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Fantasy This Sea Isn’t MY Ocean. (Pirate Isekai) (Main, closed)

sandwichgod13 sandwichgod13
you probably have the ingredients to create a sandwich, and there is water on board, however, I think I know of something that may be useful to you. Now, Normally I give my adopted children something to make up for their previous death, but you died via your own means; albeit in an incredibly painful way that you regretted immediately as you were dying. I don’t know if there is anything to prevent your own specific death, so I will give you something fun instead.“

A coin appears in the palm of his hand, “I call that the purity coin. when you flip it, it will switch between 2 modes, purity and fermentation depending on heads or tales. On heads, it will turn everything you swallow into the purest level of drinking water, with the purest minerals for the best taste. However, on tails, it will turn everything into its to purest drinkable alcohol. It will only work when on your person, if you want it’s effect to wear off, just it down briefly. If you wanna play with it, you can put it down between sips”

below deck you find many things: various metals, minerals, tools, and a freezer full of different meats, and bottles of preserved fruits and vegetables. As well as a room full of all kinds of swords, knives, spears, and explosive components. You note a single crossbow, but no guns whatsoever. Each weapon seems well used, except for the crossbow, which seems to have a glowing arrow. In another room, you find a distillery. And finally a room with an empty crib, submerged in water.
Olivier made it to the top deck and looked around the small ship that she is on. She notices 5 body's. Her doppelganger and 3 guys. Olivier sees if anyone of them has a pulse while closing the eyes of the dead. Olivier then sees that her doppelganger has 2 rapiers. She picks them up and cleans them off before putting them to the side.
Alex Walked into a small room with a staircase that led down. The room was mostly empty, except for a few barrels that were half filled with wine. Their was wine spilled on the ground that dripped below deck from stairs. He walked down the stairs. The creaking sound of it was increasing with each step, getting louder and louder. Finally he reached the lower deck. The place was dark, with only 1 small hole on the sealing provideing light. As Alex walked further, a wet and gooey substance touched his boots. Looking down, he saw a face, a face with gouged eyes and slashed throat. Alex lost his footing as he stumbled backwards. He looked around the room and saw many decapitated bodies. Some were missing hands or legs, while some were split in half. It was a carnage. Alex felt something pushing up his throat. He took a step back and started puking.
After emptying his stomach, he looked ahead in horror. Although he had anticipated something similar, it was still too much for him. He moved ahead with wobbling steps, avoiding the corpses. A few metres ahead, a door came into his view. The door was hanging from it's hinges. It looked as though it was opened forcefully. Inside was, what looked like a cannon. Inside the room were 4 dead bodies. 1 female and 3 male. 'This must be captain's wife'.
This room was bigger then the one on top. But it was emptier. Their were only small heaps of what seemed like cannonballs. Alex looked above him, joining his hands in position of prayer and prayed for the lost souls.
Coming back on the deck, he prayed to the god that reincarnated him,"it seems like their is no food aboard this ship. What should I do? ". He asked.
Jaldabaoth Jaldabaoth
”soon you will stumble across land. Few creatures will be upon it. Where it is a small island, it is also plentiful in edible fruits and berries. You will meet a man that goes by the name Landon there ( SharkBark SharkBark ). He is another one of my adopted children. He is without a ship, together you will be stronger.”
sandwichgod13 sandwichgod13
you probably have the ingredients to create a sandwich, and there is water on board, however, I think I know of something that may be useful to you. Now, Normally I give my adopted children something to make up for their previous death, but you died via your own means; albeit in an incredibly painful way that you regretted immediately as you were dying. I don’t know if there is anything to prevent your own specific death, so I will give you something fun instead.“

A coin appears in the palm of his hand, “I call that the purity coin. when you flip it, it will switch between 2 modes, purity and fermentation depending on heads or tales. On heads, it will turn everything you swallow into the purest level of drinking water, with the purest minerals for the best taste. However, on tails, it will turn everything into its to purest drinkable alcohol. It will only work when on your person, if you want it’s effect to wear off, just it down briefly. If you wanna play with it, you can put it down between sips”

below deck you find many things: various metals, minerals, tools, and a freezer full of different meats, and bottles of preserved fruits and vegetables. As well as a room full of all kinds of swords, knives, spears, and explosive components. You note a single crossbow, but no guns whatsoever. Each weapon seems well used, except for the crossbow, which seems to have a glowing arrow. In another room, you find a distillery. And finally a room with an empty crib, submerged in water.
Tommy holds the coin and (assuming the coin is gold) bites down on it suddenly a wave crashes into the boat causing him to swallow coin. He feels the sudden urge to pee. He pisses himself and feels a burning pain. “Argggggh! Did the person you switched me with have aids?” His words start to slur and the pain turns to a dull sear
Jaldabaoth Jaldabaoth
”soon you will stumble across land. Few creatures will be upon it. Where it is a small island, it is also plentiful in edible fruits and berries. You will meet a man that goes by the name Landon there ( SharkBark SharkBark ). He is another one of my adopted children. He is without a ship, together you will be stronger.”
"I will stumbled upon land. That's good. That's good" he looks around, but sees nothing but vast ocean. But he decides to trust the god.

He felt nauseous just from just the thought of going below the deck, so he decided to stay on the upper deck.
The sun was burning hot, making it near impossible to stay on the deck. Alex walked towards the room that led downstairs.

3 hours passed by, but the land was nowhere to be seen. Alex was thirsty, his throat sore. But their was no water abord the ship. For a split second, he entertained the thought of drinking his own blood, as he could not bleed. But he relinquished this thought, feeling disgusted by his own imagination.

He looked at the barrels that were behind him. Some half filled, while some empty. The liquid inside, most probably wine, had dust particles floating atop it. It looked like it had been left here for some time. He did not want to drink it, but his thirst left he no other option. He dipped his hands in the barrel, trying to scoop some clean wine from the bottom. It was up to anyone's guess how successful his attempt was. But he drank it thinking it was the best thing he could get right now.
He drank it 4 or 5 more time, until his thirst was sated. He felt much better now, thanks to the effect the wine had on him. He was never able to hold his alcohol in his privious life, and it looked like this traits had followed him to this new world.

He eyes started feeling heavy, his mind flying in an imaginary sky. Soon, he was sleeping like a log.
His eyes still heavy, Alex wakes up. His head was throbbing and he felt dizzy. He stumbled back to his feet, the world around him still a blur. For a second he felt like all this was a dream, that he never came to a new world, that he was not dead. But his wishful thinking came to a halt when an island came into his view, although blurry. He came back to his senses and remembered that he was going to find an island. He became joyous. His hunger was still their, it was only amplified by the who-knows how many hours of sleep he had had.

The waves were behind Alex, but the ship could not move past a certain distance on the coast. Alex was stuck. It wouldn't have been this much of an issue if he knew how to swim. But alex never bothered to learn this particular skill in his past life.

After a good 15 minutes, alex had a brilliant idea. 'Why not make a raft out of the barrels. With waves on my side, I'll be on the beach within minutes.'
He used a thick rigging rope to tie the barrels together, making it a raft. He tied a long rope in the middle of the raft, and slowly released it in to the sea, tying the other end of the rope to the main mast. Then Alex collected all the stuff that he had inherited from the captain, and some other things he took from the dead bodies below deck. He carried as much as he could on his person and climbed down the rope. When he was on the raft and felt that he would be able to do it, he slashed the rope with his rapier. A strong wave pushed him forward, bringing him closer and closed to the beach. It looked as though the weight of all his equipment did not matter, his speed unchanging. Finally, he reached the beach as his raft was slammed to the ground. Alex was also slammed to the beach, and his clothes were filled with sand, but he felt an unprecedented joy, the kind of joy that one feels after finding their home after a long journey. Alex slowly collected the items he had brought.

He was looking forward to meeting his new companion.
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Landon flinched when he got an answer to his question. He looked around for a source but nothing was found. The voice continued to speak and told him about how he was in an unfamiliar place. It then said some more things but Landon was too freaked out to process it. Landon looked down at his hands. He shouldn't have.

Landon saw that his hands were now a tan color, before he had sand colored skin, but some how, he was different. What the hell was he? Or who was he?

Landon's thoughts were cut off by the soundof something crashing against the water. He turned around to see a ship approaching the island. Landon stood up and ran towards it.

"Hey!" he yelled waving his hands. "Help me!"
“So I suppose that’s the alcohol you were talking about.” Tommy looks around the boat, “well I suppose I should lift anchor and drop the sail” Tommy drunkly lumbers around while fumbling around with nots and whatnot. “Hmmm I should really get a crew to do this” You know what father I shall rename this derelict vessel after you soooooo, what’s your name? Do gods use mortal names or is it more like a spiritual feeling or something?”
sandwichgod13 sandwichgod13
“I no longer have a name. It was lost in the plentiful things that my children have called me”, the voice said, “In time, you may meet my other adoptive children,”
“Whaaat? I thought I was special. There are others?” Tommy asks. “Then why did you drop me here. Wouldn’t it have been easier to drop me off with them?” Tommy sighs “ Whatever, where are these people?”
Finnegan looks between the giant squid towing a boat off his starboard bow and the bottle of rum in his hand
"Aye can't bee THAT drunk arready"
He slowly teeters with the boat swaying, and starts hauling on the anchor line with one hand and slugging off the bottle in the other. He sings drunkenly
"Yo-ho, blow the man down"
"Wha? Ookayy" Finnegan(shortened to Finn from here on out) clumsily resets course to pursue, slightly worried about the squid
Landon flinched when he got an answer to his question. He looked around for a source but nothing was found. The voice continued to speak and told him about how he was in an unfamiliar place. It then said some more things but Landon was too freaked out to process it. Landon looked down at his hands. He shouldn't have.

Landon saw that his hands were now a tan color, before he had sand colored skin, but some how, he was different. What the hell was he? Or who was he?

Landon's thoughts were cut off by the soundof something crashing against the water. He turned around to see a ship approaching the island. Landon stood up and ran towards it.

"Hey!" he yelled waving his hands. "Help me!"
"Hey! help me!" Alex heard a cry for help. It sounded like it's source was somewhere far away. Alex was still trying to collect all his items, but he stopped mid way. He looked back, squinting his eyes so the he could see farther. He could make out a figure that was running towards him. The physical features of this man were not clear, but Alex had a hunch that this man was his soon to be companion, one of the children the god has adopted. He still wanted some assurances though. He asks with a low voice, " Hey god. Is that guy one of your adopted children?"
After a day of sailing, Stad saw a shimmer in the sea. "Hey deity person," he said out loud, careful not to wake the sleeping Neko, "Is that land, or am I hallucinating?"
Mathius looks at all the food and takes some eating while he looks through the ship, he walks in to a strange room that looks like it belongs under water with coral and a bunch of other sea things scattered around and in the middle of the room he sees a crib that’s looks to be submerged in water. He doesn’t think much of it and walks out before walking to the top deck “are we getting close?”
AniMANIA7983 AniMANIA7983
Jaldabaoth Jaldabaoth
“Yes, my child. This is the one of which I was speaking of. And another will arrive shortly”

The Grand Fool The Grand Fool
“Yes, you see land. There will be allies there.”

“You will stumble across the ship soon enough” in the distance, upon the horizon, you begin to see a ship getting closer, “also take note of the ship following you. They are a future ally”

Gabriel117 Gabriel117
“2 ships are approaching from the east. Worry not, they are both allies, though they have not yet met. They are some more of my adopted children”
Gabriel looks around for the ships “are you sure they’re friendly? I’m not sure I’m ready for a battle,”

The spirit manifests “ I think you’re ready, by far you’re no professional but you’ll be alright”
sandwichgod13 sandwichgod13
”where it would have been easier, that isnt how it works. i needed a bunch of people who‘s times were up. And where there was a ship with a crew who had a lot of people, i couldn’t guarantee space for everyone. So I spawned each of you on a ship with a dead person on it. And where I could teleport you all to the same place, that wouldn’t give you time to collect your bearings”.

Gabriel117 Gabriel117
”I can not guarantee friendliness of all my children. In spirit form, everyone is friendly and nobody is bound by negative thoughts or feelings. However, In a body, those feelings arise once more. So one cay say and have intent for one thing when in spirit form, but completely forget due to the negativity in life.” A sigh can be heard, “the only reason to allow yourself such pains are to feel the other sensations that a body can give.”
Gabriel looks on across the ocean to see the approaching ships. “ guess we’ll find out” he readies his weapons and waits for contact
Meara jolts awake and awakes in an unfamiliar place that was dark and damp. Confused, she groggily gets up only to be rocked back in forth with what sounded like a wooden floor beneath her feet. She didn't ever remember falling asleep, let alone in a strange place like this. "Let's see, the last thing I remember was-" She thought as her eyes adjusted to the dark and just when she remember what happened to her she felt her foot bump into something when she took a step forward. Her didn't look down just yet because she realized she was in what looked to be a holding cell and put together she was in the brig of a ship. Only then did she look down only to see a dead woman, bound by chains and was neck was slit open.

Quickly, Meara took a step back and slipped in the blood in which she then crawled backwards all the way until her back was against a wall. "W-What the-" Her hand touched something metallic and when she glanced down she was met with her reflection on a scratched up plate. The face she saw was the same as the person she saw on the floor red hair, fair skin, and blue eyes, definitely not her own. "What the hell is going on here!" She hissed as her hands shook.

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