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Fandom The Untold Stories of Hogwarts - 1x1 HP RP

“Oh man I wish I could come, but yea I’d probably be too busy. And who knows what part of Ireland or the UK I’d be at,” said Aaron. As a professional player in the British and Irish Quidditch League, Aaron and his team traveled throughout the United Kingdom and Ireland to play their games. Not all of them were in Montrose, Scotland- the home of Aaron’s Magpies squad. He was all over the place when it came to Quidditch season. Aaron couldn’t help but blush and chuckle a bit remembering getting so drunk off of butter beer after having so many glasses that Xavier had to walk him back to the castle so he didn’t stumble, fall, and hurt himself. “I remember too, although I’d prefer not to,” he said with a tiny grin. “I was a wild kid, eh?”
Xavier knew Aaron was always busy, traveling through different parts of the UK and Ireland. That didn’t stop him from dreaming about it. Then again, Xavier had always been a dreamer, even if he kept himself grounded in reality. “I know. And I’ll be thinking of you every day, but especially then.” He said softly. He laughed lightly at that. “You were very much a wild kid, sometimes I don’t know how I kept up with you. It certainly kept each year interesting.” Xaie said. It was true, they were opposite in nature but they balanced each other out. Xavier worried enough for both of them and Aaron brought him out of his shell with his excitable nature.
“I’ll be thinking of you every moment of the day too. And every single day,” he told him. It would be true. Aaron certainly would miss Xavier and even when he was at home with his husband, he couldn’t ever get the man off of his mind since he loved him so passionately. “I’ll miss you so much but I know you’ll be doing great things and inspiring a new generation of young witches and wizards to be great at charms,” said Aaron with a smile. Remembering his youth, he laughed. He and his husband even as schoolboys were so different- almost complete opposites. Yet they meshed together so well. Aaron was always a bit of a brash and head strong kid, not afraid of a challenge or adventure. He was the quintessential model of a Gryffindor when he was at Hogwarts, one could argue. Aaron was always energetic and talkative, and it helped warm the initially very shy Xavier, up to him. “Let’s hope you don’t get any Aaron Hoskins in any of your classes,” he joked. “That’ll be months of headaches,” he said with a wink.
Xavier let out a little chuckle, memories running through his mind. He would miss Aaron, and even though they’d been separated before, this was a longer period in the end. Aaron would be home before Xavier this time instead of Xavier waiting patiently for Aaron. He blushed as he listened to Aaron. He was ready for this, and hearing his husband say it, just helped. He still remembered how excited Aaron had been the first day on the train. It had been what drew Xavier in, that excitement and wonder.

He, himself had been a Hufflepuff through and through, loyal, kind and hard working. He was always in his studies and like the one time in their seventh year when Aaron convinced them to skip for a day, he had taken it without a second thought. Aaron had helped him with more than he probably realized. “If I have another Aaron in class, it’ll be a long seven years with him.” Xavier laughed. Then he looked at the clock. “Don’t forget to drop Princess off at my parents before you go and please don’t forget to pick her up when you’re back home ok?” He said, pulling his head reluctantly from Aaron’s chest. “I guess I should get going so I don’t miss the train.” He said softly, his chocolate brown gaze looking at Aaron.
Aaron grinned, amused, and nodded. He didn’t really know if he’d ever wish another young Aaron Hoskins on his husband. Now that he was older he could look back on his youth and perhaps see what a difficult student he might have been to teach. He was energetic, rambunctious, and easily bored- meaning he didn’t pay attention most of the time. Although new positive things had come to light about the late Professor Severus Snape, Aaron was still convinced that the potions master hated him. A maybe he couldn’t blame Snape for that.

He then perked up as Xavier looked at the clock and reminded him that he had to drop their dog Princess off at his parents’ house. That wouldn’t be hard at all. He’d take care of Princess until he had to go back to Scotland for Quidditch in October. “Promise she’ll be in good hands,” Aaron assured his husband. He then frowned as Xavier mentioned that he should get going. As much as Aaron didn’t want him to leave, he knew that Xavier couldn’t be late- nor did he want him to be. Plus, Xavier would be doing something he loved- teaching and performing charms and helping people. “R- right,” said Aaron, looking down at Xavier, those chocolate brown eyes tugging at his heart. He swallowed, feeling a lump in his throat. Oh Merlin, he couldn’t cry- not now. He had to remain strong for Xavier.
Xavier smiled, he knew that Aaron would make sure that Princess was taken care of. He trusted his husband completely. “Thank you.” He said. Xavier had been thrilled when his parents said they’d take her and it made him happy that she’d be happy and safe. He looked at Aaron when he spoke, the emotions were raw and he felt himself trying to hold back tears. He didn’t want to go, he wanted to stay wrapped in Aaron’s arms forever. “I’ll write you everyday. I love you Aaron Hoskins. I’ll see you in June.” Xavier said, leaning up and kissing Aaron, letting himself enjoy this for a moment before he had to leave.
Aaron gulped hard and held back tears. He felt his heart flutter as Xavier gave him a kiss. Aaron gave Xavier one last squeeze before letting him go. “I- I’m going to miss you. I love you too, Professor Collins. Now go get ‘em love,” he said with encouragement, cracking a smile despite the fact that he was trying very hard to choke back tears.
Xavier didn’t want to leave. He wanted nothing more than to grab Aaron and run back to bed, hiding under the covers with him and Princess. But they weren’t kids and he had to go. That final squeeze between them was rough, that kiss was bittersweet. Xavier picked up his trunk in one hand, gave Aaron a smile, swallowed his tears and walked out of their flat. It was one of the hardest things he’d ever done in his life. Xavier had made it on the train, found a compartment alone and made his way to his dream.

It had been a weird first day there, sitting with the other professors instead of at his house table. He had Professor Flitwick’s old office and his room. He didn’t take long to get set up in the office. He had a picture of Aaron and him at their wedding and one of the three of them, Aaron, Xavier and Princess. on his desk. He had gotten them done when he knew he was leaving for Hogwarts. The first few months went by quickly, he settled into teaching quickly enough. His old teachers were wonderful to work with, and they all commented on the fact that Xavier and Aaron had indeed stuck together and gotten married. They all had seen it coming watching the two of them. Xavier had gone to the storage room, it was virtually untouched. He spent his free time when he didn’t need to be in his office there. Wrapped in memories of him and Aaron.

Many of his students were excellent, some had difficulties with certain charms and he’d stay behind to help them. Some were wild, others rude, but many of them were awesome. They worked hard to learn. He had one that he’d spent some extra time with, reminding him of himself and Aaron mixed. Shy yet doesn’t pay attention. Book smart but didn’t like sitting still. He worked with her a little more, remembering how he helped Aaron back then.

The months flew by once Xavier got comfortable. The more he spent around the students, the more he realized that he wanted kids. He needed to talk to Aaron about it. And speaking of Aaron, Xavier had been sending him letter after letter, writing about each day. The students, the lessons, everything. He spent a lot of time talking about Jenn, the girl that reminded him of them both. Eventually it was June 22nd. Xavier had packed up his trunk, and bid his office goodbye for the next few months. He made his way to the carriages, then boarded the train and it headed back to London. He was excited to be heading back, he couldn’t wait to see his husband again.
The rest of September was pretty rough for Aaron. He wasn’t going to have to go back to Scotland for Quidditch until around early October, so that meant he had a whole month alone in the flat without Xavier. Now he could get a taste of what Xavier felt before getting the professor job and when he had to stay home alone while Aaron was off traveling with the Quidditch team. Sure he had the dog there with him, but if Aaron had to be honest, he wasn’t entirely fond of animals in general. Aaron had never really truly warmed up to Princess. He didn’t dislike her by any means, but in his mind she wasn’t much company. Plus, Princess tended to mostly ignore him unless she needed food or to be taken out to the bathroom. For Aaron, he just wasn’t an animal person, and their dog wasn’t really seen as a friend to him like she was for Xavier. Of course, Aaron would never admit any of this to Xavier. He knew how much Xavier loved Princess and how the mixed-breed canine helped him out battling loneliness while Aaron was away. But, Aaron mostly ignored Princess as per usual, and Princess didn’t seem to mind. Xavier was her favorite anyways. Perhaps there were even some immature underlying feelings of jealousy too contributing to this situation.

Luckily for Aaron, October of 2002 eventually did come. After a lonely month of September, Aaron was finally going to get to go to Montrose and play the game he loved. Before he travelled to Scotland, he’d gone over to Xavier’s parents’ house and dropped off Princess and all of the materials that the old couple would need to take care of her. Aaron’s teammate Adam and his family had once again been kind enough to let him stay during the Quidditch season. As for the Quidditch itself, coming off of a stretch of a few good solid years ever since Aaron had arrived, the Magpies had a rather unimpressive 2002-2003 season. Aaron still performed well as a chaser but in general, the team had a slump year. They weren’t winning as many games and had even failed to make the playoffs to compete for the 2003 championship. Despite this bad year for the team, Aaron remained optimistic that next year, the Montrose Magpies would come out stronger than ever. He had high hopes for the next season and didn’t let the lackluster performance of their team that season get him down.

But, something had been on his mind for a while and only was brought to the forefront during the season. Of course, while Aaron was staying with Adam and his family, it meant he was under the same roof as his children- Jack and Susie- who he had grown quite fond of. Aaron was so good with them and in turn, the children really loved him and enjoyed his company. Aaron had lots of fun playing with and even helping take care of the kids. He’d known them for a few years now and although they were still quite young, the oldest of the two almost of age to go to Hogwarts, Aaron felt like he was watching these children grow up before his eyes. All of it made the desire for Aaron to have children of his own grow and grow. By the end of the Quidditch season, it was all Aaron could think about. He wanted children and more importantly, hoped Xavier did too. That was going to be a conversation he eventually needed to have with his husband. Aaron hoped that Xavier wanted to be a father with him but if he unfortunately didn’t, it wouldn’t work out with kids. Both parties needed to be involved with raising kids and you needed to have love and passion for it. If Xavier didn’t want children, Aaron would admittedly be sad, but of course he’d always respect his husband’s decisions.

The time had passed and the Quidditch season was well over and it was already the end of the semester for Hogwarts. It worked out that the Quidditch season ended in June as did Hogwarts. It was now June 22nd, 2003, and finally, Aaron would get to see the love of his life again. Xavier would be coming home on the Hogwarts Express, and Aaron would be right there to pick him up on the platform. Aaron travelled to King’s Cross Station and went to Platform 9 and 3/4 and eagerly awaited the train to arrive so that he could greet his husband with a big hug and a kiss. Aaron could not wait to see Xavier again for the first time in months.
Xavier had been waiting rather impatiently for the train to reach Kings Cross. The only thing in his mind was seeing Aaron again. Well, that and how much he’d decided that he wanted to have kids. Being around his students had just reaffirmed what he wanted. He hoped that Aaron would want kids to, but he’d respect his husbands wishes if he didn’t want them. Eventually the train hissed to a stop and Xavier grabbed his trunk. It was crazy how similar this was to his own school years but he didn’t have Aaron beside him. Instead he was coming home to him. Xavier walked down the aisle and stepped off the platform, his eyes sweeping the excited parents for his husband.
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Aaron knew that Xavier had a great first year of teaching at Hogwarts. Through their back and forth letters, it seemed that Xavier was adjusting well to his new position and really enjoyed teaching and working closely with students. Aaron just knew in his mind that Xavier was absolutely the best professor ever. It honestly felt a bit weird standing here on the platform as a twenty two almost twenty three year old. He stood around with families waiting for their children to arrive but felt odd not being a student anymore yet being here on Platform 9 and 3/4 and at King’s Cross Station.

Eventually, he both heard and caught sight of that iconic red steam engine train, pulling into the station. The Hogwarts Express was here. Aaron’s eyes widened and his face lit up with anticipation. The train soon came to a slow stop and the doors opened to allow a flow of students to exit. Aaron was taken back to his youth seeing all of these young witches and wizards dressed in their uniforms and in their Hogwarts robes, lugging along trunks of luggage behind them. He smiled fondly seeing a few children reunite with their family members after the long school year.

But he was here for his husband. Xavier was completely on his mind and his heart pounded, longing for his love, as Aaron looked around the platform for him. Finally, after a while, Aaron had spotted his husband- one of the few adults disembarking from the train. Aaron’s stomach lurched forward with excitement as he caught sight of the handsome man he married. Like he was a little kid again, Aaron ran towards Xavier. Eventually, he met his husband with a near-tackle, smothering Xavier tightly in his arms.
Xavier had about a moment before he heard footsteps. He turned his head just as Aaron basically tackled him into a hug. Holding Xavier tightly in his arms. Xavier instantly returned the hug, his trunk thudded on the ground. He hugged Aaron just as tightly. He had missed his husband so much. His head immediately went to Aaron’s chest curling into the hug as best he could. “Hey baby.” His voice was tight with emotion, happy tears trailing down his cheeks.
Aaron just hugged his husband tightly and never let go. He had missed the love of his life so much. He smiled having the feeling of Xavier close to his body as his husband sunk into his embrace. “My handsome man! I missed you so bloody much!” he said.
Xavier would never leave the embrace if he had it his way. Absolutely not. He turned his head so he could hear Aaron’s heartbeat. He’d missed that sound so much. “I missed you so much too. It was so weird without you there.” He said softly.
“Welcome home love,” said Aaron softly, still smiling, overcome with immense joy from being reunited with his husband. He loved that feeling of Xavier’s head resting against his chest, listening to his heart beat. It pumped passionately with love for him. “I can imagine, but I know you always adapt. I’m sure you got used to it real fast,” he said.
Xavier smiled. “I’m glad to be home..” He said softly, staying where he was. “I will never get used to you not being around. Ever. But I do have a picture of us on our wedding day on my desk along with the three of us.” Xavier admitted. “Writing you letters while looking at the picture was very helpful.” He added.
Aaron smiled fondly at the fact that Xavier kept a picture from their wedding day on his desk. “I’m glad you had a pretty face to stare at all day,” he joked. “But yes I enjoyed your letters. I’m glad we wrote and kept in touch even when we were apart from each other,” he said. “Now come on, let’s get you home shall we? Hungry? I bet you are!” Aaron winked.
Xavier finally pulled his head out of Aaron’s chest. “I couldn’t go a day without looking at it. And I’m glad, I thought one every day would be too much.” He said with a laugh. “Yes. I’m starving. And I missed my girl.” Xavier said with a smiled pulling from the hug to pick up his trunk but he took Aaron’s hand. “Let’s go home.” Xavier said happily.
By now, Aaron had been home for a couple of weeks now, since the Quidditch season ended a bit earlier than usual due to the Montrose Magpies not making the playoffs. So, he had been staying home and taking care of Princess. Now, Xavier could return home to his beloved dog. The two eventually travelled back to their humble London flat.
Xavier opened the door to the flat and it took about a minute maybe from him stepping in, to get a brown blur trying to climb up him. Xavier laughed as he kneeled down. Princess was whining and trying to lick his face. Her entire body was wiggling as she tried to get as close to him as she could. “Hey girl! Yes, I missed you too. Did you behave for Aaron? Were you good huh?” He spent a few minutes just patting her and talking to her. Eventually she calmed down and he stood back up. She would probably stick by his side for the next few days not that that was any different from normal anyway. “I’m glad to be home.” Xavier said, setting his trunk in the bedroom before coming back out into the kitchen area.
As they arrived at the flat, Xavier opened the door and immediately greeting him was an extremely excited dog. Princess was so overjoyed to see her daddy again. Aaron couldn’t help but smile fondly at the reunion as Princess wagged her tail and licked Xavier’s face as he bent down. Aaron nodded, “Yes, she was very good for both me and your parents I heard,” he replied. Aaron stood by as Xavier said his hello to Princess and gave her some much missed and needed attention. “I’m glad you’re home too. The place isn’t the same without you,” he told him.
Xavier looked over at Aaron with a smile. “Well, I’m here till September.” He said softly. “Now, what do we have for lunch? Any suggestions?” He asked, stepping over to his husband and waiting for an answer.
“Well I’m never going to leave your side,” he told him with a grin. “Hadn’t thought of anything for lunch. Your choice,” said Aaron.
Xavier laughed. “I won’t leave your side either dear.” He said, before heading to the fridge. Not much was in there. Let’s see… This’ll do. He grabbed the bread, ham, cheese and condiments. Xavier preferred mayo on his sandwiches. “Aaron, what do you want for condiments on your sandwich?” He asked as he started putting the sandwiches together.
Sandwiches sounded good for lunch right now. “Just plain for me love, thanks,” replied Aaron to Xavier with a smile. One couldn’t go wrong with a ham and cheese sandwich.

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