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Fandom Tokyo Ghoul : Monochrome Silhouettes

QuirkyAngel said:
Well...I don't mind...but I might make him lose a limb or two...
Especially if Lionheart comes in with a car...
Do as you please. See you in eight days.

@Lionheart you make the best intros. I would have given that a well thought out thingy but it was too perfect.

"I don't know who you are. I don't know how you did that. If you are looking for cheap food I can tell you I don't have any, but what I do have are a very particular set of skills. Skills I have acquired over a very long career. Skills that make me kiss the feet of people like you. If you let my character go now that'll be the end of it. I will not look for you, I will not pursue you, but if you don't, I will look for you, I will find you and I will kiss your feet."

-Kabo Neson, Taken 4
I'm watching my two god sons right now but after they leave I will be posting again for you, @TaeYeon

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So guys, I'm pretty sure Kabo said he didn't want Blue to die yet...plans to kill him later or something...and I kinda feel guilty about killing someone else's character when they aren't here so I guess I'll have him severely injured and running off somewhere to hide while he nurses his wounds...

Any ideas where?

Aqua said:
I'm back what I miss.
Blue just got smashed by a car:)
@QuirkyAngel I will Make a post for Itsuko when my god sons leave in about an hour since I am not interacting with him and can't really godmod anything.

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BirdFeathers said:
@QuirkyAngel I will Make a post for Itsuko when my god sons leave in about an hour since I am not interacting with him and can't really godmod anything.
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Fine with me. I'd only planned to leave him somewhere to hide and be ignored, but feel to take him:)
I'm going to cry thinking about this rp and what may or may not happen in the future.

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If she doesn't want to make a character sheet of this size, she doesn't. Oh well.

I missed a lot of OOC by the way. I came here to complain about @Aqua, but you guys still seem to be keeping in touch.
I am working on a character sheet for this rp but I have an idea for a Kagune but I was wondering if it would be allowed.
@Maria127 what are you thinking about? You can have a ghoul with multiple kakuhous or a kakuja. But I wouldn't recommend it since we already have a few high ranks.


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