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Fantasy The Villains' Downfall

Zoyechka took a step back as the hooded figure appeared in front of her, she gripped the red gem tightly in her fists. She was a little startled, but she stood her ground. She wasn't leaving. Zoyechka looked up at the hooded figure and glared. "I'm not leaving until you bring me my friend. I got what you asked for and I want my Bonnie back!" She stomped her foot in determination and anger. Luckily , she was speaking a half truth. She did have a friend a stuffed rabbit, Bonnie, she forgot here a year ago, it's been kept in a safe underneath the right hand warehouse desk in the room that a second woman came out of. She was about to shout when she noticed the other woman come out from a room where Bonnie was held in a safe. This one walked up to her and made her way to her eye level.

"Are you Zoyechka?"

Zoyechka was surprised that the woman knew her name, she took a small step back. How does this stranger know my identity? Who are they? What do they know about me? Is this a hit? Are they going to kill me? The thoughts raced in her mind as she stumbled out a surprised "y-yes, I am." She tried to regain her composure, she steadied herself and took a deep breath. "Who are you? How do you know who I am? Where's Bonnie? The man on the phone said he would give him back to me if I gave him these jewels."

@CocoBeans @Jailbird @kira blackthorn

(Yes Bonnie, I am a FNAF fan sue me.)
(I am not alone!! xD ) Rocky awakens from his usual nap at the mansion, and decided to explore the place, but however, the strong scent of garbage flew through the air, and caught his attention, he then followed the scent trail and found a bin full of garbage, along with glass bottles in another. He feasted on the garbage bin first, then made the mistake of eating the glass bottles, Which destroyed him internally. He started to cough up blood and choke on the red water, then collapsed onto the floor, dead from internal hemorrhaging. Hiro heard the commotion and went to see what it was, to his horror, rocky lay dead on the floor, a pool of blood around the frog. "NO!!!!" He shouted as he collapsed to his knees. His shouting despair was heard all throughout the mansion. @The Suspicious Eye (the reason I am doing this is because I do not feel like playing rocky anymore, and instead, play as a friendlier creature.)
(Oh God. I was gonna like this because of the FNAF thing, but damn I can't like the death of Rocky. But it motivates Zoyechka for what is to come, so I approve.)

The entire staff could hear the cry's of despair from Hiro. Every servant (all 215 of em soon to be 214) came running to the source of the sound. They watched in sadness and empathy as Hiro mourned the death of his comrade. The maid who had put the blanket over Hiro and delivered the boxes came up to him and put a hand on his shoulder. She bent down and looked to him. "Mr. Hiro, I- I am so sorry for your loss." She rubbed his back in an attempt to comfort him.

Suddenly, the head butler pushed through the crowd. He looked at Rocky and then to the pile of garbage, he frowned and turned to the crowd. "Who was in charge of disposing the garbage?" The crowd fell silent, and the head butler glared at them "Laurence Tyson!" The young male servant cringed as his name was called. He reluctantly took a step forward from the crowd. "Cowardly and incompetent," the head butler spoke and then suddenly slapped the servant with enough force to toss him to the ground.

"Insolent fool, what will the young mistress think?! I should have you fired for this." He paused and looked down at the man "or maybe I should have the Zilat take care of you?

" The young servants eyes widened in fear "no, please."

The butler looked to the man and frowned. He turned to Hiro, "it is up to you, he was your cherished companion. Should he be spared or fired?"

@Steel Zinogre
"I.... will handle the body. I shall turn this husk into a suit of armor to house his soul." Hiro said as he gets out a skinning knife, and goes to work on getting parts required to make the armor. "And please.... spare the young one, it is not his fault that i was not watching rocky. It is my own." He replied to the butler. "But be sure to dispose of everything in the bins immediately." He added as he cringed at the smell of partially disolved garbage. @The Suspicious Eye
The head butler nodded and turned to the young servant "congratulations, you have been spared." The butler turned back to the maid next to Hiro "Miss Hobbs, don't you have work to do?" The maid nodded and got up, "yes, sir." The butler turned to the others and glared "don't you all have work to do?" The crowd murmured and then went back to their jobs. The butler looked to Hiro once more. "I am sorry for your loss." Then he walked away, back into the house.

@Steel Zinogre
Hiro got out a small bag for the parts needed to make the armor. "Actually, sir. I need you to pick up a bunch of bananas..... I need them to stay awake while I work on the armor out of rocky's remains." Hiro requested as he went into the house, while rats and other pests finished the body off. Maximus watched from the roof and sadly made clicking sounds as the two new kinsects sleep in the box they were shipped in. @The Suspicious Eye
The butler turned back to Hiro and nodded "as you wish." He pulled out a tablet and typed something. "It is done." A maid took a large amount of bananas and delivered them. The maids looked a sad, although truthfully they were more worried about how Zoyechka would take the news. The girl was quite "delicate" and could easily be traumatized by the event. That brought up another question, Where was Zoyechka hiding?

@Steel Zinogre
(Alrighty, now we play the waiting game.) Hiro went to his room, and started to make the parts, along with a makeshift forge for making the parts malleable. Maximus flew around the mansion depressingly and landed on the box the new kinsects slept in, he then went off to Find Zoyechka, and bring her home. He made multiple screeching sounds, as if he were calling the little girl. @The Suspicious Eye
((I'm still waiting on Max to respond and am hoping the detective will try to hunt down Mizuki or something since she hasn't really been too involved in the role-play just yet...other than the fact that she assassinated the chief of police))
Kasey roams the streets of los Angeles, looking for something that has fruit to eat. She looked, but to no avail. Her massive ears twitch as she heard a delivery truck pulling in at the rear of the store, delivering apples and bananas. She then literally swings into action and gets to the top of the trailer. She then snags a couple bunches of bananas then runs off, enjoying the sweet taste and chewy texture. She heard sounds all around, it almost hurt her head just listening to the sirens and horns.
Randy sighed in his seat as he flipped a case file and skimmed through it. 'Five homicide in one evening. What's the world coming to ?', he wondered. Hectic doesn't even begin to describe the ambiance surrounding the precinct. Phone lines were constantly busy and officers were brisk walking all around the hallways, often with files or folders in their hands. No one was relaxed and least of all was the Homicide and Organized Crimes Division.

"Detective Everett, we've set up councilman Jacobson's crime scene. The coroner's are already on their way for the body but they'll wait for you to clearance.", a young officer said to Randy. Looking up from his casefile, he shrugged as he shook his head. Turning his attention back towards the file, he said, "No, that isnt my case. Ashworth and Remy's in charge of that case." The somewhat confused young officer was quiet for a moment, obviously weighing some options before deciding to speak anyway. "But, I was told to..... hmm.", he started to say but had apparently decided against it mid-sentance and sighed. "Yes sir.", he said before leaving the room.

- - - - x|x - - - -

Several miles away, Detective Oscar Remy was writing details of his observation into a small notepad. His thin, yet tall stature were hard to miss. A short way away his partner, Detective Myron Ashworth, a slightly balding man with a friendly face, was doing the exact same thing but with the witnesses. A couple of men carried the body into a van which then proceeded to drive off with a police vehicle which housed the victim's sobbing wife.

Det Ashworth thanked the witness with a polite gesture before turning towards his partner. "I think we're almost done here. Only one witness left.", he said as he pulled up his notepad and started reading the suspect description out loud. "Male, probably in his mid twenties or early thirties. Was seen wearing a green mask and a hoodie. He is also very fast, very fit and should be considered extremely dangerous........ That sound about right to you?", he asked. "Yeah, that should cover it. Now we'll just have to wait for forensics on the arrow and the wife's sketch and we'll have an APB out by the end of the day.", Det Remy said with a confident nod. "Yes,... and the last witness.", Ashworth corrected.

Just as the crowd were starting to disperse, Det. Ashworth closed in on the man who had caught his eyes since the moment they started questioning the witnesses. The man behind the police tape looked more disraught and unsettled than the rest of the crowd. "Good evening, I'm Detective Ashworth. Can you tell me what you saw ?", he said with a polite smile. @AnnoDomini

- - - - x|x - - - -

Jake sat silently in his car. The parking lot was void of people and the grim surrounding made it all the more apparent. It was abandoned and empty and that was exactly how he imagined Sam would be feeling. When he finally let go of her moments earlier, she had calmed down slightly. Still clearly devastated by the news, he knew she will pull through somehow. The Sam he knew was strong; a little too strong perhaps.

Jake's eyes were wide open yet his body was frozen as his mind tried its best to make sense of what he was seeing. The raider suit was running past his car and exited the building. Shaking his head, he snapped back to reality as turned the key and the car engine roared to life. With an instinctive precision, he shifted into gear and released the clutch. His left foot floored the throttle as the car's raw scream echoed throughout the parking lot. "Damn it, Samantha....what are you doing?", he thought out loud as he raced after the skating suit.
Vulok gets from from the seat and walks to the door of Jakob's penthouse. He tears a page from his note and tosses it to the floor. "I'll be back. Let me know when something comes up." Was written on the torn off page. He opened the door and exited, and immediately hears loud sounds, human inventions, quite some distance away. His ears, which could hear very well, were beginning to feel irritating as the loud noises continued. He ran to the direction of the sound, almost as fast as a car, wanting to end the noise that assaulted his ears. @Steel Zinogre (Do you mind?)
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(@Verdas not at all.) Kasey his in a dark alley, scared and hungry. With the bananas she had stolen, she eats. She then hear a sound, and tried to hide, but could not find a spot to do so.
Vulok ran to the sound and wanted to destroy the cause of the sound when he saw Kasey and stared at her with his purely white, glowing eyes, appearing like a monster of some kind and walked towards her. He took out his note from a portal that led to his endless storage, and wrote in it before showing it to Kasy. "Did you do something to cause that sound?" @Steel Zinogre (That moment when you manage to find a way to stop interacting with an inactive user's character.)
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Kasey looked at the stranger in a confused manner, then looked at the note. She then showed her ill gotten meal of a couple bunches of bananas. She then folds her ears over her face in shame. (Refer to the character sheet for kasey. @Verdas)
(Kasey's a weird name for a creature like that. Just sayin'.) Vulok immediately understood from the food and her shameful behavior that she had stolen from the humans and caused them to use the loud sound-making devices. He stared at her in curiosity, though he now appeared to be glaring at her, his eyes getting slightly brighter. 'Strange creature... I've never seen anything like it.' He thought to himself as he continues to stare at her. @Steel Zinogre
(I thought it fits) kasey thinks that vulok was going to abuse her for stealing, so she whimpered and turned around, revealing scars, filthy clotted fur, and burn marks on her back. Her collar jingled as the name tag moved with her. @Verdas
Vulok wrote on his pen again and puts his hand around Kasey's body like she was a toy and turns her around. He tries to show her the note again, but, since she had her ears over her face he instead spoke, a thing he rarely does. "You're a strange creature. Since you have a color, I am guessing you have an owner." He says in the same deep, inhuman, voice as when he spoke to Jakob. @Steel Zinogre
Kasey shook her head, not wanting to remember her abusive owner any longer. So she growled at him, warning him to not bring it up. She then lifted her ears from her face, and glared at him, getting a long, hard look at him. @Verdas
Vulok was shrouded by darkness, only his eyes were visible on his face and, if he opened it, his mouth, which was a darker black than even the shadows. He observed Kasey's behavior and did not know why she growled at the mention of her owner. "Who is your owner?" He asks her, not understanding the warning. @Steel Zinogre
Kasey then took out a picture of what appeared to be a mob leader, who happened to be of Italian heritage. She then tore the picture to shreds, as if the photo was a burden that now disappeared. She felt free, and out of her former owner's reach. @Verdas
Thomas started to shake a little when he looked at the detective, then at the blood. "W-Well... I-I saw s-s-something run a-away. I-I ran home, f-feeling frightened for my life. Even now..." He said, looking around himself, starting to make a scared face, but the detective could tell he was hiding something. He leaned in and whispered. "W-What if he wants to kill me to get rid of the evidence?" Thomas asked, slowly rubbing his own arm. He hopped that the detective wouldn't notice his lies and his act. He was ready to run, but then his identity would be revealed. 'Stupid conscience' he murmured to himself, then suddenly shooting up, touching the wound he just stitched up. @maxacec

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