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Fantasy The Villains' Downfall

Lea was quiet for a moment as she ate some more popcorn and then she turned to look at Max, before asking him while cocking her head, "What do you want to know about me?" She wasn't afraid to share past details of herself and plus, it'd be a good excuse for her to get to know Max better as well.
Zoyechka hid from sight as Hiro spoke to Raven. Maybe it was her childish desire to have things, but she didn't like Raven. If he tried to steal Hiro away from her, she would feed him to the rats. She watched as Hiro lept off and furiously texted some more, demanding that they all be tested. If they all turn out power positive then hurray for me. Besides a DNA based security is the best kind. She put her phone away and turned to Erik, "I'll go in first and get the DNA, if you hear me shout for you, come in." Zoyechka took a deep breath and began to walk to the wear house. She looked around for the others.

@CocoBeans @Jailbird @kira blackthorn @Peaceswore

(Okay so I don't know anything about your characters. But there are a few, very few people not you. Who know both her identities I can name them on 5 fingers an shave two fingers free. So your characters wouldn't know who she fully is only that she is a the Zoyechka and a Heiress. Sorry for being so grumps but it's hard. )
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Max Nobody

"Hmmm Where to start? I guess...tell me what you want about your past. I'm also interested as to how you acquired your powers." He said with a nervous laugh. "I'm not used to people just letting me ask questions, so sorry if I ask crappy ones." @Lioness075

Erik Scared

Erik let out a sigh and walked to the door. He remained outside (and out of view) as he waited for Zoyechka to take care of the idiots that were foolish enough to start this 'war'. '
Lea grinned at Max and then said, "Well, both my brother and myself were born with out powers. We just didn't know it right away until we were a bit older, around ten years old, I think. That was when our parents kicked us out of the house and left us to fend for ourselves on the street. They feared us and our powers." Lea frowned slightly at this, finding the memory to be a bit disturbing. It'd been the most miserable day of her life and Lea could still vividly remember it. She'd probably never forget that day.
"They left you because of you powers? Jack*sses" He muttered. "Though I just met you, you seem like an awesome person, a shame they feared you." He said with a sad smile.
Lea shifted uncomfortably in her seat at the compliment, having not received many in her life. She wasn't sure how to respond other than to quietly say, "Thank you." She smiled softly at Max after saying this, really happy to have heard this from him.
Andrew arrives home, entering through the window. He immediately shut the window and started to take his vest and shirt off. He looked in a mirror to see the damage. The bullet didn't leave the body, it was still lodged in there. He proceded to get some pliers from his cabinet, along with some rubbing alcohol. After a few minutes of tweeking, the wound was sanitised, the bullet out, and he proceded to sew the wound. He grit his teeth, being used to pain. After he was done, Andrew started to clean the blood from the sink and threw the bullet in the garbage bag. He started to ponder what to do. Start scarring the man who murdered his father, or go out. At that time, his shoulder started to hurt, so he decided. He got dressed in his usual attire and exited the apartment complex, starting to look for a club or a cafe, having money to spend.
Lilly walked into the security room and was surprised at how big it was. It was bigger than expected for a small warehouse,"Woah..."Was all Lilly could say. There monitors on top of monitors on top of monitors,covering about each inch of warehouse.There were a few covering the outside,"They Scarlet Rose must have something they don't want people to find....This place might be hiding something,like illegal drugs or futurist tech. Lilly's empathy caught a strong will coming towards the warehouse.Lilly closed her eyes,without looking at the monitors,to expand her empathetic field,as soon as she expanded she felt a strong willpower,confidence,arrogance,and courage.That was not normal for someone without powers,regualr people usually have weaker drive compared to powered being,"We have company,and this woman?Is not someone you want to play with. I don't know who she is,but I can tell she has some incredibly power or at least high confidence.

@Peaceswore @CocoBeans @kira blackthorn @The Suspicious Eye
(Lol, she's still a kid.)

Zoyechka walked into the warehouse head held high looking around for the intruders. In her hand she clutched a rather large ruby just in case something was to happen. She checked her peripherals, she could sense them, but couldn't feel them. She really wanted to use her powers to just hunt them down and tear them to shreds, but that would be counter productive. She decided to take the simple approach and ask. "H-Hello? Is anyone h-h-here?" Her voice trembled out of fear she didn't like the unknown and even less, unhappy surprises. However, she too that trembling voice and came up with a plan. "I-I brought the gems you told me to take. Please, please let my friend go."

@jakobtatee )
(Where has the detective gone? I feel like he should be the one to discover the recently killed chief)
He took a shirt he hasn't wore since before he went in the trip. On the way to the club, he had time to recall some events.

Andrew woke in a plane, looking around. Every seat occupied, so he looked out the window. An exotic island and a very nice weather to be in the US. A flight attendant announced that in 5 minutes they should be arriving at the landing strip. "Landing strip? Not even an airport." But it should have been obvious. As soon as the plane reached the dirt strip, the airplane trembled so bad, every baggage fell down and started to jump from seat to seat. When the plane stopped, Andrew picked up his duffle bag and went to the bar where he would have to meet his contact. He pulled out his phone and looked at it, trying to get some more info on this contract. But oddly, no signal. He saw a man dressed in a red shirt and a pair of cargo shorts with some shades on. He sits down next to him. "Arrow. We need to talk. It's about your contract. You see-"

The memory was stopped by the realization he had arrived at a small cafe near a corner. He entered it and sat at a table, ordering an irish coffee. He looked across the street, and, what a coincidence, there was the restaurant where he pulled the assassination. It may be true, the criminals are drawn to the scene of the crime. A couple of policemen were investigating the area, but he tried not to look, as the image of his widow crying over his body still haunted him. He started to sip his coffee, getting his mind clear.
Hiro Masaki:

When hiro,Maximus,rocky, and Raven arrive at the mansion, Hiro hops off. "Hey, I heard you need DNA samples?" Hiro said as he walked up to one of the maids. "Do not worry about rocky, since he will be put to sleep." Hiro whispered into the head maid's ear.


The doctor grew apprehensive and excited as he saw wilhelm in his lab. "Hello sir, I have heard from Jakob that you needed a software update?" the scientist said as he sat wilhelm down on a chair. "Yeah, I do. I just missed my deadline 2 months ago." He said as his robotic fingers twitched. "See? This is why i need to have that update." Wilhelm said. The scientist looked curiously at his arm. "Curious. let us begin immediately." HE said as he prepared the update. @Trundle @Awesomeking13
The maid looked at the gigantic beast, then turned back to Hiro and whispered. "Are, you sure that it, I mean he, won't wake up in the middle? It will take some time to draw blood. Plus since's it's rough skin, we'd have to take it from his mouth and we ummmm, we're just afraid that he might.... eat one of us. We don't understand why Zoyechka invites such strangeness into the house." She looked at the man realizing her insult "Oh I'm sorry!" She quickly gave an apologetic bow "I didn't mean you, per say. It's just ever since her parents left and that new woman took charge, it's been harder and harder to keep ahold of Zoyechka. She seems to constantly run off and find herself in the most dangerous of places." She stood up and sighed, she glaced over to the sundial and noticed that it was late. "Oh goodness! I apologize, but I am extremely busy could you take the blood from him?" She lifted a heavy bag of medical equipment which continued vials and needles. "We also need a sample of your blood as well. Unless you want to be locked out of the new security system." She noticed the other man with him and added "him as well, the system will be up in the next 10 to 15 minutes." The maid bowed to Hiro and ran off.

@Steel Zinogre @Trundle
Hiro nodded to maximus as he sang a song, putting rocky to sleep. "This needle looks sharp enough." He said as he gently stuck it in his mouth, which is the part most resistant to pain. An extremely viscous liquid that was Rocky's blood flowed into the syringe. Hiro then set vial in the bag and got a fresh needle for maximus, and siphoned some of his blood, which was green. And finally, Hiro draws his own blood, which took 1 minute. He then gives the samples to another maid. "Put that in the system, yeah? I have to check o Zoyechka's gift." He said as he handed the vials in a bag over to the said maid. @The Suspicious Eye
The maid took the blood samples somewhat confused, but knew better than to say anything. "Very, well Mr. Hiro, you are welcome to use the den. It has just been cleaned." She bowed to the man and made her way into another room. The maid entered into the study and removed a panel of the home. The maid placed the bag onto a secret dumbwaiter and watched it go down. She put the panel back and continued to the kitchen to address her normal duties.

@Steel Zinogre
Hiro then headed to the den, where he and rocky and maximus relaxed, along with their new friend. "So tell me, where are you from?" Hiro asked raven as Rocky fell asleep in the den, curled up next to a nice, warm fire. Maximus then starts to siphon nectar from a flower within the den. @Trundle
Raven sat down on a very fancy den. "Ahh. Oh. I've always been from here. You know. Nothing too special." He laid back in the chair and felt very comfortable.
(Just going to assume Zoyechka is near them)

Seraphina stands outside of the room as a guard, though the door was still open for easy access so that she could warn her team. She hears what Lilly says about the woman, and she stiffens when she hears Zoyechka calling out about a gem. Seraphina is confused as to what this girl could mean, and who was she calling out too? When Zoyechka came into the area that they were hiding, Seraphina grew even more confused. It was just a little girl, was someone harming her and her friends? She felt bad for the poor thing and yet this couldn't be the presence that Lilly was talking about, there had to be someone else that had such high confidence that she was talking about. Surely, this little girl couldn't be that bad? Seraphina couldn't tell precisely, since the room was dark, and she couldn't pick out exact details on the girl, but it looked like the Russian heiress, whom they were supposedly helping. Seraphina stands outside the door, crouched down, and wasn't sure what to do. She didn't want to bring danger upon her team, but she felt like she could help the girl. Seraphina decides to wait it out, if Zoyechka left the area, then she would let it go, but if she came closer to where she was hiding, she would step out and try to help her, in case she was a threat, Seraphina wanted to stay hidden for as long as possible. @The Suspicious Eye @Jailbird @kira blackthorn
(Shoot I thought I posted this)

Zoyechka looked around worriedly she knew they were there, but wasn't sure if they would come out guns blazing. I am a girl with a kidnapped friend, I am a girl with a kidnapped friend, I am a girl with a kidnapped friend..... She repeated the sentence in her mind trying to get the feel of her emotions. She needed to believe the lie. It wasn't hard for her, she's been lying to herself for such a long time, one more couldn't hurt. She carefully crept closer and closer to the others her heart was pounding and she gripped the ruby tightly. She made her way closer to Seraphina and the others. "Hello? Is anyone there?"

@kira blackthorn @CocoBeans @Jailbird
With the last shot, Jake went completely silent. "Wh-what was that ?!", Jake asked, completely bewildered at his own performance. Or rather, the lack of it. He shook his head before turning towards the large window looking into the training range. "Did you guys do something to the suit ? It wasn't like this when I had my combat training in it.", he said while randomly checking the suit for any signs that could explain the laggy performance. Both Sam and Alex were frozen. They didn't have to say it but the lack of response had given them away. "I can't go into combat in this. Though the targetting and the feedback compensation performed wonderfully, but without proper movement assist there's no way I can get a shot off that'll hit the target... not unless the target generously decides to hold still while I aim for it.", he said, ending in a sarcastic note.

Alex sighed before speaking into the mic. "Don't worry, I think I know what went wrong. We'll get it fixe-....What ??", his voice faded, apparently cut off by someone who had just entered the control room and was now talking to him and Sam about somehting. It was obvious that Alex had his hands on the mic, covering it to prevent what they were talking about from getting on the speaker but he could still make up muffled voices; not that he could make out what they were saying. After a short pause on the speaker, it crackled back to life with Alex's voice. "Jake, I think we should cut this session short.", he said before pausing again as he took a deep breath. "What is it ?", Jake had asked suspiciously, his voice turning to a slow but serious one. "Its the chief of police.....he was...uh, he was found murdered.", Alex said and the atmosphere turned suddenly grim in the training room. Jake was at a loss of words. Shaking his head, he muttered, "N-no, I was with him just about an hour ago. I-I was with him before I came here." His voice was barely audible; more as though he was convincing himself that his reasoning was solid...that the chief wasn't dead and it was all just a miscommunication of sort.

"Oh, Sam...", he then thought, his eyebrows knitted as he quickly took off the suit and ran towards the control room. He hesitated for a moment before turning the door knob. As he entered the room, the first thing he saw was Sam, in tears. "Sam, I'm so sorry.", he said though he knew nothing he said would make her feel better. He went straight towards her and hugged her tightly. "I'm so sorry.", he whispered as Sam completely broke down in tears. He was practically supporting her whole weight in the hug. Kramer, who was apparently the news bearer was looking lost. He paced around, not really doing anything while Alex was slumped in a couch with his head in his hands; gently moving his hair through his fingers trying to collect his thoughts. Jake could feel his inner compression suit getting went from the tears but he didn't care. It was something for him to lose a superior and a friend but that was nowhere near as bad as Sam, who had just lost her father.
((God F-ing dang it! I thought I already responded sorry!))

"You don't have to thank me, I was just being honest." He said before leaning back into the couch. "Are you guys self taught then? You speak pretty good English though I noticed to speak Italian by mistake sometimes."
Lea grinned at this, a slight blush on her face from the complimenting. Hearing Max's question, Lea nodded and said, "We began teaching ourselves the minute we planned to go to America. It wasn't too easy with the majority of people speaking Italian around us. We eventually settled to go to all of the tourist areas and listened to people speaking English. We practiced speaking with them, and people seemed to enjoy trying to teach us. And yes, when we're surprised or angry then we have a tendency to start speaking Italian." Lea shrugged after saying this and then waited for Max's response.

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