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Fandom Tokyo Ghoul : Monochrome Silhouettes

BirdFeathers said:
@Kabo @Prizzy Kriyze I thought I said I was implementing a post skip on them???
But I can do a time skip post, too, that works. Since it also looks like we are the only three currently active at this moment in time, I say we just run off on a tangent and whenever someone else arrives, they can post whatever. IDEC.
Just image Barack Obama saying this. Great voice for a great speech. By my standards anyways.

My fellow citizens of the Roleplay Nation, I have brought you here today for a matter of great importance. An upstanding citizen who goes by the name of @BirdFeathers has volunteered to make a time-skip post. Now, we don't know the consequences of this, but we can only hope it is for the best as we have always done in these matters. Now, we are awaiting @Prizzy Kriyze's approval of this, but I can assure you, this will happen.

Now that we have that out of the way, please, RpNation, sit back and enjoy the show and all of it's shenanigans. See you when my term is over. Or when congress passes a bill.

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