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Fandom The Untold Stories of Hogwarts - 1x1 HP RP

Xavier laughed when he looked at Aaron. His husband was overly excited for their daughter to be a quidditch player. Especially when she didn’t even know what it was. Xavier looked at Logan when he asked. Xavier crouched down so he was eye level to his son. “I love both rooms equally, just like I love both of you equally.” He said. Xavier didn’t want to pick favorites, that would make whoever he didn’t say possibly upset that Daddy didn’t like their room as much.
“Dang it!” Logan said, crossing his arms and making a pouty face. He’d once again failed to get either father to admit they liked or loved something of the twins’ better than the other’s. “Logan, we love you both equally, no matter how hard you try you’re never going to get one of us to slip up,” Aaron told the young boy.
Xavier shook his head with a small laugh. “Nice try buddy.” He said, ruffling Logan’s soft hair as he stood up. He had to admit, the boy had been trying hard to get them to slip up. Rose giggled at Logan, hearing his attempt at getting their father’s to pick one room over the other.
Logan wouldn’t let any of this deter him as he attempted to smooth back out his soft brown hair after it had been ruffled by Xavier. He’d try again at another time, convinced that he could get at least one of them to admit that he was the favorite. “Alright, sounds like it’s time for dinner,” said Aaron.
Xavier had a wonderful night with his family, and it was a short bit of time they had together before he had to leave. He spent as much time as possible with his kids and husband. Summer flew by quickly just like always. Eventually September 1st came again, and Xavier was once more off to Hogwarts. It was another bittersweet goodbye and it never got easier for Xaie. He missed his kids and his husband the entire time he was at school. Sure his students kept him busy, between courses and helping the struggling students.

Xavier really wouldn’t change his life at all, even when he was gone, missing his kids and husband. He was definitely a favorite professor according to his students, and it was still weird to him that he was teaching alongside many of the teachers who had taught him. The months eventually flew by and Xavier was packing his trunk once more. The train ride was slow as always, but the welcome home was his favorite part. Hugging his kids and seeing his husband again. A few weeks later showed the small family playing football in the back yard, it was a beautiful lazy summer day.
If you blinked, you would’ve missed it. It was now the summer of 2010. The twins were both six years old now and Xavier had been home from Hogwarts after another successful semester for a few days now. The family was enjoying a lazy summer day, soaking in the nice weather in their backyard. Logan and Rose were playing a little game of football with a ball and a net that had been set up outside. Giggles and the sounds of a ball being kicked and dribbled filled the air as Aaron and Xavier lounged out back, somewhat watching the kiddos. They were old enough where they didn’t need constant supervision, but of course still needed lots of it at only six years old. Aaron was sunbathing and looked as if he would fall asleep soon. Logan had possession of the ball and was trying to score a goal on a defending Rose.
Xavier was sitting up in the chair, watching his two kids playing football. Another memory to hold onto. His gaze looked over at Aaron, who was very much looking like he’d fall asleep soon. Rose was watching the ball intently, her gaze both on her brother and the ball. She was ready to defend the net.
“Better watch out Rosie!” Logan said with a giggle, “I’m scoring this one!” claimed the six year old boy. Just as he went to kick the ball past Rose, the ball suddenly began to slowly levitate upwards. Logan stopped in his tracks and widened his brown eyes, and was stunned into silence as he watched the soccer ball slowly levitate.
Xavier had been watching the two playing when he saw the ball levitate in the air. “Aaron! Look at the kids!” Xavier reached over and shook his husband’s shoulder. Rose was about to block the ball when she froze, watching the ball levitating in front of her.
Aaron who was about to fall asleep, suddenly sat up in his chair as Heather said husband screaming his name to look at the kids. Initially he got defensive and on high alert, thinking something was wrong with the children, but then he saw it- both Rose and Logan staring in awe at their soccer ball, which was now floating in the air, levitating above ground. Aaron’s hazel eyes widened. This was their first sign of magic! Odd things started happening around this age to those who were of magical blood. This was a good sign for Aaron, who was hopeful that the halfblooded children had inherited their biological mother’s magical ability. “Bloody hell…” muttered Aaron as he watched on. “Th- they’re magic…” he whispered.
Xavier watched as he took in the fact that their kids were magical. The first signs usually showed around now. He was excited for them and him, because he’d be able to teach them in five years when they go to Hogwarts. There was no way they wouldn’t get in. Anything could happen but odds were looking good for them to be accepted. “Looks like we’ve got a young witch and wizard in our lives.” Xavier said softly, looking at Aaron.
Aaron smiled excitedly now and nodded that he realized their children were indeed magical. “Time to start teaching them both Quidditch!” he said, only half joking. Eventually the ball fell back to the ground like normal and Logan’s eyes were still as wide as saucers. “Daddy! Papa! Did you see that?! The ball is doing crazy things!” Logan shouted. “Not to worry son! It means your magic, just like your dads!” Aaron said. He’d probably have to sit them down soon and explain to them about magic and the wizarding world. They were old enough to know and besides, if they were going to be in fact going to Hogwarts, it was best they were prepared and knew of the magical universe.
Xavier laughed. “Too bad I’m working during your season. I could bring them to a game. Maybe you can convince one of our parents to take them. My dad would probably volunteer.” Xavier said with a smile. Rose watched as the ball dropped to the ground. She was about to mention it before Logan did and she tilted her head at her papa’s answer. Magic? They were magic? She had questions now, but she also was focused back on the ball now that it was back in play.
“Oh that sounds like a wonderful idea. I’d love to have the kiddos come to one of my games,” said Aaron with a smile. His heart would swell with joy if he knew his children were in the stands, watching him and cheering him on. Logan didn’t know much about magic but was too in a playful mood to care or ask any further questions. He returned to playing the game, hoping to kick the ball past Rose and catch his sister off guard. They’d both get magic explained to them by their fathers later.
It had been about five months since the kids first learned they had magical blood. Their fathers were willing to inform them of the wizarding world and Aaron was quick to bring up Quidditch. Xavier had talked to his dad and plans were set for him to bring the twins to one of Aaron’s games in March.

Rose was crazy excited ever since she’d heard about the game. She was impatiently waiting for the day that her grandpa would take her and Logan to see their dad’s game. Eventually the day came, March 18th 2011, and James got the two into the car and they were on their way to the pitch to see Aaron’s game.
Aaron and Xavier had eventually sat both Logan and Rose down to give them a very basic and elementary understanding of magic and magical abilities that they possessed. While they didn’t say much since the kiddos were into six and couldn’t handle too much complicated information, it seemed that the twins got the general gist of it. Logan thought it was super cool that he possessed magic. He sometimes saw his fathers performing magic around the house but not too often. But now it all made sense. Of course, Aaron wasted no time in explaining to the kids what Quidditch was and hoping to push them to be interested in it. Logan thought it was pretty cool but didn’t know if he’d ever play it. He’d watch it for sure though. Rose seemed to have a bit more excitement regarding the magical sport.

The months had passed by and both the Hogwarts semester for Xavier and the Quidditch season had started in the fall of 2010. At some point, plans were made for Xavier’s father to take the kids to see Aaron play in a professional Quidditch game- something that particularly Rose became very excited for. So on March 18th, 2011, it was decided that their grandfather would take the kiddos to watch their papa play Quidditch. Logan was excited in the car ride but Rose looked particularly eager to watch her dad in action.
Rose was very eager to see her papa playing the game he’d told them about. She watched the landscape out the car window, and bouncing in her seat. “I can’t wait to see papa play. Right Logan?” She said, turning her head to look at her brother.
Logan turned to his twin sister as she got his attention and grinned excitedly, nodding. “Yea!” replied the six almost seven year old boy. “Papa’s always talking about it! I can’t wait to see him play for real for the first time!” he told her. They had never been to one of their father’s Quidditch games before.
Rose smiled as she nodded excitedly. “I know! It’s gonna be so much fun!” She said. James looked at his grandkids through the rear view mirror. Soon he pulled into the pitches parking area, pulling into a spot and turning off the car. “Ready you two?” He asked, getting out. Rose immediately climbed out of the car. James held out a hand for each kid, they were still only six anyway. Rose took her grandfather’s hand, eagerly bouncing on her heels waiting for Logan.
Logan nodded very quickly and excitedly as their grandfather James asked if they were ready. He most certainly was. He hopped out of the car and grabbed onto James’ hand as his sister got the other and their grandpa guided them through the parking lot and to the arena, where the many fans were already flowing in.
Rose was getting more and more excited by the minute. She held on tight to her grandpa’s hand as he led them up into the stands. They’d gotten front row seats in the center stand. The perfect spot to watch the entire game. Rose stood at the railing, perfect height to see in between the bars, her little hands holding the metal with James right behind her.
The trio took their seats and Logan sat down, smiling the whole way. He was so excited to see his papa in action. The players weren’t out on the field yet so Logan looked around for his dad. “Grandpa? Where’s papa?” he asked.
James looked at Logan. “Once everyone is seated then the players will be out. Including your papa.” He said. He sat down beside Logan, Rose standing in front of them, waiting to see the players come out into the field. A few more minutes passed before the announcer welcomed everyone to the arena and then the first team was introduced, Xavier’s old favorite the Kenmare Kestrels. Once those players flew into the field, Aaron’s team was introduced.
“Ok grandpa,” replied Logan with an understanding nod. Soon enough, the players entered the field. The Kenmare Kestrals took to the pitch first, greeted with boos from the Montrose home crowd. Logan, seeing everyone else boo, decided to join in too. Then, the beloved Montrose Magpies were announced, one by one. Logan immediately recognized his papa’s name when “number seventy one, Aaron Hoskins” was announced. He quickly turned to his sister and tugged on her sleeve. “Rose! That’s papa!” he said excitedly grinning and quickly pointing to their father on his broom.
Rose was entranced watching the first team come out, even though she heard the boos even from her brother and she had joined in. Her eyes widened as she heard her papas name called and laughed. She felt Logan tug on her sleeve as she nodded excitedly. “I know! I see him!” She said, a huge smile on her face as she watched him flying around. Rose decided she wanted to do that too! And she hadn’t even seen the game played yet.

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