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Fantasy The Rookies- OOC

"4. Public Sexual Conduct is Prohibited."

"8. Heroes may violate laws 1-7 in pursuit of justice. All stolen materials must be replaced."

*Heroes stage a trap for criminals by fucking in public*
"4. Public Sexual Conduct is Prohibited."

"8. Heroes may violate laws 1-7 in pursuit of justice. All stolen materials must be replaced."

*Heroes stage a trap for criminals by fucking in public*
Awe geez. Touche. There are those who regulate heroes ill add to the lore. Plus the media would destroy a hero who did that. And since the hero council is funded by public donations public image is important.
Posted an updated version of my character. Let me know if any changes need to be made :)
Its perfect now. Just remove the PHd's the scientists in this world gain their knowledge in basic education and work with other brilliant minds to hone their skills.
By the way school is nothing like it is here. They dont put you in a room and make you remember things they take you on field trips everyday and prove theories and have students conduct research. Brilliant minds thrive and the not so brilliant ones learn how to solve problems at the very least.
By the way school is nothing like it is here. They dont put you in a room and make you remember things they take you on field trips everyday and prove theories and have students conduct research. Brilliant minds thrive and the not so brilliant ones learn how to solve problems at the very least.
Makes sense. It seems like the city is run more like a military organization than anything else, and practical experience is a must in that kind of scenario since they've basically been at war with monsters for thousands of years. I've also removed the Ph.D's and changed it so she graduated from the Heroes' Academy instead of university (with the focus on research and development supporting heroes rather than as a field agent). If I understand the lore correctly, all people in the Heroes' Organization graduate from there, right? Not just the heroes?
Makes sense. It seems like the city is run more like a military organization than anything else, and practical experience is a must in that kind of scenario since they've basically been at war with monsters for thousands of years. I've also removed the Ph.D's and changed it so she graduated from the Heroes' Academy instead of university (with the focus on research and development supporting heroes rather than as a field agent). If I understand the lore correctly, all people in the Heroes' Organization graduate from there, right? Not just the heroes?
That is correct. Though they have the same ranking system. Just different expectations. She could be a Brass rank And not need supervision for field missions if she graduated hero academy. Ill be posting the Platinum head of research Shortly.
That is correct. Though they have the same ranking system. Just different expectations. She could be a Brass rank And not need supervision for field missions if she graduated hero academy. Ill be posting the Platinum head of research Shortly.
Got it, although I think I'll keep her as pre-Brass for now as a hero. As a researcher she probably used to have a higher rank, and still executes that role in a similar way. I actually like the idea of forcing her to be chaperoned every time she leaves. It helps her have a reason to be with other characters, and also reinforces the idea that she is always a potential threat.
Got it, although I think I'll keep her as pre-Brass for now as a hero. As a researcher she probably used to have a higher rank, and still executes that role in a similar way. I actually like the idea of forcing her to be chaperoned every time she leaves. It helps her have a reason to be with other characters, and also reinforces the idea that she is always a potential threat.
Fair enough.
Got it, although I think I'll keep her as pre-Brass for now as a hero. As a researcher she probably used to have a higher rank, and still executes that role in a similar way. I actually like the idea of forcing her to be chaperoned every time she leaves. It helps her have a reason to be with other characters, and also reinforces the idea that she is always a potential threat.
Actually if you drop your chaperone level to silver you can interact easier with another persons character. :)
If any of you guys want some sort of pre-existing relationship with Alana, let me know! I'm happy to have friendships (or drama)
Im ok with it what did you have in mind?
You’d just let me know what you think your character’s relationship with her would be and we’ll work it out. Or his impression or knowledge of her or whatever. She’s pretty mild mannered and avoids contact outside work. She stays shut in the Heroes Headquarters, and her reputation as a time-bomb probably preceded her; most of the older heroes probably recommend treating her excessively delicately so she doesn’t blow up the base
You’d just let me know what you think your character’s relationship with her would be and we’ll work it out. Or his impression or knowledge of her or whatever. She’s pretty mild mannered and avoids contact outside work. She stays shut in the Heroes Headquarters, and her reputation as a time-bomb probably preceded her; most of the older heroes probably recommend treating her excessively delicately so she doesn’t blow up the base
Perhaps not my rookie but im working on the #3 gold hero. Perhaps he can be her chaperone and build off of that?
There well technically there are two. But one of the rookies is in the research division so she will have her own storyline. I have one rookie and one non. For now Only brass, copper, and silver ranks are available. Myself and my Co-Gm D duegxybus are the only exceptions.

You can make up to 2 characters for now so why not go with one of each?
There well technically there are two. But one of the rookies is in the research division so she will have her own storyline. I have one rookie and one non. For now Only brass, copper, and silver ranks are available. Myself and my Co-Gm D duegxybus are the only exceptions.

You can make up to 2 characters for now so why not go with one of each?

Oh wait, does that mean I can have Victor be a rank higher than Brass at the start? I'd like to have him at least a rank up from brass for the sake of his character.

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