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Fandom The Untold Stories of Hogwarts - 1x1 HP RP

The kids went home that day with Aaron, and a few days later Xavier had joined them. The small family spent time together until September, when Xavier was sent off to Hogwarts once again. He was enjoying his time as a professor but he still missed his family. Xavier was counting the months down until he could be home once more. It went by quickly, and eventually June of 2014 came along and Xavier made his way back to his family.

The twins were 10 now and he couldn't believe it. He still remembered when they were babies and now they were 10. A few weeks passed of Xavier being home. It was July 15th, 2014 when Xavier was making dinner for the small family. Rose was snooping around the house with her brother. She was bored and was more than willing to look around the house while Daddy was cooking and Papa was sleeping. It was the perfect time to snoop around.
Aaron had never agreed more with the old cliche saying that “time flies.” It certainly did, and before the hazel eyed man knew it, it was the next summer in the year of 2014. The twins had turned ten years old in June the last month, and it was now mid-July. The family was enjoying a lazy day inside. It was a bit too hot outside and humid to the point where it just made it very comfortable to be out there, so everyone was inside and soaking in the air conditioned home. Xavier was off busy in the kitchen cooking, while Aaron was engaging in one of his favorite past times- sleeping. As Aaron napped on the couch in the living room and Xavier worked hard on making dinner, the kids were free to roam free throughout the house. Being ten years old now, they were mature enough where they didn’t need the constant supervision they used to require when they were younger.

Logan was hanging out with his twin sister as he often did. As different as they were, they were also similar. The siblings also shared a special close relationship. While they constantly bickered and teased each other, as siblings did, they loved each other very much. Logan was clearly the more mischievous of the two, and a bit of a trickster like his papa. Realizing they were free to pretty much do whatever they wanted, Logan got a bit of a devious idea. By now, both kids had learned lots about magic and the wizarding world and had even seen their fathers using their wands more often as they grew up and got older. But they weren’t allowed to use them, and Logan had always wanted to try. “Oi Rose, I’ve got an idea,” he said to her with a smirk. “Dad’s busy cooking and papa’s sleeping. Why don’t we go find one of their wands and try it out?” he asked her.
Rose looked over at Logan when she heard him speaking. Her eyes twinkled as she listened to him. She was more of a rule follower and much less mischievous than her brother. She and Logan were close, and he could pretty much always convince her to join him in his ideas. Even if they sometimes were against house rules, like now. "Logan.. we really shouldn't. They told us we can't use them" Rose said, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear. "But.. fine" She finally said, nodding to her brother. "Let's find one." She added.
Logan snorted and smirked. “Well that was easy wasn’t it?” he said with a chuckle at how easily his sister had caved in after seemingly having reservations about pulling off such a heist. “Don’t be worried! Besides, dad and pops did say we were magic, didn’t they?” Logan asked, “And you’ve seen it first hand! We’ve got abilities!” he told her. “What the harm in us trying out a magic wand?” Logan asked, “I see none!” he said with a mischievous grin.
Rose shook her head at her brother. “Whatever.” She said, crossing her arms. “With you Logan? I always worry. I know they did but still.” She said hesitantly. “I know, but Logan..” Rose sighed. “Well then let’s go look for it.” She finally caved completely. Sometimes she wasn’t sure why she went along with her brother but it was usually fun.
Logan couldn’t help but smirk and chuckle at Rose’s comment. She was beginning to sound like their dads with the worrying about anything he did. But she had to admit, whenever she was involved with any of his schemes, although they were risky at times, they usually ended up in the both of them having a fun time. Logan didn’t see any downsides to this next plan, and he was honestly eager to try out using magic from a wand for himself. Of course, he didn’t know that one, you couldn’t master a wand that wasn’t yours or hadn’t chosen you and two, he was much to young to be able to perform and control his magic and he had not been to Hogwarts yet to learn how. “See I always knew you were smart,” said Logan with a snicker as he gestured for his sister to follow him. He put a single finger to his lip to get Rose to be quiet as they snuck through the halls.
Rose rolled her eyes at her brother. She didn’t realize how wrong this would go. “Yeah, smarter than you.” She told him. She sighed though and did what he said. Her mouth was shut and she snuck through the halls with her brother. This would definitely not be her best decision ever.
Logan made no comment there. He’d like to think he was smarter than his twin sister but she probably just had the edge in brains. He just smirked and as quietly as he could, headed up to their fathers’ room. Logan led in front of Rose and they went up the stairs. They creaked a bit as they went up, but luckily Aaron was fast asleep and Xavier was too busy cooking to notice. Logan then got Rose to follow him into their room where they slipped in without issue. “Ok Rosie, they probably keep their wands in here,” he said in a hushed voice. “If I know dad, he probably is a bit more careful about where he puts his wand, but papa? It’s probably out in the open,” he told her, chuckling.
Rose followed him carefully up towards their father’s room. Rose slipped into their room behind Logan. She nodded. “Okay, got it” She said just as quietly. Rose knew her dad was a lot more careful than her papa. She broke away from Logan, eyes searching carefully. She knew what they looked like, and looked in drawers, under various things. Anywhere she could think that they’d hide a magic wand.
Logan looked around the room for any signs of a wand. As suspected, he didn’t have to look very far as on Aaron’s nightstand, he saw his papa’s wand. “Jackpot!” Logan said as he picked up the wand and held it up. “Look what I found Rosie!” he said with a big toothy grin.
Rose looked over at her brother from where she’d been searching. Her dad definitely hid his wand much better than her papa. “Nice!” Rose said, walking quietly over to her brother. “So now what? We’ve got the wand. Are you gonna do a spell with it?!” She asked, her worry gone and in its place was excitement. She watched curiously waiting to see.
“Well, do you wanna try and find dad’s wand or should we just use papa’s for now?” Logan asked his sister. Logan looked at the wand in his hand. He’d never touched it before.
Rose looked around. “I can try, but I’ve covered most of the room already. I simply don’t know where he put it.” She said with a frown. “It might be easier just to use papa’s, at least we have that one.” She said, looking at the wand in her brothers hand.
“Ok then,” replied Logan with a nod as a smirk once again grew on his face. “Well then why don’t you do the honors of trying the first spell?” he asked her, shoving the wand at her and hoping she’d take it from him.
Rose’s eyes widened as she saw the smirk on his face. “Wait. No. No. It was your idea, not mine.” She said shaking her head. Rose took a step back when Logan shoved the wand at her. “Your idea, you first” She told him.
“Oh come on, what are you, chicken?” Logan asked with a playful grin. Logan then began to make silly noises imitating a chicken to tease his twin sister and hopefully coax her into trying the wand out first.
Rose glared at her brother. “I am not a chicken!” She said, eyeing the wand in his hand. “I’ll show you!” She said snatching the wand from his hand. Rose paused, looking at the wand in her hand. “Um, do I just swish it?” She asked, and then moved the wand in a wave. The bedroom light turned on, off, on then flickered rapidly before the bulb broke, sending glass down onto the floor with a pop sound. “Oops.” Rose immediately set the wand back on the nightstand then looked at her brother. “This is all your fault by the way.” She told him.
Logan smirked as his sister finally took the wand from him to prove that she wasn’t chicken. That meant that if anything went wrong, she could possibly take the fall, although it was his idea in the first place. The ten year old boy shrugged, looking clueless as his sister initially asked what to do with the wand. Logan watched on as Rose waved the wand. Suddenly, they could hear the shatter of glass as up above, one of the light bulbs broke. Logan widened his brown eyes as Rose quickly put Aaron’s wand back on the nightstand. He then looked over at his twin sister and furrowed his brow. “What?! You’re the one who broke the light bulb!” he told her.
Rose crossed her arms and glared at Logan. “It was your idea in the first place! If you hadn’t come up with this stupid idea, the bulb wouldn’t have broken!” She said. “I told you it was a bad idea in the beginning.” She added. Rose wondered if either of their fathers had heard that. Even if they hadn’t, they’d see the glass on the floor and the busted bulb. “You’re gonna be in so much trouble!” She said, turning to head out to tell on Logan. It certainly wasn’t her fault, or so she thought anyway, when very clearly it was her fault.
“I’m gonna be in trouble? You used the wand!” Logan shouted back at her. Sure, some of it was his fault, but he didn’t want to take the full blame for this. “It’s your fault!” he claimed. He then sighed, “Whatever, it shouldn’t be too hard to clean up. Dad and pops do it all the time with their wands,” he said, picking Aaron’s wand back up from the nightstand and holding it. “All you have to do is swish it like this,” said Logan, making a large swishing motion with the wand. Suddenly, the nightstand toppled over.
“It was your idea!” Rose shouted back. No longer were the two being quiet. Rose huffed, glaring at her brother. “It’s not all my fault!” She said, turning to him. She watched to see him use the wand. Rose laughed as Logan tried to clean up and ended up toppling the nightstand over. “Great job Logan! Seriously. Nice clean up.” Rose sniggered.
“Well I wouldn’t have had to clean up if you didn’t make the mess, Rose!” Logan replied back to her, continuing their back and forth bickering. “This is your bloody fault, sis!” he claimed.
Rose huffed. “Well there wouldn’t be a mess if you hadn’t suggested we go find a wand and play with it Logan!” She shot back. “Don’t place this whole thing on me. It’s your fault too!” She said.
Logan couldn’t really argue with that. He paused as he tried to think of a comeback but failed and sighed. “Ok whatever! Then it’s both of our faults!” he settled for. “Look, let’s just leave and hope they think it was an earthquake or something,” he said. A stupid thought but Logan didn’t want to take any responsibility for this.
Rose smirked seeing that she’d beaten his argument. “Whatever. Yeah, let’s go. So, what do you want to do now.” She asked, moving to open the door. What neither of them were expecting was to see Xavier standing there, arms crossed. He’d heard something when he was cooking and had gone to check it out. Xavier had heard their argument through the door. “Okay. Who’s going to explain that.” He said, pointing to the mess in the room. “Uh.. hi daddy. It was an accident?” Rose said softly.

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