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Fantasy The Villains' Downfall

Zoyechka turned to Erik and smiled the teas welling up. "Good, now watch me act! Also no powers." She turned to the direction of Hiro's voice. Shelet the tears fall as she called over to Hiro. " I'm over here!" She heard the bounding of Rocky as the got closer.

@Steel Zinogre
"Yeah Yeah, no powers and no killing." He muttered under his breath. "I guess I'll just keep my mouth shut and watch." He said before putting away his goggles and putting on an oblivious façade.
With hiro getting close, he heard zoyechka. "I am almost there!!" He said as rocky made the turn and they were in her view. Hiro hopped off of Rocky's back and ran to her, glaive unsheathed and ready to fight. "Where are they? I am gonna teach them a lesson." He said with conviction. @Peaceswore @The Suspicious Eye
as masao walks down the streets of LA, he feels his pocket vibrate. he checks his pocket to find his phone ringing. "Hmmm... it says unknown. Must be a client." he says as he answers the phone.

masao: Hello.

unknown: Is this black death?

masao: Yes...

unknown: I need you to assassinate someone for me.

masao: Who do you want dead?

unknown: I will tell you soon. Meet me at this location, 8764 concord ave.

masao: Okay.

-hangs up-

masao starts to head to the location to meet his client.
Deciding to take separate cars, Jake headed for lunch with the Chief where they discussed some of the minor details Jake had decided to leave out of the official report. Most of which he didn't even know how to explain. The chief shared his frustration it seemed as he had trouble understanding what Jake was trying to push across. Sadly, the lunch session didn't go as planned as he now had more things to explain with no way to explain it. "Seeing is believing.", he muttered as he headed out of the restaurant.

Roughly 15 minutes later, Jake stopped his car in front of a gate and touched his badge to the small console. This time, the gate opened without protest and he drove in. The large facility looked like an oasis among dead buildings. To put it lightly, the whole area was a ghost town. Empty buildings litter the industrial area which ironically hides the only building which was still running full swing, Pacson Labs.

Heading in, he immediately headed for the artificial field test area in which two rather young scientists were waiting for him. "You're late.", the female scientist said looking rather annoyed while the male simply smiled resignedly. "I am still a detective you know. Not just some lab rat.", Jake replied sarcastically to which the girl showed no interest it. "Chill out, Sam. He's here now and that's all that matters.", the male said. "Fine. Lets just get started with the armament exercises.", Samantha said as she headed into an adjoining room lined with monitors, her face still sourly annoyed.

Just as the male scientist was about to follow suit, Jake called to him. "Hey Alex, where's Kramer ?", he asked. Alex immediately sighed and scratched his head. "Food poisoning.", Alex replied. "Food poisoning?! How the heck did that happen ? He's practically living in a bubble with all his 'rules' and whatnot.", Jake asked. "Yeah, well.... we kinda brought him to a restaurant yesterday... you know, to celebrate the suit's progress so far. But me and Sam are fine. If you ask me, I'd say it was because of his Mysophobia. His body doesn't have the defence to fight against Hamburger germs.", Alex replied with a straight face. Samantha's voice suddenly crackled overhead through the speakers. "Hamburger germs? Really?", she asked rhetorically. "By the way Jake, its getting late."

Realizing the time, Jake hurried into the Raider suit and powered the suit up. As the suit's internal HUD came into view, so did the artificial environment. "Okay, initiate the boot up diagnostics sequence.", Alex said through the speakers. After a short moment, Jake spoke with a low, digitally modified voice. "Boot up diagnostics complete. I think we're slightly out of sync at 78%.... but it should be good enough for a dry run."

"Alright, in that case try picking up your main weapons. They're loaded with blanks for now but the AI should be able to judge your assisted aiming accuracy.", Sam's voice now said over the speakers. Jake did as he was told and unholstered his two weapon. "Those are modified Mark nineteen 50 calibre Action Express. We extended the barrel by about two and a half inch to give you more distance, and just cause we can, we added a 3 shot-burst mode. Which theoretically shouldn't be a problem because of the suit. Now knock yourself our.", Alex said finishing his brief explanation on the gun. "A bit of an overkill with the choice of guns but oh well, here goes.", Jake said with a mischievious smile on his face. He raised the two weapons and started firing.
After a long flight, the plane finally landed on the Los Angeles international airport. Many passangers rushed through the gates, along them a man in his early 20s, wearing a red hoodie with a pair of stonewash jeans wearing green sneakers. He was a mess of colors, and the clothes looked rather new, although the bag he was holding onto was tattered. As he exited the airport, the California sun shined on his face, bringing back memories of a time long passed. He hailed a cab, and told him, in a rather joyfull tone "W 4th street, Phoenix apartment complex." before turning his head in the direction of the window, starting to drift off. Sleep was catching up with him. Before he realised, the cab stopped at his apartment complex. He handed to the cab driver a couple of dollars, not caring if there was any change to be expected. He was too worn out to care. Along with his bag, he reached the 7th floor where his apartment was. A few months took their toll on the small apartment, as the smell was awful and the windows being closed, gave the room an abandoned smell. "Home sweet homes." He looked at his feet to see a couple of unopened letters addressed to "Andrew Johnson. It's weird to see that name. I don't even know how it is anymore." he said to himself, before closing the door and starting to unpack. He took out his costume, mask, and a takedown bow. No arrows however. He went to the armory, putting the suit and the bow at their place, revealing a whole set of bows. He opened his pc, to look at messages. Two were left, with the title "Babysitting"
Lea grinned at Max's comment and said, "I love felines as well. Hence why this lion here is my go-to for companion choices." Since the lion's 'fur' was mostly composed of flames, it's fur was immune to becoming static. The lion began rubbing its head against Max's hand again, loving the attention. Lea then glanced at Max's laptop, not seeing the screen, before asking him, "What are you doing on your computer?"

Mizuki patiently waited for the detective and chief to finish their lunch together. Just as she hoped, the detective exited on his own and soon left the premises, leaving the chief to exit on his own. Looking through her scope, Mizuki quickly went through the basic set-up procedure with her rifle, finally double-checking that it was loaded with a round. You could never be too safe. Looking back through the scope, Mizuki followed the chief to his car. Luckily, the windshield was facing Mizuki's direction. As soon as the chief was situated in his seat and putting on his seatbelt, Mizuki pulled the trigger, the round being chambered and then fired off, flying at high speeds towards the chief. Within another second, the round broke through the windshield and impacted with the chief's forehead. His body was slingshot back int this seat and then he slumped forward, his face connecting with the wheel. Mizuki wasted no time as she grabbed her rucksack and put it on her back. Breaking down her rifle's bipod and then slinging it over her back and her rucksack, Mizuki then sprinted to the edge of the building and looked down at the alleyway before teleporting down there.
"I'm just finishing up a project." He muttered. He typed a bit more before saving it and sending it to the person that ordered it. "Ok finally down. That took me.....twenty minutes, thought it was longer." He said before smiling and standing up. He then walked over to his TV and turned it on before slumping into the couch. After a few seconds he looked over at Lea. "Sorry I'm not used to being a host." He said as he scratched the back of his head. "Do you want to watch something on here?" He asked as he made room on the couch for her. (She knows Max has powers right?)
Lea nodded at what Max said before following him to the couch. She wondered what kinds of projects he worked on, but decided against asking about such things in the moment. Hearing Max's apology, Lea sheepishly grinned and her hand went to the back of her head as she said, "No need to apologize. My brother and I aren't used to being guests...or having so much for that matter." She glanced around the room and then let her hand fall back to her side. Hearing Max's question, Lea shrugged and replied, "I wouldn't know what's available to be watched." She then took the seat beside Max, making sure that at least some space was between the two of them. She'd never been physically close to a guy that she had a crush on like this before so it left her rather clueless as to what to do. It didn't help that she had no idea how this electronic box worked. It seemed to be a large laptop screen, but there was no bottom part attached.
Max leaned back on the sofa and turned it to a random station that was currently doing a movie marathon of Star Wars. "I just push buttons since I have no clue what I want to watch till I watch it." He said as he placed the remote on the side of the couch. "Where is your brother? Is he asleep already? It's barley past noon." Max said as he glanced at the clock that was in the kitchen.
Lea was fascinated by the people and futuristic world that was showing on the screen currently. Pulling her eyes away from it, Lea glanced at Max as he asked about her brother. Lea shrugged and said, "He's not much of one for social environments. You'd be surprised by how content he is to be alone for hours on end." Looking back at the screen, Lea furrowed her brows slightly and then asked Max, "What is this device that's showing the people?"
Max kept a straight face as he reminded himself that she has never had technology before which almost made him tear up. "That's a TV. It shows recordings of people acting on the screen." He said calmly as he kept his eyes on the TV enjoying the movie since it has been a while since he has seen it.
Lea nodded at this and then asked Max, "What's happening in this play?" With how poor she'd been in Italy with her brother, they'd been lucky enough to sneak in and watch plays at some theaters, but television and acting on screen had never been an option for them. It was rather fascinating to Lea and she found herself entranced by the scene in front of her, even though she didn't quite understand what was going on.
"Sorry I don't believe in spoilers." Max said with a grin. "Luckily for you it just started. So you should be able to figure out what's going on rather quickly. Hey, if you want we can watch this marathon. Want some popcorn?" He asked as he stood up and headed to the kitchen.
Lea grinned at this, excited to watch pre-recorded plays for the first time in her life. She wondered if this was normal for most people over here in America. It seemed unreal to Lea. Upon hearing Max's question, Lea felt herself blush with embarrassment before asking Max with her gaze averted, "Uh, what's popcorn?" How much had she truly missed out on in her lowly upbringing in this world?
Max slightly gapped at her when he heard the question. He couldn't help but to walk over to her and hug her. "Don't worry I can still save you." He muttered as he rubbed her back. Once he was able to recuperated from the trauma he went back into the kitchen and grabbed his biggest bowl and poured a LOT of pop corn seeds into the popper. After a few minutes (and one or two cusses) he returned with a huge bowl of popcorn. "This is pop corn and it's what people usually eat when they are watching a movie." He said with a grin before siting down and eating some of it.
Lea froze and was surprised yet again by Max's random hugging session. What was with this guy and hugging people? Once she recovered from her initial frozen state, she felt her face turn bright red as Max turned around and headed into the kitchen to prepare the popcorn. Looking down at her hands, Lea then heard Max coming back and, luckily her blushing had gone away at this point, peered curiously in the bowl at the bountiful amount of yellow popcorn. She tentatively picked one up and inspected it before popping it in her mouth and eating it. She then smiled after this, enjoying the taste. She then grabbed a small handful before proclaiming, "Popcorn is amazing! Also, what's a movie?" She then realized after asking her question that movies were probably these pre-recorded plays.
Zoyecka looked up at Erik and rolled her eyes, the tears falling. She really was good at making herself cry on demand. It took her three years to get it perfect, but she had finally done it. She ran closer as Rock appeared she pushed her face into Rocky's side crying into him.
As Hiro hopped off Zoyechka turned to him sadly. Her tears trained down her face as she spoke her tone almost quivering "They are gone and they took my friend. I need to find them Hiro. I'm afraid that they will kill him. He's one of my closest friends." She walked up to him and tugged on his shirt. She looked at him with tear filled eyes full of hope. "Pleas help me find him."

(Sorry for the random disappearance I had class)
Max Nobody

"Of course popcorn is amazing! Also a movie is what we are watching, a recorded play that aired on television." He said with a grin. "Sorry about the randoms hugs. I'm just now realizing how weird they are." He said with a chuckle.

Erik Scared

Erik watched quietly as he saw Zoyechka do her little act. 'This guy does look like the gullible type.' He thought as he remained a good distance away from the two.

((I didn't get a notification! Sorry for the late response!))
[QUOTE="The Suspicious Eye]Zoyecka looked up at Erik and rolled her eyes, the tears falling. She really was good at making herself cry on demand. It took her three years to get it perfect, but she had finally done it. She ran closer as Rock appeared she pushed her face into Rocky's side crying into him.
As Hiro hopped off Zoyechka turned to him sadly. Her tears trained down her face as she spoke her tone almost quivering "They are gone and they took my friend. I need to find them Hiro. I'm afraid that they will kill him. He's one of my closest friends." She walked up to him and tugged on his shirt. She looked at him with tear filled eyes full of hope. "Pleas help me find him."

(Sorry for the random disappearance I had class)

"Just point us in the right direction, and we will handle it. And I have a surprise to tell you after this." He said with a smile, knowing she was wanting to know his surprise. Rocky began sniffing around and roared, then sniffed around again.
Andrew stood on his chair and read the message. It was to take care of an corrupt city official who needs to be "babysat" as the message said. It had his address, photos of him, and his usual hang-outs. Looking back at his costume, he sent back a message. "Awaiting payment." After a couple of minutes of him making himself a coffee and sharpening his arrows, there was a small blip from his computer. "Transfer, successful." Andrew smiled and quickly started putting on his costume. He put on his mask, having a few scars on it, and picked up his compound bow, being perfect for "hunting". He looked outside his window, to see the skyline clear, and to device a plan where to go. In a couple of minutes, he arrived on a rooftop, a good vantage point. The city official entered a local bistro. "Got you. Now..." He made his plan of action. In the file he said that the target was a heavy drinker. He was to wait for him to exit the alley, either because of being drunk or to take a call. Andrew looked in his pack to look at his arrows. He could poison him, or he could just pin him to the wall. That could leave a message. In the next moment, he started to run towards the alley, taking position behind a corner, readying his bow, steadying his breath.
[QUOTE="Steel Zinogre]"Just point us in the right direction, and we will handle it. And I have a surprise to tell you after this." He said with a smile, knowing she was wanting to know his surprise. Rocky began sniffing around and roared, then sniffed around again.

Zoyechka smiled at him, she as so happy that he was willing to help her. She hugged him tightly "Thank you." She looked up at him and smiled she turned back to Erik. "This is Erik he's a friend, he's also helping me out with finding those dastardly people. He works for a bodyguard company, those bad people killed his men. He is here to help and turn them over to the proper authorities once we find them." She motioned for Erik to come over. She noticed that Rocky was sniffing her targets out. Soon she will get to play with them. Then she turned back to Hiro and tugged on his shirt she tried to hide her excitement, but it was hard to do. "But first what's the surprise?! I gotta know!!"

@Steel Zinogre
Erik walked over and nodded his head at Hiro, doing his best not to say anything to provoke the man. 'He rode here on a giant...frog....really? So much for stealth. Wait.... they don't think I would actually ride that thing, right?' He wondered though he kept a blank expression.
(Finally someone who tell me what they are getting Zoyechka's birthday!)

Zoyechka smiled brightly at up at him and hopped up and down excitedly. "Really!! Oh how cool! I'm so excited! Thank you!!" She hugged Hiro excitedly "oh that is a great present! Thank you!" She took his hand and pulled him closer to Erik, "now if we can find my friend and those horrible people, today will be the best day ever!"

@Steel Zinogre

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