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Fantasy The Trouble of Fate

Hailey laughed a little, though she kept it quiet. The teacher looked back and she wrote the notes down in her notebook, turning to the designated page in her text book as he said it out loud. Why is he never looking when you have the note?

And maybe I want to get fat. But I mean really, how could I ever, I play too much soccer. Or if you would prefer you could just believe I am always this perfect.
She teases. She glanced to the clock, there were was only like ten minutes left in class. She smiled a little. She had always like passing notes when she was younger, it had always just been fun. And in a weird way she felt like she was getting to know Mike a little better. She sighed a little and had to wait for a little while before she could finally pass the note back to Mike. She couldn't help smiling a little.
Mike smirked as he looked at the note, I don't giggle. But I guess I could just think that, but then I'd have to hear your giggle a few more times. Still think it's best that you eat more like a normal kid. He looked up at the teacher then to the clock. They had a few minutes, so he passed her the note quickly and raised his hand to answer a question. He was called on and his answer was right.
Hailey smirked a little. Keep being nice like that and I might think I'm actually starting to get you to like me or something.

She teases again. She liked teasing people, and getting on their nerves was just something she was good at. Though the playfulness she read into the note made it all the more fun to try to tease him. Talk more at lunch? She adds before She passed it back to him.
Mike opened the note as the bell rang and he smirked as he read it. He watched her leave as Miles got his stuff together. "what was that?" Miles asked.

Mike shrugged at him, "Call it therapy for this." He started, showing Miles the paper.

Miles looked at it, "I thought it would help with transferring in. I mean, how wouldn't think a guy with three fluent languages, 4.0 test scores and a GPA of 3.9 was cool. You don't work well with others but you are athletic and you still take care of your half siblings...."

Mike glared at him, "They ate my siblings, there is no half anything." He corrected.

Miles looked apologetic, "Sorry." He said watching Mike leave the class, he sighed as he got his stuff and left too.
The day for Hailey was kind of boring after that. She did have classes with Isaac, but the teacher had quickly learned not to let them sit near eachother. That had left her feeling like a little kid but there wasn't anything she could do about it. By lunch she was thrilled. Mostly because she would get actual food but because she could talk to people. As she walked Isaac came up behind her, wrapping his arm around her waist and kissing her cheek. She looked to him and laughed. "Well aren't you affectionate today. What happened? Did another girl reject you?" She asks teasingly as they walked to the cafeteria.

"Girls never reject me." He says matter of fact and Hailey knew it was true. "No. Am I not allowed to be affectionate with my best friend?" He asks. Hailey rolled her eyes.

"Most people leave the affection for their boyfriend or girlfriend." She says and Isaac just wiggled his eyebrows suggestively, making Hailey laugh. Though she didn't pull away from him or anything. They were always close and how he held her was comfortable whether they were dating or not. She just shook her head a little as they walked into the cafeteria, she found herself automatically searching for Miles and or Mike.
Mike sighed as Miles explained the stories for next Friday's issue. He was eating a peach wondering why he even asked. Miles smiled when he stopped Hailey, "Looks like everyone is being friendly with Hailey, today." He chuckled.

Mike turned to where Miles pointed, he was passive or at least his expression was. He sighed, "Yeah, she's easy to be friendly with, huh?"
Hailey grinned when she spotted them and started that way, hearing just the tale end of their conversation. "Who's easy to be friendly with?" Hailey asks as she led Isaac over to them. She pulled away from him and took a seat between Isaac and Mike. Normally with how Isaac was acting she would be wondering if he was going to suggest they tried dating again. But last time they 'broke up' they'd agreed to give it six months, and it had only been three. Hailey had urged for a year but Isaac wouldn't take that. And since she was the one who broke it off he convinced her that six months was fair. The thought made her smile a little and she looked back to Miles and Mike to hear whatever answer they had for her question.
Mike didn't say anything, Miles smiled, "You, obviously." As he filled in the silence. Mike passed her what he told her he brought for her and went back to eating.

"No fighting, today." Mike assured them, as he ate.
Hailey raised a questioning eyebrow and then shrugged a little. "As long as you mean it only in the best of ways." She says with a bright smile. It was fake though, she didn't care how she acted, she had very little real confidence in herself and comments like that always concerned her a little. Her sister always used the phrase 'fake it until you make it' for her lack of self confidence. She was still waiting for the second part to happen. She pushed the thoughts away though and took the food. "You know I'm going to be forever in your debt if you keep going through the trouble to do this." She says by way of thanks to Mike, a more genuine smile gracing her lips this time. She wanted to ask Mike if something was wrong, but instead kept it to herself.

"No fights huh? What, you didn't insult anyone today?" Isaac asks, Hailey frowned a little as she looked to him. He sounded almost mean. Isaac never sounded or acted mean to anyone, that was her job. So she had no idea where what he'd said was coming from. She elbowed him in the ribs.

"Don't be a jerk." She mutters.
Mike looked at Isaac with an eyebrow raised, before looking around, "Ok, you want a fight." he stated,before spotting a guy with his girlfriend, she had brown hair, green eyes and she could easily be seen as a head cheerleader type. "I bet you I can make him jealous, while he is still holding her without touching her." he smirked."motioning for Hailey to leave it alone, "If he wants a fight, then I don't mind."

Miles looked concerned, "Isaac,just take it back." he nearly pleaded.
"Why should I?" Isaac asks.

"Isaac." Hailey snaps. "What on earth has gotten into you?" She asks, not understanding why he was being so rude. There was a reason everyone in the school liked him and it wasn't this. She looked back to Mike quickly, afraid he may have already gotten up. "Don't you dare leave this table." She adds sternly before looking back to Isaac.

"Nothing has gotten into me." He snaps back. Then he quieted and sighed. "I'm sorry, I'll talk to you about it later okay." He says with a gentle smile, getting up and kissing her temple before leaving the cafeteria.

"Wait, Isaac," she starts with the intent to get up and follow, though she didn't know if she should. She had never seen him act like that before.
Mike sighed, rolling his eyes, "Whatever." he said, as he leaned back to finish his lunch and just focused on his lunch.

Miles looked from Mike to where Isaac left to Hailey. He leaned over "What the hell was that?" he whispered, seeing Mike was in no mood to talk.
Hailey shrugged, looking completely lost. "I don't know. He's never been like that before." she says quietly, She looked to Mike. "Are you okay?" she asks. She knew nothing had happened physically but she still wanted to ask.
Mike rolled his eyes, looking at her, "Can I get up now?" he asked annoyed. He didn't decided to answer her question. Miles looked at Hailey concerned, it was one thing he didn't understand, it was like Isaac and Mike had a fight themselves.
She narrowed her eyes a little. "As long as you aren't going to go fight with that guy or any guy here." she says, slightly annoyed by his tone. She looked back to Miles and shrugged. "I'll find out more from Isaac later." she adds a little gentler this time, though she found herself much more annoyed than she had been earlier.
Mike sighed annoyed, getting his stuff before he got up and walked away. He left teh lunch room without really caring how annoyed he seemed. Miles sighed, "I really hope it's a good one."
"A good one?" Hailey asks, looking to Miles after watching Mike leave. "You mean his reason? Yeah, it had better be." She agrees. If she wasn't so worried about Isaac she knew she would be furious with him.
Miles sighed, "What do you think we should do about Mike? I honestly have no idea what was up with him either. It was like they were comparing our something?"
Hailey nodded a little. "Yeah, it sort of did didn't it? I mean come on, he's been here a day and a half. I don't know what it is Isaac was so mad about or why Mike is so upset. It wasn't that bad was it? Is there like some underlying message that only guys understand?" she asks. She sighed a little and then gave him a small smile. "Our last class is going to be fun with the group project." She says. "Perhaps between now and then we can figure it out, yeah? Try and fix it?"
Miles smiled, "You take care of Isaac, I will work on Mike." He nodded, placing his knuckled out for her to bump. "The peacemakers are on duty." He joked.
Hailey laughed and bumped his fist. "We sure are." she says with a grin. She started to pack up her things, saving the second sandwich for before the tournament. "I'm going to go try to talk to Isaac now, maybe I'll even get him to aplogize, that would help with your side of things I think." she adds with a smile. "Good luck." she say as she started to leave the cafeteria. She already knew where Isaac would be, so finding him was not a difficult task.
Miles nodded as he started to get his things together and figure out what he could do about Mike. He sighed as he started out to see if he could find Mike and see what he could do right now about it.
"Isaac?" Hailey calls out gently as she reached the auditorium. She looked around and then finally saw him sitting against the stage with his lap top. He looked up when she came in and gave her a gentle smile.

"Hey." he says.

"Hey." she responds as she sat beside him. He was editing a few of the photos he had taken and making a few others seem a little more artistic.

"I'm sorry about lunch." he says quietly.

"I'm not the one who you should be apologizing to Izzy. What got into you?" She asks. She could see his jaw muscles working and knew he was clenching his jaw. Finally he sighed.

"You're going to think I am just petty if I tell you."

"No I won't. Besides, you said you would tell me." she insists, glad when it got a small smile out of him.
Miles found Mike outside the gym,he wasn't sure what to think about that as Mike seem to be just leaning against the walk, "hey." Miles stated, as he approached,

"What is it?" Mike sighed as he looked at him.

"Well, what was that? I mean, the minute they got there you were upset." Miles asked standing in front of him.

Mike sighed, shrugging, "It was annoying."

"What was?"

Mike groaned and stood up as he started to pace, "how are they friends one minute and a thing the next, that is what is annoying. I don't care either way, but it was like it just came out of no where."
Isaac sighed a little and tilted his head back. "I was jealous okay?" He says quietly.

"Really Iz? You have got to be kidding me! We're not even dating. We're friends. Best friends, why on earth were you jealous? Because he brought me food? That is ridiculous." She says and then stops when she saw his look.

"I didn't want to end it last time Hailey." He says quietly and much more serious than she expected.


"I didn't want us to break up. It hurt me that you did." He let out a humorless laugh and looked up. "I hated that you were going to make me wait too. I didn't want to lose you, I didn't want us to stop like we always did. I wanted it to go further." He admits quietly. Hailey sighed a little and then shrugged.

"I don't know what to tell you Isaac. You should have told me that earlier. And you have nothing to be jealous of. But you should apologize to Mike at least." She says gently.

"Now you're just pushing it." He says and Hailey couldn't help smiling.

"Just do it. We all have to work together remeber?" She says. Isaac sighed but then finally nodded a little, causing Hailey to smile which made him smile.

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