Jill was in any way bothered by the cold.

“Who are you really?” Margarita asked the new woman. “Why all the pretense?”
Shadow Monarch Shadow Monarch
Ubuyashiki residence
"Oh,I almost forgot. Sure,you're tasked to share intel with Mr Wright. Is this intel classified,does it concern the Taskforce?" Tengen asked. Kagaya said nothing as the Sound hashira was asking questions.
Academy of magic
"In the world of Eos,I am known as the Glacian,Shiva of the Astral six." the ice Astral replied. "My apoligies for deceiving you. I have taken this form to protect Lady Lunafreya Nox Fleuret,Oracle of the gods. But after her passing and ending up in this world,I kept this human gorm of mine."
Outside unknown cave.
"You don't have to tell me twice." Genya replied to Geralt as he threw the ear away.
"Then we should get there as soon as posdible!" Mitsuri replied.
Marcus didn't show it but he was nervous. "So we have to deal with man eating witches too?" He muttered.
"Something wrong?" Muichiro asked.
"No...Nothing. " Marcus replied.
Joshua took a piece of Corps uniform he found in the cave and had Torgal memorise the scent.
The door led the way,sniffing the ground. Joshua,Marcus,Muichiro,Mitsuri and Genya followed him toward the Crones's hideout.
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Taskforce Prison Facility
Underground Maze

The moment he was freed from the grasp of the creature Fate jumped backwards to create some distance between him and the creature. The fire may have saved him, but it didn’t do as much damage as he would have hoped. It was only a moment before the thing charged at him once more.

Yet it was apparent that he was not the target. The creature was trying to hit Greed. It was like it was afraid of the weapon, or maybe there was another reason it was going after his sword, and not him. However, he didn’t have the time or luxury of finding the answer. He was in the middle of a fight.

Deciding to change things up he shifted Greed's form once again into its scythe form. The giant scythe twirled in the air as Fate took it in both hands and used it to try and slice the creature's claws off.


Ubuyashiki residence

Not showing any emotion Pyo could only wonder why such a person was cursed. He had been forced to live like he has, but his man had never had a chance to fight back against the fate that had been thrust upon him. He felt sorry for the man. But there was nothing he could do about it. He was about to ask something else, when a question was asked of him. It was about the information that he had on the Taskforce.

It was not a secret, and he was not told that the information was only for Wright's ears. He had been the one to gather the information. So, he figured he had the right to tell whoever he thought was worthy. He doubted it would cause a breakdown in negotiations later. He just won't revival all of the information.

“I can tell you a couple of things. The first is that not all of the people they have caught are in the taskforce prison. There are three other locations they are kept depending on their range, and usefulness. One is the lab that they keep the ones they wish to experiment on, and the other is a labyrinth that exists in a separate space beneath the facility. This one is hard to get into if you don’t know the way. I also know about a few of the plans, and the corruption within the ranks of the taskforce. I also have intel on the leader of this group. Though that information is not on the table.”


Noctis and Ignis's room.

“I would be careful about making thousands of plans. They are expecting you to come, and much more. They believe that you will launch a rescue mission. Since they have captured some of the friends of people that live in your kingdom. Especially the demon hunters. They are wanting you, the King, to slip up. You need to be careful. They want all of us in cages.” Hua Cheng said in a serious tone. He didn’t know if this is what they had planned, but they needed to be warned. That is the least he could do since they were going to help him.
Shadow Monarch Shadow Monarch
Ubuyashiki residence
Tengen and Kagaya listened to Pyo's intel. "I knew something was off about them!" Tengen replied."Thank you for sharing this with us Pyo-sama."Kagaya replied.
Hotel room.
Noctis and Ignis listened to Hua Cheug's intel. "That was expected." Ignis replied,fixing his glasses."If we bring mrmbers of the Corps as planned we'll need to have them come undercover." Ignis replied.He looked at Noctis. "We'll need him to lead our undercover escort unit. The newest member of the Kingsglaive." "You him...Marcus Blitson?" Noctis replied. He knew the truth about the guy.
Heart of the Forest
SirPrompto15 SirPrompto15

Torgal followed the scent deeper and deeper into the woods. Before long, lively chatter and music could be heard, and the light and smoke of many bonfires could be seen up ahead. Young men and women sang and danced wildly around the bonfires, while a few elders lined up in front of a rustic wooden shrine carrying baskets of fresh herbs and spices. More than a few of the people gathered had only one ear, especially among the elderly.

Torgal continued to follow the scent directly toward the shrine, where a tapestry depicting three beautiful young women hung on the inner wall surrounded by candles.

“Here they come!” Shouted a little boy standing in a tree, who scrambled down toward the revelers. "The Demon Slayers are here!"

The revelers all cheered and ran to either side of the arriving heroes, showering them with flowers as they passed by. Even the elders lined up at the shrine set down their baskets to applaud the group.

Despite the cheerful welcome, the Kakushi eyed the crowds nervously and moved closer to Mitsuri and Muichiro.

“Should we clear out the civilians?” One of the Kakushi asked the two Hashira. With so many people so close nearby, the potential for collateral damage was too great to ignore. The Kakushi started to fan out around the group, but would await the orders of the two Hashira before doing anything further.

Utopian Academy of Magic
Margarita Laux-Antille’s Office
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Margarita listened attentively to Shiva's explanation, bowing her head once Shiva was finished. All of this was entirely new to Lady Laux-Antille, but she had since learned to take such things in stride in this new world.

"Thank you for your explanation." Margarita said politely. "You said you had some advice for me, given the current situation. What exactly do you advise?"

Taskforce Prison Facility
Underground Maze
Shadow Monarch Shadow Monarch & SirPrompto15 SirPrompto15

Now the mummy's attacks stopped completely. He studied Clive and Ifrit with a more puzzled look on his face.

"You can do that?" The mummy asked telepathically. "But how? Pharaoh Petemet II died thousands of years ago. And before he died he fathered many children, who all bore children of their own, again and again across all those centuries..."


The sword became a scythe, catching the humanoid completely off guard. Unable to see the weapon at all, the creature had to rely solely on sound to pinpoint the weapon's location, which was easier said than done with how quickly it twirled about. One strike sliced his left hand clean off, causing it to stagger back in shock. Not quite as agile as his compatriots, the monster could only stagger back defensively, trying to listen for where the scythe was.


The black mist converged in a space directly in front of Philippa, forming the same large-headed creature that had antagonized Zenitsu earlier. Philippa once again held up the walkie-talkie to speak to the creature, holding up a picture in her other hand.

"You are needed upstairs, Ouphris. Assume this form."

Ouphris took a good look at the picture, then assumed the form in question: a perfect copy of Nezuko's appearance.

"Good. Now I shall take you to one of the cells upstairs. Wait there until someone arrives to free you. When they do, kill them."

'Nezuko' silently nodded in assent. With that settled, Philippa proceeded to open a portal for her and 'Nezuko' to exit through.
Heart of the forest.

"Right now,keep your guard up. Do make the civiluans evacuate." Muichiro told the Kakushi. "We never know."" A good idea. Though each one of them is human." Marcus replied. "So nice of them to hold a party for us!" Mitsuri replied. "Don't lower your guard Kanroji." Muichiro replied. "Oh,right!" Mitsuri replied.
Joshua and Genya looked around."They are missing an ear."Joshua said to himself.
Academy of magic

"The one you call Phillippa,she is your friend right?"Shiva asked. "I can understand where your loyalty goes but if you do proceed with the plan she asked you might make a great mistake. You will lose the life you worked so hard to achieve."
Underground maze

"i have friends who can help." Clive replied. He reverts back to his human form to show the Mummy that it can trust him.
Zenitsu watched in horror as the shape shifting monster that took his form reappeared and took Nezuko's form. "Did you see that Nezuko-Chan?" He whispered to Nezuko. "This monster took you form..." He understood something. "Oh no...That witch is planning to lure Tanjiro and the Corps into a trap..."
Heart of the Forest
SirPrompto15 SirPrompto15

As soon as Muichiro gave the order, the Kakushi immediately went to work, ushering the revelers away from the rest of the group and as far out of the area as they could. A handful of Kakushi also rushed forward to escort the elders away from the shrine. The music stopped, and now the once-merry revelers looked very confused, some starting to push back in protest.

"What's going on?" Asked the girl in the oversized t-shirt from earlier, but she too was promptly held back.

As Torgal and the others neared the shrine, an elderly woman stood up from her kneeling position in front of the tapestry and emerged from the shrine, holding both hands out to signal them to stop.

"Lady Kanroji, gentlemen..." The old woman said to the group. "With all due respect, this is a sacred place. No weapons are allowed in the Ladies' presence. Also, all visitors must offer tribute to the Ladies before entering."

Utopian Academy of Magic
Margarita Laux-Antille’s Office
SirPrompto15 SirPrompto15

"That life is over no matter what I do." Margarita said soberly. "The King knows about the Lodge of Sorceresses, and at least some of what we discussed. Whatever they learned has already forced our other friend Keira to flee, even though she is no less loyal to Utopia than I am. It's only a matter of time before they come for me as well. At the very least, I would have to resign from the Academy so that my students don't get involved."

Shaking her head, Margarita continued.

"But my own life is irrelevant now. Utopia's well-being is of far greater importance, and now it is under threat." Margarita continued. "Utopia cannot survive a war with the 120, nor can it survive the loss of its protectorate status in Singapore. And you heard what Philippa said regarding the Demon Slayer Corps. If the Corps cannot be controlled, the Lodge will see it destroyed. This is the only way to save both Utopia and the Corps."
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Heart of the forest
"How,good thing I brought alot of sakura mochi with me! I'll offer them on behalf of everyone of us!" She said cheerfully.
"If I may,I could use the power of the king to store our weapon temporarally in...well...that "storage pocket dimension." Marcus replied. As a demonstration,he uses the power of the king to make his shelthed katana vanish.
"Fine." Genya replied.
"No protect,you have my trust." Mitsuri said.
"Very well. " Muichiro said.
"Okay." Joshua replied.
Marcus explained to them how it worked and the rest focused,their weapons vanished as well.
"We're all good." Muichiro replied.
Torgal looked toward around,his ears peaking up. "What is it?" Joshua asked.
Academy of magic

"I understand. But I fear Ardyn might be trying to make sure that disaster strikes us. He might be using the already comprimised Taskforce and even Phillippa to fufil his plans." Shiva added."Thy will be no need for you to resign. You shall be under my protection."
Shiva returned to her human form as Gentiana. "We could seek an audience with the king after he returns." She added.
Heart of the Forest
SirPrompto15 SirPrompto15

The woman raised an eyebrow in surprise, but she accepted the unconventional offering nonetheless, setting down the sakura mochi on a table along with the other baskets. Geralt gave his weapons to Marcus as well, and the woman let them in once she was satisfied that all was in order.

As soon as they entered, Torgal would be free to continue following the scent of the captured slayers to a rug on the floor made of human hair, which concealed a trapdoor underneath that would lead down into a cellar. Now that the music had stopped, Geralt could hear some sort of noise coming from under the rug, but couldn't quite make out what it was.

Utopian Academy of Magic
Margarita Laux-Antille’s Office
SirPrompto15 SirPrompto15

"That's very generous of you, but I can't let you risk your reputation on my behalf." Margarita said firmly. "I'll not let anyone else be punished for my actions."

As Shiva changed back into Gentiana and proposed seeking an audience with the king, Margarita paused, deeply considering the possibility.

"We could... but I highly doubt any good would come of it." Margarita said sadly. "The king has already ruled in favor of sending in members of the Corps, and by all accounts, nothing will change their minds now. Keira already tried to warn them, but they all ignored her, and now they've forced her into hiding."
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Heart of the forest
Marcus ,Muichiro,Mitsuri, Genya,Joshua and Torgal went inside. Torgal sniffs the floor and follows the scent. "Where are you going?" Joshua asked as he followed the large dog.

Torgal led Joshua to a rug made with human hair. The dog growled. "Yeah,I find this rug disgusting too." Joshua replied. "You think the Demon Slayers could be underneith?"
"Is that so? Perharps there is a good reason for this." Gentiana replied.
Utopian academy of magic
"Maybe...there might be a way to expose the Taskforce for what they are."Jill replied. "I mean,to have the services of a shady character such as this Ardyn."
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Taskforce Prison Facility
Underground Maze

Fate had finally injured the creature, but something felt off. He didn’t know why, but the thing in front of him was not attacking like it was when he was moving around. It stood completely still like it was waiting for a noise to be made. Was this creature unable to see him? Was it completely relying on sound to fight?

Wanting to test his theory so he took the scythe and reached out as far as it could go and tapped it against the ground to his right. He immediately lifted the weapon to make sure the creature couldn't get a hold of it.

Sung reached his target and was surprised about what he saw. It was two creatures that were facing off in a fight. One was covered in red fur, and the other looked like a mummy. He stopped his approach and just stared at the creatures as they stopped fighting and looked like they were speaking.

Then the creature in red changed its shape and form to become a human male dressed in armor. He shook his head as he was not surprised anymore. All of the things that he has seen since meeting people from other worlds he was amazed at all of the diversity in power.

“Well, looks like I took the wrong path.” He said looking at the two. “You both seem like you are getting along. So, would you be willing to help stop the others in this labyrinth from killing one another?”

Beru had stopped his approach at the sounds of the creature's screams. He walked silently towards the group to witness a young man in black cut off the hand of the creature that had been outside of the room his Monarch was guarding. Deciding just to watch as his King told him to, he just stood in the shadows behind the creature and watched.


Ubuyashiki residence

“You don’t have to thank me. Nor do you have to be respectful when you talk to me. I am not so much on proper edicite when it comes to things like this.” Pyo said as he closed his eyes. “I have a question of my own. Why did you decide to join Utopia, and its King?” He said as he opened his eyes. He wanted to know why they wanted to follow that man over making a path of their own.


Noctis and Ignis's room.

Listening to the King and his subordinate talk they seemed to have someone that might be worth sending. Though he was still not sure they should send people associated with Utopia.

“You are not seeing the big picture. They are expecting you to send a rescue party. If anyone that is associated with your country even helps in this endeavor. They can force Singapore to retract their backing of you. Even worse this could start an all-out war between you and the Taskforce. That would be inadvisable. They have a lot of people who are strong on their side, and they might destroy you. You need to be smart about this.” Hua Cheng said in a sarcastic tone as he looked at the King.

“Ignorance will not get you far in this game.”
Shadow Monarch Shadow Monarch
Noctis and Ignis's room.
"Then what are we suppose to do?!" Noctis shouts in frustration. "I coudn't save Dad,I coudn't save Luna,and now I can't save two down on their luck inocents. The Taskforce is using the law as their shield. Ardyn must be mocking me right now since he has won..."
"No,he didn't win." Ignis replied. "Remember what Zenitsu said about the expetiments done on him. All we need to do is to find proof of the Taskforce's corruption."
Ubuyashiki mansion.
"The king wishes for peace,just like I do." Kagaya replied. "He gave us a home in this new world. We are grateful to him."
Underground maze.
Clive noticed the newcomer nearby. "I suppose you are also a prisonner?" He asked,arms crossed. He then heard the man's proposition. "That's an idea. I'm in. As for my friend here,well,it's up to him." He added.
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Shrine to the Ladies of the Wood
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"A few Demon Slayers did visit this shrine occasionally. Last one was about a week ago." The old woman replied, a bit confused by Joshua's question.

Without hesitation, Geralt pulled back the rug to reveal the trapdoor underneath.

"I smell blood. This must be the place."

Suddenly the trapdoor burst open, and out flew hundreds of crows that swarmed and scratched and pecked at the group, causing the old woman to panic and flee the shrine calling for help. Some of the crows flew at Geralt at such an angle that it pushed him back momentarily, while others later flew at Muichiro and Mitsuri at such an angle as to try to push them into the trapdoor.

Meanwhile, outside of the shrine, screams and animalistic growls could be heard.

Ladies' Shrine - Cellar
SirPrompto15 SirPrompto15

Captives in Demon Slayer Corps uniforms lined the walls of the cellar, all bound and gagged with tree roots protruding from the earthen walls and floors. Already severely weakened and injured from the witch hunters' torture, they barely had any strength left to struggle, and could only watch helplessly as three grotesque female figures milled about the cellar.

Weavess, a big-nosed hag wearing a tall red hat and a noose around her neck, shambled from one captive to the next. She walked in an awkward shamble due to the two limp extra legs protruding from under her skirt, her bony fingers sifting through the hair of each captive she passed by. One of her eyes was covered with a bloody bandage, and in place of the other eye was a cluster of tiny holes with flies flying in and out. And yet still she seemed to be examining each strand of hair thoroughly, occasionally cutting a lock of hair if she took enough of a liking to it.

Brewess, a bloated red creature with a wicker basket over her face, stirred a boiling cauldron in the center of the room. Currently inside the pot was the crudely severed arm of one of the captives, who hung limply in his bonds and instinctively tried to use Total Concentration Breathing to slow down the bleeding. Occasionally Brewess drew out samples of the human broth with a wooden spoon for herself and her sisters to taste.

"They are near. I sense them above." Whispess, a hunched-over female wearing a necklace of severed ears, said as she stood at the base of the ladder leading to the trapdoor above. A red mesh and black hood covered her head, and she carried a large bloodied pouch with a small human arm sticking out of the top.

"Ah, just in time for the feast!" Weavess cackled excitedly, setting down the lock of black hair in her hand.

"Well, no point in dawdling! Let them in!" Brewess said, still tending to the cauldron.

Weavess promptly did so, changing into a murder of crows that flew at the trapdoor and burst it open, swarming the shrine proper to greet the 'main course'.

Utopian Academy of Magic
Margarita Laux-Antille’s Office
SirPrompto15 SirPrompto15

Now Margarita's eyes lit up. It would be much easier said than done, but if they really could manage to expose the corruption of the Taskforce...

"If the Taskforce's atrocities were made known to the public, then that would be an entirely different story." Margarita noted. "The Utopian rescue effort would be exonerated of all wrongdoing in the eyes of the United Nations. The 120 would be forced to punish the Taskforce or risk heavy sanctions from the rest of the world. Any declaration of war by the 120 in such a scenario would be severely censured."

She then turned to face Gentiana.

"And with Philippa's connections in both the Taskforce and the 120, she can easily obtain all the proof we would need!" Margarita said excitedly. "Surely she would agree to help. Political unrest in Utopia is not in the Lodge's interest; she said so herself."

Taskforce Prison Facility
Underground Maze
Shadow Monarch Shadow Monarch & SirPrompto15 SirPrompto15

The mummy calmed down a bit more. This man seemed surprisingly confident, despite the seemingly futile task of killing off all traces of a bloodline spanning thousands of years. When another man stepped forward, requesting an end to the bloodshed, the mummy spoke into Clive's mind once again.

"Kill them all. Every last one. Do that, and we shall assist you. All six of us here, bound to this place by sorcery."


Sure enough, the large humanoid went straight for the exact spot where the scythe had struck the ground, only turning back once he tried and failed to find anything there. Now the creature was getting even more frustrated, wildly flailing out his arms in search of his ever elusive prey.


As soon as Philippa and 'Ouphris' left, Edgeworth took a moment to process everything they had just seen. Unfortunately Zenitsu was correct. By all accounts, Philippa was sending an assassin to impersonate Nezuko and kill anyone who tried to rescue her.

"They must have gone back up to the cells you once occupied." Edgeworth deduced. "We need to start finding a way out of this labyrinth and back to the prison proper. Once there, we will be in a better position to stop these assassins."

Taskforce Embassy
SirPrompto15 SirPrompto15

The seemingly unassuming building on the broad city streets immediately caught Keira's eye. Without hesitation, she hid in an alleyway and teleported just outside of a back door of the building. This place, which symbolized oppression and persecution to most otherworlders, had become her sanctuary. Here she would be safe for now, just as Philippa had promised, just as soon as she could let the embassy staff know that it was Lady Philippa Eilhart who had sent her. On the other hand, any Utopian pursuers who dared come here to arrest her would instead risk being captured themselves. It was a brilliant idea on Phil's part, but who was Keira to expect anything less from the best pupil of Tissaia de Vries herself?

Meanwhile, high above the embassy, a dragon landed in the alleyway with Tanjiro, Giyu, and Shinobu in tow. The dragon promptly changed back into Saskia's human form and looked around, but there was no sign of Keira anywhere.
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Shrine of the ladies of the woods.
As the murder of crows,emerged from the trapdoor. Marcus summoned his own weapons as well as his allies's weapons. "These are not Kasugai crows! Watch out!" He shouts. The others didn't ask questions as they tried to fend off the hostile crows. Marcus received a peck,which gave him a cut on his right cheek. It revealed something odf,instead of blood inside was skin,more organic. He noticed that the two Hashira were being pushed toward the trap door. Muichiro's Kasugai crow ,Ginko emerges from his robes and pecks an enemy crow,defending her master. "Stay away from Muichiro-kun!!!" She cries.
Marcus tries to help Muichiro and Mitsuri but find himself falling in the trap door along with the two Hashira. Before Genya,Joshua and Torgal could join them,they heard the cries from outside.
"Go help the Hashira! I'm going to investigate outside!" said Genya."Right,take Torgal with you. He shall help you in battle!" Joshua replied before going through the trap door. Genya and Torgal went outside.

Academy of magic

"Your friend Phillippa,she works for the Taskforce,am I correct?" Gentiana replied. "You'll either have to ask her gor help,or keep an eye on her. I might be wrong,but she might work with Ardyn." she added. "But Keira on the other end,being an ally of the king might be more trustworthy.
Underground maze.

"Those dogs who trapped you here? They'll be good as dead." Clive replied. "Though,what name do you go by?" he asked.
"How do we do that?!" Zenitsu replied. "This is a maze after all This is too much!" He looked at Nezuko. "I'm do sorry. There must be a way to get out of here. Get there and warn Tanjiro!"
Taskforce embassy.
The three Demon Slayer looked around for Keira. Tanjiro tried to track her scent. "I just hope we're not too late." Giyu replied. "Pessimistic as always Tomioka!" Shinobu said playfully. "I'm not." Giyu replied.
Heart of the Forest
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Outside of the shrine had started devolving into chaos. Hordes of monsters and wild beasts were attacking every civilian in sight, the Kakushi trying desperately to escort and protect them despite having no weapons of their own. A massive three-eyed fiend resembling a cross between a bear and a deer led the charge for the monsters, chasing down the fleeing civilians and goring anyone who came too close.

Ladies' Shrine - Cellar
SirPrompto15 SirPrompto15

Whispess and Brewess immediately set upon Mitsuri and Muichiro as soon as they fell through the trapdoor. Tree roots reached out of the earthen floor and snaked around each of the Hashira, attempting to bind them like they had bound the demon slayers on the walls. Muffled screams of protest rang out from all sides of the room as the captives all renewed their struggles, all visibly terrified for the two Hashira.

"Welcome! We've been expecting you." Whispess said cheerfully to the two.

"What lovely hair you have!" Weavess cooed as she reformed from the crows, attempting to run her fingers through each of the Hashira's hair. "Ah, the wonders I could weave with this!"

"We'll make a fine stew out of both of you!"
Brewess purred, chuckling alongside her sisters.

But the Crones' fun was short-lived. Marcus, Geralt, and Joshua all entered through the trapdoor as well. Geralt turned to the two Hashira and, with a swift hand motioned, conjured a stream of flame that burned off the roots that tried to bind them.

The Crones ceased their laughter and sprang into action once again. Weavess once again transformed into the crows and swarmed around the group. Brewess reached toward the ground to start transforming parts of it into boiling hot lava. Whispess used these small pools of lava to teleport, dropping into one only to emerge from another, all the while picking up globs of lava to hurl at the intruders. All the while, more tree roots emerged to try to ensnare anyone they could.

Utopian Academy of Magic
Margarita Laux-Antille’s Office
SirPrompto15 SirPrompto15

"Philippa said the Taskforce came to her for help, and that it was the perfect opportunity for her to gain the ears of all 120 member nations. Knowing her, she's just using them to expand the Lodge's influence. She'd never agree to help them otherwise." Margarita replied. "Keira would never help them either. Unfortunately I don't know if now is the best time to contact her."

Taskforce Embassy
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"The Taskforce embassy." Saskia said, looking toward the building up ahead. "The traitor has nowhere else to run. This way."

Without hesitation, Saskia rushed toward the Taskforce embassy, but quickly had to hide herself from the guards.

Meanwhile, it wasn't long before Tanjiro caught Keira's scent near the back of the building, along with a jumbled mix of fear, resentment, anger, and desperation.

Keira, the moment she saw the four, immediately attempted to telekinetically lift all four of them at once.

"Azar! Anatha! Vellos!"

A telekinetic burst erupted that would send each of them flying in different directions.

Taskforce Prison Facility
Underground Maze
Shadow Monarch Shadow Monarch & SirPrompto15 SirPrompto15

"Rathos. The Damned." The mummy's telepathic voice said bluntly. "Kill not only them, but also the descendants of the king. Only then can our souls finally rest."


"Agreed." Edgeworth said firmly, turning toward their bodyguard at the entrance. "Is there a way for you to contact your master?"

King Noctis' Hotel Room
SirPrompto15 SirPrompto15

Phoenix Wright took one more look around the hallway before approaching the room door and knocking on it. The atmosphere had been tense since that last conversation about the upcoming investigations, so if they were to do this correctly, they would need to get all of their legal ducks in a row, so to speak.

And perhaps, if it became necessary, he could finally let the king in on his own little secret.
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Outside of the shrine.
Genya and Torgal just arrived outside. Torgal growled as he noticed the beast.""I guess you noticed the beastie Mutt?" Genya replied. "Go get it!"
Torgal toward the beast and pounced on it's neck. He attempts to bite it's neck.
Ladies's shrine- cellar
"You have our thanks!" Muichiro said to Geralt. "So close to end up as those witches's dinner." Mitsuri replied.
That's when the Crones started their attack. Muichiro and Mitsuri charged toward the crows and used their respective breathing techniques on them.
Marcus threw his daggers toward the vines and warped root by root to slash them. He aimed for Brewess.
Meanwhile,Joshua located the trapped Demon Slayer Corps members. "I'm here to free you. Do not worry." He told them. He stared to free them.
Academy of magic.
"Is it posdible that her reason to join would have been for power and not the lodge?" Jill asked. "It would be better to keep an eye on this Philippa.
Tanjiro looked worried as he caught Keira's scent. Giyu,pushed Shinobu and Tanjro out of the way as Keira attempted her spell.
It was too late though, the three Demon Slayers were sent flying.
"Water breathing:Sixth form...Whirlpool!"
"Insect breathing...Butterfly dance: Caprice!"
Shinobu used her own breathing form to strike the ground with her blade.

Both Giyu and Tanjiro used the sixth form of Water breathing to regain balence before to lsnd on the ground.

Underground maze
"That's a deal." Clive replied to Rathos. "Clive Rosfield from Rosaria. "
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Taskforce Prison Facility
Underground Maze

Seeing that his thoughts were right. That the creature was unable to see and hunted by sound alone. He walked back a couple of steps as it was frantically looking for him and Greed. He needed to put an end to this creature so that he could move forward. He needed to end this quickly. Though something told him that this was going to be a fight that he needed to avoid.

Fate didn’t know why, but something was off about this whole situation. He didn’t believe the creature wanted to kill him. He also felt sorry for it just a little. Turning Greed back into its sword form. He quietly started to move to the side of the creature so that he could leave without killing it.

“Such a soft-hearted man you are. You already cut off one of its hands. So, why now stop from killing it? Is it because you feel sorry for it because it is blind? Or is there another reason?”

Greed’s voice echoed in his head, but he didn’t answer. If he spoke then the creature would come after them again, and he didn’t want that to happen at the moment.

Looking at the armored man as he asked if he was imprisoned here as well. It was true, and yet false at the same time. If he wanted, he could leave whenever he wanted. However, he wouldn’t be able to save some of the people here. He would have to choose, and there were more than a couple that deserve their freedom.

“That is both true and false. "Sung said looking at both the man and the creature. “We don’t have a lot of time, and I am wanting to get back to the others. Are you willing to come with me?’ Sung said in a bit of a hurry. Greed had informed him of what was happening, and he needed to get back as soon as possible.

Greed looked to Edgeworth as he spoke to him about getting a hold of his Master. It was an easy feat since he had already reported about Phillipa and her little arrival and actions. He was unable to speak with the man. Since he became what he was he no longer had the ability to speak like a human. So, he just nodded his head in response.


Ubuyashiki residence

Pyo just looked at Ubuyashiki as he spoke of peace. Something he has gained and lost many times in his life. He believed that no matter what peace is not something that is easily gained. It has to be earned through trials, and sometimes blood.

“Peace is not something so easily gained. Sometimes it requires blood shed to be obtained and kept. Or a power that is far beyond the ones that wish to do harm.” Pyo said in a matter-of-fact tone.


Noctis and Ignis's room.

Shaking his head as the King raised his voice asking what they could do now and mentioning Arden in his little breakdown. Normally Hua Cheng would enjoy this little escapade, but right now it was counterproductive to what they were discussing.

“Your friend is right. They haven't won. You just need to find a better solution to the problem.” Hua Cheng said as he heard a knocking at the door. Pulling out a pair of dice he smiled as he tossed them into the air.

“I will collect your new guest.” he said as he caught the dice. A black portal appeared before him, and he reached into the darkness, grabbing who was on the other side and swiftly pulling them into the barrier. If they were an enemy he could handle them, but he didn’t think they had found out about him. So, he doubted it was anyone wanting to do harm.

“Welcome to the party.” He said as the black portal disappeared revealing Wright.
Heart of the Forest
SirPrompto15 SirPrompto15

The fiend roared as Torgal bit into its neck. It bucked wildly to and fro, trying to shake off the persistent canine.

Ladies' Shrine - Cellar
SirPrompto15 SirPrompto15

The Crones were no physical fighters. Between that and the onslaught of five trained warriors, the fight quickly started to turn in the heroes' favor. Weavess weakened more and more with each crow slain, until she had to reform into her true hideous self, now visibly exhausted. Brewess' large size made her an easy target for Marcus' throwing knives, and the best she could do was fling globs of lava at him as she tried to draw back.

Joshua proceeded to free the captive demon slayers. Each one freed joined the fray without hesitation, further worsening the odds for the Crones.

Whispess was the first to perish. Geralt kept a close eye on the pools of lava, and the minute Whispess emerged, he threw his steel sword directly into her back. As she crawled on the ground, trying to get the steel sword out, Geralt took out his silver sword and finished her off with a stab through her head.

Utopian Academy of Magic
Margarita Laux-Antille’s Office
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"Both goals are one and the same, to be honest." Margarita explained. "Philippa is the Lodge. She founded it, she leads it... every decision ever made by the Lodge ultimately has its roots in her."

Taskforce Embassy
SirPrompto15 SirPrompto15

Giyu had managed to knock Shinobu and Tanjiro free, while Saskia changed into her dragon form so she could better control her fall. The dragon glared at Keira, preparing to breathe fire at her...

But Keira thought fast. With Giyu still caught in her spell, Keira sharply pulled him toward her, leaving him hanging in midair.

"Stay back, all of you!" Keira roared. To further emphasize her point, she took control of Giyu's sword arm, forcing him to hold his own sword to his throat.

King Noctis' Hotel Room
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"O...kay..." Wright said, a bit confused by what had just happened. "Thanks."

Once the initial shock had subsided, Wright immediately turned his attention to who exactly had just brought him in. This guy wasn't part of the royal escort!

"And who might you be, exactly?" Wright asked, trying not to look too awkward.

Taskforce Prison Facility
Underground Maze
Shadow Monarch Shadow Monarch & SirPrompto15 SirPrompto15

The creature left without further incident, still looking for the boy and his sword.


Not understanding what Sung was saying, the mummy could not respond to him. However, he was visibly pleased with Clive agreeing to his deal, and his low, booming voice echoed throughout the labyrinth as he spoke in an ancient language.


"Good." Edgeworth sighed in relief. "Then you should inform him of this newest turn of events posthaste. He's our best chance right now of stopping these assassins."
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