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Fandom The Very Best (A Pokemon OOC) [CLOSED]

Hm... Shame... So Kanto is a quiet thread, is it... holding notebook and stationary tools
Hm... I 'may' be able to mix something up. Key word is may. I aim to resolve this inactivity problem if I do follow through with it. But... until then... My focus will be on the Hoenn thread.
Just make sure you maybe divide it into the actual stories, characters, etc. if you do so, I recommend.
Just make sure you maybe divide it into the actual stories, characters, etc. if you do so, I recommend.
I've been a troper for a while of course I'll do that kind of stuff. I know what I'm doing.

I made the pages for a bunch of things (which people have edited as well cause, hello, TV Tropes):

I created the funny, tearjerker, heartwarming, nightmare fuel, and awesome pages for this one:

And I made this joke page. I consider it my legacy.

I originally thought I'd use Ezra more. Then Sandy was being used more. And then it turned out Ezra was being used much more. How the tables have turned. I feel you BackSet BackSet haha.
There, I do believe I have put forward a fruit of my work - a character to use in Kanto. I should hope that me being able to do stuff there will aid in the activity rising there.
Cool. Approved. That appearance description gives off so many Mary Sue vibes what with all the purple prose but, yeah, approved.
OK, I at least know what a Mary Sue is (vaguely), but what the heck is purple prose?
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An Ambipom that can play musical instruments to be exact! I wonder how that'll go down between Ambipom and Aipom. :D

Aipom will be behind Ambipom doing interpretative dance, naturally.

It doesn't sound too bad, but I see what you mean... Whoops...

A lot of writers fall into that trap. I have and a lot of people at university level (I study it) still do. It happens XD
Finally edited that post with all its horrible dicey-edits haha

Might work on a Kanto post tomorrow, I'm beat.
Actually, level 20 is kinda early for the usual rodent mons. It's not the earliest (Bibarel), but... Still.
That's true...

Forgot about Furret. Am idiot.

It's at least 20 they should evolve or near there (at least).
OK, before I dare do anything stupid - I need to type out the battle against the grunt Gracia is dealing with at the moment, right? If not, I shall but wait. I'm just asking for clarification before I mess up.

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