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Fantasy The Shining Light of Tomorrow(Magical Knight RP)

The twins growled uneasily as the battle was ended, walking over to the rest of the group. They were still fiend like and had advanced further into it as their sweat steamed from ash skin and their eyes were now a deep orange with red flecks and they had fangs that poked out from under their lips "That was disappointing, we didn't finish our stages.." Said Sebastian actually sounding a bit sad, he set the handle of his ax on the ground and yawned as Saphira set the shield snd sword she had on her back once more saying "I think I'm more angry about the fact it took so long to enter." The gem shards pulsed with a red glow mimicking the heartbeat of the siblings. "Either way it's over now and we aren't done with our stages, when we are in free time we have to finish."

@Newtype @Kalin Scarlet @yumiyukifan1 @Plushie @Aura Of Twilight
(Renki Perspective)

Renki walked over to where the twins were heading, throughout the battle he had stayed at the sidelines fighting off the smaller creatures as to him at least, it seemed that he wasn't accepted by any of the groups just yet and would just end up causing trouble... as he approached he saw two cat's instead of just his own one "What?! did they clone night!" he called out half confused before noticing the bell on one of their necks "Riku?..." all this just made him even more confused before something happened that he deeply regretted... a puddle, he fell face first into it after tripping... "Why are there so many damn puddles everywhere?!" he called out as the light once again flashed from him before his figure changed into that of a girl "great, and I'd just dried up after all that fighting to take my mind off it too..." she called out shaking her hands in front of her trying to get at least some of the wetness off. @Newtype @yumiyukifan1 @Plushie
Saphira turned to see Renki changed and walled over, in tow came Sebastian. The two uttered a small growl as they helped up the now girl named Renki. Their skin was warm to the touch and they gave off the scent of burning cedar wood. The siblings brought Renki over to the group around Auri, hanging back as to not get involved to much, seeing as they weren't necessarily in their right minds just yet. Saphira and Sebastian stood speaking to eachother from where they were, talking about battle strategy and strength limits, a bit slipped by of stages and how man there was... seven and then something special happened in the seventh stage.

@Newtype @Aura Of Twilight @Kalin Scarlet @yumiyukifan1

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(Renki Perspective)

Renki thanked the twins as she walked over to the area where everyone was now gathered around a girl being held in the boy, Kalin? I think it was, arms. Night jumped up onto my shoulder as I moved in closer "What happened?" she asked politely, sounding much kinder with her female voice, after saying these words she moved off to the back of the group not wanting to disturb anyone, glancing back at Riku every now and then questioning why she was now a cat "well.. it's probably best for me to stand back here, out of everyone's way... after all it's not like I could be accepted by anyone" she laughed lightly to herself, "heck I don't even know what gender I am how could I expect anyone too..." she said quiet enough so as not to cause a commotion, but easily heard at the same time... and for the first time the normally cheery Renki's face since she got here, frowned. @Newtype
The siblings glanced over at Renki and sighed, the snow white hair they had slowly returned red and their skin was slowly returning to normal. "Easy on yourself, thinking negatively about yourself will make what you say trye." Said Saphira. "Everyone is useful, everyone is accepted, one way or another. If there us a place for us... then there is a place for you." Added Sebastian, both siblings then smiled at Renki, exposing their fangs but it wasn't meant to alarm anyone, it was a harmless and friendly smile.

zeroknight said:
The siblings glanced over at Renki and sighed, the snow white hair they had slowly returned red and their skin was slowly returning to normal. "Easy on yourself, thinking negatively about yourself will make what you say trye." Said Saphira. "Everyone is useful, everyone is accepted, one way or another. If there us a place for us... then there is a place for you." Added Sebastian, both siblings then smiled at Renki, exposing their fangs but it wasn't meant to alarm anyone, it was a harmless and friendly smile.
(Renki Perspective)

"Thanks..." she said dully giving them a sorrow-filled smile "I understand what your saying... and I believe it..." she sighed "it's just this curse is a bit hard to get my head around.." she rubbed the back of her head trying to reassure them in her words, though in reality she wasn't sure if she belied them herself "I've had it all my life.." she looked down "well never mind that!" trying to sound cheerful once more in a pathetic attempt, before wandering off to the sidelines a bit more a tear discreetly fell down her face while her back was turned, unnoticeable to anyone "damn, girl emotions... huh, it's so much harder to keep the pain locked away inside... when I'm in this form, maybe that's why i spend so much time as a boy lately..." her voice was directed towards no one but herself now being away from the main area. @zeroknight @Lunaire
Arthur said "Your welcome." He then looked at the back of her head and said "I think it may be both a concussion and nasty cut. The force of the blow could've penetrared deeply and cracked your skull. This should be healed and then follow by a good night's rest."
The siblings actually trailed behind Renki, like armored guards and continued speaking, Sebastian reached out and gripped her shoulder, spinning the girl about to face him. Hard, ember eyes stared into hers and he laughed, go no apparent reason "Quit walking away, start facing what you have. If you haven't noticed we all seem to have a curse. Ours is anger, hatred and strength, yours may not be understood but it is known and we take care of the confused." Saphira added more to Sebastian's speech "Even if we hate everyone here, and we are angry all the time, we still look out for them and we still care for them. In that is you as well, so come back with us and we can sit about a fire and talk okay?"

zeroknight said:
The siblings actually trailed behind Renki, like armored guards and continued speaking, Sebastian reached out and gripped her shoulder, spinning the girl about to face him. Hard, ember eyes stared into hers and he laughed, go no apparent reason "Quit walking away, start facing what you have. If you haven't noticed we all seem to have a curse. Ours is anger, hatred and strength, yours may not be understood but it is known and we take care of the confused." Saphira added more to Sebastian's speech "Even if we hate everyone here, and we are angry all the time, we still look out for them and we still care for them. In that is you as well, so come back with us and we can sit about a fire and talk okay?"
(Renki Perspective)

Just before the twins started speaking she quickly wiped away the trail from the tear and looked up at them "ok..." she replied bluntly, she really needed to find some hot water... and fast she wasn't sure how long she could keep her feelings locked up inside in this form before they all poured out, as she thought this she clenched her robe over her heart tightly breathing deeply as to not let anything out... she had to be strong "thank you.. again" she said hesitation in her voice, she now could literally feel the tension building up as she struggled to keep it all in, her facial expression probably told the twins something was wrong... but at this point she couldn't help it. @zeroknight @Lunaire
Sebastian gave a large bear huh to Renki, almost squeezing life from her before Saphira told him to put her down. "Sorry, Sebby is big brute but it's the best you'll get in the form of caring affection from him.." she said, clapping him on the shoulder. They finally were fully back to normal, with pale scarred skin, fiery hair, and ember eyes.

(Renki perspective)

After Renki was dropped back on the ground she looked up at them, trying to force a smile but it failed horrible "it's...ok.." she managed to squeeze out before frantically running away, Why couldn't she hold back her emotions dammit! she could normally do it just fine, or at least not this bad in girl form "Dammit!" she shouted tears almost escaping from her eye's in frustration. @zeroknight @Lunaire
yumiyukifan1 said:
(Hm.. xD I'm not sure what to post here...)
((Well I'm still a cat and your apparently around me somewhere next to all the others, were as Renki (my new one) is running off from Sebastian and Saphira.)) @yumiyukifan1
Sebastian and Saphira stomped their feet into the ground as Renki's feet were caught in earth like shackles. They were like predators and apparently running from them just pissed them off, being shown by the glowing gems on their necks and ember eyes going from soft and caring to fierce.

(Renki Perspective)

Renki felt her feet caught and knew there was no point in running from these two, she defiantly didn't want to make an enemy of them...but just how long would she be able to last in this condition "I...I just don't know!" she started breathing in short burst's trying to force back tears... "I..can't let my emotions get the better of me!" she shouted as if trying to release the tension by force un-succesfully "I..wanna let it all out...but I can't..." she looked down facing away from the twins still "I don't even know who I am anymore?!" she clenched her fists tightly "when..when I'm fighting I can forget about it all...everything but...the moment I stop reality comes rushing back at my face, and no matter how hard I try...I can't accept myself even if others can!". @zeroknight @Lunaire
Sebastian moved his hands and shackles wrapped around her arms keeping her facing the dirt as he approached, Saphira stood back watching as her sibling did his work "Then you're gonna learn to stick with ones like us. Combat crazed war machines and learn to forget caring." Columns rose into the mid section of Renki, adding tension to her bound limbs "You are afraid to see who you really are and by the seventh sin, I'll show you through pain or caring. Your choice.." Sebastian was deadly serious and Saphira started to get concerned, worried about the safety of Renki, however she waited to make sure it'd advance no further before she stepped in to stop her brother from hurting Renki any further.

zeroknight said:
Sebastian moved his hands and shackles wrapped around her arms keeping her facing the dirt as he approached, Saphira stood back watching as her sibling did his work "Then you're gonna learn to stick with ones like us. Combat crazed war machines and learn to forget caring." Columns rose into the mid section of Renki, adding tension to her bound limbs "You are afraid to see who you really are and by the seventh sin, I'll show you through pain or caring. Your choice.." Sebastian was deadly serious and Saphira started to get concerned, worried about the safety of Renki, however she waited to make sure it'd advance no further before she stepped in to stop her brother from hurting Renki any further.
(Renki Perspective)

Renki stood there unable to move, tension being put on her from both the position and her current emotional state, she could tell he wasn't lying, hearing the tone in his voice made her sure he was dead serious but what was she supposed to do? “The things that stress me out haven't changed ever since I was young. But I don't wanna lose anything I wanna keep my emotions... I have gone through a lot of pain to get here and it is unavoidable that i will go through more to both get stronger and out of pure fate. So I thought that at least I would try to change but it seems I couldn't do that. I'm lucky, in my opinion at least...that I'm afraid of losing something.” she finally let the tears come out after these words... bawling for the first time since what felt like years too her, she cried.." I tried to hide my emotions for so long... fearing them you could almost say, but I never wanna give them up... they're part of who I am even if I don't know who that is just yet..." continuing through sobs she managed to continue "There are going to be times when you learn more about the world you’re entering and feel defeated when you see the gap between the ideal and the reality… But that’s something we’ll all face. The people that face those obstacles and overcome them are people whose dreams come true... and I wanna be one of them!" she was now past the point of hysterical, wether she was sad or happy was hard to tell to anyone watching, tears pouring from her face not knowing the exact situation around her anymore... @zeroknight @Lunaire
Sebastian stepped forward and kneeled down beside her lifting her face to meet his gaze "You will be one of these people, and I personally will help you achieve this. But if you doubt yourself one time, you will fail and I won't lift you up afterwards. No doubt, no fear, no worry!" Sebastian released the shackles of the girl and lowered the columns "Go on, get up... I won't hurt you. I am now looking after you."

(Renki Perspective)

Renki fell to the ground after being released, stood up slowly,her face lifted to meet Sebastian's, arm covering her now swollen with tear eyes... "I cannot promise to you... that there will never be a time where there is a doubt in my mind... but if there is I will crush it with my own strength, and prove it wrong...and though I have fears I will conquer them...thank you" her words barely understandable with the rushed breathing and tears interrupting so much, she decided that if she was going to cry... she might as well do it now "I'll explain things about my situation to you and your sister a bit later when I stop crying so much..." she spoke gently with her female voice sounding weak compared to her, male rash one. Renki wiped her eyes dry and tried smiling once again looking around at both of them, although it wasn't her best it was still a smile.. a sign that she would do her best... a moment pasted before she spoke up again "do you happen to have any hot water by the way?" a blank smiling expression on her face. @zeroknight @Lunaire
"Well..." Sebastian wiped his brow and then flung his steaming sweat at Renki wondering it'd work "I had se hot sweat after our little transformation... I don't know if that works though..."

(Renki Perspective)

Renki deflected the sweat before it hit her, not disgusted just more weirded out by his strange reaction to tell the truth "no..." she responded almost laughing but still in a dull tone "whatever, it might be better to explain like this anyway, after all it's easier to express myself in this form..." smiling she looked up at both of them her usual bright gleam returning to her face along with a sigh at the recent events. @zeroknight @Lunaire
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Sebastian lifted the girl onto his black armored shoulder pouldren to where she sat on it like a child being displayed by his father then walked back to Saphira "Well your stuck with us now Renki, till forever dies it seems..." Saphira said in a happy tone " Sebastian offered a sad sigh "Yeah unfortunately.."

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(Renki's Perspective)

((One thing first, you spelt my name above as Riku not Renki... xD ))

Renki was picked up onto Sebastian's shoulder un-expectantly, before meeting up with the sister again "I guess I am..." She smiled slightly embarrassed to be up here, she was the same age as him after all... "Umm... One last question before we continue...why is Riku, a cat?" She asked totally and utterly confused...

@zeroknight @Lunaire
"Neko people revert to primal transformations under extreme emotions. For example a neko cat can transform into a human upon arousal, love, anger, or fear and vice versa. Given we read this in a book, Sebastian and I are not very sure how true it is." Saphira spoke softly now, and it was becoming apparent she was more open about information than Sebastian as he only gave a simple nod in agreement, the twins were massive for their age as well, standing nearly 5'9 enough to look over the massive shield Saphira wielded.


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