• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Realistic or Modern They Walk, Among Us (Bandits/Heroes Needed!)


Joe Hayden





Bandit, hero, military or survivor:





He's a very calm, rational and logical person, and he's really very aware and observantof his surroundings, and other people's behaviour and emotions about him. He's quite cautious and suspicious around strangers, as many of them he encountered turned out to be bandits, yet, he likes to help people who are being victimized or needs help, though he takes extra precaution so as to not fall into a trap. He's really charitable and assertive and always prefers to look first then leap, heavily thinking about the outcomes and benefits, he also prefers to plan first and then engage in something, but he's also proficient in improvisation, always encouraging people to engage in improvisation when the time comes. He may look and seem like a harsh and insensitive man at first glance but he's actually really sincere, a bit humorous and extremely kind, ready to give out all of his food storage to a man who needs it more than him.

He likes organization and discipline, and has strong hate for slacking off and laziness. He's also very blunt and truthful, preferring to express his and everyone else's opinion. He's also very free-minded, letting others voice their opinion before engaging in something. He's also a little bit demanding, especially in terms of skills and abilities. He likes camping, hiking and trekking very much. He also has a strict fitness schedule and likes to hunt some game birds while camping.


Life before the outbreak wasn't quite great for him, he was a really troubled kid who didn't understand his emotions, which significantly increased after his father died at car accident which he thinks was because of him. He was the kid that always tried to help people, whether he'd get into some deep shit or not.

After he grew up, he took a career as a lumberjack, which was the phase of his life when his mother died because of a chronic disease that was clinging onto her, Joe still admits that it was for the very good of her since she didn't get to witness the blood and destruction. Afterwards, he started working as a fire-fighter, a very ordinary and casual job or so it seemed, he made sown friends, who Amy or may not be best friends, but he didn't focus on that subject a lot.

After the outbreak, he was one of the few people who made it out alive, using his wits and strength to survive the apocalypse. He still roams through the undead ridden towns to find someone who needs dire helps, or some bandits who are trying to mug or kill someone, of course, he did this to save the victim, definitely not the perpetrator.


Great strength

Can handle heavy weapons swiftly

Great stamina


Way too selfless

Bum knee, crouching is really tiring for him

A little bit clumsy




Ithaca M37 S-prefix




Where You Are Right Now:

Roaming the roads​

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/upload_2016-2-8_23-12-14.jpeg.d2517b3e18be9512e004c89697c7ece1.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="104807" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/upload_2016-2-8_23-12-14.jpeg.d2517b3e18be9512e004c89697c7ece1.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Elephantom said:


Joe Hayden





Bandit, hero, military or survivor:



View attachment 233705


He's a very calm, rational and logical person, and he's really very aware and observantof his surroundings, and other people's behaviour and emotions about him. He's quite cautious and suspicious around strangers, as many of them he encountered turned out to be bandits, yet, he likes to help people who are being victimized or needs help, though he takes extra precaution so as to not fall into a trap. He's really charitable and assertive and always prefers to look first then leap, heavily thinking about the outcomes and benefits, he also prefers to plan first and then engage in something, but he's also proficient in improvisation, always encouraging people to engage in improvisation when the time comes. He may look and seem like a harsh and insensitive man at first glance but he's actually really sincere, a bit humorous and extremely kind, ready to give out all of his food storage to a man who needs it more than him.

He likes organization and discipline, and has strong hate for slacking off and laziness. He's also very blunt and truthful, preferring to express his and everyone else's opinion. He's also very free-minded, letting others voice their opinion before engaging in something. He's also a little bit demanding, especially in terms of skills and abilities. He likes camping, hiking and trekking very much. He also has a strict fitness schedule and likes to hunt some game birds while camping.


Life before the outbreak wasn't quite great for him, he was a really troubled kid who didn't understand his emotions, which significantly increased after his father died at car accident which he thinks was because of him. He was the kid that always tried to help people, whether he'd get into some deep shit or not.

After he grew up, he took a career as a lumberjack, which was the phase of his life when his mother died because of a chronic disease that was clinging onto her, Joe still admits that it was for the very good of her since she didn't get to witness the blood and destruction. Afterwards, he started working as a fire-fighter, a very ordinary and casual job or so it seemed, he made sown friends, who Amy or may not be best friends, but he didn't focus on that subject a lot.

After the outbreak, he was one of the few people who made it out alive, using his wits and strength to survive the apocalypse. He still roams through the undead ridden towns to find someone who needs dire helps, or some bandits who are trying to mug or kill someone, of course, he did this to save the victim, definitely not the perpetrator.


Great strength

Can handle heavy weapons swiftly

Great stamina


Way too selfless

Bum knee, crouching is really tiring for him

A little bit clumsy




Ithaca M37 S-prefix




Where You Are Right Now:

Roaming the roads​
(Awesome, a hero! Accepted!)


Viktor 'Russ' Tsekhanovetsky





Bandit, Hero, Military or Survivor:





Brash, insensitive and quite rude. He may seem like your everyday Russian run-off-the-mill gangster, but that was a time he had long passed away from, he's sharp and witty and knows how to deal with people who just seems to be villainous and heinous for no damn reason. He's insensitive yet once you get to know him, he's caring and sincere. He's a bit cynical and quite sarcastic, but he usually shows this side of his personality occasionally. He's really responsible though a bit absent-minded and lacks book-smarts but he certainly has street-smarts. He also likes to help people, certainly because of regret and guilt of his past actions. He also has a bit of a short temper, which can escalate depending on his psychological situation.


He was born in one of the rural parts of Russia, his family were quite ordinary and really sensitive and always used to pamper him, but his life went spiralling down after some arsonists wrecked his house, and killed his family after his father refused to pay off an old debt. He escaped and went off into the more urban parts of Russia where he was kinda adopted by a high-class member of the Russian mafia which he got indefinitely affiliated with.

After he grew up, he was promoted from a small-scale errand boy to a top-notch made man. He was sent to America to oversee some drug dealings which turned out to be a sting operation by FBI which resulted in him getting arrested and getting a sentence for ten years. While he was serving his sentence in one of the penal colonies, the outbreak started and a wide ruckus and riot started in the penitentiary. He barely escaped before stealing some clothes and some guns before going off into the world, seemingly humbled by his experience.


Decent strength

Good at a few martial arts, namely, jailhouse rock, vale tudo and krav Maga

Excellent marksman


Lacks book-smarts

Quite slow

Easily provoked or angered


ACR DMR with scope, foregrip and foldable bipod (semi-automatic)


MP7A2 with silencer, foregrip and foldable stock (semi-automatic)

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/upload_2016-2-9_1-21-32.jpeg.8ebab0811c0683b9a457f4f3aea4d5b9.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="104822" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/upload_2016-2-9_1-21-32.jpeg.8ebab0811c0683b9a457f4f3aea4d5b9.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Trench knife


Where You Are Right Now:

Roaming the roads



  • upload_2016-2-9_1-21-32.jpeg
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Elephantom said:


Viktor 'Russ' Tsekhanovetsky





Bandit, Hero, Military or Survivor:





Brash, insensitive and quite rude. He may seem like your everyday Russian run-off-the-mill gangster, but that was a time he had long passed away from, he's sharp and witty and knows how to deal with people who just seems to be villainous and heinous for no damn reason. He's insensitive yet once you get to know him, he's caring and sincere. He's a bit cynical and quite sarcastic, but he usually shows this side of his personality occasionally. He's really responsible though a bit absent-minded and lacks book-smarts but he certainly has street-smarts. He also likes to help people, certainly because of regret and guilt of his past actions. He also has a bit of a short temper, which can escalate depending on his psychological situation.


He was born in one of the rural parts of Russia, his family were quite ordinary and really sensitive and always used to pamper him, but his life went spiralling down after some arsonists wrecked his house, and killed his family after his father refused to pay off an old debt. He escaped and went off into the more urban parts of Russia where he was kinda adopted by a high-class member of the Russian mafia which he got indefinitely affiliated with.

After he grew up, he was promoted from a small-scale errand boy to a top-notch made man. He was sent to America to oversee sown drug dealings which turned out to be a sting operation by FBI which resulted in him getting arrested and getting a sentence for ten years. While he was serving his sentence in one of the penal colonies, the outbreak started and a wide ruckus and riot started in the penitentiary. He barely escaped before stealing some clothes and some guns before going off into the world, seemingly humbled by his experience.


Decent strength

Good at a few martial arts, namely, jailhouse rock, vale tudo and krav Maga

Excellent marksman


Lacks book-smarts

Quite slow

Easily provoked or angered


ACR DMR with scope, foregrip and foldable bipod (semi-automatic)


MP7A2 with silencer, foregrip and foldable stock (semi-automatic)

View attachment 233746

Trench knife


Where You Are Right Now:

Roaming the roads

(awesome! I love your characters! I will add him to the list in the morning, im quite tired rn. Also, I think you posted twice!)

Name: Lance Corporal Scotty Johnson

Age: 23


Bandit, Hero, Military or Survivor: Military, Marine Corps

Appearance: (real pic, anime, or just a description is fine)


Personality: Very brave, and charismatic. He enjoys gunfights, and most other marines just think he's gone insane.



+Very accurate with guns


-Goes insane (Well, kind of.) during gunfights.


M16A4 Assault Rifle with ACOG and foregrip (6 Magazines)


M9 Beretta (3 Magazines)


OKC-3S Bayonet

2x M67 Fragmentation Grenade

Where You Are Right Now: In a chinook, on the way to the FOB.

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Sylvia "V" Carter





Bandit, Hero, Survivor:



<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/image.jpeg.73dc8d11b8cb304fbd3f45f27ae1d101.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="104880" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/image.jpeg.73dc8d11b8cb304fbd3f45f27ae1d101.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


V is the kind of girl who everyone tried to bully until she kind of broke their arms, wrists, you name it! She hated people and was highly antisocial but she also hated seeing people cry since she saw her inner self reflected in that. She seems to either be extremely emotionless of extremely emotional. The way she dresses shows her attitude to the world and she isn't afraid to tell people if she hates their guts.


Sylvia grew up with her parents and sister, Selena. Both sisters hated their parents and were considering getting rid of them, running away, or both. She has always wanted to win her sister's favor even though she knew full well that Selena loved her, but she just couldn't stand seeing anyone else crying. Especially her sister, which happened as often as a unicorn frolicking on top of a rainbow, but she usually just gave Selena a hug if she ever seemed down. Sylvia had always been a bit of a softie in comparison with her sister but she also was a minor kleptomaniac. Even before the apocalypse she was stealing stuff just because she could and half the time she didn't even realize she was stealing something until she had already made off with it. She has always had a major sweet tooth, so half of the stuff she stole ended up being candy and apocalypse or not, she'll still take every any any opportunity to get candy. Sylvia may be good at running, but she was never good at maneuvering around, under, or over things. She would end up flat on her face nearly every time she tried to do anything that was harder than what a four year old could do when it came to parkour. She's only ever been caught twice stealing, other than by her family, when she was at small town garage sales but other than that, she was pretty smooth despite her impulsiveness.


-very fit and good at running, though not at parkour

-kind of physically strong

-shuts out her emotions well unless someone looks really sad/cries



-sad or crying people

-not the smoothest when it comes to parkour to say the least


Kitchen knife she has strapped to her left thigh

Where you are at right now:




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[QUOTE="Invalid User]

Name: Lance Corporal Scotty Johnson

Age: 23


Bandit, Hero, Military or Survivor: Military, Marine Corps

Appearance: (real pic, anime, or just a description is fine)


Personality: Very brave, and charismatic. He enjoys gunfights, and most other marines just think he's gone insane.



+Very accurate with guns


-Goes insane (Well, kind of.) during gunfights.


M16A4 Assault Rifle with ACOG and foregrip (6 Magazines)


M9 Beretta (3 Magazines)


OKC-3S Bayonet

2x M67 Fragmentation Grenade

Where You Are Right Now: In a chinook, on the way to the FOB.

(awesome, send him in. Sorry I missed him!)
KayIa said:
Sylvia "V" Carter





Bandit, Hero, Survivor:



View attachment 233953


V is the kind of girl who everyone tried to bully until she kind of broke their arms, wrists, you name it! She hated people and was highly antisocial but she also hated seeing people cry since she saw her inner self reflected in that. She seems to either be extremely emotionless of extremely emotional. The way she dresses shows her attitude to the world and she isn't afraid to tell people if she hates their guts.


Sylvia grew up with her parents and sister, Selena. Both sisters hated their parents and were considering getting rid of them, running away, or both. She has always wanted to win her sister's favor even though she knew full well that Selena loved her, but she just couldn't stand seeing anyone else crying. Especially her sister, which happened as often as a unicorn frolicking on top of a rainbow, but she usually just gave Selena a hug if she ever seemed down. Sylvia had always been a bit of a softie in comparison with her sister but she also was a minor kleptomaniac. Even before the apocalypse she was stealing stuff just because she could and half the time she didn't even realize she was stealing something until she had already made off with it. She has always had a major sweet tooth, so half of the stuff she stole ended up being candy and apocalypse or not, she'll still take every any any opportunity to get candy. Sylvia may be good at running, but she was never good at maneuvering around, under, or over things. She would end up flat on her face nearly every time she tried to do anything that was harder than what a four year old could do when it came to parkour. She's only ever been caught twice stealing, other than by her family, when she was at small town garage sales but other than that, she was pretty smooth despite her impulsiveness.


-very fit and good at running, though not at parkour

-kind of physically strong

-shuts out her emotions well unless someone looks really sad/cries



-sad or crying people

-not the smoothest when it comes to parkour to say the least


Kitchen knife she has strapped to her left thigh

Where you are at right now:

(cool, start her in the rp when u are ready!)
Name: Selena Carter

Age: 17

Gender: female

Bandit, hero, survivor: bandit


Personality: Selena is a deceiving person,she likes to trick people into thinking she is not cold hearted and sadistic, she usually makes people think she is friendly and caring, when she sees someone as weak she usually bullies them as she thinks she has authority, she can also be very protective for the few things she does care about

Bio: Selena grew up with her younger sister Sylvia, whenever she thought someone was trying to hurt her sister she would deal with them in her own way as she was very protective of Sylvia. She also looked down on her younger sister no matter how much she loved her, sometimes she felt that her sister was to soft on other people, especially when they cried. Selena never liked her parents, she always planned to get rid of them somehow and run away with Sylvia but then the zombie apocalypse happened. Selena had always rather liked the concept of one, she thought that if it ever did hit, she could do whatever she wanted to do.

Strengths: she is very unemotional unless she is trying to deceive someone, she is very quick and has good stamina, she can fight and often did it a lot when she was 14-16

Weaknesses: her younger sister Sylvia, being tricked or unable to do anything, getting to arrogant she will succeed in whatever she decides to do

Weapons: Knuckle duster which she stole off someone

Hatchet which belonged to her father which she also stole

Where you are right now: highway/ city
Vxnessa said:
Name: Selena Carter
Age: 17

Gender: female

Bandit, hero, survivor: bandit


Personality: Selena is a deceiving person,she likes to trick people into thinking she is not cold hearted and sadistic, she usually makes people think she is friendly and caring, when she sees someone as weak she usually bullies them as she thinks she has authority, she can also be very protective for the few things she does care about

Bio: Selena grew up with her younger sister Sylvia, whenever she thought someone was trying to hurt her sister she would deal with them in her own way as she was very protective of Sylvia. She also looked down on her younger sister no matter how much she loved her, sometimes she felt that her sister was to soft on other people, especially when they cried. Selena never liked her parents, she always planned to get rid of them somehow and run away with Sylvia but then the zombie apocalypse happened. Selena had always rather liked the concept of one, she thought that if it ever did hit, she could do whatever she wanted to do.

Strengths: she is very unemotional unless she is trying to deceive someone, she is very quick and has good stamina, she can fight and often did it a lot when she was 14-16

Weaknesses: her younger sister Sylvia, being tricked or unable to do anything, getting to arrogant she will succeed in whatever she decides to do

Weapons: Knuckle duster which she stole off someone

Hatchet which belonged to her father which she also stole

Where you are right now: highway/ city
(cool! send her in whenever)


Cosimia Kapono





Bandit, Hero, Military or Survivor: Survivor/Hero

Appearance: (real pic, anime, or just a description is fine)

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/73a0584a768fcb78d43b119dd640c6db.jpg.874e9deeaa935a1dcfb5583cec3ee1d0.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="105363" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/73a0584a768fcb78d43b119dd640c6db.jpg.874e9deeaa935a1dcfb5583cec3ee1d0.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

"Go ahead and judge me, I left high school a long time ago. Plus, there's a bunch of zombies around, why not blend in!"

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/92c579a19aab75dbe68a536b62794ad6.jpg.c7855130cf97380a02a144e2dc4e1048.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="105364" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/92c579a19aab75dbe68a536b62794ad6.jpg.c7855130cf97380a02a144e2dc4e1048.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

(this is her without any of that crap on her face. Just ditch the glasses and give her less makeup.)


Some think she's pretty interesting....not in a good way. Honestly, she's a bit on the childish side. Some have called her crazy. Others have called her nuts. She's not afraid to speak exactly what's on her mind and she's a bit of a smart ass. She's definitely not girly, and gives zero cares on looks. She can get a bit trigger happy at times, and for her age, she's not mature. Asides from the silliness, she is a genuine person. She cares about others and can surprisingly be a decent leader at some times. She's a great fighter and is incredibly strong. Smart, too. Don't let her drink alcohol....it gets bad. She has the mouth of a sailor. Don't take her sarcasm personally, she's joking with you. Most of the time...


Before the day of doom, she was training to become part of the military. She's always been interested in being a hero, even in her teenage years. Her older brother had been in the army, he was always an influence on her. She looked up to him as an idol. He was killed during battle. None of the family took it easy. Not long after that, bad news came at the doctors office. Cancer. Fifteen year old Cosimia had to battle a tough one, but became a survivor. The process was long, but she came through. She is still a survivor today, having to fight constantly and always watch her back. The craziness has gone to her head a bit, and she's not all there. There is a lot more to her past, but she doesn't feel the need to speak of it. What is in the past is gone, and where she's at now is the only thing that matters. That's what she lives by. Also, she carries all of her supplies in a very heavy, large backpack.











A drunk

Open minded

Weapon(s): (if any yet)

Chainsaw (she loves to tear shit up)

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/61H5yADeVSL._SX522_.jpg.5803de8912ac954a10dc813a8c65ac77.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="105367" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/61H5yADeVSL._SX522_.jpg.5803de8912ac954a10dc813a8c65ac77.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Golf club

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/golf-club-vector-879507.jpg.6ef49be1bf5a6fb05eff72e0f4c26697.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="105368" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/golf-club-vector-879507.jpg.6ef49be1bf5a6fb05eff72e0f4c26697.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> Barrett 50cal

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/82a1float.jpg.8a6c9d1d49e871ebb9c6772251c86d61.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="105366" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/82a1float.jpg.8a6c9d1d49e871ebb9c6772251c86d61.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/625x465_2835300_7330037_1429736500.jpg.9726ed03511ac8a2d6530235715bf869.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="105365" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/625x465_2835300_7330037_1429736500.jpg.9726ed03511ac8a2d6530235715bf869.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Where You Are Right Now:

Is still trying to remember. Woke up with a hangover and is now gathering her things to make sure everything is still here. But from the looks of it, some kind of bathroom stall.​



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[QUOTE="Iridescent Beauty]


Cosimia Kapono





Bandit, Hero, Military or Survivor: Survivor/Hero

Appearance: (real pic, anime, or just a description is fine)

View attachment 235238

"Go ahead and judge me, I left high school a long time ago. Plus, there's a bunch of zombies around, why not blend in!"

View attachment 235239

(this is her without any of that crap on her face. Just ditch the glasses and give her less makeup.)


Some think she's pretty interesting....not in a good way. Honestly, she's a bit on the childish side. Some have called her crazy. Others have called her nuts. She's not afraid to speak exactly what's on her mind and she's a bit of a smart ass. She's definitely not girly, and gives zero cares on looks. She can get a bit trigger happy at times, and for her age, she's not mature. Asides from the silliness, she is a genuine person. She cares about others and can surprisingly be a decent leader at some times. She's a great fighter and is incredibly strong. Smart, too. Don't let her drink alcohol....it gets bad. She has the mouth of a sailor. Don't take her sarcasm personally, she's joking with you. Most of the time...


Before the day of doom, she was training to become part of the military. She's always been interested in being a hero, even in her teenage years. Her older brother had been in the army, he was always an influence on her. She looked up to him as an idol. He was killed during battle. None of the family took it easy. Not long after that, bad news came at the doctors office. Cancer. Fifteen year old Cosimia had to battle a tough one, but became a survivor. The process was long, but she came through. She is still a survivor today, having to fight constantly and always watch her back. The craziness has gone to her head a bit, and she's not all there. There is a lot more to her past, but she doesn't feel the need to speak of it. What is in the past is gone, and where she's at now is the only thing that matters. That's what she lives by. Also, she carries all of her supplies in a very heavy, large backpack.











A drunk

Open minded

Weapon(s): (if any yet)

Chainsaw (she loves to tear shit up)

View attachment 235242

Golf club

View attachment 235243 Barrett 50cal

View attachment 235241


View attachment 235240

Where You Are Right Now:

Is still trying to remember. Woke up with a hangover and is now gathering her things to make sure everything is still here. But from the looks of it, some kind of bathroom stall.​



Manu Jung





Bandit, Hero, Military or Survivor:


Appearance: (real pic, anime, or just a description is fine)

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/b778e4f21951710306dedf1992af6d46.jpg.6784e76ab6ee5373e9dd3e0cf7e1ed07.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="105761" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/b778e4f21951710306dedf1992af6d46.jpg.6784e76ab6ee5373e9dd3e0cf7e1ed07.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Manu’s primary mode of living is focused externally, where she deals with things rationally and logically. Her secondary mode is internal, where she takes things in primarily via her intuition.

She is a natural born leader. Living in a world of possibilities where she sees all sorts challenges to be surmounted, and she wants to be the one responsible for surmounting them. She has a drive for leadership, which is well-served by her quickness to grasp complexities, her ability to absorb a large amount of impersonal information, and her quick and decisive judgments. She is a “take charge” kind of person. She has a tremendous amount of personal power and presence which will work for her as a force towards achieving her goals. However, this personal power is also an agent of alienation and self-aggrandizement.


Before all Hell came loose Manu lived off the streets, leaving her family when she was 15 and never looked back. While on the run Manu had picked op some tricks, just small things like how to steal without getting caught and so on and so on. Before the outbreak Manu never really had anything to live for, it was all the same to her. Day after day she was stuck in her same routine of stealing and selling.

When Hell did break loose Manu finally found her calling. In this new world she could finally have a chance in making a better life for herself. While others saw this as god’s wrath she saw it as a blessing.


Good Endurance, “Sticky” Fingers, Crafty


Strength, Bad with showing her Emotions, Hard headed



<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/783a5cf20027e4209e9d58166dd005ad.jpg.84c1755ac0d27216d79e3bac4d16cff4.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="105763" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/783a5cf20027e4209e9d58166dd005ad.jpg.84c1755ac0d27216d79e3bac4d16cff4.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Springfield Armory Operator; Surefire x400

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/6c80c84897b47fe7fc2f8cea2d881bde.jpg.19f3b8bc7037e407b4909492d2469dec.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="105762" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/6c80c84897b47fe7fc2f8cea2d881bde.jpg.19f3b8bc7037e407b4909492d2469dec.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Brass Knuckle Knives

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/1a2e5b8b77cfa8adbe76f2257569d2ee.jpg.2ec8905f74db2e012866bf13e393801f.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="105764" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/1a2e5b8b77cfa8adbe76f2257569d2ee.jpg.2ec8905f74db2e012866bf13e393801f.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Where You Are Right Now:


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/616adb784f39a31f032e9ed1334ffbf6.jpg.52b0e61e4bade918dbd445bd78b8fcb2.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="105760" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/616adb784f39a31f032e9ed1334ffbf6.jpg.52b0e61e4bade918dbd445bd78b8fcb2.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Aio said:


Manu Jung





Bandit, Hero, Military or Survivor:


Appearance: (real pic, anime, or just a description is fine)

View attachment 236332


Manu’s primary mode of living is focused externally, where she deals with things rationally and logically. Her secondary mode is internal, where she takes things in primarily via her intuition.

She is a natural born leader. Living in a world of possibilities where she sees all sorts challenges to be surmounted, and she wants to be the one responsible for surmounting them. She has a drive for leadership, which is well-served by her quickness to grasp complexities, her ability to absorb a large amount of impersonal information, and her quick and decisive judgments. She is a “take charge” kind of person. She has a tremendous amount of personal power and presence which will work for her as a force towards achieving her goals. However, this personal power is also an agent of alienation and self-aggrandizement.


Before all Hell came loose Manu lived off the streets, leaving her family when she was 15 and never looked back. While on the run Manu had picked op some tricks, just small things like how to steal without getting caught and so on and so on. Before the outbreak Manu never really had anything to live for, it was all the same to her. Day after day she was stuck in her same routine of stealing and selling.

When Hell did break loose Manu finally found her calling. In this new world she could finally have a chance in making a better life for herself. While others saw this as god’s wrath she saw it as a blessing.


Good Endurance, “Sticky” Fingers, Crafty


Strength, Bad with showing her Emotions, Hard headed



View attachment 236334

Springfield Armory Operator; Surefire x400

View attachment 236333

Brass Knuckle Knives

View attachment 236335

Where You Are Right Now:


Lt. Aldo "The Apache" Raine





Bandit, Hero, Military or Survivor:


Appearence: (real pic, anime, or just a description is fine)



Lt. Aldo Raine is the gentile leader of 'the Bastards', a southerner from the mountains of Tennessee. He is known to survivors as Aldo the Apache, due to his scalping methods used by the Native American Apache tribe. He also sports a menacing scar across his neck, rumored to be from a lynching. He is very charismatic and a tremendous leader that specializes in guerilla warfare. It has been rumored that Lt. Raine even took place in the assassinations of many influencial figures. Life beyond the apocalypse is little known. (Will explain more as story progresses)


Gun play, stealth, strategy, and blades


Claustrophobic, seduction, alcohol, cockroaches, and hanging

Weapon(s): (if any yet)

Was robbed not long before introduced, having only a bowie knife and a m1911 pistol with 1 magazine.

Where You Are Right Now:

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SaintRaven367 said:
Lt. Aldo "The Apache" Raine





Bandit, Hero, Military or Survivor:


Appearence: (real pic, anime, or just a description is fine)



Lt. Aldo Raine is the gentile leader of 'the Bastards', a southerner from the mountains of Tennessee. He is known to survivors as Aldo the Apache, due to his scalping methods used by the Native American Apache tribe. He also sports a menacing scar across his neck, rumored to be from a lynching. He is very charismatic and a tremendous leader that specializes in guerilla warfare. It has been rumored that Lt. Raine even took place in the assassinations of many influencial figures. Life beyond the apocalypse is little known. (Will explain more as story progresses)


Gun play, stealth, strategy, and blades


Claustrophobic, seduction, alcohol, cockroaches, and hanging

Weapon(s): (if any yet)

Was robbed not long before introduced, having only a bowie knife and a m1911 pistol with 1 magazine.

Where You Are Right Now:
(badass character! Accepted)


  • Name: Danielle Fallens the Bandit

    Nickname: Dannie, Dan

    Age: 18

    Where Are You?: Near The Mansion

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xMellowmint said:


  • Name: Danielle Fallens the Bandit

    Nickname: Dannie, Dan

    Age: 18

    Where Are You?: Near The Mansion

Nice but the bow and arrow pix is corrupt
xMellowmint said:


  • Name: Danielle Fallens the Bandit

    Nickname: Dannie, Dan

    Age: 18

    Where Are You?: Near The Mansion

Classic mellow :P lol jkf
[QUOTE="Eden Smithe]Classic mellow :P lol jkf

Do we have any heros yet? If not I'll be one

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