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Fantasy The Shining Light of Tomorrow(Magical Knight RP)

"This one wonders where everyone is. Bryn, can you tell this one what time it is?"

The spirit bear cuffed.

"Eh?! This one missed the speech and opening ceremony along with not getting any students?! This one was sure she set the clock...Nila, that mischievous fox. She messed with this one's clock to let me sleep in and made her miss getting students!"

Alya said while clenching her right into a fist.
[QUOTE="Kalin Scarlet]"Hey! Stop thinking that way! You're pur friend, and that means you're strong. Stronger than you've ever been. If there's something you need, and you can't achieve it alone, look to those around you for the power to make your dreams reality...at least, that's what my mom said..." Kalin said, looking at Riku.
"So, what do you want to accomplish?"

Riku had seen the battle going on around her but Sebastian's words hadn't made an impact she couldn't run instead she stayed with Kalin and as he charged she felt the full force of his strike.

Riku looked up at Kalin wide-eyed, she flinched at the mention of parents during that but that was another matter "I want to be able to help and not just be helped... That and make up for what my parents did" she looked around at both Telia and him "you see...I remembered, what happened before I lost my memory's the first time, I'll explain later... Now isn't the time" she looked slightly terrified saying these words "what I want?...is to be able to help one person...just one and if I put a smile on that persons face...heck, even if that persons me...I want to be able to do so, I don't want to be nobody any-more! And I want to be able to fill this empty feeling within my heart, my soul... The thing that calls for more than friendship and I've already made friends with you all and gotten closer to my dreams but I want to be able to make an impact... On everyone!" She paused smiling at them "together..."

Her shard started glowing a warm rose colour at these words...

Sebastian looked at his sister and raised his ax that he had claimed moments ago, "Not at all, but let's cut some clones in half. I got dark Saphira you have Dark Sebastian. Cmon Arthur, I'm getting hungry for blood..." The twins voices had started to change, getting deeper and more of a low growl and roar than gentle speech. The combat was slowly changing them into war monsters. Ash skin like the burning buildings around them, snow white hair like empty smoke and deep magma eyes that glowed. The bloodlust pushed against Arthur's mind, the need to kill and be hurt.

@Newtype @Kalin Scarlet @yumiyukifan1
TheHappyPikachu said:
Riku had seen the battle going on around her but Sebastian's words hadn't made an impact she couldn't run instead she stayed with Kalin and as he charged she felt the full force of his strike.
Riku looked up at Kalin wide-eyed, she flinched at the mention of parents during that but that was another matter "I want to be able to help and not just be helped... That and make up for what my parents did" she looked around at both Telia and him "you see...I remembered, what happened before I lost my memory's the first time, I'll explain later... Now isn't the time" she looked slightly terrified saying these words "what I want?...is to be able to help one person...just one and if I put a smile on that persons face...heck, even if that persons me...I want to be able to do so, I don't want to be nobody any-more! And I want to be able to fill this empty feeling within my heart, my soul... The thing that calls for more than friendship and I've already made friends with you all and gotten closer to my dreams but I want to be able to make an impact... On everyone!" She paused smiling at them "together..."

Her shard started glowing a warm rose colour at these words...

"Tell you what. When we beat these guys, I'll help you get stronger, and we'll make you dream a reality!" He said, pushing back against his copy. Before releasing another burst of fire, which it canceled out with its own. "Take this!" He said, before creating a sphere of fire around the clone. "Arthur! Take him out!"






Sebastian fought furiously against his twin's clone, his ax hammer coming down against a shield that rung out clear sounds, close to a bell or a gong being bashed. His eyes were a glow and the boys mouth stuck in a twisted grin as his ax was parried again and again. A thick kick hit her shield and sent the dark clone backwards, only to have her come back even more furious. The shield bashed Sebastian across the face and he was met with and hardy stomach blow, causing him to slide in the dirt. "I'm getting tired of this!" The white haired boy's voice boomed amongst the commotion like a god speaking from the clouds, the gem around his neck ignited into a burning fire as Sebastian rose his ax "Stage one of the seventh sin, Earth release!" The words echoed to Saphira whom fought beside him as his massive hammer caved into the ground, launching a wave of earth towards the dark clone, sending her astray into the air.

@Newtype @Kalin Scarlet @yumiyukifan1 @TheHappyPikachu
Saphira hearing her brother growls and faces her twins clone as he pounds her shield. She growls deeply smiling evilly at the clone. she raises her energy infused shield up blocking the ax/hammer and swings her energy infused sword around to hit the clone. " second stage of seven sin, energy overdrive." The clone blocks the hit but shoved backward.
Arthur barely felt Sebastian pushing as he got the hang of this. He was well able to handle the wills and minds of his subordinates. Arthur worked Upgrading Allegiance making it so in exchange for their loyalty he could empower them. Sebastian's equivalent in all this would sort of like feeding your mad attack dog. Arthur saw Kalin had pushed back his clone and quickly transformed into Kalin. He then switched out with him facing Dark Kalin. Dark Kalin came at him expecting the abilities Kain normally has but Arthur capitalized on his element of surprised. "Absolute Light!" Arthur yelled and for a moment it would seem the sun made itself present on Earth, just the upexpected distraction Arthur needed to cleave Dark Kalin's head off. Arthur then went and sought a spot to command from.

In his mind he pictured a chess board and everyone was spread amongst it. He saw the twins battling the dark twins. Arthur said to them telepathically "I want you two to go for a big collaboration attack, I can empower you guys proportional to the amount of loyalty you have for me. The best results from this attack requires your complete loyalty. You don't have to tell me, I'll feel it." Arthur then followed through on his words.
"Well, this just got interesting." Arizona said as she sat criss crossed on the floor. "He seems like he would be a good ally to have." Remarked Arizona in response to the boy's empowerment ability. "I want to see how this ends up." She murmured.
Wings said:
"Well, this just got interesting." Arizona said as she sat criss crossed on the floor. "He seems like he would be a good ally to have." Remarked Arizona in response to the boy's empowerment ability. "I want to see how this ends up." She murmured.
"What's your name, again?" Tsumi asked the sitting girl as he placed a hand on his blade, prepared to transform and end the exercise.
The twins minds were clouded, lost and their sweat had began to steam off of them, Sebastian hopped back to join his sister as their gems tried to cling together again. They stood shoulder to shoulder, clones on originals, both were unable to succeed one another. The twins growled deeply and nodded to eachother as Arthur's voice echoed in their minds, however the flux of loyalty could be felt, the minds of the siblings were slipping away the longer they were in combat and it was now noticeable. The two spoke in tune "Stage three, supernatural nova!" An onslaught of attacks followed, Sebastian seemed faster than ever, swinging his ax so quickly like it was a sword instead of the massive object it was, Dark Saphira blocked but was getting pushed back, Dark Sebastian was also being pushed back as Saphira parried each strike, coming inches with her sword to stabbing the clone.

The thoughts inside their heads were jumbled with striking patterns, combat strategy, even measuring their own strength. Sebastian and Saphira were at an apex of combat, no longer just enraged but terribly focused on bloodlust and as they announced their stages a greater flux of thoughts could be felt as if they were syncing.

(Night @Newtype @Aura Of Twilight @Kalin Scarlet
[QUOTE="Kalin Scarlet]"What's your name, again?" Tsumi asked the sitting girl as he placed a hand on his blade, prepared to transform and end the exercise.

"Arizona." She replied not taking her eyes off of the exercise. "Unless it was forbidden, I don't see why they just didn't switch clones. I mean the training would have gone smoother right?"
Gil decided to answer this time. "Clones expect the same of their enemies. Arthur's strategy is to masquerade as someone and switch with them to kill their clone then move on. But its seemingly slow and I believe 5 minutes are up. Though I have seen Arthur's skills at leading with his Subordination Manipulation and also Arthur's affinity for light. It runs in the family to wield Esoteric Light. I wonder if its time for Arthur to learn how to do that himself. Sorry got off track there, so I guess I end the exercise right now." Gil snapped his fingers cutting the feed to clones which turned them into faceless dummies but they continued to fight. "It'll be a minute before their emergency power runs out we should go down there and restrain the dummies till then."

@Kalin Scarlet @Wings
Newtype said:
Gil decided to answer this time. "Clones expect the same of their enemies. Arthur's strategy is to masquerade as someone and switch with them to kill their clone then move on. But its seemingly slow and I believe 5 minutes are up. Though I have seen Arthur's skills at leading with his Subordination Manipulation and also Arthur's affinity for light. It runs in the family to wield Esoteric Light. I wonder if its time for Arthur to learn how to do that himself. Sorry got off track there, so I guess I end the exercise right now." Gil snapped his fingers cutting the feed to clones which turned them into faceless dummies but they continued to fight. "It'll be a minute before their emergency power runs out we should go down there and restrain the dummies till then."
@Kalin Scarlet @Wings
"After you." Tsumi said, motioning for Gil to head out first. He turned towards the girl. "Feel free to keep watching." he said as he leapt down behind his fellow knight.

Gil drew number 26 and leapt into the center of the leveled village. He swung he blew threw the dummies only needing to slash each one once to paralyze them in their depowered state. He then drew number 77 as well. In about 30 seconds half the depowered dummies were brought down.
Auri blinked. "Dummies?" She whispered, seeing the clones for what they really were. "This is..." She pulled her hands back. dodging the attacks of a few of them. They were a lot slower now, she realized. Had they been powered by magic all along?

Before she could attack, both Gil and Tsumi appeared, taking half of them out in seconds. They stood cool, confident. And looked a bit disappointed as well?

Auri felt a rare surge of anger go through her. They almost died. All of them were sporting wounds, and the twins looked like they were losing control as well, their hair turning white as snow. The whole thing was an exercise, even the dead bodies in the village. The monsters too..."You..." She stepped towards the two. "Why did you..." Spent, she suddenly stopped as the world started to spin.

@Newtype @Kalin Scarlet
Newtype said:
Gil drew number 26 and leapt into the center of the leveled village. He swung he blew threw the dummies only needing to slash each one once to paralyze them in their depowered state. He then drew number 77 as well. In about 30 seconds half the depowered dummies were brought down.
Tsumi leapt at the nearest dummy, bringing it to its knees with a kick, and a jab to the neck. The next two were defeated with a slash across their torsos, Tsumi's blade reaching them before they could react. Then he saw the girl collapsing. "Someone help her out. She's fatigued." With that, he dashed back in, and finished disabling the remaining dummies.
Gil kicked one of the things that looked like dead bodies which were plastic skeletons poorly stuffed with entrails of chiropterthropes but he hoped his stuff job was atleast good enough for no one to actually know these aren't dead people.

Arthur caught Auri as he saw her falling. Someone yelled she must be fatigued or as Arthur thought may have been in shock from all this.
"Thank you..." Auri murmured, feeling somewhat dizzy as Arthur held her. She hadn't expected that those light attacks would take so much out of her. Nor had she expected the whole exercise to be a fluke. It seemed so cruel for them to have done this to rookies, with little to no training under their belts. Auri had anticipated that the academy would be tough, but this? She felt...like it was almost heartless. All sorts of thoughts ran through her head. Despite her weakened state, her hands shook in anger, more frustrated than anything that she had fallen for it. Frustrated that her fellow knights in training had to go through this.

But getting attacked by those puppets...it had all seemed so real. Just like...

The wound on the back of her head started to throb, her adrenaline running out.
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[QUOTE="Aura Of Twilight]"Thank you..." Auri murmured, feeling somewhat dizzy as Arthur held her. She hadn't expected that those light attacks would take so much out of her. Nor had she expected the whole exercise to be a fluke. It seemed so cruel for them to have done this to rookies, with little to no training under their belts. Auri had anticipated that the academy would be tough, but this? She felt...like it was almost heartless. All sorts of thoughts ran through her head. Despite her weakened state, her hands shook in anger, more frustrated than anything that she had fallen for it. Frustrated that her fellow knights in training had to go through this.
But getting attacked by those puppets...it had all seemed so real. Just like...

The wound on the back of her head started to throb, her adrenaline running out.

"Are you hurt?" Kalin asked, jogging over to Auri, with Riku on his shoulder, still. His armor had dissipated, leaving him in his usual clothing. "I can heal, if you need the help. I'm Kalin."
[QUOTE="Kalin Scarlet]"Are you hurt?" Kalin asked, jogging over to Auri, with Riku on his shoulder, still. His armor had dissipated, leaving him in his usual clothing. "I can heal, if you need the help. I'm Kalin."

"That would be most appreciated..." Auri said, forcing a smile to her face despite her inner turmoil. "It's nice to finally get to talk to you face to face, Kalin. A pleasure. My name's Auri." She winced, her head pounding now. "I'm not sure if I have a concussion or just a nasty cut..." She gave a small laugh. "You would think I'd know, considering how often I got myself injured as a child."
Riku looked down at the girl Kalin had saved "and...errr, I'm Riku!.. I'm not normally a cat..." she said awkwardly with a cheerful smile on her face, she liked being on Kalin's shoulder, it was a strangely comfortable position, even so seeing this battle go on and not being able to help... it hurt her "...I'm so useless.." she mumbled so that Kalin wouldn't get concerned about her again. "you really don't look too good..." she said with concern towards the girl, which only enforced her earlier feeling of not being needed. @Newtype

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