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Fantasy The Villains' Downfall

Jakob got out of his car, he fixed his clothes a little so that he seemed more professional. He walked into the gin store with an aura of importance and authority, he took note of the man he saw at the register, he seemed like a very bad soul indeed. "Interesting..." He thought to himself.

Jakob walked to the back room of the store where he found its only currently working employee, the employee, an old Mexican man was busy looking over some paperwork. Jakob rapped on the open door with his cane, to which the man quickly turned around, "Hello there Georgie, how are you today?' Jakob asked politely. The man instantly became nervous and began exhibiting nervous ticks, "H...Hello Mr. Umbreonic. I... I'm g...g..good. How are you?" He stammered. "Fine, just got back dealing with some rather idiotic employees. God I hate idiots working for me..." Jakob said ominously, he moved his cane and pointed at the man who was waiting for service. "You have a customer" he said. Georgie nodded and quickly rushed out of the back room to the cash register, Jakob leaned against the wall and watched with evil eyes as the frightened old Mexican man ran to help the apparent warrior.

@Steel Zinogre
"Gimme The best shotguns shells you got, and make it snappy, I do not like to wait." Wilhelm said as he set his shotgun on the shelf. A rather strange weapon it was, Triple barreled, along with a pumping mechanism and a magazine clip. He then ran a maintenance check on his arm and legs. "Servos all in check." He said to himself as he looked at jakob. "Ya need somethin'? 'Cause you look creepy as hell with those eyes." Wilhelm said with some apprehension, but not enough to show weakness. His cyber eyes scanned the man, but nothing came up. @Awesomeking13
Jakob looked curiously at the man, he hadn't quite observed him yet, he did now though.

He seemed like a criminal, he was very physically string and appeared to use technology religiously as he had many cybernetic enhancements. He also seemed very stupid and brash, seeing how he had randomly called out at him. A very, interesting person to say the least. Jakob guessed he must be new to town, if he was a criminal and didn't recognize the single most infamous underground mastermind then he probably hadn't operated much in the area. Jakob got up from his leaning position and walked towards the brute, he strolled up behind the counter and leaned against that, making the cashier very nervous at his closeness. "I am sorry to have starred at you, I was merely observing you, you seem like an interesting gent" Jakob said with politeness. He made sure the skull on top of his cane was visible to the man, he gripped the cane a little tighter in cade he decided to try something, he seemed like quite the loose canon.

@Steel Zinogre
"Yeah, that is what they all say, before I blast their brains out." Wilhelm said as he looked at Jakob's suit. "You a rich guy?" He asked, thinking he is looking at a potential boss. He grabbed his shotgun and held it next to a device on his leg, and the gun digitally deconstructed, now stored in cyberspace. "Echo technology, the best stuff for storing your crap." He said with a chuckle, remembering all the other weapons he used to carry, which were now gone, except his scav made smg, and scav made shotgun, which was just deconstructed digitally. @Awesomeking13
Peaceswore said:
Erik looked at Zoyechka and nodded. "Sure, if it's too much for you to handle I'll jump in." He said with a smirk. "Should we look over where they killed our men or do you want to start somewhere else?" He asked Zoyechka @The Suspicious Eye
Zoyechka thought for a moment. She tilted her head from side to side deep in thought. Then she finally thought of a plan and nodded. " We should look at the site they might have left something behind or at least a lingering sent." She pulled out her phone and began to scroll down looking for something.

(Sorry doing hw posts will be slow. I have a physics exam and ME hw to do (:'())
Jakob was amazed at the disassembly technology, it was something he could definitely use. "You could say I am rich yes" Jakob extended his hand towards the man, "My name is Umbreonic, I'm a business man of sorts" he said. Jakob began to wonder if the man before him could be useful in any way, though he had advanced technology, he still seems rather dull. Jakob weighted the goods and bads of the man, deciding he needed to speak with the man some more to learn as much as he could about him.
"Zoyechka Zolnerowich ?", Jake asked in surprise. "I didn't know she was even allowed outside the mansion compound. Her family is apparently highly overprotective.", he continued, intentionally stressing the 'over' by adding a redundant 'high' before it."I think, that's all I need for now. Thank you for your cooperation. If I need anything further, is it possible for me to contact you?", he asked before his eyes landed on Max's untouched cup of coffee.

"You sure, you don't want to drink? You look tired....and I don't know what is it about the coffee today but even after the tiring day I had yesterday, I feel weirdly really energized.", he said in a friendly manner.
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"Yeah, Straight from planet Hera." Wilhelm proudly said as he thought about how he was going to explain everything. "The name is Wilhelm, also known as Mechanus. I am a mercenary and a mechanic." He proudly proclaimed as he set his fists on his hips, in a proud manner. "I also have more tech that i can show off later, though. They do not like to be shown off much, unless it is for being hired." He said, referring to his drones which were put away at they moment. @Awesomeking13
Jakob looked curiously at him, he was apparently an alien, Jakob was skeptic of this claim. He remembered how he had gotten his supernatural abilities so this man being an alien seemed more reasonable. "Well Mr. Wilhelm, how would you like a job?" He said. The clerk had gotten what ammo he believed the man needed so he gave the boxes the Wilhelm. Jakob walked over to the other side of the counter were he leaned on one arm onto the counter, facing and watching Wilhelm with curious eyes.

@Stell Zinogre
(Basically, Wilhelm is basically a human from another planet. look at his cs) "I would love a job. But however, I am curious as to whether or not I am being paid, since it is the #1 rule for mercs." Wilhelm said as he slapped down a fat wad of cash from previous jobs. "Keep the change." He told the clerk. Wilhelm set the boxes down onto the floor, and added to his digital stockpile of ammo, going from 200 shells to 10,000 shells. "Gotta have enough to hold for a while." He said with a chuckle. "Buy in bulk, for you may need it later more than now." He said. @Awesomeking13
Jakob nodded, "Wise words". Jakob used his powers to grab the stack of cash, a slight glowing green tint occurred on the stack of cash and it levitated up and came over to Jakob's hand, the clerk was going to protest but decided against it. Jakob felt the weight of the money, it was heavy so he knew there was quite a large amount. " If you agree to work for my business then of course you shall make money." He said with a twisted smile. He held up his arms openly, "What do you think?" He asked.

@Steel Zinogre
"Sure thing, but when things get hairy, only rely on me for a job well done." Wilhelm said, subtly bragging on how good of a merc he is. "I have been a merc ever since age 20, so I know how things work." He added. "I will also have to get used to this planet, since I am an "Alien" here." He said with emphasis on alien. @Awesomeking13
Jakob considered for a moment, he began pacing swiftly around the store, staying in eyesight of Wilhelm. He noticed how nervous Georgie was getting, "Sounds like you are a very skilled man. However words aren't with much on a verbal résumé. I'd like to see some testament of your abilities, I don't like to hire mercenaries so if you want this job you'll have to prove yourself to me. And only work for me..." He said spinning on his heel to bluntly face the foreigner in front of him.
maxacec said:
"Zoyechka Zolnerowich ?", Jake asked in surprise. "I didn't know she was even allowed outside the mansion compound. Her family is apparently highly overprotective.", he continued, intentionally stressing the 'over' by adding a redundant high before it."I think, that's all I need for now. Thank you for your cooperation. If I need anything further, is it possible for me to contact you?", he asked before his eyes landed on Max's untouched cup of coffee.
"You sure, you don't want to drink? You look tired....and I don't know what is it about the coffee today but even after the tiring day I had yesterday, I feel weirdly really energized.", he said in a friendly manner.
Max let out a yawn and shook his head. "No I don't care for coffee it makes me overly hyper and believe me that is a bad thing." He said with a grin. 'So he didn't see my powers, geez I freaked out for nothing.' He thought letting out a small sigh. "As for contact, here this is my phone number." He said as he wrote down his number and handed it to him making another shock happen as there hands got close. "Damn are you ok?" Max asked a bit worried he may have sent a sudden wave of electricity at the man.
Awesomeking13 said:
Jakob considered for a moment, he began pacing swiftly around the store, staying in eyesight of Wilhelm. He noticed how nervous Georgie was getting, "Sounds like you are a very skilled man. However words aren't with much on a verbal résumé. I'd like to see some testament of your abilities, I don't like to hire mercenaries so if you want this job you'll have to prove yourself to me. And only work for me..." He said spinning on his heel to bluntly face the foreigner in front of him.
"Throw me everything you have, for i am sure you would love my skills." Wilhelm said in a challenging voice, confident in becoming worthy being Jakob's employee. He takes out His smg, with one magazine on both sides of it. "Me and my Meat Grinder will prove to be very much worthy." He added.
Jakob smile evilly, he liked the sound of that. "First off" Jakob looked at the clerk, "Kill this man, he's been quietly stealing money from me and that bugs me greatly" he said. With those words Georgie froze in fear, he tried to speak and run but fear took over his body. Jakob then began thinking if how he could test Wilhelm.
Wilhelm, without hesitation, shoots the man to a literal mess, the body mutilated beyond recognition. "That all you got? That was boring." Wilhelm said, not even phased by what a normal merc would regret doing. He reloads his smg and awaits the next order. "If killing a simple man is all you have, then you need to up the ante." He added with a smug smile. @Awesomeking13
[QUOTE="The Suspicious Eye]Zoyechka thought for a moment. She tilted her head from side to side deep in thought. Then she finally thought of a plan and nodded. " We should look at the site they might have left something behind or at least a lingering sent." She pulled out her phone and began to scroll down looking for something.
(Sorry doing hw posts will be slow. I have a physics exam and ME hw to do (:'())

"Ok I'm ready to go when you are. Are you going to drive your slow motorcycle or should I carry you?" He asked with a grin as he fixed his googles and made sure his bag was on right.
Jakob shook his head at the mess, the one thing he hated was messy murders. Jakob ignored is annoyance and took out a piece of paper and a pen, "Of course that's not all" he said, he wrote an address in the paper and gave it to Wilhelm. "This is the location of a building, I need everyone in it to die" he said. The address was a HQ for a small time gang in L.A, The Scarlet Roses took out competing gangs rather quickly, Jakob needed this gang HQ to be destroyed. "Do that successfully then meet me at Kingsman Harbor, only if you're successful." Jakob took out his phone and began calling someone, he then walked out of the store, the was of cash still in his hand. Before he was fully out he called back to Wilhelm, "Try not to make such a mess this time" he said.

Jakob called the man in charge of clean up for his gang. He told him about the dead clerk and that he needed the mess cleaned up and a new, more trustworthy gang member to run the front. When they were both in agreement Jakob hung up and got into his red corvette, he was ready for some food he decided.

@Steel Zinogre
Jake simply grinned at the shock. It was nothing new to him. This particular shock was somewhat different however, though he couldn't quite put his hands on what exactly was different."Don't worry about it.", he said noticing Max's lack of surprise at the rather unnatural phenomenon. 'He wasn't surprised at all at the shock, was he?', he wondered but his face remained calm with a smile. "I'm just sensitive to things like this. You probably have some of static build up from your hoodie. You'd be surprised at how much I get shocked each day.", he laughed it off. What he said was the truth however. He never could explain his odd tendancy to get shocked.

"Anyway, I have a lunch to attend to and I'm sure you have somewhere you have to be as well.", he said as he headed for the door and waited for Max to walk out of the office first. Soon after, Jake headed for the main entrance to see that the chief was just about to head out.

@Peaceswore @Lioness075
Max let out a sigh and headed out. He waved at the chief and Jake before leaving. Not really paying much attention to his surroundings he went to a nearby electronic store. Once he was sure no one could see him he jumped into a random tv and excited out his TV. 'Crap! I forgot I'm not alone! Please tell me they didn't see.' He thought as he slowly raised his head. @Lioness075
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"I will not make any promises boss, the mess is sometimes refreshing to see. And success will be 100% with me around." He said as he went to the address where he was told to go, his shot gun ready. "Alright, it is show time." He said as he kicked down the door and started to shoot everyone in the room, and eventually worked his way upstairs of the place. The kills were not as messy this time, but satisfying enough to make him smile. after minutes of looking at his work, he walks off and goes off to kings man harbor, with the head of the head honcho in his storage unit. "The boss will be pleased with how well i have fared." He said as he dug a couple bullets out of his left arm, he bled, but not as badly as a normal human would have. @Awesomeking13
Jakob had stooped by his favorite hot dog place and gotten his meal, a classic bratwurst with sauerkraut and relish, his favorite. He quickly ate it and looked at the time, be supposed that he should go to the harbor and wait for Wilhelm, though he knew there was no way he had finished the assignment so fast.

Jakob drove to the harbor in his corvette, and to his amazement he saw Wilhelm. Jakob parked his car and got out, he didn't go over to Wilhelm immediately, instead he called one of his street eyes, they confirmed that the HQ had been hit hard, Jakob thanked the spy and hung up. He walked calmly over to the mercenary, clapping his hands slowly as he approached. "My oh my, you certainly do live up to your praise. I believe that you would be a fine addition to my workforce" Jakob took out the cash that had previously been Wilhelms and tossed it to him, as a way to repay him for his services. "I assume you accept the job?" Jakob asked, more telling him than asking.
Peaceswore said:
"Ok I'm ready to go when you are. Are you going to drive your slow motorcycle or should I carry you?" He asked with a grin as he fixed his googles and made sure his bag was on right.
Zoyechka smiled and put her phone in her bag. She reached up for him to carry her. " You know that slow motorcycle was a 8th birthday present. I'm turning eleven so your present better be super awesome." She looked up at him and pouted " come on tell me! I promise to be surprised! I gotta know!"
"I do accept the job, but take a look at this." He said with a chuckle as he took out the head of the head honcho of the hq. "His head was hard to rip off, but with enough force, it will break like a stick." He said as he threw the head into the water. "Now, what next? That hit was merely a warm-up." Wilhelm said, sounding somewhat disappointed on how easy the job was. @Awesomeking13

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