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Dice The Runic Society -OOC

At the moment, I have three Artifacts on my sheet that I'd like to have. First is the Daiklave Shining Ice Mirror from the Book, second is a Belt of Shadow Walking (also from the 3e book), and the last is an Infinite Resplendence Amulet from Dreams of the First Age, made of Moonsilver and Starmetal.
Thinking about connecting backstories, I had an idea for one.
As my character's exaltation was very very public, she needed to go underground to avoid the Wyld Hunt.
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I'm too tired to finish up tonight, but I'm thinking of reusing an old character who, like most of my characters, never really got to live as large as she deserved. The BG here is written for a Zenith, but I'm thinking of switching to Twilight, those artifact and manse books sound interesting ;)

Mnemon Taminoko, Twilight Caste

Taminoko was born as yet another proud scion of house Mnemon, her parents were graced by Pasiap and the blood of the Scarlet Empress herself flowed in her veins. As any other proud scion of house Mnemon, she was surrounded by servants and siblings from the moment of her birth, even if her parents, having done their part, kept their distance. She was a popular baby girl, always eager for the spotlight, and with a natural knack for getting it, but she also suffered from the short attention span that comes with an entire world vying for one's attention. When she was four years old, her eldest brother was exalted by the Earth Dragon and she pouted, too young to understand what had happen, she only registered that she had lost everyone's attention. As she grew, she came to realise that exaltation was a natural and important event in hers and her sibling's lives, and knowing that it would come to her as well let her feign a smile when a few years later her eldest sister exalted.

When Taminoko's own time came and went, she was too shocked to be devastated. How could she not Exalt? How dare the Dragons deny her what they had bestowed on her siblings? Anger filled her soul, and yet she could not show it, for anger at the dragons was not proper, it was not her place to question her betters. She could see the disappointment in her parents' eyes, she could see the scornful smiles in those she had considered her lessers, but whom the Dragons had raised higher than her.

She never accepted that she was inferior to the Dragonblooded. She knew it on an intellectual level, they would outlive her by centuries, outperform her in any contest, they were better in all ways, but in her bones, she could not accept it. She pushed herself harder than any Exalt ever would, seeking every advantage in a world where the cards were stacked against her. And then the unthinkable happened. The Scarlet Empress disappeared. In one stroke, the pillars of Creation trembled and the unassailable power of the Realm and the Dragonblooded seemed uncertain.

Ever seeking a chance to get ahead in the game, Taminoko joined an expedition to the West shortly after. An ancient manse had been discovered and the young mortal was brought along to deal with the local population and ensure that the paperwork was filed correctly, tasks deemed too menial for the Exalted leaders. But when the Manse was opened, a plague spread from it, infecting the workers with madness and mutation. The Dragonblooded leaders deemed that the island should be quarantined and they left it behind to bring word back. Taminoko was left alone with the local friends she had made. Taking the mantle of dynastic responsibility on her, she led an expedition into the depths, seeking to find a cure for the sickness, and glory for herself. But as they descended, the madness took them, splitting them up and forcing them to leave men behind at every step. In the end, only Taminoko and Lu, a leader among the locals, remained. She took hold of the hearthstone and fled him as he succumbed fully to the madness. The hearthstone cured her mind and body, and the ancient Animating Intelligence that inhabited the Manse told her that it could not do the same for the others while it operated at reduced power. However, for security reasons, the greater part of its Essence circuits were cut off. Trembling, but seeing no other option, Taminoko told the Manse to restore full power. There was a moment of triumph before everything started crashing around her. Holding the hearthstone close, the terrified dynast prayed as she never had before. Contact with the gods is not in the purview of mortals, but no mortal could save her friends and servants as the manse collapsed around her, and so she called upon those greater than herself. As she spoke more fervently and passionately than she had in a life of passion and fervour. With each word she spoke, the gods small and great that inhabited the ancient place woke up a little more, and with every word the sun shined brighter from her forehead.

The hardest part of her life as an Exalt was to make the people of the island and the newly awakened gods to stop treating her like an Exalt and, somewhat embarrassingly, to make them stop worshipping her. The people were a superstitious and heretical lot, and they did not quite understand just how badly it would go for her if the Dragonblooded returned to find her worshipped and pictograms of her with the noon day sun shining her forehead painted all across the now mostly safe manse.

She was successful, as the Resplendent Suns generally are when persuading others to do as they wish, and when the expedition returned, she greeted them it in the harbor and they pronounced it safe. She travelled home with them, and received a pleasantly worded recommendation for her efforts, one that eventually landed her a position in the All-Seeing Eye's An-Teng branch.
So, going with the flashy duelist concept, I'm trying to decide where he's from... right now, maybe thinking the Denzik city-ship... A life on the edge of legality, at least, although he's no criminal mastermind.
Generally, though, he's someone who has been at home on the sea, but loves the vitality, vices, and audience of a proper port. I imagine that he thinks he's far more charming than he actually is...

I'm trying to come up with an interesting thrown artifact, which right now is a throwing knife that cuts with all the potential throws that could have been... Anyway, very much in progress.
I am also trying to think of what a heavy thrown weapon might be, and whether it could be anything less massive than, say, Sivir's weapon (League of Legends).

I'll try and get more thoughts on "paper" tomorrow, but any feedback/ideas are most welcome!
Since I get a Background point back for the cost of the Infinite Resplendence Amulet, would there be a problem moving a dot around to start with a Hearthstone? I'm looking at The Memory Stone to go into the sword.
Sorry, I've been caught up in ridiculous finals revisions (one of the wonders of teaching math in China, as an expat), but should be free tomorrow... so 30 hours or so for now, and I'll sit down and get the character written.

I'm iterating an idea for an artifact, which I am thinking of now as a "set" of daggers, some of which the character may not have now (but might recover in play/story, if Red Shadow Claws is willing as the ST). A black ribbon that holds them together (the blades have holes in the hilt), which can only be broken by the attuned person. It reforms when broken, which you have to do to throw one of the knives.
The fluff to go with is a band of impossible/paradoxical fates bound from the Maidens' betrayal of Nox (all of which can just be headcanon, it's just the theme that's stuck in my head).
Evocations are probably going to be "weird" things, like a thrown knife that hits like a heavy weapon (way more force/momentum then it should have) or a knife that hits your Intimacies.... Still working on it.
Should have it up this evening. Crunch is mostly done, I'm just finishing my character's backstory.
Mmm, I'm a lot less certain about what to do with my character than I'd though I'd be, so I'm stalling for a bit. Input on what might be useful to the group would be appreciated :)
Before you say, yes, i need to reformat the sheet. Too late for me tonight so I'll finish this Saturday.

Question to Sherwood: what would you think about Serah meeting Weiss while going underground after the exaltation ? Needs some help from the local criminal elements to leave town to escape the Wyld Hunt.
Before you say, yes, i need to reformat the sheet. Too late for me tonight so I'll finish this Saturday.

Question to Sherwood: what would you think about Serah meeting Weiss while going underground after the exaltation ? Needs some help from the local criminal elements to leave town to escape the Wyld Hunt.
Sure. I can handle that.
Posted my Dawn. I'll give him another check in the morning. I still need to figure out his evocations and write the proper description of the artifact (which I have sarcastically named the Faithful Sisters). I am thinking that unlocking/incorporating each dagger requires an appropriate sacrifice/betrayal.
I'll fill out more of his back story as well, but basically he has betrayed his home (to travel away from it, despite his responsibilities, fulfilling a Journey-focused betrayal) and left his old friends/companions to die when he went after some Lintha pirates (which was his Battle-serving betrayal). The other blades can be discovered later in play, and then he will have to unlock them, and then evocations yet. For now, I'm just representing Journey and Battle as having slightly different base stats, but considering it's 5-dot artifact, it needs substantially more power.

His betrayals have left him alone, in a good place to find the other Solars, and the Runic Society may know more about the other Faithful Sisters, so he has reason to be here and with the Circle. Speaking of, did the characters unite in a Circle before or after meeting up with the Runic Society for this job? I gave him a generic Circle Intimacy for now, but will add one for each other circle-member, I figure out the dynamic between them.
Made the character sheet in a readable format. Also, anyone have any good recommendations for my last three bonus points ?
Midboss Midboss I was trying to figure out to what to suggest and found something a bit confusing.
Assuming that your *s mean that a something is a Caste/Favored ability... If it doesn't, I'd indicate them somehow on your character sheet, and many of my following points are invalid. (Quick reminder that any Caste/Favored Ability with even a single dot gives you an Excellency in that Ability. Otherwise, your first purchased Charm in an Ability gives you the Excellency.)

I think you may have forgotten that Martial Arts is a "free" Favored choice, if you pick Brawl, so you get an Excellency for Martial Arts as well (unless you're just using the Brawl Excellency to cover both, which could work). Even adding MA (since it's free), you only have 9 Abilities *'d (so you'd need one more).

When it comes to Excellencies, you have 10 listed (except, again, for the "free" Martial Arts), but they don't match the 9 from your Abilities page: Dodge is listed on the Abilities page, but you don't have an Excellency for it.
Medicine and Occult are listed as Excellencies, but you have not *'d them (or purchased a Charm that would give you an additional Excellency).
So, essentially, you have 3 Abilities where you should have two.

On to your actual question, though! In terms of efficiency, Caste/Favored Abilities and Merits are the best. Honestly, I've always been a big Backgrounds/Merits person, so most of my character spend significant points there... Cult or Followers could all represent parts of a growing fanbase.
Willpower's never a bad choice, and just costs 2 bp. Another point in Mental Attributes would also be 3, if you feel like she should have more of one of those.
While I know our party will be travelling, will we be mainly staying in one region or traveling all around Creation ? Just thinking if getting a Manse to act as a home is worth it.
A Manse is always useful, but you will be traveling. Not sure yet, how far and wide your adventures will take you. If you guys wanna keep it to one or two Directions, I'm fine with that.

Esbilon Esbilon A Twilight or an Eclipse could prove very valuable. Whichever Ability you choose as Supernal.
Post is up.
Sorry for the delay. My laptop isn't workig and can't get a new computer till next paycheque. So am posting from cellphone.

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