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Fantasy The Tired Tavern Chatroom

Lmao poor Bura she cleaned up already only to have Janet repeat what she just said and be told to clean some more.
Oh boy, is my schedule fucked up. Jet lag's a bitch. In an effort to normalize it, I'm going to hit the hay since it's late enough justifying trying to sleep. Hopefully get caught up. This whole traveling thing is rough. Night, all!
"SIghs with some level of depression" I don't know if it's the Estradiol I'm taking or if League really is just a depressing game to play, but I went from winning hard to losing harder. It's sorta maddening how I went from Mid Gold 3 to bottom Gold 4 in 3 days. Like Grrr. Games should be fun and relaxing not stressful AF.

I once went on a loss streak that got me from mid-high master to d5 0 lp. So yes, it is a piece of shit game.
I found a drawing straws website which could work to decide who is roomies. We have 10 people right? We can put 3 in each room. Maybe 1 with 4 people Sound good to everyone? I'd assume Vivian would sleep with other npcs or so
Room 1:
Bura Senor_Fluffy Senor_Fluffy
Bita MJ ._. MJ ._.
Aron Quados Quados

Room 2:
Ocarina Spoiled Bread Spoiled Bread
Aria Critical.Over Critical.Over
Tanya BlossomingRosebud BlossomingRosebud
Kannah AshenLily AshenLily

Room 3:
Dante TheLoyalAcorn TheLoyalAcorn
Kyros The_Omega_Effect The_Omega_Effect
Bridget explosiveKitten explosiveKitten

Alright here is the results of the stick draw! These are the people your character has been in rather close contact with for the past week and will be rooming with for the duration of our voyage. Play nice ;)
Wouldn't it be more reasonable to put boys in the same cabin?
I mean all of our characters are grown so they should be mature enough but if people want to move rooms they always can.
Janet is grown and mature but is dangerous to everyone, specially good looking guys. That's why she has a private cabin.
In regards to boys and girls being in the same room I believe it's only risky if there is instigation of sex stuff. Which I dont know your age, nor your experiences but we are all mature people here. Remember RPN RULES APPLY. I know Janet has her eyes on 3 (4 people if you include Mr Grumpy Face) people in the company who she has desires for. She is always super flirty, but if I were to actually want her to move forward into other stuff I'd ask first. That should go for anyone here.

Now again miss Heart, why you hating on Janet's dress? I couldnt find any good fantasy stuff that didnt look too formal or paganish. I thought you all liked detail. "Sobs."

The_Omega_Effect The_Omega_Effect I know joining in can be hard when people have already started, you shouldn't feel pressured to do high quality vacay posts every 2 seconds.

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