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Fantasy The Villains' Downfall

The giant rabbit rushed to defend Lilly,blocking the attack without much trouble. The containers floating around Lilly appeared over Big Bonnie and sharp spikes shot at Hiro. Jumping on top of her construct,she forced Seraphina's blood container inside of Big Bonnie and her own was transformed into a double sided axe,which was a tad bit taller than Lilly,"Are you prepared? Also I am not bad mouthing anyone,but only speaking what I know and feel!"The young woman howled as Big Bonnie punched the ground,sending a shock wave toward him.

@Steel Zinogre @kira blackthorn @Verdas
"You know nothing of her! you know nothing at all!" He said as he sent maximus after Big Bonnie, siphoning a red essence from him, and went to inject it into hiro, who sent him back out to get a white essence. Maximus returned with the white essence, and injected it into hiro. "Now, we will see who is stronger!" He said as he pole vaults to lilly. @Jailbird @The Suspicious Eye @CocoBeans @Verdas
Andrew gulps, quickly starting to look down. "I-I felt guilty for not s-saying a thing... Y-You think I d-did it, didn't you?" He asks, looking deep into the detective's eyes. On the inside, he was hoping that the detective didn't see through he lies. "L-Look, I accept to be taken to the station, if you don't believe me." Andrew says, holding his hands in font of him, close together. @maxacec
Seraphina is shocked and confused as to what is going on, not sure how it got to where Lilly was riding a large rabbit and attacking someone else. Seraphina lowers her bow and puts it in her satchel. It didn't seem like the black shadows were really attacking, and now this was becoming a human vs human combat and whatever creature Kasey was. Seraphina watches as Zoyechka runs up to the guy and hugs him. He wasn't a threat, at least, not a threat to Zoyechka. Seraphina watches as Hiro attacks her ally, Lilly. She is conflicted what to do now, of course, she didn't really know any of these people, but at least she knew Lilly more than the rest. She wasn't sure why Zoyechka took a blood sample though, it made it seem more sketchy now, but she still trusted Zoyechka. And the guy did have a point, there was no need for Lilly to say those things. In fact, this entire fight was pointless, and not part of their mission at all. Seraphina bites her bottom lip, unsure what to do, if she got involved, it would be unwise and could make matters worse. But if she did nothing, there could be some collateral damage. Slowly Seraphina starts walking around the perimeter, trying to measure things out best for her, and starts drifting closer to Zoyechka. @Steel Zinogre @Jailbird @The Suspicious Eye
Lilly cartwheeled off the side of Big Bonnie,landing she did a few more flips to increase the distance between her and Hiro,"I prefer brains over brawn." The acrobat said as she stopped flipping,landing on a box.Lilly aimed the head of the axe at Hiro,"Eat this foreigner!"A blast of energy shot from the front of the weapon like a rifle. Charging right behind the blast she volted over the blast.The energy shot was a weak one and it was only a distraction.

(Sorry for the short post @Steel Zinogre) @CocoBeans @The Suspicious Eye
Zoyechka watched the events unfold. She watched th blood trickle down on the ground from everyone's wounds. Dammit this is getting out of hand. Where the hell is Erick? (Yeah @Steel Zinogre
Lilly chuckled as the snakes tried their hardest to break out,"Hehe! Do you think that if you knock me out or kill me the cage will disappear?Nope That cage isn't fueled by my power,but by the truth.Not any truth though,only the truth from her,"Lilly voiced soared through the warehouse like wind through a valley,"You young lady are the only person who can break this cage,but not just simple truths,like your name,no big truths like who you really are,your powers & abilities,and why you want these blood samples. Oh,and don't think you can get away with whispering the truth,you have to say it out loud for everybody to here."Lilly explained as she walked back and forth. Her power are very complex,but she loved them and hated them at times. They gave her a lot of control in certain situations and in others she was completely useless.Part her powers is that she is able to create items based on others lies,truths,happiness,sadness,or any emotion they have at the moment,but she does have a risk of those emotions corrupting her.

(Sorry if I am coming off overpowered,but those samples are not leaving @Steel Zinogre @Peaceswore )
Erik had gotten in a fight with some police members when he got the mail. "Sh*t!" He exclaimed having completely forgotten about that since he believed Zoyechka could handle it. He suckered punched the cop in the face before placing on his goggles and speeding off. It took him five minutes to get there. He bursted through the front doors and punched the first person he saw ( @Jailbird ). "Sorry I'm late tell me the situation." He said as he rubbed his hand. ((I'll edit this post once I understand what is going on. I haven't been paying attention to this))
Seraphina backs away from the scene and hides against the wall when Erik came bursting in and to her this battle was becoming way out of hand. This battle didn't need to be fought. She felt bad for Zoyechka, even if she didn't understand why the blood samples were so important. Seraphina feels bad for Lilly, since she seemed so kind and nice to her, especially since she didn't know anybody else, but it was unacceptable behavior to her. Seraphina walks over to Zoyechka, her head tilted to her side. "What do you need the blood samples for, Miss? Perhaps I can help, Zoyechka." Seraphina knows that one of the blood samples Zoyechka took was one of her own, but she had nothing to hide, and would give her a blood sample if it dissolved this pointless fight. Besides, she had a feeling as to why Zoyechka wanted them, and Seraphina after all wasn't the ones that killed the mob members. She was merely there to witness the crime.
CocoBeans said:
Seraphina backs away from the scene and hides against the wall when Erik came bursting in and to her this battle was becoming way out of hand. This battle didn't need to be fought. She felt bad for Zoyechka, even if she didn't understand why the blood samples were so important. Seraphina feels bad for Lilly, since she seemed so kind and nice to her, especially since she didn't know anybody else, but it was unacceptable behavior to her. Seraphina walks over to Zoyechka, her head tilted to her side. "What do you need the blood samples for, Miss? Perhaps I can help, Zoyechka." Seraphina knows that one of the blood samples Zoyechka took was one of her own, but she had nothing to hide, and would give her a blood sample if it dissolved this pointless fight. Besides, she had a feeling as to why Zoyechka wanted them, and Seraphina after all wasn't the ones that killed the mob members. She was merely there to witness the crime.
Zoyechka didn't know what to do. She hated the whole situation. What happened to the good old days when I could kill everyone. Why can't I? Oh yes.......Hiro would hate me. This thought made her begin to cry with real tears. She was nearly bawling when Seraphina walked over to her. She turned and looked at her. "I-I....lied.... The man who called me....he stole Bonnie, but he....also.... he said that people with powers would probably show up. He gave me these enchanted ribbons and told me to release them." She looked at Serphina and tears rolled down her face. She quickly hid her face in Bonnie. "I'm so sorry, but he said I had to. I'm just a kid.... I didn't know what to do." She continued to cry.

@Steel Zinogre @Jailbird @CocoBeans @ Whoever I'm missing..
Seraphina watches as Zoyechka starts crying in front of her and the sight of it breaks her heart. Seraphina bends down and pulls Zoyechka into a hug. "It's okay, don't cry. It will all turn out alright. Do not worry, young one. To be a heiress so young of something very powerful must be hard for you. It is a lot of responsibility for anyone, especially for someone so young though. Do not cry, Zoyechka, I know them. Maybe I can talk to them and work things out." Seraphina lets go of Zoyechka and gives her a reassuring smile before standing back up to try to get a handle on the situation. Seraphina goes up to Lilly, distress clearly on her face. "Lilly, this is not necessary. None of the gang members are here and these are innocent people at risk here." @The Suspicious Eye @Jailbird
Lilly's empathy field was still erect,but Erik's speed was to much and within an instant his fist connected with her face. Lilly was tossed into some crates,the punching leaving her in a daze. The axe that was in her hand faded as she looked around barely able to see,Big Bonnie slightly faded but reappeared. Lilly getting up from the crates rubbed her head,"Ugh....What?"The damaged girl finally regained her grip on reality and looked at the orbs holding the snakes.For a split second they were gonna break,but then Zoyechka started talking directly to Seraphina,"I don't know who this guy is or why he punched me,but I can tell he knows you and that you just lied again!"Lilly turned to Seraphina,"Innocent? If anything I am the innocent one. I didn't attack these powered being first! So far I have defended myself from 3 guys and that witch-in training!"

"Don't you mean *itch in training!? Hahahahaha LOL"Bella's voice ringed in Lilly's mind

"Did you just speak in text talk?Alternate personality and she is a complete idiot!Anyway this child is a master at lying,I can tell she has been doing this for a long time or was training to do it."

I say put *itch yeller down!"

"You have terrible people skills."Lilly responded to Bella,ending the current conversation.

(Sorry or my absents....) @Steel Zinogre
Kasey jumped down from the rafters, and growled, shooting water globules at everyone, then roars. Hiro had a look of disgust and confusion as he tried to wipe off the viscous liquid, to no avail. "seems like she is trying to tell us something...... What is it?" Hiro said, looking at the Kecha Wacha, who had a disapproving look glaring at them all. @CocoBeans @The Suspicious Eye @Jailbird @Peaceswore
Seraphina is startled by the creature on the roof and shields herself from the water blobs. She blinks up at the creature and she had to agree with Hiro, the creature seemed to be trying to tell them all something, and she was glad. The fighting seemed to be diffused and Hiro and Lilly had stopped fighting, she didn't want to go against Lilly but her instincts still cried out to protect Zoyechka. Perhaps Zoyechka was expert at lying, but it doesn't mean that it couldn't be fixed. After all, she couldn't control how she grew up or was even trained, if that was the case. Seraphina watches the creature, trying to determine what it would do next. "Perhaps she is. Often times, creatures and animals are more in-tune with the world and sometimes are more wise than humans." @Steel Zinogre @Jailbird @The Suspicious Eye
(Oh if we time skip a few years, she's gonna be soooooooooooooo evil. Lol. But she probably won't lie, just be honest and kill people.)

Zoyechka was surprised by the hug. She was in complete shock. Other than Hiro, this was the first hug she had been given. She tried her hardest to stop the tears, but they came out anyway. She glared at Lilly angrily, she knew at this point it's time to let the adults argue as the children plot. She listened to them argue she had a plan growing in her mind. A simple plan that would work, because clearly Lilly was unstable. However, her attention was taken by Kasey and turned to her curiously.

@Steel Zinogre @Jailbird @CocoBeans
Kasey found a somewhat strange connection with Zoyechka, and decided to redo her hair, into long, free-flowing strands that glowed in the light. She then hugs her and nuzzled her. She felt like a mother, without even knowing it. Hiro stood there, surprised by Kasey's affection towards the girl. @The Suspicious Eye
Zoyechka smiled and hugged the creature as it so kindly embraced her. She didn't really understand why, but it felt good. She looked at Hiro and whispered to him "We should go."

@Steel Zinogre
Hiro nodded to zoyechka as he looked through his pouch, and took out a smoke bomb. He threw it down, and as soon the smoke disappeared, they were gone. Kasey followed hiro to the mansion with Zoyechka on her back. @The Suspicious Eye

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