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Fantasy The Tudor Lestrange Institute of Villainy and Henchmanship ((Trying Again!)) Roleplayer's Lair

Compared to the gator dude who got no-scoped, had his eyes pulled out, head chopped off, and body set to be served up by the school staff?

nah, you probably good.
thinking taris will leave the room she really isn't one to deal with whatever is going on with the tanks she meet minutes ago
thinking taris will leave the room she really isn't one to deal with whatever is going on with the tanks she meet minutes ago

Maybe she'll wanna leave so bad that she'll take Sunny's offer of getting the low down of the school despite just being able to speed view most of it?
I don't know if this is good news or bad news, but I have yet another character idea. Not one that's fully fleshed out yet, but the vibes are strong for someone who would have had a Renfield-ish role in relation to Knott had the timing been different.
I do know I want thon to start out human, then discover a non-bite means of becoming a vampire at some point in the roleplay.
Anyone wanna brainstorm with me?
Don't know if i'm in the right spot but this looks interesting. Is the rp still open to new people?
Beetlebuggo Beetlebuggo IDK if this really goes with what you intended, but by obligation Dr. Pennhurst was standing around to wait for the leftover students and call security if they tried to escape the school grounds.
Dana Zane Dana Zane I'm so sorry I'm late to answer your question! I could have sworn I had already. In short, you can still join- The deadline has yet to pass, and I'm even adding another character once thon's fully developed.
i mean does she turn them into vegetables basically brain dead?
Hmmm. what would you say turning someone into something like a machine/Robot. They'll still be able to move around do stuff but they won't be able feel emotions anymore or have the urge to rise up against something.

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