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Fandom The Untold Stories of Hogwarts - 1x1 HP RP

“Ok, come on little guy,” whispered Aaron softly to his baby son, “Your daddies are gonna take you home,” he told the infant as they left the adoption center. Aaron just couldn’t stop smiling as he looked down at his new child. He had to remind himself to make sure to look up occasionally so he didn’t bump into anything or fall as he walked back to the car with Logan in his arms. When they finally arrived home, Princess greeted not the two husbands but now, two extra people- little people, in the form of two very young children.
Xavier had gone home with Aaron and their two babies. They’d put them to bed in their cribs and everything was perfect. Now came the challenge that neither of them were probably ready for. The long sleepless nights, crying and the joys of raising small babies. It had been a week since they’d brought Rose and Logan home. The two were overall good babies yet like every baby they required a lot of attention.

This morning, the cries started early. Xavier and Aaron had been asleep when Xaie heard it. He let out a small sigh and slid off the bed. He loved his kids, but gone were the peaceful and quiet mornings. He made his way to the kitchen, getting two bottles of formula ready and Princess at his heels. She was doing well with the babies in the house, not minding that Xaie paid less attention to her. He checked the bottles once the microwave beeped and let them cool off.
Aaron and particularly Xavier had been setting up the house so they were prepared to take in the babies at home. They’d set aside one of the many spare rooms in the house to be a nursery of sorts for the babies with two cribs for the both of them inside. Of course, the first day was pretty much the “honeymoon phase” of being a new father. But the two new dads would quickly learn that raising very young babies wasn’t all smiles and cute moments.

About a week or so, it was very early in the morning when Aaron and Xavier were woken up by loud cries. The crying had started even earlier than they’d find was usual over the first week. Aaron groaned hearing the sound of two babies’ crying fill his ears. So much for sleeping in. Aaron was certainly not used to no longer having a peaceful and uninterrupted morning getting to sleep in and be lazy with his husband in bed. The babies required constant attention, so he couldn’t just lay there. He had to, and truly wanted to, help Xavier.

He knew what he had signed up for and he was happy to take care of the babies, but in the moment, it certainly hurt having to get up so early or be woken up in the middle of the night. Aaron yawned and rubbed his eyes, groaning as he tiredly got out of bed with Xavier upon hearing the cries. Thank goodness Princess was so good about the babies in the house. She wasn’t ever a bad dog or an annoying barking one, but it certainly helped that she didn’t mind the babies constant crying and loud noises, as well as the fact that Xavier wasn’t constantly petting her anymore.

Aaron absolutely loved his children more than anything but he was still struggling to get used to sleepless nights and unpleasant early morning wake up calls. He accompanied Xavier as he went into the kitchen to prepare two bottles of baby formula for both kids. It was like the two twins were in sync- Aaron found that so far, it was rare that only one baby was crying and needed something. It seemed to always be the both of them at the same time. Perhaps it was a twin thing- Aaron wouldn’t know since he didn’t even have a sibling to begin with.

He was grateful for his husband as he prepared the baby formula in the bottles. Aaron then led the way, going to their nursery room and entering, his ears being greeted to the very loud sound of wailing that seemed to never end. He rubbed his eyes before going over to Logan’s crib. “I’ll feed Logan, you get Rose?” he asked Xavier as he looked at his husband and began to reach into the crib to pick up Logan.
Xavier didn’t really know how rough it would be raising babies, but he was certainly finding out. The young adult had gotten so used to sleeping in lately, that early mornings were tough to get used to again. He yawned as he’d checked the bottles, handing one to Aaron and following him.

Entering the nursery, he heard the wails of their babies and it definitely hurt his heart each time. Even if it was a simple thing of just giving them their morning bottles. “Yeah.” Xavier acknowledged Aaron with a tired voice. He reached into Rose’s crib and gently picked her up. “I know sweetheart, dad’s got your formula” He told her, bringing the bottle up so she could drink. Xavier made his way to one of the two rocking chairs, it was easier to sit and let Rose take her time.

He would never tire of watching his daughter, even when she woke him up in the middle of the night for changing or early in the morning for breakfast. He watched her with love in his eyes as she ate, her eyes locked on him.
Aaron nodded at Xavier as he then gently grabbed Logan’s small body with both hands and lifted him out of the crib and held him close to him in his arms. Aaron’s ears hurt from the loud crying pretty much directly in his ears now. The tired new father took a bottle of baby formula and tried to remain awake. “Ok little dude, daddy’s here,” he said softly to the crying baby boy as he brought the bottle to the child’s lips to feed him. “I know I know, you’re hungry,” said Aaron quietly as he began to feed Logan. Finally, with the bottle in both babies’ mouths, the crying stopped. They had wanted food- an early morning breakfast of sorts. Luckily the two new fathers were there to save the day. Aaron let out somewhat of a relieved but also tired exhale as he slowly walked over to the second rocking chair, still holding and feeding baby Logan in his arms. He then sat down next Xavier and ever so slightly rocked the chair back and forth as Logan happily drank from his bottle. There was silence, at least for now, but Aaron would take what little quiet he could get. Luckily Logan wasn’t too fussy while eating.
Xavier was relieved at the quiet. He looked over at Aaron with a low sigh. His attention turned back to Rose, slowly rocking the chair every so often. She was like her brother, a quiet eater. He didn’t realize how much babies needed for attention, nor did he know that crying was a sound he’d hear often. He had told his parents they were adopting and before he left in September, they could come meet their grandchildren. He was planning on talking to Aaron after they fed the babies about inviting their parents over for dinner one night in the next month so they could meet Rose and Logan. He looked at Rose to see the bottle half gone. He gently pulled it away, put a cloth over his shoulder and raised her gently so he could burp her. A few little pats, successful burp then back in his arms for more of breakfast.
Aaron wondered how his parents had done this when he was a baby. Was he this noisy and difficult to deal with? Well, perhaps all babies were, he assumed. It did make him more thankful to his parents for going through the difficult baby stage and raising him. Now, it was his turn to experience the joys (or stresses) of parenting. Aaron continued to slowly and gently rock the chair back and forth, yawning occasionally as he kept the bottle stable in Logan’s mouth so that he could continue feeding from it. Logan didn’t take his mouth off of the bottle, slurping all of its contents down without a noise. “Boy, you were hungry,” said Aaron quietly with amazement at how fast Logan had finished his baby food. “Good thing we came when we did,” he said. Logan seemed to be a much faster eater than his sister, wasting no time in finishing the whole bottle. Aaron then gently adjusted Logan to burp him, patting him on the back so he could do so. Once he was done with that, he brought Logan back down to hold him in his arms normally. The baby was awake, two beautiful brown eyes open and looking at his father, but he seemed satisfied for now, which Aaron was glad for. “That’s one done,” said Aaron. “How’s Rosie?” he asked. He was very glad that this year, he’d be granted paternity leave so he could stay home and raise his young children. The team was great about giving him paternity leave so he could take a season off or at least most of it off so he could be home taking care of the babies.
Xavier had been watching Rose eat. She was definitely the slower of the two. Once she did finish, he burped her again and set the bottle down. Xavier had forgotten that he’d taken paternity leave, but Headmistress McGonagall had been extremely understanding. She gave him two school years off and a temporary professor had been brought in to help his students. So while he still wanted to invite their parents over, they could feasibly do it anytime. This would be the first year that both Aaron and Xavier would be home for the entire year, and they’d have their babies to care for. “She’s finally done. Shes definitely the slower eater.” He said with a laugh. He looked down at her, her beautiful brown eyes looking back. He couldn’t keep the smile off his face.
“That she is,” chuckled Aaron in response to Xavier pointing out the fact that Rose tended to take her time while eating and did so much slower than her twin brother Logan. “Already so ladylike, and at only a few weeks old,” he giggled, making an attempt at a joke to lighten the mood. “Logan’s a slob, just like me,” he laughed. He gently brought a hand to Logan’s head to pet him, stroking his silky soft brown hair that was coming in. He had a good full head of tufts of that darker brown hair.
Xavier smiled over at Aaron. “She’s my little princess. Uh oh. We may have a conflict in names now. She’s my little girl. That’s better.” Xavier chuckled. “Not another Aaron.” Xavier said, playfully. He took a finger and gently ran it down Rose’s small arm, and then rubbed her hand. She had hair on her head as well, the same dark brown. Her and her brother were clearly identical twins the more he thought about it.
Aaron laughed at the “conflict in names.” “That works. And she’s our beautiful little girl, not just yours. Don’t hog her for yourself,” he reminded him, but clearly playfully and joking in nature. He sighed and smiled fondly as he looked back down at Logan, who was looking around the nursery room. “They’ve got the same soft dark brown hair,” he mentioned. “And the same beautiful brown eyes now that I think about it. It’s too damn cute,” said Aaron.
Xavier looked at Aaron with grin. “Fine, she’s our beautiful little girl.” He said with a chuckle. He looked back down at her with a soft smile. “They do. They are absolutely adorable. We got so lucky.” He said. They did, even with the sleepless nights and early mornings, they were so blessed to have these two in their lives.
“Better,” he said with a smile and a nod. “We really did, didn’t we?” Aaron replied in agreement. They were truly blessed with two beautiful children. It was moments like these that made the difficult moments of parenting just a bit more worth it. Aaron was enjoying the quietness from the previously crying babies. They seemed content and satisfied now that they were full. Aaron then felt Logan wiggle a bit in his arms before seeing and hearing the baby boy let out a little yawn. “Is someone tired again?” he asked the little child with a small grin, as if Logan could respond. “All that eating took a lot out of you, huh?” he teased. Logan cooed and made a little noise and Aaron’s heart melted at the sound. It was too cute for him. “Ok little buddy, we’ll get you back in your crib,” he said, slowly standing up and carrying Logan over.
Xavier rolled his eyes playfully at Aaron but smiled anyway. It was nice and quiet now that the two had been fed. He looked down at Rose whose eyes were closing as a small yawn came out. “Okay baby girl, let’s put you in your crib” Xaie said softly. He slowly stood up as he heard a small coo from Rose. He smiled at her, she was too cute. He gently set her down in her crib after he kissed her forehead ever so gently. “Sweet dreams baby girl” he said. Xavier backed up slowly after watching her close her eyes. He looked over at Aaron with a loving smile, just like he couldn’t get enough of Rose, it melted his heart just as much seeing Aaron with either of them. It was a beautiful sight and he loved it.
“Alright sleepy head. There you go,” he said with a smile as he gently set Logan down comfortably in his crib. “Now no more crying, right?” he asked jokingly, chuckling knowing the baby boy couldn’t understand him and would cry in a few hours when he inevitably got hungry again or needed to be changed. “Daddy loves his handsome little lad very much,” said Aaron softly as he leaned down to plant a little kiss on Logan’s forehead. The baby boy yawned and began to close those beautiful brown eyes of his, drifting back to sleep. Aaron turned around and exhaled with relief as he watched Xavier put Rose down in the crib as well. He quickly went over to lean down and give Rose a kiss on her forehead too.
Xavier had heard Aaron talking to Logan and rolled his eyes. He watched as Aaron gave Rose a kiss as well. Xavier took a moment now that Logan was down, and leaned down, kissing his son on the forehead. He straightened up and looked at Aaron. “Do I get a kiss too?” He asked playfully, a smile on his face. “Also, he’s our handsome little lad.” Xavier teased, turning Aaron’s prior words about Xavier calling Rose his little girl on him. “Ready for our breakfast dear?” He asked.
“Yes you do,” replied Aaron with a grin as he stood up straight and leaned forward to give his husband a kiss. “And yes, he is,” he said, playfully rolling his eyes and shaking his head. He then nodded, “Well, we’re up now, so I guess I have no choice,” he chuckled. “I am ready,” he said, going to leave the nursery room and waiting for Xavier to follow him, closing the door as quietly as he could once they were both out.
Xavier smiled as Aaron gave him a kiss. He smirked playfully hearing Aaron and seeing him rolling his eyes in a playful manner. “Thought so.” He said, following Aaron outside of the nursery. Xavier made his way into the kitchen, deciding to make pancakes for breakfast. “I’ll make you pancakes. How’s that for breakfast dear?” He said, beginning to cook. “I was thinking that we should host our parents for dinner soon so they can meet their grandchildren.” Xavier said, glancing over at Aaron as he cooked.
He followed Xavier into their kitchen, which was its own room, rather than being in the main area of a flat. It was large and spacious. Aaron could imagine them having many meals together as a family once the kiddos grew up and ate solid food. “Pancakes at the ass crack of dawn sound fantastic, love,” chuckled Aaron. As he sat down, he smiled and nodded. “I think that’s a great idea, Xaie,” he said. “Our folks can finally meet the babies- their grandchildren,” he added. It sounded like a wonderful plan.
Xavier laughed, hearing Aaron’s comment. “I’m sure it was your son who started the crying this morning” Xaie said, looking back at Aaron. He had some starting to cook now. “I was thinking of doing it Sunday. I can make a nice ham dinner.” Xavier said. “Yes, my mom won’t stop asking me when she’s going to meet her grandbabies” He chuckled.
“First off he’s our son love, and second off all, they were BOTH crying. I have no clue who started it,” he replied back with a teasing smile. “That sounds lovely though. My parents too are very excited to meet the grandbabies. They’ve been asking all about them,” said Aaron from the table.
Xavier chuckled listening to him. “Right. Whatever you say dear” Xavier said. He flipped the first round of pancakes. “I’ll have to run to the store though. I do need to buy the ham.” He said. “We should check to see what else we need.” He added. “I’ll send my parents the day and time.” Xavier said as he pulled the first round of pancakes off and set them on the table along with a plate for him and Aaron.
“Ok well let me know so I can send my parents a time too,” replied Aaron. He could smell the pancakes and began to get very hungry. Sure it was earlier than usual for breakfast but it was rare that Aaron wasn’t happy to eat. He smiled as Xavier served him. They looked delicious as always. “Thank you love. They look great as usual,” he said, pulling his plate and getting the bottle of maple syrup, pouring it on his stack of pancakes.
Xaie nodded. “I’m thinking dinner for 4? But they can come earlier if they want.” He said, covering the rest of the pancake mix. He had a couple more cooking. That would be enough. Once he flipped them, he turned around and smiled at him. “You’re welcome dear.” He said, waiting for the last few minutes before he pulled the last of them off. Xavier sat down at the table and grabbed some pancakes for himself.
“Would you prefer my parents come on a different day then?” he asked through bites. “Works for me as long as they get to come see the babies at some point soon,” said Aaron. “Wouldn’t want you to over work yourself cooking for six,” he added.

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