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Realistic or Modern This ain't no West Side Story

Sage smiles and nods. “When can he go home?” She asks softly. She just wanted to get him out of here. Him leaving would put her at ease.
“Once he wakes up we just need to take him for an MRI and then we can send him home as long as there’s no more internal bleeding.” She assured her leaving them to privacy.

He woke up an hour later and glanced over at her. “How was Magic last night?” He mumbled sitting up carefully.
Sage nods at the nurse and sits back down. She messes in her phone until he wakes up and smiles at him. “He was good. Cuddled with me all night.” She murmurs and smiles.
He smiled and nodded watching her some. “Alright... good.... what do you want for dinner tonight?” He murmjred tiredly he’d almost made it through a hospital stay safely but he tensed a little when a cop walked into the room before she had a chance to respond.
Sage goes to answer, only to see the cop walk in. She frowns and holds his hand gently, standing up and moving closer to the bed. “How can we help you officer?”
He looked at her then turned to face Jason. “Jason Momoa? Were you aware you have an outstanding warrant for your arrest for assault on three people as an accomplice to a robbery?” He asked him pulling out the handcuffs. “Mr. Momoa you are under arrest. You will not be allowed to leave the hospital today we will take you down to the station tomorrow morning. And now I gotta read you your rights though I’m sure by now with your record you know them off by heart.” He muttered before reading them off to him and then left the room, leaving a cop stationed outside.

Jason frowned and took a deep slow breath placing his head in his free hand. “This is why I don’t do hospitals.” He mumbled.
Sage frowns and watches him. She holds his hand and shakes her head. “Don’t worry. I can get my boss to represent you.” She murmurs softly. “We can get you out of this.” She murmurs softly and kisses his hand. She wasn’t gonna let him go to jail.
He frowned shaking his head. “No... no your brothers will keep me out. Ta what they’re paid to do and they wouldn’t dare risk losing that check from Aaron.” He pointed out tiredly looking at her “I’m so sorry. This isn’t what you signed up for.” He mumbled tiredly.
Sage sighs and looks at him. “It’s not what I first signed up for, but I agreed to this the minute I stayed after the drive by.” She murmurs. “I’m gonna be here for you no matter what. You’re stuck with me now.”
He just nodded and squeezed her hand tightly not having any words right now. It wasn’t the first time he’d been arrested and if he did end up in prison it wouldn’t be the first either but it still didn’t mean that he wanted to go.
Sage kisses his forehead soflty. “I’m sorry I’ve been kinda distant lately. I was just trying to wrap my head around everything. I’m gonna be here for you though, through everything.” She murmurs soflty.
He just nodded again. “I love you.” He murmured tiredly to her worrying but soon called Aaron to let him know what was going on.
“Mmm.... that feels nice.” He mumbled feeling her rubbing his scalp. “I love you.” He smiled tiredly still laying there with his eyes closed. “Are you cold? Cause I’m really freezing.” He mumbled despite them keeping the room at 20 centigrade he was starting to shiver some.
Sage smiles and kisses his head. “I love you too.” She murmurs and then frowns. It really wasn’t that cold in the too. She gets up and grabs the banker she had been using and drapes it over him gently. She feels his forehead. “How are you feeling?”
“I think I’m okay. Just tired and cold.” He mumbled relaxing under her touch. “I could do with some more painkillers though.” He mumble
His nurse popped in to check on him a short while later after hearing a call from his room and walked in to see him struggling to breathe and he was hardly conscious “what happened?” She asked her quickly
Sage frowns and was trying to get him to relax. “I..I don’t know.” She whimpers and shakes a little. She leaves when they ask her too and slides down the wall.
“I need these handcuffs off him right now.” She told the cop stationed outside his rooms but got told that the other guy had the key and he didn’t. “Right then if he dies that’s on you.” She told him firmly
The guy was radioing his supervisor to tell him to get back now because they needed to uncuff him to treat him and the nurse came out to get Sage. “He’s asking for you. He’s stable but we need to know where the internal bleeding is so we can fix it.” She told her calmly while Jason lay there struggling to breathe even with extra help just reaching for her hand.

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