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Fandom The Untold Stories of Hogwarts - 1x1 HP RP

Logan nodded and was ready to get out of there. He was about to respond to Rose’s question as to what else they’d do today after their wand mishap but they were quickly greeted by their cross-armed dad, Xavier, waiting out there in the hallway for them and wanting to know what happened. Logan’s brown eyes widened and his heart leapt. Xavier must have heard the noise up there while he was cooking. Logan gulped nervously, not wanting to be in trouble. He looked at Rose as she answered their dad and then he looked back at Xavier. “We heard something fell so uhh, we decided to come and check it out!” he said quickly, thinking of an excuse that he thought was a genius idea.
Xavier raised an eyebrow at his son. “Really? And that same thing that fell broke the light bulb?” He did not believe his son whatsoever. “You two, living room. Now!” He said sternly. Rose hung her head and moved passed her dad and headed to the living room. This was not going to be fun. She hated being in trouble, and having her dad and papa mad at her. Xavier watched them go, walked over to his night stand and in the bottom drawer, tucked in the back was his wand. He pulled it out and cleaned the room. Putting it back, he stepped outside. “Aaron!” He yelled for his husband. He didn’t know where he was so he yelled for him. “Living room!” He added, before making his way there.
Logan honestly wasn’t surprised his excuse didn’t work on Xavier. His dad was smarter than that. Perhaps it would’ve worked on their papa just because Aaron wouldn’t care as much and found it hard to get mad at the kids. Logan gulped nervously and widened his eyes, looking terrified as Xavier yelled at them to go in the living room. He knew they were both going to get chewed out by their father and possibly punished. The two children followed their fuming father as he called outside to their papa to come to the living room. Aaron was sleeping outside on a lounge chair and enjoying the sun, having said something about working on a tan to Xavier. He was suddenly rudely awakened by his husband’s voice yelling at him. Aaron quickly got up and widened his eyes hearing Xavier shout, and he seemed ANGRY. Aaron rushed into the house, wondering what had his love in such a rage induced state. He certainly hoped it wasn’t something he had done.

Logan and Rose followed Xavier into the living room and Logan looked very nervous, swallowing thickly as he could barely bring himself to look at his father- a good sign that he was very much guilty. Aaron finally came into the living room and he looked confused. “What? What happened?” Aaron asked, looking clueless. Logan looked at his papa, seeing that he didn’t even know what happened. Perhaps they could use the fact that Aaron wasn’t angry to their advantage, Logan thought to himself.
Xavier stood in the living room, looking at the two in front of him. His eyes moved to look at Aaron before returning his gaze to the two very guilty looking ten year olds. Logan wasn’t even looking at Xavier. “Well. Who wants to tell us what I saw?” He asked, his voice still stern, though his anger had calmed by the time he’d gotten to the living room.

Rose had kept her head down, glancing up at her dad and papa. “Well.. you see. Logan convinced me to sneak in and use your wand papa. I didn’t mean to break the light bulb.” She said softly. Her eyes darted over to look at Logan.
As Xavier asked what had happened, Logan told himself in his head that there was no way he would speak. He refused to say anything and would plead the fifth, even if that was an American thing. But Logan’s eyes widened as Rose spoke up and essentially came clean, admitting to their dads as to what they had done. He wanted to strangle her, he couldn’t believe she was ratting them both out. “Are you kidding me?!” he blurted out frustratedly. “That’s not what happened at all!” Logan said, deciding he’d shift them blame from either of them and continue to go with his silly earthquake excuse. “We heard something fall in your guys’ room so we decided to check it out! That’s all! Perhaps it was an erm- an earthquake or something!” Logan said, really trying to sell it. “Well, I was outside and I didn’t feel an earthquake…” said Aaron, not convinced by his son.
Xavier looked at Rose. She knew better than to hide the truth. It wasn’t in her nature. He then looked at Logan. “Watch yourself young man. There was no earthquake. I guess I have Rose tell me everything and you sit in time out until dinner for lying.” Xavier said firmly. He did not believe his son at all. “Rose what happened?” He asked her.

“We found papa’s wand, and used it. I broke a lightbulb and Logan knocked over the nightstand” Rose told her dad. She couldn’t not tell him, it just wasn’t who she was. “Thank you.” He told her. Rose looked over at Logan with a sad expression. “Sorry” she said softly. She didn’t like it when he was in trouble either.
Logan looked flabbergasted, his mouth hanging open and his eyes wide as his father quickly shut him up. He closed his mouth as Xavier punished him and said that he’d sit in his room until dinner time for lying. He wasn’t too happy that his sister had coughed up everything and wished she could zip her lips. Now they were both in trouble although clearly, for lying, Logan was in even deeper shit. He did dig his own grave though here. Aaron kept quiet but nodded in understanding as Rose explained to them what happened. He wasn’t too thrilled that Logan had out right lied to them (and came up with a rather, in all honesty, pathetic excuse). But he was glad Rose had told the truth. “Thank you Rose, for telling the truth,” said their papa.
Xavier didn’t let Rose off lightly either. She had also broken the rules. “Both of you in your rooms until dinner. Logan, you are to go back to your room after dinner for a longer time out due to lying” He said. “Thank you Rose for telling the truth.” He added. Rose nodded, though she felt bad that Logan was in trouble because she’d told. Rose nodded. “Yes daddy.” She said softly, turning to head to her room. Xavier finally let out a breath as he watched them go. “Those two are going to give me grey hair.” He said to Aaron.
Logan huffed and pouted, stomping his foot. He wasn’t going to argue though lest he get into deeper trouble. So, he went off to his room without another peep. He wasn’t too happy with his sister although she had done the right thing and it was really his idea that got them in trouble in the first place. As the kids went off to their room, Aaron looked over at Xavier and sighed quietly. “They will, but you handled this really well, love,” he told him with a soft smile. “I’ll tell ya what, I’d have been spanked if I lied to my parents like Logan did. And err, well I did,” he admitted.
Xavier moved to sit down, holding his head in one hand. “I know I did, but I still feel bad.” He looked up at Aaron and chuckled. “I can’t imagine that you lied to your parents.” Xavier said, faking a shocked expression.
Aaron snickered at this comment from Xavier. “Well let’s just say I wasn’t the goodie two shoes you think I am,” he said, joking back to his husband. “But don’t feel bad love, it needed to happen. They won’t see it now but they’ll never learn if they aren’t punished for doing things that are wrong and for Logan, for lying,” he said.
Xavier held a hand over his chest in shock. “Really? That’s crazy. I never would’ve guessed.” He chuckled. He nodded a moment later. “I know. I know. Still, I don’t like it.” He said. And he didn’t, but he would.
“It’s all a part of parenting I guess,” said Aaron with a shrug. “They can’t be doing that stuff. Especially when they do learn magic- underage use of magic outside of Hogwarts is strictly prohibited by the Ministry. Wouldn’t want the kiddos in trouble with the law,” he said. “And the boy… well, the lying…. I was once him when I was younger. Luckily my parents were there to straighten me out- for the most part- so I hope we can be there to guide him and show him right from wrong too.”
Xavier nodded. "I know it is. It's the part of parenting that no parent really wants to do." He said. He knew how strict the Ministry is on underage magic. "I know. That would be the last thing I want." He added with a soft sigh. "I like to think we can guide him that way. It's important for him to know right from wrong and that lying is not right." Xavier put his head in his hands. He hated it, he knew it was right and that he did the right thing by scolding and punishing them but that doesn't mean he had to like it.
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“Well he’s young. He’ll learn. He’s just a boy and he’s not even at Hogwarts yet. I’m not too worried about Logan at all,” said Aaron. “He just thinks he’s clever and he’s very curious about things, ambitious even. He’s like me though- I know what he’s thinking. He’s a bit of a trickster and always wants to save his own hide,” chuckled Aaron. “They’re both good kids though. Rose shows some real valiant honesty this young,” he went on.
Xavier lifted his head and looked at Aaron. “I know. Besides, if he’s anything like his papa, he’ll become a fine young man.” Xaie said with a small laugh. “They are both fine kids. Rose definitely shows that. She’s much like I was, I couldn’t tell a lie to save my life. I still can’t.” He said with a chuckle.
Aaron couldn’t help but blush slightly and smile at this compliment from his husband. “Aww Xaie, thanks love,” he replied. “But I truly do think that Logan will grow into a fine and handsome young man. And Rose a beautiful and classy young woman,” he said. “And you’re right about that- leave the lying to me. Anyone can see right through ya,” he chuckled.
Xavier had laughed at that. Aaron definitely wasn’t wrong, at all. And like that, the months passed by. One by one blending into each other. Xavier left in September to teach again. This semester went by incredibly slow. He kept thinking about how maybe next summer he’d have the twins here, teaching them magic and not having to miss them all the time. It was a feeling that Xavier just couldn’t shake off, a hope and a wish that stuck with him.

Eventually June came and he made it home once more, and his kids were 11 years old and it was weird to him. He remembered when they were babies and now they were 11. It was July 6th 2015 and the young family was enjoying a quiet morning. The kids had yet to get up and Xavier was enjoying the peacefulness. He was currently in the kitchen getting ready to start making pancakes for breakfast because he knew they’d be up soon and want food.

A few moments later, Rose made her way into the kitchen, she was always up early. “Morning daddy. Can I help?” She asked, watching as he got the batter into a bowl. “Morning Rosie. Come here. Can you work on mixing that for me?” He asked her and she nodded, working on mixing the batter while Xavier watched her, ready to help if needed.
Another year passed and with June 13th, 2015 in the summer came a very big day. What so so significant about this day was that it was the twins’ eleventh birthday. What turning eleven meant was not only had they grown up so fast, but they would be of age to hypothetically attend Hogwarts. The two fathers knew their children had magical blood and due to a few anomalies, knew that had the ability of magic within them. Aaron had hoped that one day he could send them to Hogwarts but of course, they needed an acceptance letter for that to even happen. So, the twins turned eleven, their birthday was celebrated, and the month went on. June turned into July and the date was July 6th, 2015, a summer day unlike any other.

Aaron had been up for a while, as was Xavier, and the kids were sleeping until at least Rose woke up to come down and help her daddy in the kitchen. She was more of a help in the kitchen than Aaron ever was. Luckily Xavier didn’t mind, and of course was probably thrilled that Rose was taking an interest to the activities that went on in the kitchen. Logan seemed to still be sleeping- sleeping in like his papa preferred to do. Aaron decided he’d polish his broom, something he liked to do to pass the time, until Logan woke up. Eventually the eleven year old boy did wake up and came down, yawning and rubbing his eyes.

Logan went straight to the kitchen once he had woken up, seeing that Xavier and his sister were hard at work preparing something in the kitchen. “What’s for breakfast, dad?” he asked, scratching his belly briefly. Aaron decided he’d take this time to go get the mail. The man carefully set down his broom and got up to go outside to their mailbox, coming back inside with a stack of some letters and papers. It all seemed like the inconspicuous usual stuff at first- just advertisements and bills. Aaron entered the kitchen and sat down, setting the letters down on the counter. “Morning family,” he said with a smile, mostly directed at his two children who he hadn’t seen yet.
Xavier had gotten Rose set up with a small stool so she could help him with the cooking pancakes on the griddle. He turned his head when he heard Logan come in. “Hey bud. Pancakes are on the menu this morning right Rosie?” He asked the eleven year old. “Yep! I’m making sure they cook right” She said, happy to be helping her dad in the kitchen. Xavier looked up to see Aaron come in with the mail. Rose smiled at her papa. “Morning papa!” She said happily before looking at the pancakes. She saw the bubbles underneath the pancakes and Xavier helped her flip them. “Anything interesting in the mail love or just bills and advertisements?” Xavier asked a few minutes later, the pancakes almost done cooking.
Hearing that pancakes were for breakfast, he smiled and nodded. He loved his dad’s pancakes- he couldn’t say no to that ever. “Oh great, thanks,” he said as he went to go sit at the table and wait for breakfast to be finished. “Don’t butcher my pancakes Rosie,” snickered the brother, joking around. Aaron smiled back at his daughter as she greeted him. He then went to scroll through their mail, flipping through the papers. “Bill, bill, ad, bill,” he said as he placed the envelopes off to the side. He then stopped as he saw an oddly familiar envelope. This letter looked different- it was special. It caused Aaron to go frozen. That logo- it was so familiar. But no, it couldn’t be. Perhaps it was work sending a letter to Xavier. But then again, the kids were eleven now…..
Xavier chuckled as he heard Logan tell Rose not to butcher his breakfast. “I’ll ruin just yours Logan!” She told him with a grin. Of course, the pancakes all came out perfect. “Go on to the table sweetheart, we’ll be right there.” Xavier told her as he pulled off the pancakes. Rose nodded and ran off to the table. He turned his head to look at Aaron. He’d gone quiet. “Dear? What’s up?” Xavier asked, walking over to his husband who seemed to be holding a letter. “What’s that?” He asked, hand on Aaron’s shoulder.
Logan grinned playfully and rolled his eyes at his sister’s comment. “You do that I’ll eat you for breakfast instead,” he giggled, joking around with Rose and playfully threatening her. Aaron seemed to fall silent and stared down at the envelope in his hand. On it was the Hogwarts seal and logo and the envelope was made of a nicer material than that of the bills they had received in the mail. He then felt a gentle hand on his shoulder has his husband came over. “I- I think Hogwarts has a message for you Xaie,” he said, choosing to go with the assumption that his husband’s work place was writing him.
Rose laughed as she looked at her brother. “You try to do that and I’ll get all your cars.” She joked, sitting at the table. Xavier looked at Aaron, taking the letter from him. He didn’t think that they needed to send him anything. He opened it and read it through. ‘Dear parents and/or guardians of Logan and Rose Hoskins-Collins. We are happy to welcome both your children to study magic at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.’ Xavier set the letter down. “A- Aaron. The twins. They’ve been accepted to Hogwarts.” Xavier said, his tone both proud and a little bit of disbelief. His dream to teach his kids was very real and he didn’t know what to think. He was stunned and proud.
“Then I’m hiding the football and net so you can’t play,” replied Logan, having a bit of fun and banter with his sister as his fathers went over the mail. To him, that was just boring adult stuff he didn’t need to care about. Aaron watched his husband take the letter and open it. His hazel eyes went wide as he heard Xavier read the contents of it. Their children were being accepted into Hogwarts- he couldn’t believe it. They’d be sending their kiddos off to the Hogwarts Express come September 1st. “Kids, you might want o to come take a look at this,” he told them, as they seemed to be going back and forth and not paying attention to what they had just read. Logan perked up and raised an eyebrow as he looked over at his dads who seemed stunned over a letter they had just received in the mail.

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