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Fandom The Untold Stories of Hogwarts - 1x1 HP RP

Aaron, although sleeping, sensed and enjoyed the familiar scene of his boyfriend listening to his heartbeat close to his chest and laying a hand across his body. If it wasn’t for the eventual hunger that would come every morning Aaron probably would never leave bed if he had the chance. Aaron stirred slightly in his sleep, taking a deep inhale in with his lungs and exhaling, his belly inflating like a balloon and slowly coming back down with Xavier’s arm on top of it.
Xavier smiled, hearing Aaron take a deep breath and he watched his arm go up and down with the breath. He curled closer to his boyfriend, knowing that eventually they'd have to get up, someone's stomach would rumble. Then he felt a wet nose on his other arm. "Princess?" He said softly, and she let out little whine. "Alright, lets go" He said, as she jumped off the bed and he slowly moved from Aaron's side. He had to let Princess do her business or he'd be cleaning it up. Xavier threw on his sweats and a jacket, grabbing her leash and clipped it on her collar so he could take her out.
Eventually Aaron felt the sensation of Xavier withdrawing, the slight weight of his arm and the feeling of his warm body close to his going away. Aaron slowly awoke, blinking his eyes and tilting his head up to look around at what was going on. Xavier was up and grabbing Princess’ leash as the dog eagerly awaited to be taken out. This was a wake up scene he was not used to. “Good morning love,” he mumbled tiredly, rubbing his eyes.
Xavier heard Aaron wake up as he was getting ready to head out. "Good morning, I didn't mean to wake you up." He said softly, looking at Aaron rubbing his eyes. Xavier felt bad, but he had made a commitment and she needed the bathroom. "I'll be back in a few minutes ok?" Xavier said as Princess pulled him a little. "Yes girl, I know. I'm sorry Aaron" He said. He walked out of the flat, bringing Princess on her morning walk and when she was done with her business, they walked back in the house. He saw that the mail had come and snagged that too, tucking it under his arm as he headed in. Shutting the door, he unclipped Princess and gave her a treat. He set the mail on the table, he'd deal with that in a moment. "Aaron? We're back" He said, wondering if his boyfriend was still in bed.
“No it’s quite alright. I should be up anyways,” he replied softly, groaning as he sat up and stretched his arms high above his head. Aaron let out a yawn as he nodded and looked over at Xavier as he said he’d be right back. Aaron smiled fondly as Xavier talked to Princess and took the dog out of the room. He remained awake but a bit tired the minutes that Xavier was gone outside with Princess. Eventually he heard Xavier call for him once he had arrived back home. “Wonderful! Coming!” Aaron called out to his boyfriend as he quickly stepped out of bed and entered the main room of the flat in his loose white t-shirt and boxers he’d slept in.
Xavier smiled at Aaron as he came out of the bedroom. He stepped over and gave his boyfriend a hug, and a kiss on his cheek. "I'm sorry we woke you. I'm sure you probably wanted to sleep in more" He said, looking at Aaron. "But, now that you're up, I'll make us breakfast? Any suggestions?" He asked. "Oh, can you check the mail while I get things going? I'm sure its just bills and advertisements." Xavier had no idea what was in the mail, but it was the routine. Xavier made breakfast and he was quite content to stay in routine, it helped him.
Aaron smiled fondly as Xavier went over to go give him a little kiss on the cheek- an excellent way to start the day if he had to say so himself. “It’s okay, my love,” he said softly to his boyfriend. “And no you can make anything for breakfast- thanks,” he replied with a grateful smile. He then nodded as Xavier asked him to check the mail. “Sure thing babe,” he said, going to head to the door to step out and check their mailbox. Aaron yawned as he took a few papers from the mailbox and re-entered the flat. He casually flipped through the mail which was mostly junk, but stopped as he saw something addressed to Xavier. “Hey uhh Xaie? There’s something for you,” he called over to his boyfriend. He didn’t know what it was but from a first glance it was nothing special. Just another letter.
Xavier had made it to the fridge while Aaron was getting the mail, he hadn't even opened it when he heard his name. Turning around, he walked over and gently took it. "Huh" He said, looking at it and sure enough it had his name on it. He opened it and pulled out the paper inside, his eyes immediately drawn to the header, before he read the rest of it. Wait, was this? He reread it, as his eyes widened. No way! He seemed to freeze in place, the British Irish Dueling Club was offering him a spot not only in their club, but in their next bracket season?! His eyes were the only thing that seemed unfrozen, darting on the paper as he kept reading it.
Aaron just shrugged as he handed Xavier the letter. “Dunno- take a look,” he said. He carefully watched Xavier’s face as he took the letter and opened it. He raised his eyebrows as he noticed Xavier’s eyes widen and his body freeze. “Xaie? What is it?” he asked curiously, leaning forward. Clearly it was something stunning. Aaron wondered if this was a good thing or a bad thing.
Xavier tried to restart his brain. It took about five minutes but he finally registered Aaron's question. He looked at his boyfriend before he finally shook his shock off. "The um The British English Dueling Club offered me a spot in their club and their next bracket season" He managed to get out. This was a step in his journey to be a professor and something he'd been wanting since he'd talked to Professor Flitwick. "I never thought I'd get into one of these" He added softly.
Aaron’s eyes now widened as his jaw practically dropped to the floor. “Bloody hell- a dueling club?” he asked in disbelief. “That’s amazing babe! Brilliant! Outstanding!” Aaron exclaimed excitedly. “My boyfriend is going to be in an official dueling club! Clearly they knew how good you were so they just HAD to accept you!” Aaron said.
Xavier was still processing it himself. He looked over at Aaron, and he felt a smile cross his face. His boyfriend and all his energy, he could feel the energy flowing through to him. "I guess so, I can't wait. It's, it's a big step." He said, setting the paper on the table. He was excited, nervous, and shocked all at once. It was an odd feeling but he found himself getting more excited than anything else. A milestone marked that would bring him closer to being a professor at Hogwarts.
“No, this is a HUGE step! Do you realize what this means? Something like this is going to propel you into that charms professor spot at Hogwarts!” Aaron exclaimed excitedly with a big eager grin on his face. Aaron quickly approached Xavier and wrapped him in one of his classic loving hugs. “I’m so proud of you- I just knew something good like this was coming!” he said.
Xavier knew what it meant, but he couldn't help being a little nervous. He'd never dueled really, though they had strict rules, he had a feeling he'd lose the first bracket. "I, I know." he said, but before he knew it, he was wrapped up in Aaron's arms in his classic hugs. "Thanks. I never expected to get accepted if I'm being honest" Xavier said with a small laugh of disbelief. "It's crazy.." He added, dropping his head onto Aaron's shoulder with another laugh. He had no idea how he'd do, but he was excited to try.
Aaron continued to grin. “Well I’m not surprised in the slightest,” he replied. “I’m so bloody proud of you I want to scream!” he said. “But I don’t want to get us kicked out because of a noise complaint,” he laughed. “My baby is one step closer to being called Professor Collins,” he said softly, smiling dreamily as he thought of how attractive that sounded.
Xavier looked up at Aaron. How did he get so lucky to have such a cheerleader in his corner? "I'll agree on that one, I happen to like this place" Xavier said with a chuckle. He blushed hearing Aaron call him Professor Collins. "Aaron, that's still at least three years away, besides I might not be any good at dueling. The only practice I had was the battle" He said, his voice getting softer at the end. He didn't like to mention it. When he did, he'd get flashes of memories with Ryan and that was something he'd fought hard to put to rest. The past is the past and the future was here. He noticed the dreamy smile on Aaron's face and sighed. His boyfriend was something else.
“Nah mate! It’ll be here before you know it!” Aaron replied with a nonchalant grin. “And what do you mean you won’t be any good at dueling? You literally single-handedly took out dozens of highly trained highly skilled Death Eaters with ease during the war!” Aaron reminded him. But Aaron tried not to think about the war too much ever since he graduated Hogwarts. It made him think of all he had seen- all the death- and who they had lost… like Jacob. “You’re going to kill it! You went up against some of the most powerful wizards in the world at only seventeen!” Aaron went on.
Xavier looked at Aaron, he was so convinced and it made him feel better. "I had no idea what I was doing, and there were times there I thought I wasn't going to make it." He said. He also refused to remember what he'd done in the heat of the moment of battle. The memory would haunt him forever, but he shoved that out of his mind. Nope, not dealing with it. "It was them or us and I didn't want it to be us" He said. The excitement was starting to came back as he shoved the battle out of his mind. "This is finally happening, step by step" He said, his eyes lighting up as he thought about the first duel he'd be in. It was going to be exciting. "I wish you could be there watching." He knew that the bracket duels allowed audiences and loved ones to watch. But Aaron had his Quidditch while Xavier now had his dueling club.
“Oh shush! Enough outta you! You’re going to do just fine! Have some confidence!” Aaron told him with a grin, brushing aside his worries. “You’re the bloody best damn wizard on this planet, you know that?” Aaron asked him with a loving smile and a little wink. “And listen, who knows? I’m sure I can make time to watch your duels,” he told him.
Xavier smiled. If Aaron believed in him, perhaps Xaie could believe in himself as well. "Okay, Okay. Besides, I need to technically accept it." He said, he was fortunate that they were based in London with the dueling arena just outside of the city. He didn't have to worry about Princess because he didn't have to leave. "I don't know about that, but I appreciate it all the same." Ever the downplay of his abilities. One of his biggest weaknesses. "I'd love to see you at one of my duels" He said softly, looking at Aaron.
“Well accept it then you big goof!” Aaron said with a laugh. “Do it right now or I’ll hex you,” he playfully threatened with a grin. “You were totally born for this and I’m gonna make it a point to go see some of your duels in person,” he proclaimed.
Xavier laughed at Aaron, shaking his head. "Okay, okay. I'll go over tomorrow morning and accept it." He said, "Please don't hex me" He added with a laugh. "How did I get so lucky to have you in my corner?" He asked. Truly, he had no idea how he'd gotten so lucky but he did and he was so grateful for it.
“I’ll consider not hexing you. Gotta think about it,” he replied innocently with a playful grin. “I’m not sure how you got so lucky. Guess you picked a winner,” he laughed. “Really I’m the lucky one,” he said.
"Why thank you, wait consider?" He said with a laugh. "I picked something that's for sure" He said with a playful smile. "Then I guess we'll be lucky together." He said, leaning forward and kissing Aaron, one hand traveled to the back of Aaron's head. He'd missed this so much and he didn't want it to stop. He had his dream starting, and Aaron back for a bit. Everything was falling in line beautifully.
Aaron giggled, “You’re just so cute I wanna shrink you down and put you into my pocket my little love bug,” he joked. He smiled and blushed ever so slightly as Xavier gave him some kisses, which was always welcome. “This is really great- both of our careers are going to take off,” he mentioned softly.

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