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Fandom The Untold Stories of Hogwarts - 1x1 HP RP

The pre-game festivities and customs had wrapped up and the refs prepared to release the balls. Once they did, the crowd roared. The game was officially underway. Logan couldn’t wait to see what his papa could do. Aaron knew that his kids were in attendance so he’d have some jump in his step and extra juice in his game.
Rose was excited to see her papa play. She watched as the balls were released and the game started. Her eyes were wide as she took in the game before her. Excitement radiating through her body as she watched her papa eagerly.
The game was very fast paced and Logan’s head spun trying to keep track of it all. He could see his papa Aaron soaring through the air and in pursuit of one of the balls- a name he didn’t know yet, but it was a quaffle.
Rose tried to keep an eye on her papa. It was tough with the fast pace of the game but she was starting to realize she really wanted to play it. She wanted to fly and play the game like her papa.
Although it wasn’t Aaron, Montrose scored first to get on the board and caused the crowd to go wild. Seeing that this was a good thing for his papa’s team, Logan cheered along with the spectators.
Rose heard the crowd cheer and she cheered too. She wasn’t completely sure why they were cheering, maybe it was because that ball had gone through the hoop.
Logan quickly learned to associate the ball going through the hoop for the team in black and white to be a good thing, and a bad thing when the other team did it. At some point Logan recognized his father scoring and heard it announced by the public address guy. Logan quickly looked over at his sister and shook Rose excitedly. “Papa scored! Papa scored!” he chirped.
Rose was quick to pick up the hoops that her papas team scored in which was a good thing. the team that scored in the other hoops was a bad thing. She heard her papas voice by the public address guy. She looked over at Logan when he shook her and she laughed. “I know! I heard!” She said back excitedly.
“Papa’s super good at this! Isn’t he?” Logan asked, his eyes going from Rose and back to the action on the pitch.
Rose nodded. “He really is! I wanna be just like him and play!” Rose said excitedly as she looked over at her brother before back to the game.
“You can’t play that! It looks too scary for you,” said Logan. “And you don’t even know how to fly on a broom like papa,” he said with a shrug. “I wouldn’t want you to get hurt, Rosie…” he said softly.
Rose looked over at Logan. “I can. I wanna” She said. “I can learn, maybe papa would teach me” Rose added, then she frowned. “I won’t get hurt Logan.” She told her brother gently, giving him a hug.
“Well what if you fall off the broom?” Logan asked with a frown, concerned for his twin sister. He didn’t want to ever imagine her getting hurt.
Rose smiled at her brother. "I can practice low to the ground so I don't get hurt" She said. Rose didn't like the frown on her brother's face. "I'd be okay." She felt bad for bringing up that she wanted to play Quidditch now seeing her twin's concern for her.
“Well you have to ask daddy first if you wanna play,” he said, knowing that decisions didn’t get made without both parents’ approval. He knew Xavier was a bit more concerned with safety and less reckless than Aaron so maybe he’d stop Rose from ever playing such a crazy sport. But if Rose did end up playing Quidditch, Logan knew he’d be her biggest fan.
Rose nodded. "I know. I hope he lets me." She said. Rose, just like Logan, knew that Xavier was the one that would be more likely to tell Rose no about playing Quidditch unlike Aaron. She hoped that both her daddy and her papa would let her play the game, she really wanted to play it. She knew her brother would be her biggest fan, they were that close that she knew he'd be there for her.
“Well, if you’re off playing Quidditch, who would play football with me?” Logan asked her with a little frown. There was some downtime in the game as on the pitch, the whistle had been blown and play stopped to take care of a piece of debris that had blown onto the field.
Rose looked at Logan, she didn't have an answer for that. "I don't know. But I.. I guess it'll be me playing football with you" Rose said softly. She didn't want her brother to feel lonely or upset. "I can play when I'm older" She declared, looking at Logan with a smile.
“Fine,” said Logan, knowing he couldn’t prevent his sister from being happy. The play then started back up on the pitch and the almost seven year old boy turned his attention to that, looking for his papa.
Rose sent a smile at Logan, she felt bad still that she'd made him upset. Her attention went back to the game when the play was resumed. Her eyes searching for her papa on the field.
The game went on and Logan cheered along with the crowd, being especially loud when his papa Aaron scored. Eventually the game ended- it was a close back and forth affair but luckily for the home fans and the Hoskins-Collins children, the Montrose Magpies had come out on top. Logan clapped on the team with the audience as the players came out to wave to the crowd when the game was won and finished.
Rose watched the rest of the game with wide eyes, and she cheered with the crowd, and she cheered really excitedly when her Papa scored. The game finally ended, but her papa's team won. Rose clapped excitedly when the players came out to wave to the crowd. She looked out at the players, thinking that she'd want to be out there playing so badly.
Logan smiled excitedly as he waved to his papa, wondering if he could see him. Aaron didn’t really know where his family was sitting but he sensed them in the crowd and waved to all of the spectators as was typical after a win, and then flew down to the ground to return to the locker room as the audience applauded the Montrose Magpies Quidditch team.
Rose waved as well seeing her papa waving and smiled. She watched as he and the other players flew down the ground and left. “Alright, you two ready to go?” James asked his two grandchildren. Rose didn’t want to leave, she wanted to see her papa.
“No grandpa! We wanna see papa!” Logan said, looking over to his grandfather as he saw the last of the Montrose Magpies players leave the pitch and go into the locker room. It was March and the Quidditch season had been going on for quite some time so Logan certainly missed his papa and wanted to see his father and feel that hug he loved so much from him.

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