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Fantasy The Villains' Downfall

'Fear!What caused it.....her name? She does have a friend named Bonnie,I think.....Uh....This kid is a mystery I rather not attempt to solve or even include in my police station.'Lilly grumbled inside her mind as Seraphina engaged the young girl. The young woman kept her face covered,just in case,"Listen kid,you are not to ask us any questions....at all.I told you we don't want your gem and we also do not know of any Bonnie!Wait,why is a guy named Bonnie?That is a little weird!" Lilly cut right to the chase with Zoyechka,but she still felt a small bit of sadness in the girl. She did have a missing friend,but was it a real friend or was it a stuffed animal,"Hey girl! When was the last time you seen Bonnie?"Lilly questioned intending to use her powers to find Bonnie.

@kira blackthorn @CocoBeans

( @The Suspicious Eye I can't even watch a playthrough of FNAF on youtube without getting scared,but still love the game and all the theories it bring about)
Kasey heard yelling and screaming two miles away. So she then climbs up a building and glides across the sky like a flying squirrel. She then lands on top of the building where the sound came from quietly, and dropped into some foliage with loud rustling sounds of the leaves, where she quietly made her way inside, where she moves along the rafters by hanging off of them, like a sloth on a tree branch.

Hiro Masaki

Hiro had spent a lot of time in his room, that he had completed half of the armor using rocky's parts he had carved. "I shall miss you, friend. This is a tribute to you." He said as a tear rolled down his face, and maximus returning to him after many minutes of searching for zoyechka.


As wilhelm was let out into the city by the doctor after testing his systems, he saw many new things in his systems, even an AI spoke to him. "Hello Sir, I am your AI companion, Alice." The AI said to wilhelm's surprise. "Wow, you actually sound really nice, better than any AI that I have met." Wilhelm replied, a little flustered at being called sir. @Verdas @The Suspicious Eye @Jailbird @kira blackthorn @CocoBeans
Seraphina looks at Lilly sharply before looking back down at the little girl, glad that she confirmed that she was indeed Zoyechka. Seraphina stands up and pulls Lilly aside briefly, concern on her face. "She says she is Zoyechka. Is she not who we came here to protect? I thought she was the one that was being attacked. I don't think she is any harm to us. If she is who she says she is, then we must protect and help her." Seraphina turns away from Lilly and looks at Zoyechka with sad eyes. She bends back down to eye level with her. "Don't mind her. I won't hurt you. You have nothing to be afraid of. I don't know who you're looking for and you can keep the gem, but perhaps we can try to help you. Right now though, I need you to calm down and tell me what happened." Seraphina kept her voice calm and soothing, and hopes that Lilly wouldn't be upset or think that she was trying to override her. @Jailbird @The Suspicious Eye @kira blackthorn
Hiro Masaki

Hiro takes a break from forging the armor, and went off to find Zoyechka, with maximus by his side. "Tell me which way her scent leads, 1 tap for left, 2 for right, and a screech for straight." Hiro said to maximus as he rested on hiro's arm, who screeched in agreement. "Let's go then. time is wasting." He said as he ran out of the mansion, following Maximus' directions. "Zoyechka!! Where are you?!" He called, but had a feeling she was close.


Kasey felt uneasy about the situation. So she finds a pillar to climb down from and quietly does so, she then hid among the shadows, making some noticeable noise, as loud as pan hitting the floor. She hid behind a dark pillar covered in shadows, and watched the group of girls as they talked to Zoyechka. @The Suspicious Eye @CocoBeans @Jailbird @kira blackthorn
Zoyechka looked at hooded woman she didn't like her, she felt like the woman could poke holes in her words. Hmmm, interesting. Tell the truth for now Zoyechk. for another moment before turning to the other, more polite woman. She took a deep breath and looked at both of them "I haven't seen Bonnie in a long time, my birthday kinda left him in the shadows. (Truth) I didn't even notice he was gone until I got a call. (Truth) A man told me that he had Bonnie (Truth) and that if I ever want him back I'd have to deliver jewels to him (kinda truth) or he would kill Bonnie (lie), gut him like a fish (truth)" Zoyechka looked up to the two of them tears in her eyes. "I don't know who hired you, but please help me. Bonnie is really, really important (Truth)." Zoyechka rubbed her eyes tying to wipe away the tears. "They said he has Bonnie looked up safe (pun, cuz he's in a safe)."

Meanwhile in the Toolshed..... (jk at the mansion)

The head butler who was in the 2nd floor hallway, watched Hiro run off. He sneered in intrigue, he turned to his tablet and began to type a message to Zoyechka. The head butler was one of the few servants in the house who knew of Zoyechka's dual roles. He knew that she was in the middle of something so sent it via text message. With a flick of his wrist he summoned two servants. "Go and follow the body guard, I want to track his movements. If he finds you say that you are on an errand."

@Steel Zinogre
Hiro Sprinted through the streets, maximus giving indications that they were close, but little did they know Kasey was among the group in the building, listening to the conversation. So Kasey gets a good whiff of Zoyechka from afar and went off to find her toy. Eventually she finds the safe and started to tear at the safe to get to the toy inside, making too much noise for no one to notice. Hiro heard the noises and worried about Zoyechka, and ran faster than he did before. @The Suspicious Eye @CocoBeans @Jailbird
"Actually,we were doing something else. If we were going to protect her we would have went directly to her,but apparently she came to us....Well,do whatever you want we have guest I must deal with."Lilly whispered to Seraphina,who obviously had a lot of food in her.Lilly empathy field was up,so she felt the moment Kasey entered the warehouse. Normally Lilly wouldn't have her empathy so active,but since they were infiltrating the warehouse she needed it to keep tabs on people in the area,"Hey you....Why are you here?What are you doing?What are you? And do you have a level of intelligence that allows you to communicate?"She asked Kasey with a rigid voice and a very dark & mysterious appearance to add. Lilly had never seen a creature like this,but it seemed like it knew exactly what it was doing.

@Steel Zinogre
Vulok decided to follow Kasey, nothing but a black blur as he ran after her. He stops when he sees several others and walks out into the open, revealing himself. Most of them looked like normal humans but one could never be too sure. He looked like a monster straight out of hell, shadows began forming as they moved towards the people. None of them looked like the man in the picture Kasey showed him so he wasn't very worried about causing damage. He wanted to test if they were humans or not so he made the shadows approach them as if they would attack. If they were human, they would scream and run, if they were something else, well, they would fight back. @Steel Zinogre @Jailbird
Jailbird said:
"Actually,we were doing something else. If we were going to protect her we would have went directly to her,but apparently she came to us....Well,do whatever you want we have guest I must deal with."Lilly whispered to Seraphina,who obviously had a lot of food in her.Lilly empathy field was up,so she felt the moment Kasey entered the warehouse. Normally Lilly wouldn't have her empathy so active,but since they were infiltrating the warehouse she needed it to keep tabs on people in the area,"Hey you....Why are you here?What are you doing?What are you? And do you have a level of intelligence that allows you to communicate?"She asked Kasey with a rigid voice and a very dark & mysterious appearance to add. Lilly had never seen a creature like this,but it seemed like it knew exactly what it was doing.
@Steel Zinogre
Kasey looked at lilly and walked up to her, flapping her ears over her face. Kasey then whimpered as she pointed to the scratched safe. She then began to tug on the spinning part of the safe. It became obvious that she had never encountered a safe before.

Hiro started to come close to Zoyechka's location. "I hope she is alright." He thought to himself.
Zoyechka felt her phone vibrate in her purse. She was getting side tracked by them, she needed to gather DNA and dispose of them. Obtaining Bonnie was just a precaution, he held some very damming evidence inside him. Zoyechka's phone vibrated twice more and she gritted her teeth. She didn't need anymore notifications that she was in trouble, she could feel others but couldn't find them. Suddenly the hooded woman shouted out to two hidden people. A girl a girl with wings on her head. She didn't speak but scratched and pointed to the safe. "Is that where Bonnie is?" She took a few steps closer to see closer when a blur of black caught her attention. She truned and instinctively grabbed on to Seraphia's hand. She gripped her hand tightly her nails digging deep into her hand. The shadowy figure looked like a monster Zoyechka hid behind Seraphia as the monsters flew straight towards them. She gave an award winning scream of terror.

(Jesus so many people to tag....

@Steel Zinogre @CocoBeans @Verdas @Jailbird @kira blackthorn
Seraphina nods her head to Lilly, glad that she was in agreement with her, for the most part. Seraphina notices the creature scratching from the safe and she hears a man's voice calling for Zoyechka. Seraphina jumps and winces when the black shadows came running to her. Seraphina was taken aback when Zoyechka dug her nails into her hand and started screaming, making her jump slightly. Seraphina takes Zoyechka's hand and pulls her back and goes in front of her. Whatever these black things were, she was planning on protecting Zoyechka from them as best as she could. Seraphina was of course scared of the black shadows, since she had no idea what they were, but she had an urge to protect Zoyechka, and her desire to protect Zoyechka was stronger than her fear. Seraphina pushes Zoyechka to the back of a wall and stands in front of her. Seraphina gives her a determined look. "Do not fear, young one. I will protect you." Within seconds she had her bow and arrow out, aiming at the black shadows, not sure if her arrows could even work, but was prepared and armed to fight. Besides, the man was definitely in the building and getting closer. He could be an enemy as well and he was definitely human, someone she could at least fight. @Steel Zinogre @Verdas
Hiro Masaki

Hiro had not noticed the shadow beings until he saw one moving to him. He sliced it, then it disappeared. "Where are you zoyechka?!" Hiro called as he ran into the building. "I gotta get you home!" he added as he sliced another shadow being.


Kasey did not feel comfortable with the shadows surrounding her. When one looked more threateningly at her, she growled and folds her ears over her face, and then roared. She slices the beings with her claws and tail, and savagely moving on to the other beings, leaving the humans alone. @Verdas @The Suspicious Eye @Jailbird @CocoBeans @kira blackthorn
Before the shadows absorbed Lilly whole she cut through the safe and picked the stuffed animal up,and instantly she was hit with a flurry of emotions. The love Zoyechka had for this stuffed animal was real and that gave Lilly power.Absorbing some of the love on the rabbit Lilly constructed a giant rabbit exactly matching Bonnie. The constructed attacked the shadows knocking them back without a care in the world,"Hehehe,a child's love is a powerful thing!"Lilly howled with excitement jumping on the construct's head.The construct tore through the shadows like a knife through butter,"Tally ho Bunbuns!"A blade started to form on the top of Lilly's wrist as she used her powers to track down Vulok.Within an instant she had located him and she had disappeared from the top of Bunbun's head. Lilly charged at Vulok ready to slash his head of.

@Steel Zinogre @CocoBeans @Verdas
Vulok dashed out of the way, more shadows coming up from the ground before him to stall Lilly. He glanced at the giant doll though it was hard to tell because his eyes were pupil-less and white. Some of his shadows behind him begin writing on the note for him, and tore the page out of then notebook, tossing it at Lilly so that once she gets rid of the shadows, she would get it. "So you're not human after all. A child's love truly is powerful..." Was on the torn page. He does not summon his armor since he believed he would need his speed for this fight. The shadows surrounding Kasey move toward the giant copy of the doll. (FNAF?) @Steel Zinogre
Zoyechka had hidden the samples deep in the warehouse. She allowed the dark energy to rotate around the samples keeping them safe and fresh. Suddenly Hiro appeared near her. She turned to Hiro and was both shocked and surprised. She let go of Kasey and ran over to him. She hugged him tightly relieved to see him, but cursing her luck. "Hiro!" She he buried her face into his chest trying to figure out her emotions. She had to think about what to do. He looked at Hiro and spoke to him, her voice frantic "Hiro, we have to help these people! They found Bonnie for me! I can't leave them here!" She looked at Seraphia and continued "they are my protector too." She turned back to Hiro. "Can you help them please?"

@Steel Zinogre
"I will, but you must be careful, i do not know how the staff will take the news of your death, if it happens." Hiro said as he readies his glaive and went to assist Seraphina. "I got your back!" He called to her, circling around giant bonnie and taking out the shadow beings. Kasey then grabbed Zoyechka and set her on her own back, then went upon the rafters, and stayed there, waiting for the fight to end. @Jailbird @CocoBeans @Verdas @kira blackthorn @The Suspicious Eye
Lilly whistled quickly as a green hawk swooped out of the darkness. It had followed the snakes to the back and brought them back then encased them itself,"Sorry kid deceitful,but I am not your friend anymore. I will return this though,"She pronounced throwing the Bonnie back to Zoyechka,"Hira? I'm guessing your name is,be careful around her. She just may end up killing you in the end!" Lilly warned Hiro about Zoyechka mysterious personality. Lilly herself had not trusted Zoyechka from the moment she seen her. The young heiress had a hit on her,but she had lasted a whole day and was still alive.The blood samples trapped in dark energy,which were in turned encased in Lilly's energy,floated around her head,"You are not getting these no matter what!"

@Steel Zinogre @The Suspicious Eye @kira blackthorn @Verdas @CocoBeans
Zoyechka glared at the woman, as she grabbed Bonnie. She hugged him tightly she wasn't going to let him go this time. Zoyechka wanted to tear the woman to pieces and feed her soul to Umbrionic. She clungned to Bonnie tightly feeling the old vials in his stuffing. She sighed in relief. I don't know what I would do it these were found. She held on to Kasey and looked down at the battle. She didn't say a word but the dark energy snapped in the sphere of energy. It then coiled around the samples ready to destroy them if need be. She went into her purse and gripped the ruby hoping that or wouldn't come to violence. She heard Hiro's voice and was surprised at his kindness. She watched him attack Lilly and felt her heart drop. She was worried about getting the samples, but also she was worried for Hiro's safety. She needed to think of something, but her mind was blank.

@Steel Zinogre @CocoBeans
Kasey held onto Zoyechka tight, and then she undid her hair, and started to brush it with her claws going down sideways. (Like a brush) Hiro felt awful for attacking another person, but he could not tolerate the trash being spoken about Zoyechka, and had to serve justice somehow. @CocoBeans @Jailbird @The Suspicious Eye
Det. Ashworth studied the man in front of him. His smile never faded from his face but underneath the façade, he was taking in every detail. From the get to he knew that something was off about this character. He cleared his throat, hoping to take control of the conversation. "I honestly don't think you're at risk.....especially after the questioning. If the perpetrator had wanted to do something to you, I'm sure it would have already happen.", he said semi assuringly. It was the most logical conclusion after all. "However, .... based on what you told me, you said that you ran home,... frightened for your life" , he said while gesturing a quote with his fingers. "So, why are you here now?", he asked, trying to sound as polite as possible even though the man had raised a lot of red flags in their short conversation. @AnnoDomini

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