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Full Name:
[Teacher [which subject?], Student, Other [ask for permission for this]]

Personality: [Minimum 1 paragraph]

Magic: [What are the Applications/Techniques [max 5] and Limitations [min 2]?]


Wait for your character to be accepted before posting. [A like from me.]

Only normal classes [Math [1] and English [1]] and Specialization [1] Hand-To-Hand Combat are available for Teacher characters.
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Full Name:
Asuka Soga.




> Current: Ramen Shop Owner & Part-Time Teacher [Specialization Swordsmanship]
> Previously: Waitress at a BBQ restaurant.

> Swordsmanship.
> Hand-to-hand combat.

The Unknown
She received her Hero status the moment she graduated from the university which was at the age of 21 however despite being seen as one of the top, Asuka actually cares little about the title. Sometimes even questioning why she even had it due to the trouble she had caused on her missions. She is quite lazy and spends a lot of her time sleeping, which she does so much that she is able to fall into a deep sleep in a matter of seconds. Though this doesn’t occur so often anymore due to her two jobs, keeping herself awake by the smallest things. Likewise when she does fall asleep, she is not affected from being waken up by a head slam, reacting calmly when such an incident occurs. In contrast to this casual nature of her, Asuka has been said to be one of the most violent-tempered heroes. She got this nickname due to the fact that whenever her comrades are in danger and doesn’t know how to keep calm in that very moment. It’s a double-edged sword. Asuka also appears to have bad manners and has a dark sense of humour to go with it.

The Scary
Magic: Power negation.
She can cancel out the powers of others, making them unable to utilize their powers as long as they are under her effect.

> Weaken or nullify powers.
> Pass by any force-fields.
> Remove mental alternation of victims.
> Unleash a wave that nullifies any attacks [2 seconds duration].

> Limited range, can only go into effect by touch or by shooting a wave.
> Some powers cannot be negated [enhanced abilities].
> The effects are mostly temporary, only effective as long as the targets are within a certain range.

> Loves a good drink while eating ramen.
> Known Hero but seized most activity [reason not yet known].
> Sleeping is her second nature.
> Has natural red eyes and white hair.


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千葉 美晴|
Chiba Miharu

Age: 19
Gender: female
Occupation: Student
Specialization: Hand to Hand Combat

Personality: Miharu is quiet and timid and possesses a tendency to seclude herself from others; she is intelligent, clever, and resourceful. Her shy behavior gives her the unwanted attention of many people, though she prefers to distance herself from uncomfortable situations and does nothing about the unwanted attention. She is very introverted, rarely speaking to anyone for any extended period of time. She is shown to be rather submissive, and prefers to view the world as if it were within a picture frame, with her outside looking in. This timid demeanor stems primarily from the trauma she received when her parents died. However, as she began to realize what she was to become, she let herself become more confident and expressive towards those she meets, that bond allowing her to become more protective them and able to speak up towards them.

Magic: Enhanced Unarmed Combat (EUC): excels in melee attacks without wielding weapons. Rather than relying on weapons or equipment, she draws on her own strength and skill to fight. Miharu is able to use different styles of martial arts, and can also perform many different combination strikes, counters and disarm her foes with her bare hands.

>Martial Arts Intuition
>Power Legs
>Power Arms

>May take time to learn new combat skills.
>Lack of a weapon usually put Miharu at a disadvantage against armed opponents.
>A sudden burst of energy can make her completely powerless for a period of time.

>Clean Freak
>Hates her food touching so she'd seperate it herself
>Loves doing photography on the side

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name: suguro konyo
age: 18 ● gender: male ● student
□■specialization: Hand to Hand & Computer Analysis■□

personality: People-oriented and fun-loving. Outgoing, social, group-oriented. Does not like to be alone, feels at ease around others. Talkative, open, can be touchy-feely. Values relationships and family over intellectual pursuits. Interested in serving others. Well-developed common sense and practical ability. Conventional, modest. Likes to dance, spontaneous. Overachieving. At times unprepared. Analytical. Disorganized. Happy. Trusts others. Can be influenced more by others than self. Feels the emotions of others. Likes teamwork. Guided by moods.

Illusionist- Creates/Uses illusions.

-Combat- He uses his ability to force his opponent to see the opposite of what he is really doing. (Say he is punching from the right, he makes his opponent see a left punch.)
-Stealth- He uses it to make himself invisible as long as he staying still. Can also use it to disguise himself or others.
-Mind Games- Gets into someone's head and makes them believe in an illusion he has created is real.

-Little Control- He doesn't currently have much control over his ability and it makes it hard to use or activate quickly and it takes a lot of focus to actually use currently.
-Range & Restricted- He has to be able to see the people he is manipulating, and can only manipulate around 5-6 people at a time.
-Overuse- Even with full focus he can only hold his illusions for 10-15 minutes before his body will collapse if he doesn't stop. He is trying to get more control so he can get more use of his ability and with more practice he hopes to improve.

-Easy to discourage
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koyama maeko
23 ■ female ■ teacher: computer analysis

personality: Independent, original, analytical, and determined. Loner, more interested in intellectual pursuits than relationships or family, not very complimentary. Would rather be friendless than jobless. An observer who values solitude. Not physically affectionate, does not talk about feelings. Suspicious of others. Can be lonely. Responsible. Orderly, clean, and organized. Perfectionist. Has very high standards for their performance and the performance of others. A natural leader, but will follow if they trust existing leaders. Value knowledge, competence, and structure. Long-range thinker. Has an exceptional ability to turn theories into solid plans of action. Analytical. Skeptical. Punctual. Finisher. Prepared. Rarely shows anger. Hard to impress. Tends to be pessimistic. Does not think they are weird, but others do.

Magic: Empaty/Emotion control/Persuasion

-Soothing- In a school full of highly trained teens, you are bound to have fights. She uses her ability to try and force the students to calm down and resolve it without the teachers having to get into the fight as well.
-Shift- She can change others emotions around her, she only uses it when she needs to.
-Emotional Persuasion- By playing with others feelings she can get information without physical torture. Saving her time and energy.
-Empathy- Can sense emotions of others. could be a really good therapist.

-Range- She has to see or touch the person she is using her ability on.
-Time Limit- Shift and Soothing techniques wears off once she is either out of range or after a few hours. Depends on how long she used the ability on them.
-Overwhelming- Empathy is very nauseating for her since she is constantly around lots of kids with mood swings. She can't turn off this ability so if you see her head down or shes taking meds, recommended to walk away.
-Reliving- She has to go through the same emotions as her target during Persuasion, making her tired and sometimes emotionally unstable.

-Once was a English Teacher
-Really skilled basic nurse
-"If i wasn't a teacher, I would own a bookstore."

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I'm finished! Clouds Clouds


extra pictures x x

full name....... hiashi meizu

alias....... phoenix

age....... 19

gender....... male | he, him, his

occupation....... student

specialization....... hand to hand combat

magic....... ethereal fire | eternal flame

hiashi is able to create and manipulate fire from limited parts of his body (only from his hands, arms, and mouth). the flames burn black and are much hotter than regular fire, and take much longer to extinguish. once a target has been ignited, the fire latches on, and cannot spread onto anything else. (for example, if he were to light a tree on fire in a forest, even if other trees were to touch the fire, it wouldn’t spread and burn any other trees except for the one originally ignited.)


> create and manipulate black fire

> harder to extinguish

> burns hotter than normal fire


> fire can only come out of certain parts of his body

- his hands and arms as well as out of his mouth

> limited amount he can produce at one time without feeling fatigued

> the fire cannot spread

extra....... when he smokes cigarettes his pyrokenetic abilities heighten, but unfortunately it has extreme health risks

in depth personality.......

Hiashi Meizu is a hard soul to understand. His intentions can be easily misconstrued since he tends to keep to himself, hardly showing any emotions he may be feeling. He is not easily motivated and will often only go out of his way to do something if it directly benefits himself. He gets bored quite easily, and doesn't fancy the idea of small talk or light conversations. He'd rather sit in comfortable silence, for his own thoughts are busy enough on their own. He could be considered quite the loner, preferring his own company rather than other people. Some may see him as a cold person, but only because he doesn't really know how to express himself around strangers. However, if he does happen to get invested into another person or a conversation he can come off as quite sarcastic and witty. Once he grows more comfortable around someone he will slowly yet surely break out of his shell and show a more playful and caring side of himself. Hiashi is actually very passive and calm majority of the time. Emotionally, the male has a very steady head on his shoulders, his cleverness shining through just enough to give a good impression towards the teachers. Ironically enough, being as his ability is to manipulate fire, he does not easily lose his temper. He's the type to think before he acts - using that clever brain of his to resolve any unfortunate situations; that is if he's interested at all in doing so. Most of the time his stoic nature causes him to be too indifferent to care about doing anything productive unless he absolutely has to.
rp post

stAN SF9


coded by: y o u n g j a e
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Full Name:
Hajime Susana

Razor- Normal Hero Name
The Hungry Hungry Hippo- Childish nickname given to him by his peers
Super Dad: Nickname given to him by his daughters



Teacher at UIT: Gym/Hand-to-hand specialization


Personality: Being the single father of five daughters Hajime naturally developed a fatherly persona treating almost everyone as if they were his family. He is kind, caring, and a tremendous gentleman treating his peers and students with genuine respect. This even applies to criminals as he is a firm believer in redemption due to his past juvenile record during his youth. Despite his past and intimidating size Hajime prefers to keep conflict at a minimum preferring to solve problems through the usage of words rather then his fist. He tends to place himself in the position of others and tries his hardest to guide misguided youths to better themselves rather then to punish them as most would.

With his mischievous daughters and his overprotective nature Hajime has an incredible sense of awareness keeping always on the alert rarely ever letting his guard down. He is often seen as odd due to his constantly covered face. Usually wearing items such as a bandanna or his signature fluffy scarf not many know of his true face nor does he want them to find out. He is insecure, self conscious, and simply embarrassed of his ability. He thinks that his face would frighten most people away as it did so many years ago resulting in his lonely childhood. Even around his kids he is hesitant about removing his scarf despite them already knowing and accept him for who he is. He is seen as even odder as he constantly carries around a large duffel bag full of tasty snacks which would seem impossible for any normal person to devour. A man with such ravenous eating habits who also happens to cover his face leads to quite the amount of rumors.

Name of Magic: Gluttony
Description: Hajime's ability is a passive one that morphs his body into the ultimate eater. His body is built to digest even non edible material such as metals and grants Hajime elastic jaws with rows of sharp teeth.

-Powerful and sharp teeth that can tear even through the toughest of materials
-Stomach is able to digest non edible material at amazing speeds and turn it into raw energy. This includes metals, plastic, poisons, and even concentrated energy blast.
-While not possessing super strength he does possess incredible durability. Even his insides are not easily damaged making him quite resistant to internal attacks and pressure points.
-Possesses a keen sense of smell that allows him to know what exactly makes up certain materials and foods.
-Can open his mouth to incredible lengths to devour more items or food

-Due to his high paced digestive system he must constantly feed or risk hunger
-His ability doesn't allow for long range attacks. Nor does he fair well against people who can fly
-Foul smells can heavily reduce Hajime's combat ability

-Three of his daughters are biologically his. Two were adopted due to his sympathy as they possess body altering magic such as his.
-Has a twin brother




Name: Lucas Sinclair

Alias: Karma

Age: 19

Gender: Male

Occupation: Student

Specialisation: Hand to hand combat, Gunmanship.

Personality: He's not a that nice of a guy. He's sarcastic and he's very blunt. He won't hesitate to call you on your shortcomings and will probably throw a joke in there as well. He usually calm even in life and death situations.

He can be a nice guy though if you take the time to get to know him. He'll do whatever it takes to help a friend though he'll probably do it behind your back. He doesn't want you thinking he's soft after all.

He's also a fighter, he doesn't give up and doesn't back down even in hopeless situations. If you want to beat him then you're going to have to break him.

Name of Magic: Pride
Description: Pride is a magic that help boosts his body. It boots it in different ways, like strength, speed, defence and even regeneration.

-Strength boost: This allows him to increase his physical strength.
-Speed boost: This allows him to increase his speed, allowing him to move faster
-Defense boost: This allows him to increase his defence and allow him to take more damage.
-Regeneration boost: this allows him to regenerate his wounds faster.
-Reflex boost: his reflexes are boosted to allow him to react to things quicker.

-He can control how much energy he puts into these abilities but he can't over do it or his body starts to break, like muscles tearing or bones breaking.
-If he does more than one ability at a time it uses more of his stamina and he can tire himself out too quickly.
-He doesn't have any ranged attacks making him a close ranged fighter.
-Once he runs put of energy he can't use any abilities making him vulnerable to all attacks.

-Loves sweets, he always has something handy.
-Loves to read and study though he does that in his own time as he doesn't want anything thinking he's s nerd
-Loves to cook, will cook at any time and will always find a reason to cook
-Has a great voice and he loves to sing by himself
-Doesn't know how to handle females very well but he always acts like he does l

Full Name: Yuuni Nakashima
Age: 26
Gender: Female
Occupation: Teacher
Specialization: Computer Analysis & Swordsmanship
Personality: Yuuni believe that she is special and constantly dreams about success. She often feels invincible, and is extremely impulsive. She hates to be alone, and she tries really hard to be people-oriented. It’s kinda hard, though, considering she has no sense of humor. She’s also competitive, malicious, insensitive, grouchy, and has little to no compassion.
Magic: Electricity Manipulation || She can create, shape and manipulate electricity, a form of energy resulting from the movement of charged particles, allowing control over electric fields, all charge carriers, electronics, and electromagnetic forces.
Applications/Techniques: Conduct Heat, Electricity Generation, Electrical Signal Manipulation, & Electricity Empowerment
Limitations: Electricity needs a conductor like metal or water to move through, therefore electricity can neither exist in nor move through a vacuum (such as outer space) and may be insulated by non-conductive matter, such as air and rubber. Electricity may be redirected by certain materials. A strong enough magnetic force/source may be hinderful.
Extra: Believes in (and is kind of obsessed with) ghosts; doesn’t know her father; kinda forgetful; and owns a pet guinea pig named Sayuri.
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Full Name: Aoi Kayto Seki
Alias: Sec
Age: 24
Gender: Male
Occupation: Student
Specialization: Gunmanship

Personality: Aoi is a bit... Different. He focuses on his classes more then his social skills, and overall talking to people can seem a bit difficult for him. He hides under his mask, which isn't used for "fashion purposes" but for medical reasons. He seems walled off to other people, and can become defensive on more personal subjects. It takes a bit to get under his skin, and be allowed to stay there. Past all the walls and the awkwardness, he can be a nice guy. Don't forget, he can be quite clumsy and walk into situations that he can have a lot of trouble getting out of.

Magic: Manipulation; basically saying if he touches, or looks directly into someone's eyes, he can manipulate their thoughts, dreams, or memories. He can see (Either accidentally or purposefully) their worst nightmare, and manipulate it. This also gives him the unknown ability to manipulate their minds, as if to take control or freeze it. In order for him to do this, it would take quite a bit of energy and constant reinforcement of the power.

Weaknesses with his power: The mind control will only last for awhile, so he will have to constantly reinforce it. It's a short range, meaning by touch or close-direct eye contact. It can be weaker or ineffective if someone has low intelligence.

Guns he owns: McMillan Tac-50
Glock 17 Gen 4

Face Mask: Mask.jpg
name; korrigan rossi (korri, rossi)
alias; n/a
age; eighteen
occupation; student
personality; korrigan is very lazy yet called manipulative by her friends because she always gets what she wants. shes a bit awkward and accidentally roasts people who dont know she's sarcastic and sassy, which makes a bad first impression. she tries to be nice, but people annoy her easily. she has a habit of listening in to other peoples conversation in case if she gets blackmail to use against people. she also swears a lot. this girl has trust issues which adds to her personality. korrigan seems really stupid, but it actually quite intelligent and uses that to her advantage in battle, and in everyday life.
sex; female

magic; water manipulation
-obviously she can manipulate water in any form
-can freeze and heat water
-sometimes she can even control the water in people, but it's very difficult and dangerous for her to do so. whenever she does it, cannot move/lose focus.
-can get dehydrated easily and faint when she's not careful. to combat that issue, she carries a lot of a water bottles.
-she gets cold after using her abilities for a long time
-when she tries to control people's movements, korrigan can bleed either internally, from her nose or even both in extreme cases.
specializes; long range attacks and defense


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