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Fantasy The Trouble of Fate

Miles looked at him odd, "So you figured you should be upset?"

Mike sighed, running his fingers through his hair, "It's not like that, it's just nice to have someone treat me like I'm not some....whatever you want to call it. I have girls looking at me like a target, guys looking at me like I'm a ticking bomb and looking at me like I don't belong. It's nice to have someone that doesn't want something,isn't poking at me or acting like I am just some....new kid."

Miles frowned, "Sorry." he sighed then bite his lip, "So you were jealous because she was..with Isaac?"

"No." Mike stated, "I was annoyed. i don't want to make friends with her, if it's going to be an issue and I know it will be.I rather just stay out of it."

"But we have a project together." Miles protested.

Mike shrugged, "I can do the project, but outside of class, I rather just stay away from that."

"But..."Miles protested.

Mike grabbed his bag, "I'm not changing my mind. I'm not going to be get between that, I'm just not going to be the third wheel and I don't want to be the reason for a fight. I rather be alone then anything." he said before walking away.
Once Hailey had settled things with Isaac she grabbed her things and headed to class. The rest of the day was just average for her. She didn't really have any more classes with any of the guys until the last class. As that drew near she was a little nervous. She didn't want Mike to be upset and she wanted Isaac to apologize. She sighed a little as she walked into the last class, she hadn't realized Isaac felt how he did. She didn't know what to feel about it. She sighed yet again and went to her seat. Hoping she and Mike would be the first two so she could apologize too.
Mike sighed as he got into class, spotting Hailey, he paused for a moment before he moved to the seat with one between them. He didn't want to be that close, but there wasn't really that much further he could go.
Hailey frowned a little, that kind of stung. She clenched her jaw and then got up with her stuff and moved to the desk next to his. "I wanted to apologize for earlier. It can't be easy being new and we have been making it worse. Are you okay?" She asks gently.
Mike sighed, shrugging, "I'm fine, it's whatever." he told her as he started going through his bag for his notepad. "What else do I need to do?" he said leaning back with a pencil and doodling in his pad. "I don't really think there is much else I can do. I probably can get some info on foreign views." he suggested without looking at her.
Hailey sighed a little and tried to think of something he could do to help. "Can you help me practice what I am supposed to say for the speech?" She asks him. She didn't want him to be upset with her. She didn't want to make this harder for him than it had to be but she didn't know how to make sure of that.
Mike shrugged, "You can do it here." he said still in his notepad. He motioned her, "Go head, i'm listening." he told her. He sighed as he listened to her.
Hailey frowned a little but then nodded. Before she could start though Isaac came in. He hesitated and then took a seat on her other side. "Hey Mike? I'm sorry about earlier." He says before opening his notebook. Hailey looked to him and then back to Mike. She thought maybe then she should wait to try practicing her speech.
Mike nodded, "It's cool. Hailey was going to practice her speech, might be good to have someone else listening to her." he shrugged, "But you don't have to worry about me." he assured him as he still kept drawing, "Go head, Hailey."
Hailey glanced between the two and then shifted to face Mike like she had been before. She began reading her speech. Pausing when the teacher came in and told them they were going to keep working on their projects. Then she resumed. When she finally came to the end she took a deep breath and looked to Mike. "So? How bad was it?" She asks with a slight smile.
Miles walked in a little late and looked concerned as he noticed Mike with his notepad, as Hailey was reading the speech. Mike shrugged, "Sound fine to me, why don't you ask Isaac." he stated, motioning in the general direction.
Hailey resisted the urge of letting out an annoyed groan and letting her head drop down to her desk. "Alright. Well you get that research you were talking about and Osaac will work with you to get the pictures and start getting the power point put together, she says getting to her feet she grabbed her stuff and set it at the desk where Isaac was and then taking his stuff and moving it.

"Oh, Hailey come on." Isaac says. Hailey glared at him and he stopped talking as he moved over next to Mike. He pulled out his lap top and started to do as Hailey said. Hailey took his seat and looked to Miles.

"So...what did you find out?" She asks him quietly.
Miles sighed, "Well, apparently Mike likes you because you treat him normal instead of like he shouldn't be here, like he is a time bomb or a piece of meat. But he thinks it's annoying that you and Isaac were friends yesterday and then you look like you guess are together today. He doesn't want to get between you two, so he doesn't want to be your friend anymore. He rather be alone then being between you two." he whispered to her, "What about you?"
Hailey groaned a little and covered her face with her hands for a moment, shaking her head a little. "Isaac was Jealous of him. He...he apparently wasn't in agreeance with our last break up. I think today he was being extra affectionate because he didn't want to keep waiting. But we're not back together." She says quietly. She laid her forehead on the desk and groaned a little and then looked to Miles. "Looks like it was my fault." She says with a small smile.
Miles frowned, shaking his head, "Not your fault your best friend wants you back or the new kid already his a reputation. I guess I shouldn't have printed anything about him, but I really though he would make more friends that way."
Hailey smiled a little. "I didn't really help with that either. I was making fun of him first class for having so many girls who wanted him." She says with a little more of a smile. "Just print something extra note worthy next time to gett people's minds off it. It won't change much, there was a lot that already was there before you printed your story." She sighed a little and opened her notebook again. "Let's get some work done, we can try to figure more out as we work." She suggests.
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Miles nodded, "Let's work on the speech. We should try to get this fixed fast though, Mike isn't going to come to or the meet on Saturday,as of right now. I'll get an emergency line out for Monday."
"He won't?" She says with a frown and sighs. But then she smiled a little. "If we can't get anything figured out today then I may have an idea. He'll hate me for it, but it might work." She says with a grin. She looked down at the notebook. "I was thinking we could just reword this a little." She says, circling one of the paragraphs and passing the notebook to him. She leaned her hand on her hand. "So for sure he won't come Saturday?" She asks.
Miles looked at her curiously, tilting his head, "He said he won't." he stated again, then asked, "What do you have in mind?" he asked wanting to help if he could.
"Well he lives close to me. I'll just go and pick him up. If he refuses to come then I'll just have to think of a reason to be stern with him. Like....oh! My sister will be in town. I never get to see her but I'm still coming to work on the project. I'll guilt trip him if it comes down to it. Maybe not the best way but I'd get him there at least." She suggests with a shrug.
Miles chuckled, "Are you sure you can do that? What if he doesn't open the door? Or what if he plans something else and isn't there?" he asked, then he smiled, "I could talk to mom my and see what I can do to make sure that you can get to him." he suggested.
Hailey grinned. "That would be good maybe, just in case." She shrugged a little. "Besides, I'd like to think that if he didn't open the door one of his siblings might." She says. She smiled some again. She hoped that this wouldn't completely screw things up with Mike. That they wouldn't just be making a bad mistake. Of course she didn't entirely know why she wanted to try so hard to make sure Mike came. Maybe it was because of what he told Miles.
Miles smiled, "Sounds like a plan." he looked at her then at Mike who seem to just be watching and motioning a little to the pictures but he focused more on his notepad. "Maybe you can do something sooner. Did you look at his notepad?"
Hailey shook her head. "No." She looked back to him. "Do you think that has something in it?" She asks. Now she thought about it she had been suprised that he'd given her such good advice with her picture the day before and now she had been a little suprised that he was doodling in his notebook.
Miles smirked," Ok, well he doodles in that notepad, but not just pictures, he has like designs, drawings of sculpture and how to do it. He's a big art buff, from that notepad, not just clothes, drawings, painting, sculpture, and just about anything else you can think of." he whispered, "Not sure how useful that is, but he doesn't look like that kind of guy, so maybe you could use that somehow?"

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