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Fandom The Untold Stories of Hogwarts - 1x1 HP RP

Xavier laughed, looking over at Aaron. "Yeah, well. I'm pretty thankful you chose the nerd" He teased back. "Are you sure? Okay. Thank you dear. I'm happy to be back home myself" He said, walking over to Aaron and kissed his cheek. "I love you" He said softly, then headed to where he heard the laughter of their kids.
“Of course, go spend time with your kids, mate,” Aaron assured him, suggesting he soak in being home with their children. Aaron would handle the dishes- it was really no problem to him. Xavier was always cooking and doing the dishes anyways so it was the least he could do. In the other room, Logan was keeping himself occupied with several toy cars that he made race each other on the floor.
Xavier walked into the other room, looking at Logan who was racing cars on the floor. Rose was over on the other side of the room with her ball, kicking it around. She had several other toys and things to play with but she loved moving her ball around. Xavier crouched down beside Logan and his cars. "Hey buddy. How are the races going?" He asked him.
Logan looked up from his toy cars as he noticed his father come into the room and ask him about the little race that he had going on. “The red one is winning!” Logan told his daddy with a smile. The red one was clearly his favorite. He played with it the most and it was always winning the races he played out with the other cars.
Xavier chuckled listening to Logan. "Is it? That's awesome." He told his son. "Can daddy race cars with you?" He asked Logan, his eyes looking at the young four year old with a smile.
Aaron was busy in the kitchen washing the dishes. He wanted to do a good job to somewhat impress Xavier. Meanwhile, Logan looked up from his cars again and seemed to hesitate before making a decision as to whether his daddy could join him and play cars. “Hmm, ok. But you get the green one,” he said, pointing over to the green colored car that appeared to be in last place.
Xavier laughed, seeing his son's hesitation at first. "Okay, I'll use the green one." Xavier said, noticing the car in last place. He grabbed the top of it, pretending to race it against the other cars, happy to be with his children again.
Logan smiled as his father got down on the floor and grabbed the green car, beginning to play with him. The four year old boy was always happy for attention and another playmate.“Oh and daddy, the green car is the slowest, so you can’t make it go to fast,” said Logan with a little grin.
Xavier nodded. "Okay, I got it" he said with a small laugh, making sure to keep the green car in the back. He was happy to play cars with his son, and he couldn't think of anywhere he'd rather be.
“Oh and the green car gets lots of flat tires, so be ready for that,” said Logan giggling, beginning to make things up on the fly now. Sure it was true that he usually made the green car the slowest (since it was his least favorite color), but the flat tire thing was entirely made up to mess with his daddy and make sure he couldn’t win the race.
Xavier shook his head. "Okay. I think I can handle that. " He said with a grin, spinning his car out every now and then as it got flat tires. He was over the moon spending time with his son after having almost a year away from him. It was memories like this that he'd treasure forever.
Every time Xavier would make the green car spin out, it caused Logan to laugh hysterically. The red car was obviously in the lead the whole time of course. Logan enjoyed the time bonding with his father and little things like this he’d never forget as he got older.
Xaie loved hearing Logan laugh each time he spun the car out. He was more than happy to spin the car out often just to hear him laugh. Xavier could see the red car was obviously in the lead, while Xavier's green car was still in last place, and spun out once more. "I can't believe how many flat tires this car gets. I can see why its always in last place" Xavier laughed, going along with his son's game happily.
“Yea it’s the worst one daddy!” Logan said with a giggle. His cheeks hurt from smiling so much, he was so happy to be playing with his daddy. Eventually Aaron finished with the dishes and came into the room to see what was going on. At that moment, Logan made the red car “cross the finish line” and win. “I won! I won! I beat daddy!” Logan declared triumphantly.
Xavier laughed, listening to Logan. "I can see why" He said, smiling at his son. Xavier watched, too focused on the 'race' to notice Aaron coming in, when Logan's red car made it over the 'finish line' and eventually Xavier's green one made it in last place as usual. Xaie chuckled, looking at Logan as he celebrated his victory. "Yes you did. I admit defeat" He said playfully, looking up to see Aaron and smiled at him, before looking at Logan. "Good job buddy! I knew you'd win" He told him with a smile on his face.
“Oh wow Logan, you beat daddy?” Aaron said with a smile as he sat down on one of the couches. “He’s easy to win against, isn’t he? Papa does it all the time!” Aaron said with a chuckle. Logan giggled and nodded. “Daddy got last place,” laughed the little boy.
Xavier shook his head as he looked over at Aaron. "You're funny, you know that? Real hilarious love. I'd like to see you beat me in Wizard Chess" Xaie said teasingly, the smile on his face evident as he rolled his eyes before looking at Logan. "Yes, Daddy did get last place." He said with a smile.
“Oi you know I didn’t grow up playing that! Besides, I can barely play muggle chest!” Aaron replied, grinning. “I’ll tell ya what, I wouldn’t have lost that race,” he added. “Yes you would papa! I’m the best driver in the world!” Logan said.
Xavier laughed at Aaron’s response. “I know love, that’s why I picked it.” He joked. He heard Logan’s words and chuckled. “I agree buddy, papa definitely would’ve lost to you too” Xavier said, a wide smile on his face as he looked at Aaron.
“S’not true!” Aaron said, crossing his arms and making a playful pouty face. Logan giggled but then let out a yawn. Aaron grinned, “Seems like it’s time for bed soon, isn’t it?” he asked. Logan widened his brown eyes and began to shake his head vehemently. “Nu uh! No papa! I’m not tired! Not at all!” Logan claimed.
Xavier chuckled at Aaron. His husband was too adorable with that little playful pout. His attention turned to Logan when he heard the yawn. And the shake of his head indicating that he wasn’t tired. He looked over at Rose who’d sat down and was moving the ball with her hand slowly, yawning herself. “I think papa might be right buddy.” He said gently.
“You most certainly are tired young man. You and your sister best be off to bed,” said Aaron. “You’re no fun papa…” said Logan with a frown. “Oi I’m plenty fun mate!” Aaron insisted. “Ok maybe I’ll let you stay up for a bit then, just to show you that I AM a fun dad,” said Aaron with a grin. Logan celebrated this and jumped up and down, smiling excitedly. Sensing that caving in to his four year old son’s wishes probably wasn’t the best thing a father could do, the grin came off of Aaron’s face as he looked at Xavier and blushed a little having been easily coaxed by the little boy. “Err, but only for a few more minutes,” he added.
Xavier crossed his arms, looking at Aaron. He definitely did not approve of Aaron caving into Logan’s wishes. A set bed time was essential for them. “You can have five more minutes then it’s bed time for both of you.” Xavier said. He did let them have those few extra minutes, relenting a tiny bit tonight because he’d just gotten home. He did send a look at Aaron that promised they’d talk about this after the twins were in bed. Rose had smiled that they’d have a few more minutes before bed, even as she yawned again.
Aaron continued to blush, “Right, only five minutes,” he said, parroting his husband. He was lucky that Xavier was the more responsible parent of the two because sometimes Aaron wanted to be the “cool dad,” which meant that he wasn’t necessarily too fond of saying no to the children. Xavier perfectly balanced him out though and made those more difficult decisions and was there to put his foot down at the end of the day when Aaron couldn’t bring himself to do so. Aaron looked over at Xavier and knew that this wouldn’t be the last he heard of this blunder and gulped nervously. Logan just groaned, seemingly not satisfied with five extra minutes. “Not even bloody tired…” he muttered to himself, rolling his eyes and crossing his arms.
Xavier’s gaze turned from his husband to his son when he heard him. “Logan.. do you want to go to bed now instead of in five minutes?” He asked, his voice stern yet soft. He had learned that, much like when they themselves were younger, that Xavier was the more responsible, and it seemed to carry on into parenthood. He wasn’t afraid to tell his kids no. Even if sometimes it was easier to say yes.

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