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Fandom The Untold Stories of Hogwarts - 1x1 HP RP

“No daddy!” Logan replied quickly and widened his brown eyes, not wanting to get sent to bed at normal time considering his papa had just granted him a few more extra minutes. Aaron didn’t have the heart to scold him about that so it was a good thing Xavier was there to keep the boy in line. Aaron would always say it- Xavier was his better half. It was true back at Hogwarts and still held true in marriage and now parenthood. “Uhh yea- what daddy said,” replied Aaron, having not much else to say.
Xavier nodded his head at that. “Alright bud, you can have the extra five minutes.” He said gently. He didn’t like being the one that could say no, it didn’t feel great but someone had to do it. And so he did. His eyes flicked over to Aaron when he spoke. He shifted himself so he was sitting cross legged on the floor, watching his two kids enjoy their extra five minutes before bed time.
The rest of the five minutes was really spent by Logan yawning and looking generally disinterested in his toy cars. He was and looked most certainly tired but he wouldn’t ever admit that. Soon the five minutes were over with and Aaron was quick to get up. “Alright. Get your sister, off to bed with you two!” said Aaron. Logan frowned but nodded and did as he was told, getting Rose and tugging her by her sleeve. “Daddy and papa are sending us to bed now,” he told her sadly.
Xavier watched as Logan seemed tired, even though he’d claimed otherwise. When the five minutes were up, he’d been about to say something when Aaron did. He raised an eyebrow but kept quiet. Rose looked up at her brother when he tugged on her sleeve. “Oh okay.” She said getting to her feet. She yawned, ready for bed herself. She walked over to Xavier and gave him a hug. “Night daddy, I’m glad you’re home.” She said softly. Xavier hugged her back, kissing her forehead. “I’m glad to be home too sweetheart. Good night.” He said softly. Rose went over to Aaron to give him a hug goodnight. “Good night Papa” she told him.
Aaron smiled gently as Rose came over to wish him a good night and give him a hug. “Good night my little girl,” he said softly, placing a gentle kiss on top of his young daughter’s forehead. Logan still looked grumpy and wasn’t as cooperative as his twin sister. “Oi, Logan you come over here and say good night to papa and daddy and then it’s off to bed with you,” said Aaron sternly. Logan groaned and pouted. “Fine…” he muttered. “Good night papa, good night daddy,” said Logan as he gave a quick hug to both of his parents before following Rose off to their shared bedroom.
Xavier shook his head with a laugh at his son’s little pout. He did get a hug, even if it was quick before he watched the two of them head to bed. Xavier stood up from where he’d been sitting and stepped over to Aaron now that both kids had headed to bed. “You really need to stop caving into them love.” He said, his voice rather gentle. “I know it’s hard but I can’t be the only one always telling them no.” He added, looking at his husband.
Both twins were now off to bed and in their rooms. Aaron frowned and now looked like a guilty puppy dog as his husband gently scolded him. Of course, Xavier had a point “Yea I know Xaie, I- I- just- it’s hard for me…” he admitted. “I want to be a ‘cool dad’ for them, ya know? I want them to love me lots,” said Aaron. “I know I’ve got to work on it but it’s just hard for me to say no- especially to those cute little faces.”
Xavier looked at him. He understood, and he let out a small sigh. “I know it’s hard love.” Xavier started, putting a hand on Aaron’s shoulder gently. “You are a cool dad, and the twins do love you a lot. But if you give in to them, they’ll start asking you for everything especially if they know I’ll say no.” Xaie pulled his husband into a hug a moment later. “And that’s what I’m for, to help you say no. We’re in this parenting journey together.” Xavier said softly. Shifting himself so he could look at Aaron, while still hugging him. “We’ll work on your ability to tell them no together.” He added, smiling at his husband.
“Right you are,” replied Aaron softly with a slow nod and a slight frown. But he smiled and closed his eyes as his husband wrapped him into a hug. “Thank you love,” he whispered. Parenting was a process and it certainly took two to tango. Little by little Aaron would attempt to work on his parenting style and try to be a bit more assertive. “Now, why don’t we watch something on the Telly before we go to bed, yea?” Aaron suggested.
Xavier had spent that night with Aaron, watching something on the television before they went to bed. It had been a great reunion with his children and husband. He spent the next two and a half months spending every moment with their twins and with Aaron. Those few months he was home became his favorite in the whole world. He loved teaching, it was definitely his calling but he also enjoyed spending the time he could with his children and his husband.

Xavier went back to Hogwarts once again on September 1st 2008. It was bittersweet as always, giving his two kids a big hug and saying good bye to Aaron. He made the train on time as always, even if sometimes he didn't want to. And so began another school year at Hogwarts for Professor Collins. And like every year, it went by in a combination of quickly and slowly. He had mentioned to Aaron about giving the kids their own rooms, now that they were turning five in the next year. It was time for them to start being on their own. Xavier wondered if they'd have them before he got home or not. He didn't know.

Xavier didn't even realize that the year had gone by so quickly. His students were learning, and some of the students he'd started teaching were graduating this year. It was amazing to Xavier, watching them grow from their first year to their seventh. That was what he loved the most, seeing their growth and progression in their learning. Xavier boarded the train that day, June 20th 2009. He was ready to be back home for a few months, his excitement at going home made the train ride seem all the longer, when in reality it wasn't. Once the train stopped, Xavier got off and trunk in hand, headed home. Once there he opened the door, set his trunk down and sighed happily. "I'm home!" He called out, curious as to where his kids and husband could be in the house.
The time flew by and before anyone knew it, it was already June 20th, 2009, and Xavier was coming home from Hogwarts once more. The twins were now a whopping five years old and growing fast. As planned by Aaron and Xavier, the two dads had gotten Logan and Rose each their own rooms for themselves and even their own “adult beds.” Now that they were growing up, one, they needed their space and two, sharing a room wasn’t going to fly for much longer with the boy and the girl. By the 20th of June, both kiddos had gotten their new rooms and settled in, even slept a few nights in their new beds. Xavier eventually came home some time later that day and as his voice filled the corridors of the house once more, Logan was the first to come running. “Daddy! You’re home!” he shouted excitedly. The now five year old boy charged at his father and tackled him with a great big hug.
Xavier had about a minute before running footsteps and the excited shout of his son reached him. He opened his arms up and hugged his now five year old son. “Hey buddy. I missed you!” He said. Rose was right behind her brother excitedly yelling as well. “Daddy!! Daddy! You’re back!” She said running up to Xavier. He hugged her as well. “Hello my angel. I missed you too.” He said, looking at both of his kids with a smile.
“Daddy! We have something we want to show you!” Logan told him excitedly. Then Aaron came to the front door and smiled as he greeted his husband. “Welcome home, love,” said Aaron to Xavier.
Xavier chuckled hearing Logan’s excited voice. “Oh really? I can’t wait to see it!” Xavier said with a smile. Xavier looked at Aaron with a smile. “Thank you dear.” He told his husband. “Glad to be back.” He added. Rose took his hand and pulled. “Daddy!! Come on! Let’s go!” Rose said excitedly. “Okay, okay. Let’s go” Xavier laughed, ready to follow his kids.
Aaron grinned as he had a feeling he knew what Logan wanted to show Xavier. Logan decided to take Xavier’s other hand as he saw his sister grab his, so the two children dragged their daddy all the way up to their rooms. Aaron followed and anticipated Xavier’s reaction to the kids’ new rooms. “Mine first Rosie mine first!” said Logan.
Xavier smiled as he followed them up, Logan holding one hand and Rose holding the other. Xavier was smiling as he heard his son ask to go first. Rose pouted a little but nodded. “Okay Logan!” She agreed. Xavier was definitely curious as to what they wanted to show him.
Logan then guided them to a room that previously wasn’t in use. Inside was a nicely kept room, aside from the countless toy cars all over the floor. The walls were painted blue and there were different things related to cars and racing hung up all over the room. It was almost cliche how much of a little boy’s room it was. “Ta daaaa! It’s my new room daddy!” Logan said with a proud grin. “How do you like it?” he asked.
Xavier stepped in the room and looked around. He saw all the car and racing stuff on the blue walls, watched his step as he entered so he didn’t step on a car or two. “I love it Logan. It’s a perfect room for you buddy!” He told his son, smiling as he looked around. It definitely fit Logan. Rose grabbed Xavier’s hand. “My turn daddy!” She said excitedly.
“Thanks daddy!” Logan said with a big grin. He then nodded, “Yea daddy! Now it’s Rosie’s turn!” he said. Aaron found it cute how the little boy used a cute nickname for his twin sister. “But it’s lame and girly,” giggled Logan. “Oi!” snipped Aaron at the boy.
Xavier smiled at him. “You’re welcome buddy” He said before he turned to follow Rose. His head turned to look at Logan when he said that but Aaron beat him to it. Nodding, Xavier followed Rose out of Logan’s room and to the one just beside it, also not in use. She opened the door and led Xaie in. The walls were pink, and covered in pictures of cats and unicorns, a mini football net sat in the corner with various balls inside it. “Do you like my new room Daddy!!” She asked, looking at Xavier. “It’s beautiful sweetheart. It’s perfect for you.” He told her. “Thank you daddy!” She said, hugging him. “You’re welcome angel.” He said with a happy smile.
Aaron grinned excitedly as they entered Rose’s room and the little girl showed Xavier it all. “I painted the walls the both rooms myself!” Aaron said with a proud grin. “Err, of course with the help of magic so it only took a few seconds,” he admitted with a shrug. “As you can tell she’s very into sports, yea?” Aaron said to Xavier. “A future in Quidditch I see I’ll tell ya!” he said, wiggling his eyebrows.
Xavier looked over at Aaron with a laugh, shaking his head. “Of course. Well magic or not, both rooms came out perfectly.” He told his husband with a smile. “I can see that. Perhaps we’ve got another player in our family.” Xavier said, chuckling as he saw Aaron wiggle his eyebrows.
“I bet we do, isn’t that right Rosie?” Aaron asked the little girl with a grin. She was still a bit young and didn’t really know what Quidditch was yet, but Aaron was going to try and push it on her early any chance he got. Perhaps Xavier could have Logan to get into dueling- if they even were magic in the first place.
Rose looked up at her papa. She wasn’t sure what they were talking about but she nodded anyway. Xavier smiled at her. He could see her as either a beater or a seeker. She had sharp eyes and was quick when kicking her balls around. Xavier was still wondering if they were even magic. There was a possibility they weren’t but he was holding hope that they were. That led him to wonder how they’d be at school, when he could teach them all he knows about charms. Maybe they’d have another duelist in the family. “I can see it.” Xavier said with a chuckle.
“I saw a nod!” Aaron shouted, getting overly excited, even though the girl really didn’t know what she was nodding about. Logan looked curiously at Xavier. He had no clue what Quidditch was either, even though their papa played it and practically religiously lived the game. “Whose room is your favorite daddy?” Logan asked with an excited grin as he looked up at Xavier.

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