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Realistic or Modern This ain't no West Side Story

Dean frowned watching her. “Sage you shouldn’t know any of that. Business is business and dad still isn’t happy that you’re with him. He let us have the go ahead to do it.” He muttered.
Sage clenches her jaw and throws a book at Dean. “And you just fucking do it?!” She tells. She was begging hurt and angry at her whole family now, but espivally them for doing this without a second thought. “Both of you get the hell out and I never want to see you or talk to you again. Same goes for mom and dad. Make sure they get the message too.” She snaps and points at the door. “And I promise if it happens again, I’m gonna do everything to put you on trail, dads whole company if I have to.” She snaps.
Jason woke up to an empty room again later in the afternoon and frowned some trying to sit up a bit just about managing and staying propped up with pillows while he turned the tv on and watched whatever came on waiting for Sage to come back.
Sage heads back to the hoppsital and wipes her eyes. She looks herself over in the mirror in the bathroom before heading to his room. She sit down beside his bed. “Hey sweetie.”
“Hey there... how you doing?” He murmured gently tugging on her to bring her just s little closer wanting nothing more than to hold her but That wasn’t possible right now.
Sage shakes him off gently. “Jason don’t.” She murmurs softly. She didn’t want to hurt him. She sighs softly and runs a hand through her hair. “I’m okay.” She murmurs softly and bites her lip.
He frowned some and watched her “Alright... if you say so.” He murmured watching her some. “Can you stay at mine tonight? Or take Magic with you to yours?” He asked her quietly.
Sage nods a little. “Yeah of course.” She murmurs softly and rubs his hand gently. “I love you so much.” She murmurs softly and kisses his hand gently.
He smiled leaning back some watching her. “I love you too beautiful... which I Why when you’re ready to talk about it... I’m here. I know there’s something bothering you. But tell me when you’re ready Okay?” He murmured giving her hand a squeeze gently.
Jason smiled at her some and took one of the blankets, chucking it over her as best he could before laying back down and starting to fall asleep as well, still holding her hand. He loved her and he only wanted to see her happy but t scared him that he still could lose her if she changed her mind about caring about his job.
Sage holds his hand and relaxes. She stays until a nurse tells her visiting hours were over. She gets up and kisses his forehead. “I’ll be back tomorrow.” She murmurs and heads back to her place to get clothes before going to his to spend the night.
Magic was just excited that someone was home an dfollowed her around all evening until bed time and he curled up on Jason’s side of the bed happily and fell asleep being petted.
Jason was already up by the time she got there in the morning and sat up some more. “Hey.. They’re gonna send me home later. With painkillers.” He smiled tiredly st her.
Sage smiles and nods. “Why don’t you come stay with me for awhile?” She murmurs soflty and watches him. “So someone can be there if you need something.” She murmurs softly.
Jason smiled tiredly ather. “If you’d be okay with that then I’d be more than happy to. Any time with you is preferable to anything else.” He murmured reaching over to her.
Sage watches him and smiles. “I cashed in on my vacation time. I got a lot saved up. I wanted to be here for you.” She murmurs softly and kisses his hand.
Sage smiles a little and shakes her head. “And you’re a terrible liar.” She teases and stands up. “I’m gonna go get some coffee. Want anything?”
He winked at her and smiled but shooo his head. “Just some water and I’ve already got a few bottles... you’re perfect to me Sage. That’s all truth.” He murmured and blew her a kiss as she walked out of the room.
He was asleep again but a little more relaxed and he’d had his lunch, just waiting for someone to take the tray away. “He’s doing well maam. He’s healing and as fast as we could hope for.” His nurse explained.

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