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Realistic or Modern TIU [ooc]

Drook Drook Plutoni Plutoni chocolass chocolass Pastry Pastry q r o w q r o w peachuu peachuu Rexblades Rexblades gloomy gloomy

So the point of the first few posts is that the teachers assemble in the gym for the new students of the university. There would be lists laying down where students could write their name and join the specialization. Also there is option for bickering, teasing, talking, etc.

For the students you can go explore, fill in your names in the gym if you're a new student, look around for clubs or start one of your own, etc.
Clouds Clouds
I just looked at the teacher list and saw that we have a lot of specialization teachers, would it be better if I have Maeko be the English / Math teacher?
I am u g l y and I haven't been in a group in forever but this seems really interesting so lemme make my cs and stop rambling on :)
That is if you're still accepting of course lmao

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