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Fantasy The Rookies CS



The Thundering Mustelid
*Read Lore First!*




Appearance: Image or description.​

  • Height:
  • Weight:

Mentality: (No heavy mental disorders please. And try to have originality. Not everyone is perfectly good, and not everyone is 100% evil.)

Backstory: (All characters must have spent the past 5 years in the hero academy. Our story begins with our heroes graduation so if you are one of main cast this is a must.)

Resources: Basically, money and the likes.

Equipment/Weaponry: Anything they use to fight that isn't their power. Guns do not exist neither do missiles. Common bombs yes, but bladed weapons, blunt weapons, and piercing weapons are used for monsters. They are entirely optional however, but keep in mind monsters are made from the same thing that gives us powers so you may want a backup...)

*This RP allows a maximum of up to 3-4 different superpowers. Power sets are good, but try to keep your powers themed. Don't try to have everything under the sun. No Mystical powers, no magical powers. If you cannot explain your ability with science it is not acceptable. Feel free to hit me up in OOC if you need help. Keep in mind your power may be claimed already by an NPC. I will pm you in that case.

Tier: Brass, Copper, Silver, Gold, Platinum - This is ultimately decided by the Gm & Co-Gm. The main cast will all be starting at brass.


  • Subpowers, usage, and description.​


  • Subpowers, usage, and description.​


  • Subpower, usage, and description.​

  • Subpower, usage, and description.​

Catalysts: Anything that enhances the use of power at peak performance, or allows the user to go slightly beyond their maximum capabilities.

Weakness: Each power needs a weakness. Weaknesses are not limited - weaknesses are things that can hinder your character's superpowers. Please include REAL weaknesses. "Gets too angry" is not a real weakness, unless getting angry causes your character to bleed profusely. Power comes at a cost. The higher the power the stronger the weakness.

Skills: Skills are things that your character can do WITHOUT their superpowers. Things like martial arts, firearm usage, cooking, or even having a lot of knowledge about powers all go under skills.

STATISTICS (Characters begin with 25 points.10 is the current max per category. Certain things in story will allow you to increase these stats including natural growth, power augmentation, training, etc.)
The overall damage an ability is capable of doing. For powers that allow manipulation of mass greater than 250 kg, include maximum weight.

Speed: Movement speed, reaction times, and acceleration.

Defense: Total defensive properties of ability. Include how much force/energy/damage the character can withstand.

Versatility: The utility uses of a superpower. Not all powers are incredibly versatile, and versatility can vary among users of the same power.

Recovery/Resilience: A character's ability to recover from damage, whether this means to keep on fighting despite injuries or regenerating wounds, or even suppressing pain, write this here. This is different from defense, as this applies after the damage is done.

Energy: Include what type of energy (electrical, thermal, kinetic, gravitational, chemical), how much of it (no need for exact numbers), and for how long (in seconds, usually). This is especially important for things like energy manipulations.

The Cast

Rookies (lead roles)

1. Joseph Vecna A.k.A "Grave" ( WeaselThor WeaselThor )

2. Jade Park A.K.A "Nova" ( Janesomnia Janesomnia )

3. Victor Vermillion ( SunWukong08 SunWukong08 )

4. Yuki Lakewood ( Shotgunpenguin Shotgunpenguin )

5. Emelia & Jack Donavin ( OverconfidentMagi OverconfidentMagi )

6. Julia Holt ( D duegxybus )

7. Jude delmas A.K.A "Synapse" ( Hollycrest Hollycrest )

8. Jack Hawkins AKA "Crystalline" ( Nuclear Magician Nuclear Magician )

9. Cassidy Maxine Caine ( WitworthGold WitworthGold )

Panorama's finest (Support roles.)

1. Dr. Alana Redwood ( Lexielai Lexielai )

2. Dr. Nigel Hearth A.K.A "Stinger" ( WeaselThor WeaselThor )

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Name: Dr. Alana Redwood

Gender: Female

Age: 26


  • Height: 5'6"
  • Weight: 134 lbs.
  • Features: Dark red hair with blonde and brown highlights. She would be called beautiful if it were not for the dark bags under her eyes and perpetually tired, pale amber eyes.
Mentality: Terrified of the devastation she is capable of. Feels survivor's guilt and a reluctance to use her powers. Suffers from chronic insomnia.

Backstory: Sixteen years ago, Panorama City lost a celebrated hero. Sunbeam, the shining light of hope for millions across the world, fell in battle against the deadliest monster invasion since the Big One, orchestrated by an alliance of the cleverest and most powerful villains of their generation. Her fall rallied her contemporaries and comrades to finally put an end to the plot. History remembers her as a valiant hero and a great warrior unmatched in battle, but in her final moments she cared for none of that. All Sunbeam wanted was to do what she loved best: protecting people’s lives.

Alana was ten when Sunbeam stepped in between her and the sharp point of a blade. She had nightmares for years afterwards, all culminating in a terrifying paralysis as she relived the moment over and over. Never escaping the squelch, or the splatter of blood across her face and hands that she couldn’t wipe away. Never able to so much as scream as her idol looked deep into her eyes and smiled as she fell to the ground and laid still.

Alana developed insomnia because she couldn’t sleep. Even as she aced exam after exam and wound up graduating as a valedictorian from the Heroes' Academy (with a concentration on research, development, and logistics supporting hero deployments) at only twenty years old, she couldn’t relax. Couldn’t stop, and couldn’t take her mind off her work. If she did, then she might fall asleep and the nightmares would return.

Soon her research made her known as one of the most brilliant minds in particle physics. And biochemistry. And evolutionary biology. She ended up earning recognition for several of her breakthroughs, and was soon approached by the Heroes' Organization to conduct research. Soon she earned a place among the brightest minds in Panorama City, and with it brought her invaluable expertise on transdimensional miasma. With the resources of the heroes' within her grasp, Alana was finally able to conduct her magnum opus. A large-scale experiment designed in pursuit of one goal: recreating the powers of Sunbeam. So that she might be able to escape the guilt of living when someone who deserved to live more did not.

Two years ago, Alana was confident she had done it. So confident that, in her rush, she skipped the usual voluntarily process and bureaucracy by testing the experiment on herself. It had almost worked, but then something went wrong. Instead of flying high in the sky, she found herself swimming in an endless cloud of purple; instead of shooting blasts of sunlight, her hands were entangled in a web of dark purple energy. That was when, in her panic, her powers grew beyond her control and in a sudden flash she flattened the research facility, leaving thousands to flee in terror.

Authorities found Dr. Redwood lying nearly naked in a crater, huddled in a fetal position and crying to herself. They transported her to the heroes’ headquarters and set up a special facility for her where she could be mentored and trained to use her abilities. To their frustration, she had no interest in continuing her research further.

Resources: Resources available to the heroes' organization.

Equipment/Weaponry: N/A

*This RP allows a maximum of up to 3-4 different superpowers. Power sets are good, but try to keep your powers themed. Don't try to have everything under the sun.

Tier: Pre-Brass. Has not yet finished her field training. Requires supervision of a Silver hero or higher whenever she leaves the Heroes' Headquarters in case she has another catastrophic episode (see Archive Records 8.11.7B, 10.09.6T, and 02.28.1G).

Power: Eldritch Energy
  • Alana Redwood is able to channel a mysterious deep purple energy. It is inherently chaotic and fights against being controlled. Designated as “Eldritch” in nature, in part due to its eerie resemblance to the occult and for lack of a better term, it has so far been extremely difficult to tap into in its pure form; however its presence appears to have a few unintended side effects in the form of other unusual talents.
Power: Telekinesis
  • Through channeling the Eldritch energy inside of her, Alana has discovered she is able to move objects with her mind many times heavier than she could physically lift. That said, it’s still not that much on the scale of heroes.
Power: Telepathy
  • The first time Alana read a mind was on accident, and it was a jumbled mess of images and ideas. The first time she projected her own mind on someone led to a staff member being hospitalized in the psychiatric ward for a few weeks. Since then she has been reluctant to pursue training in her telepathy, but recognizes the need to not be a threat to others. So far she has learned to shut her mind from the world, and not much else.
Catalysts: Intense stress causes Alana to become a conduit for Eldritch energy and release waves of chaotic energy. This usually ends up becoming just as much of a danger for herself and her allies as her enemies.

Weakness: Although her powers have the potential to be very effective in the right hands, there are certain drawbacks. She requires mental concentration to use her telekinesis or telepathic abilities, and can be vulnerable to feedback from the other end. Moreover her body is not as powerful as her mind. She is limited by the same physical limits as any ordinary person, and using her powers is particularly stressful on her body. Wise villains recognize that there is nothing to fear when they realize it would be much easier to poison Alana or ambush her while unprepared than take straight on. Or just shoot her from a distance; an arrow is just as deadly to her as anyone else.

Skills: Alana is one of the most brilliant scientists of her generation. Even when not using her powers she is still an asset because of her intellect. Additionally she is a proficient artist, having spent many nights practicing her craft to keep her mind off sleeping.

STATISTICS (Characters begin with 25 points.10 is the current max per category. Certain things in story will allow you to increase these stats including natural growth, power augmentation, training, etc.)

Power: 10 (while uncontrolled), 4 (while under control). Has been able to lift 1 ton for 1 repetition at maximum capacity before passing out thereafter.

Speed: 1. Alana is about as fast as an ordinary human.

Defense: 3. Alana can theoretically catch projectiles with her telekinesis. Well, if they slowed down enough for her to concentrate on it that is.

Versatility: 7. Alana’s powers are useful for a great variety of tasks with enough creativity.

Recovery/Resilience: 1. Alana recovers about as fast as an ordinary human.

Energy: 9 (Eldritch Energy). There is no known physical equivalent to it in this universe, but Alana’s power is the closest science has discovered to a form of psychic energy. Theoretically she could release it indefinitely; with indefinitely being defined as however long she can channel Eldritch energy before the physical strain kills her.

Total: 4 + 1 + 3 + 7 + 1 + 9 = 25. However, like some of the other characters, her total power level can vary.
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Name: Joseph Vecna "Grave"

Gender: Male

Age: 19yrs


  • Height: 5ft 10in
  • Weight: 155lbs

Joseph is a kinda weird guy to be honest he is an eternal optimist who also happens to be a bit of a dick. He has no regard for his own consequences, shows a face that seems to fear nothing, and has a particular dark sense of humor. Not to mention his fixation on pain. But he does have redeeming qualities, its easy to be selfless when nothing can kill you. He will happily jump in the way of any threat, stand toe to toe with any villain or monster, or even let himself take a blow so he can land one of his own. He seems to display little motivation for anything besides making money and getting famous, of course saving peoples lives is the best way to get it for him so he will wear the hero badge until he achieves his goals.

Backstory: Joseph doesn't know where he was born or who his parents were, he only knows where he wound up. District Z, the underworld of Panorama City. He was found by Mr.Roarke one of the many crime lords there. Unlike the others however Mr.Roarke was an ex hero, he built up his empire in District Z to give the people a guardian who wouldn't be afraid to get his hands dirty to protect them. He raised Joseph to always seize an opportunity and always see the silver lining on each cloud. It was that optimistic vision that lead joseph to pursue his dream, to become a hero and make District Z a safe place to live.

Unfortunately Mr.Roarke wasn't so popular, neither were his or Josephs ideals. Joseph became the easiest way to get at Mr.Roarke and he became the target of Mr.Roarkes enemies. This actually played out in his favor though as it lead joseph to discover his abilities. Convinced of his own immortality a 14 year old joseph challenged gang lords in public eventually kicking off a war in district Z. Eventually the war ended when Mr.Roarke Agreed to Bury Joseph alive. He was wrapped in chains, put in a steel coffin and buried 6 ft under the ground.

Two weeks of suffocating only to come back and suffocate again should have driven him insane, instead it fueled him, he would become a hero and save this district if he had to wait for the Chains and Casket to rust away. Luckily he didn't have to wait that long. Once the war had settled and eyes were off of him Mr.Roarke dug joseph up secretly sent him to off to the hero academy.

For five years Joseph trained to be a hero giving it his all. He didn't ace every category but he failed none. A Solid C student with the occasional A- Voted likely to peak out in silver rank. It didn't matter to him, he vowed would become strong enough to protect his allies, district Z, and all of panorama city. Secretly though he is driven to pursue strength by his greatest fear. Never dying, specifically outlasting humanity. He regularly has nightmares of being the last human alive in a world full of monsters.

Resources: only what is offered by the hero organization and a few illegitimate connections in districts Y & Z.

Equalizer - designed by Dr.Hearth to make up for his short comings Josephs go to weapons they are twin Carapacite rods that can segment into Nunchaku, connect into a jostaff or segmented staff. Extend into a bowstaff, produce blades to be a spear/double edged spear, can drop the blades into a sideways angle to form twin kusarigama, and connect the kusarigama with a wire for long rang. Its final features include a scoped blowdart gun mode, and grapple claw mode. Joseph is by no means a master of this tool.


Tier: Brass


Instantaneous Regeneration- Joseph possesses one of the most powerful healing factors ever seen in panorama city. He can recover from nearly anything in seconds, certain exceptions are things that kill him outright or remove limbs/organs. But even these grievous wounds heal in just under a minute or two depending of if his body needs to expel a foreign object or not. There are more extreme cases which would take longer to heal that have yet to happen to him but he theoretically could recover from. Poisons and chemicals still effect him but the duration is usually less than 5 seconds. Diseases viruses and infections will die on contact with his blood. He seems to show complete immunity to radiation and ageing. Finally it grants him immunity to normally occuring fatigue.

Healing Fluids- Josephs blood, spit, tears, and any other bodily fluid can temporarily Grant others his healing factor. However it must be put into the other persons body via ingestion or injection. The effects vary based off of the amount introduced to the targets system but the longest anyone has displayed these abilities so far is about 7 minutes.

Burst healing- in times of extreme distress Joseph can trigger an adrenaline rush which can amplify the speed and potency of his healing factor. Allowing him to regrow entire limbs in less than a second. Unfortunately this burst lasts for .87 seconds. Bodily fluid extracted during the burst heal grants the burst heal to the target.

Catalysts: Extreme distress can trigger Joseph's burst healing. His lack of fatigue also makes him very dangerous in long drawn out battles.

Weakness: Entrapment is a big problem for joseph. He was able to be chained and stuffed in a coffin and buried alive. This incapacitated him for 2 weeks until he was dug up by a friend. At the end of the day healing or not he is a limited to what a human can do. No fancy high damage powers, no big defenses.

Skills: Joseph is an above average close quarters combatant mixing Escrima, Boxing, Judo, Krav maga, and Aikido into an effective fighting style that emphasises his rapid recovery and endless stamina. However he is a master of none of these styles only picking them up in the academy with the exception of boxing which he has practiced since he was 7. He is also Moderately skilled in stealth, tactics, weapons, psychology and almost all other courses taught at the academy. He gives definition to the phrase "jack of all trades but a master of none"


Power: 1- Joseph is a normal man in terms of strength able to lift up to 200 lbs.

Speed: 1- while he is in excellent shape he isn't breaking any records. Able to run a slightly impressive 22mph with reaction time on par with the average well trained human.

Defense: 1 - joseph isn't particularly hard to damage. Any attacks will do what they would to a normal human.

Versatility: 10- Being unable to die is a pretty useful ability which opens a lot of options. Kamakaze, Fake your death, Distraction, frontal assault, stealth. The applications go on, factor in his ability to heal his teammates or villains if a bargaining chip is needed, he becomes nearly indispensable in a team setting.

Recovery/Resilience: 10+ - You simply cannot keep Joseph down. Blow him up, light him on fire, impale him, dismember him, vaporize him, smash him...then wait a few seconds and he is back on his feet. Minus an outfit maybe, but without a scratch on him.

Energy: 0- Joseph has no energy based abilities.​
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Name: Dr. Nigel Hearth (Stinger)

Gender: Male

Age: 32yrs


  • Height: 6ft 2in (7ft 11 in armor)
  • Weight: 176lbs (546lbs in armor)

Mentality: Nigel is Pretty confident man, not in the slightest bit shy because he knows what he can do. He is a bit reserved at times but this is out of respect not social anxiety. He can also be described as overly cautious not wanting to take unnecessary risks. While he doesn't particularly hate them he does have a slight complex when dealing with those who were born powerful. For him nothing is a true gift, everyone should work for what they have in life, if its just handed to you then its worthless. This same mentality often causes him to refrain from asking for help even if he needs it.

Backstory: Few who know the doctor would be able to believe his upbringing based on the way he carries himself. He was born in district Y, his parents were a no name junkie, and a common Thug. He was constantly raised to seize opportunities. He did just that when he reached the age of 15 and he ran from home to find the hero academy. He didnt have powers like the rest of the candidates. But what he did have was a sharp mind, creativity, and as much ambition as would fit in a 15 year old body.

he made mediocre scores in his hero classes, anything that required Strength, Speed, Endurance, and Skill seemed beyond him. Anyone would've told you he was no hero. Yet a year later the invasion that followed the big one came. Many heroes died and tragedy struck but with it a glimmer of hope for Dr. Hearth. So many monsters came in the invasion that he managed to gain access to several of their bodies for research. From their armor plating he created the formula to grow Carapacite, a non magnetic organic metal that was 4 times harder than reinforced steel. With this invention alone he changed the arsenals of the heroes of the world. From there he went on to tackle the biggest killers of heroes. Monster poisons and venoms. Developing several kinds of anti-venoms and antibiotics to counteract the deadly effects. By the time he had graduated he was given an award for his contributions to the hero organization.

It was shortly after this that he designed the Wasp bio armor and made his debut as a hero. For him it was as simple as taking another job. He was both a researcher for the R&D department and a hero. This went on for nearly 10 years. His rank increasing almost in tandem with his armors capabilities. Though in recent months he has begun to slow down. Choosing to take on protege's and focus on the next generation as opposed to himself.

Resources: Dr. Hearth is the head of research for the Hero organizations R&D department. As such he not only has access to advanced technologies but also contributes to the direction in which scientific research goes. He is also the fifth richest man in panorama city with almost nothing outside of his budget.


The hornet Bio armor was designed mainly by Dr.Hearth with aid from his research team. It is state of the art modular Biotech that can be adjusted in the lab to Grow weaponry to tackle a wide variety of problems. Currently it is modded to contain 4 weapons, 3 internal utility systems, and 2 passive stat boosts.

Right arm- Stinger autocannons- strange pods on the suits right arm which can rapidly produce poisoned Carapacite needles which cause the sensation of being on fire followed by a mild paralysis. He can fire these needles automatically, and they are designed microscopic capsules of anti-venom within the venom itself so that no amount will be lethal.

Left arm- Long sling Stinger- The sling stinger is a 2 1/2 ft long Carapacite blade which is also soaked in a type of venom. This venom causes fatigue and mental stress. Though thin the blade is strong enough to withstand all but the most powerful attacks.

Back mounted twin Big stingers- Large Carapacite pods on his back connected to armored tentacles. These can stretch out to 50ft from him and can penetrate reinforced steel with little effort. They can also fire globs of corrosive acid and even inject it into a target. He will only use these against monsters or in dire situations.

Shoulder mounted swarm pods- The most commonly used weapon in his arsenal. It offers versatility and unparalleled crowd control. They generate unstable wasp clones which are unable to reproduce and only have a lifespan of a few hours. The wasps stings can be modified to use either of two venoms available to him and even the corrosive acid. Their tiny bodies are made of Carapacite making them incredibly tough little bugs with stingers that can penetrate steel.

The Utilities-
Wings- Just above the suits big back stingers are little notches where the suit can grow four thin yet durable Carapacite wings to fly. The four wing system allows Dr. Hearth to fly at speeds of up to 180mph, hover, reach high altitudes, and make deft maneuvers.

Hivelord Mod- the antennas and the strange organ looking thing they are connected to are one of the leading pieces of technology in the suit. It allows him telepathic command over his swarm at distances of up to 5 miles. It also allows him to review information observed by the swarms.

Pheromone reader/gland- another feature of the suit is the pheromone scanning and spreading capabilities. It allows dr.hearth to read human and monster pheromones in an effort to predict what will come next and track targets. He can also unleash pheromones that have a calming effect, though it isnt anywhere near perfectly effective it does show an 18% decrease in the targets aggressive tendencies.

The Passive stat boosts-
Strength- the wasp biosuit is made of monster dna. It possesses enough strength to lift up to 27tons.

Durability- the Wasp bio suit is made of Carapacite granting him an armor harder than steel. Damaging this hero is not easy.

Tier: Gold

Power: N/A

Catalysts: the Hero organizations R&D department comes up with new technology fairly regularly. He can upgrade his armor to fill nearly any task.

Weakness: Outside of his suit he is a normal man, and even in the suit he meets obstacles he cannot overcome. High temperature flames (above 2000°f) can burn way the Carapacite armor, weapons, and wings, leaving him exposed and vulnerable.

Skills: Dr.Hearth is one of the sharpest minds in the world. He is an excellent leader and an impressive hero as well. He is skilled at both a distance and up close. But beyond his combat abilities he has a creative genius to him that has allowed him to use the monsters greatest weapons against them.

(This hero is not resticted by the current stat system. He is an example of a late game character. )

Power: 9 while lacking strength the vast arsenal at his disposal makes him able to deal vast amounts of damage to multiple targets.

Speed: 5 with the wings in the suit Dr.hearth can reach speeds up to 180mph. In addition his maneuverability is almost unmatched in the air.

Defense: 13 the Wasp suit is a very durable suit. Being made of Carapacite and lab grown monster flesh means it can take insane levels of punishment. Even when confronted by its weakness and stripped of armor weapons and mods he can still withstand more damage than the average man due to the monster flesh layer.

Versatility: 16 as a super scientist with near limitless resources Dr. Hearth could theoretically craft several suits for several position and tasks. Even with just one suit he can mod it to handle a wide range of tasks.

Recovery/Resilience: 3 while the suit can repair itself over time it cannot do so fast enough to be of use in combat. If his suit is broken he is usually down for the count.

Energy: 8 the poisons and chemicals at Dr. Hearths disposal would normally only qualify for a 3 or 4 in this rank. But with his swarm pods he can effect hundreds of thousands of people and effectively blanket large portions of the city in chemicals.
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  • Name: Jade Park a.k.a “Nova”
  • Gender: Female
  • Age: 24
  • Appearance:

  • Height: 5’7”
  • Weight: 177lbs

Mentality: At her core, Jade is a perfectionist. She feels the need to prove her worth to her peers and to the people of Paranorma City. At the same time she feels resentment towards the same people she’s trying to prove herself to. This, mostly due to her believing some heroes have a bigger advantage just by being born from a hero family and therefore a bigger chance to make it big without having to play second fiddle to a bigger hero. While yes, being a sidekick could help her get out of brass earlier than expected she refuses to do so out of pride.

Backstory: Jade was born into a small, rather stable family in district L. They were never wealthy but at the same time the family knew very well it could be much worse in another district such as Z.
Throughout her life Jade experienced many heroes through the media. They always adored and honored as heroes. Jade looked up to them and up to a certain point she wanted to be like them. However, she knew her chances weren’t good and so slowly she became angry and bitter towards her circumstances in life. At one point even believing she would have been better off as a villain. Most of that changed when she began developing her powers.
Jade’s powers didn’t manifest until she was eighteen. This left her with mixed feelings. For starters, she’d been waiting for an opportunity like this ever since she was young but on the other side of things she was pretty frustrated over losing so many years of possible advancement. With this in mind she decided to being her training immediately in the hero academy and proceeded to work through her five years of training.
She did well, but nothing above average. She wasn’t the valedictorian of her class like she had been secretly hoping for. While it bothered Jade a great deal she didn’t have anyone to pass the blame onto this time but she was still unreasonable bitter, as she tends to be and promised herself she’d climb the ranks at an incredible speed. With her negative attitude and her false thoughts of the world being against her she’s all set up to come crashing down into reality anytime now.

Resources: Little to no resources but she does have a wide variety of support from fellow graduates of the hero academy.

The polaris - One of the safest ways to use plasma while avoiding any damage that may be caused to Jade. A 3’9” staff that allows her to concentrate plasma onto it, allowing for slightly more long range attacks. While not easily breakable it is possible for the staff to slowly degrade. If this were to be the case these kinds of staffs are not particularly hard to craft but they are certainly time consuming.


Tier: Brass

  • Absorption and redirection of ultraviolet rays. Jade can do this only once every few battles considering all the effects absorbing these rays can have on her body. This first time she ever did this she was knocked out cold for two whole days. Ever since then she’d learned how to better manage this power and not take advantage of it.
  • Plasma manipulation. While in control of plasma Jade can both use it as an offense and a defense. She can make protective walls or bubbles which may vary in duration depending on concentration, damage taken and other factors. If so desired Jade could also conduct plasma to her extremities, although she has found out the hard way this is only something she should do in a last resort scenario.
  • Integration of plasma into weaponry. Most prevalent in the polaris it is one of the easiest and safest techniques that Jade's powers can manage as it doesn't directly have an effect on the users body.
Catalysts: Extreme temperatures help amplify Jade’s plasma manipulation, whether this be extreme heat or extreme cold temperatures. This may amplify Jade’s powers, however obviously if she’s exposed to these temperatures for long periods of time she’ll die.

Weakness: While Jade has the ability to surround her extremities with plasma this also causes said extremities to either get server burns or simply freeze off. Overuse of any ability involving plasma may also cause damage to the user due to the effects of the plasma on the human skin however in small and in-between quantities this should not be a major problem.

Skills: Jade isn't particularly trained in anything outside of how to best use her powers however she picked up the odd skill here and there. She's been cooking for about ten years, mostly because she rather take cooking over cleaning any day. She likes to think she's gotten pretty good at it now although she still wouldn't call herself a professional by any means. Other than that, way before she discovered her powers she was very dedicated to playing the flute but she quickly dropped that to a pastime after joining the hero academy.

Power: 1- Absolutely no strength on this end.

Speed: 3 - While her speed isn't her fortay Jade can certainly outrun a few people, giving her the upper hand in certain situations.

Defense: 6 - As previously mentioned plasma barriers are an essential part of Jade's powers, considering she lacks resilience she often falls on her powers to be able to create a secure barrier, if only for a few seconds at a time.

Versatility: 5 - If the situation calls for it flexibility certainly isn't an issue. In most situations there's place for open minds and new solutions to problems.

Recovery/Resilience: 1 - Very poor recovery speed which can normally be made up for with her defense, although if her defenses were to be brought down she's be in a tight situation where she'd only be able to rely on her attacks.

Energy: 9 - Plasma manipulation. Considering it's the base of her powers she has pretty good control over what she can do without hurting herself in the process. She can make the plasma last about five amount of minutes before tiring herself out and having to take a short breather.

= 25 total points.

Name: Victor Vermillion

Gender: Male

Age: 19


  • Height: 5'5"
  • Weight: 148 lbs

Mentality: To Victor, no-one is on his level. He is the single most valuable person in this world, and everyone and everything else is simply a useful tool or completely worthless. He will always act on his whims, as he believes himself to be of perfectly sound mind at all times. Any thought, any action or decision from Victor is 100% absolutely correct and nothing can change his mind on that. To praise, he responds with knowing smugness, and to criticism, he responds doubling down on his smugness and crushing the lowly scum that dares try and denounce him.

Backstory: Victor was born the child of Vlad Vermillion, better known as famous hero Hyperstatic, and lesser known (but just as powerful) mother Victoria Vermillion, or Magwave. As their offspring, the boy was gifted with a combination of both their abilities of electricity and magnetism. It was clear from a young age he was a prodigy and they were sure he'd be among the top heroes of his time. Using the resources of his Vermillion Organization, Vlad put Victor through special homeschooling and power training to ensure their vision, constantly showering him with encouragement and praise, telling him he was at the forefront of power for the next generation of heroes. For years he trained, believing more and more that he was superior to all of his peers. This superiority complex grew deeper and spread out, ending up with him believing himself to be absolutely superior to everyone. His parents realized their fault too late, but when they tried to reason with their son, he only responded with cruelty: "Old bags like you two should just retire and get out of the way of greatness.", thus beginning his streak of sociopathy. Soon after, he entered the Hero Academy and passed with glaring success as one of the top of his class, and came into a much desired spotlight as the child of a top hero. He's now determined to break out of the so called "Brass Rut" as quick as he can and make a name for himself, a name bigger than all of his peers

Resources: The various benefits of the Vermillion Organization such as supplies, transport, and money.


Ammo Sack
  • Deep pocket tailor made for his pants, contains around 100 small metal marbles
  • Hooked up to a suction mechanism that leads into a tube which opens up at the tip of his right index finger.
  • When he thrusts his index finger forward, a marble travels out of the tube in split second time, and from there he can use his powers.


Tier: Brass

Power: Electricity Manipulation
  • The ability to manipulate electricity. This power allows Victor to draw electricity from any charged source and discharge it as a bolt or directly through physical contact with a conductive surface or another person. He can also manipulate the electricity inside wires and other circuitry to disable certain functions, use electricity to burn his wounds closed, and speed up his mental and bodily functions via overclocking.

Power: Magnetic Manipulation
  • The ability to manipulate magnetic fields. Through this ability Victor is able to magnetize himself or most metals and manipulate them at will. This allows him to fling metals and walk on metal surfaces, or even levitate under the right conditions (cloudy weather).

Power: Electromagnetism Manipulation
  • The ability to manipulate the force of electromagnetism. This ability allows Victor to call lightning through changing the polarity between the clouds and him, sense disturbances in electromagnetic fields, emit a light EMP, and use his specialty move: Rail Gun. By changing the polarity as a marble releases at his fingertip, he can have it fire straight forward at high speeds, creating destructive air pressure in its path. By also attaching a trail of electricity to the marble, he is able to change the direction it is flying once, and once it strikes a target a strong electric discharge occurs.

  • Also, as a side affect, his hair will stand up in spikes and static electricity will arc from his body when he uses any of his powers.
Catalysts: Any large intake of electricity or getting surrounded by a strong magnetic field, as well as intense distress.

Weakness: The more advanced the ability, the more intense the strain and nausea Victor will feel. Although the effect on him isn't instant, if he doesn't close off a fight quick enough he will end up at an extreme disadvantage when the effects set in.

Skills: Well you see, when you spend your entire life having everything done for you, you typically don't learn any skills yourself... Although he did receive a high class education, so he excels in core concepts such as science, math, etc., and he can speak many languages.


Power: 5 -- Using his powers Victor is able to inflict harsh, but not instantly fatal damage to his foes. Although he doesn't rely on one big attack, but an unrelenting flurry to wear them down, which is why his speed is crucial.

Speed: 5 -- Victor is fast. His affiliation with electrical energy allows him to use charge within his body to move at neck breaking speeds, as well as speed up his neural processes and enhance his reaction time and critical thought.

Defense: 2 -- A good way to put this is that Victor is a glass cannon. He relies on being speedy and dealing damage to survive in a fight, rather than tanking the damage he receives. Although his powers do allow him to take some scratches.

Versatility: 5 -- Control over one of the fundamental forces is, of course, incredibly useful. It can move materials, power technology, and provide transport if needed. Victor has realized this and has a pretty good handle on it.

Recovery/Resilience: 3 -- While, once again, Victor is a glass cannon, he is not without any contingency for taking damage. He can burn wounds closed using electricity, although the acute pain this causes makes using the ability risky.

Energy: 5 -- Manipulation of the electromagnetic force is Victor's whole deal. He can release them in very pinpoint ways (Rail Gun) or let them disperse (EMP) but he can only cover the immediate area.
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Yuki Lakewood

Gender: Female

Age: 19


  • Height: 5'1"
  • Weight: 118 lbs
Mentality: Yuki is a very humble and almost never takes credit for any of her achievements. She is very respectful to those she meets whether they be civilian, hero or even monsters. She believes that it is the solemn duty for heroes to protect the people and dislikes those who only boast about power or wealth. She rarely acts on impulse and will form a flexible plan before engaging an enemy, but if this plan were to fail she would be at a temporary loss before recollecting herself and attempting a new plan. Due to her upbringing she is very in to culture and will try to absorb as much culture as she can and implement it into her life.

Backstory: Yuki was born to the silver tier hero Silver Bow and the bronze tier hero Vision. Vision and Silver Bow were partners, although it was more akin to a master and student relationship according to the masses. After a run in with a higher tier monster Silver Bow suffered a near fatal injury which cost her the use of her left arm. She was devastated learn that with the loss of her arm she could no longer continue to be a hero. She fell into a deep depression soon after but was sought and cared for by Yuki's father Vision. He convinced her that just because she wasn't a hero anymore it didn't mean that she couldn't help people in other ways.

So it was that the Silver Bow parcel delivery service was created. Fast forward a few years and Vision and Silver bow are married with a 1 year old daughter. Yuki grew up on stories of her mother and father's deeds as heroes. When she was 12 she had decided to become a hero just like her mother and father, much to her father's delight and her mother's dismay. Her mother was scared that one day Yuki would run into a monster stronger monster than she had and would lose much more than just an arm. But she would not be deterred so easily and begged her mother to train her, and after many months of begging she finally relented. Yuki entered the academy when she was 14 and got by with mostly average grades. Now, after her five years at the academy are up Yuki is ready to get out there and be a hero.

Resources: Although she dislikes the idea of having to ask her parents for resources she will if necessary. Her parents run a large-scale parcel delivery service that can deliver things such as funds, resources and other materials to her.


- A large collapsible steel longbow
- A large quiver capable of holding up to 50 arrows, and is able to produce it's own arrows if given the material.


Tier: Brass

Power: Limited Magnetism
  • Through the manipulation of her own magnetic field Yuki can alter and control the movement and trajectory of any metal object within her line of sight. She usually uses this power to manipulate the speed and flight path of her arrows, ease the amount of force she needs to pull back her bowstring and create 'Tracking' arrows.
Power: Enhanced vision
  • By clearing one's mind and focusing on a single target one can experience a heightened sense of vision. She uses this power in tandem with her magnetism to strike from extremely long distances. Her maximum range of vision while focusing is somewhere around the 1,500 ft mark.
  • Subpower, usage, and description.
  • Subpower, usage, and description.
Catalysts: Although she tries to keep it a secret she can temporarily enhance the control over metal objects to an extreme. By overclocking her own magnetic field any object that she controls will snap directly to where she is looking at near sonic speeds. This does put a strain on her body once finished and overuse can cause abnormalities in her magnetic field.

Weakness: As of now Yuki can only control one object at a time with her powers, and if it ever exits her line of sight it returns to normal. She is also heavily dependent on her weapon and once disarmed is at a severe disadvantage.

Skills: Even without her powers Yuki is a skilled marksman with a bow and can accurately hit the bullseye of a target at 900 meters. She also knows how to cook a variety of foods, has very basic training in judo, can drive a motorcycle and can identify over 50 breeds of dogs.

STATISTICS (Characters begin with 25 points.10 is the current max per category. Certain things in story will allow you to increase these stats including natural growth, power augmentation, training, etc.)
5 - Depending on the object being used Yuki can severely damage or cripple an enemy. This usually is the result of using a single object to strike her foes in unexpected ways.

Speed: 3 - While not being something to brag about Yuki is faster than the average person and can maintain a sprint for a decent amount of time.

Defense: 3 - Lacking in almost any defensive capabilities outside of her own strength, Yuki is better suited hanging back and supporting her allies away from the combat. If she ever needed to she could use her bow as a last line of defense, however it's effectiveness would be severely limited.

Versatility: 7 - Being able to freely control and alter the movement of a metal object gives Yuki quite a few options in battle. She can fire devastating arrows at her foes or give her allies support by providing distractions and cover.

Recovery/Resilience: 2 -- While Yuki has no way of healing or even negating any damage she might take she is a bit sturdier than a normal person. However she is still human and certain injuries will put her down for good.

Energy: 5 - Being able to control the speed and movement of a single object is nothing to scoff at. A single arrow can cover as far as her eye can see in any direction that she wanted.
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Emilia & Jack Donovan

Gender: Female & Male

Age: Both are 16, being twins


  • Height: Both are 5'4" (Emilia is wearing heels)
  • Weight: Both are ~120 lbs (Emilia is usually slightly lighter than Jack, unless it's just after a meal)

Mentality: Emilia is largely ambivalent about the whole hero role. She believes in strength, so if a person is unable to defend themselves it is their own fault for not being born with strength or seeking it out. However, she enjoys exploring the full capabilities of her power and her own creativity, and if becoming a hero is the easiest way to get to use her power in a variety of ways so be it. Jack is largely the same, but he mostly just wants to fight. Monsters, villains, hell he wouldn't mind fighting a hero if the occasion for it came up. Raven would probably slap him if he ever said that aloud though. That's the kind of thinking that created their father. And indeed, each day Jack seems to resemble the man his father once was slightly more.

Backstory: Emilia and Jack are twins, and progeny of the supervillain "Crow". There is little doubt that they would have been raised into the next generation of dangerous supervillains, had their older half-brother Raven not risen up and consumed their father. Raven has gone on to become a rather famous hero, both lauded and criticized for his (some say overly) brutal approach to dealing with villains. Sharing their father's blood, the twins have inherited his power as well, but Raven had all but forbidden them from using them. He wished for them to live normal lives, to never get wrapped up in the stupid games of heroes and villains that only serve to create more monsters like their father. But of course no kid was going to listen to something like that when the alternative is testing the limits of their growing superpowers. After many, many heated shouting matches between the pair and their older brother, he finally told them to just do whatever they wanted. The twins are hardly aware just how hard them putting themselves into dangerous situations when he can't be there to protect them is on Raven, who's always done everything to keep them safe.

Resources: Their brother, both as a threat to use on bad guys and a source of knowledge and experience. They also get a pretty generous allowance.

Equipment/Weaponry: If they need something that isn't too complicated, they'll just use their power to make it. If it's too technical to create, they might be able to get it from Raven, maybe.


Hero Name: Conspiracy

Tier: Brass

Power: Dark Energy
  • The twins are able to manifest and manipulate a pure black energy. They use this for just about everything, from covering their body with it for defense and to conceal their identity, shooting it out to attack, and even making physical constructs out of it (Jack likes making swords to fight with). While the exact properties of the energy varies greatly, it generally mimics the properties of whatever form it is taking (black water is wet, black fire burns, a black sword is sharp).
Power: Crow/Raven Manifestation
  • The only "living" form they are able to create using dark energy, the birds display some limited intelligence of their own. When the twins tested this part of their powers they figured out that the crows obey their commands, with the creator's order overriding the other's, they can see what the birds see, and that pitting the birds against each other makes for a really fun Pokemon copyright infringement (Emilia won their first battle by making her raven breathe fire at Jack's armored crow, which he still claims was cheating).
Power: Transformation
  • By covering their physical body with dark energy, they can then transform that energy to alter their form. Transforming into a bird to fly over the city, or a monster to terrify some thugs, or a snake to hide from Raven when he wants them to do chores around the house. Note that even when transformed, their physical body is still somewhere inside there, so they will still feel and take damage, even if it doesn't show. A fun application of this is moving their body through shadows as dark energy. Needless to say, they are a nightmare to deal with in the dark without a whole lot of flashlights.
Power: Soul Sharing
  • Emilia and Jack "share a soul" or something like that. It's something their crazy father said apparently, and while what exactly this means is still not very clear, the two certainly have a powerful bond. They can speak to each other telepathically across any distance, and they can share other things as well, from thoughts to feeling, even what they're seeing. They've even fully swapped bodies on at least one occasion. Either one can conceal themselves entirely inside the other's shadow, and this is generally how they are when playing hero. One acts as the body, they think and act together, splitting focus when necessary, swapping who is acting as the body if they get hurt.

Catalysts: It's less of an enhancement and more of a condition for them to fully use their power, but the twins must be together in order to access the majority of their power. The closer they are the stronger they are, which is why they generally use only one body when acting as a hero. And while it doesn't increase their power level any, each of the twins tends to go a bit crazy when you hurt the other.

Weakness: Their dark energy reacts to light how physical objects might react to extreme wind, with stronger light sources having a stronger effect. A bright enough light source can even erode physical constructs like Jack's swords. Light might be their most abundant and easily available weakness, but their most potent weakness is silver. Pure silver destroys their dark energy with barely any resistance, and getting hit by an attack containing pure silver disrupts their power.

Skills: Jack has been trained by Raven in self-defense, "basic" weapons training covering everything from knives to swords and even how to properly use or deal with explosives. Jack is also highly sociable and good at talking to and dealing with strangers, is practiced in all forms of classical dance, and can cook on par with a five star chef. Emilia is by comparison very lazy, spending most of her time playing games or reading books (all fiction of course). She puts in the minimum work necessary to keep her body fit so that if she needs to defend herself Jack can take control and put his own talents to use.

As Emilia and Jack tend to act in tandem, I've listed each's stats in the form of (Emilia | Jack). Their effective values will range between the two depending on who is more in control.​
Power: 1|5
Emilia is not physically strong at all. She has no muscle to speak of, and even compared to a random person on the street would probably be overpowered. Thankfully Jack is not only physically stronger, he's also skilled in ways of fighting that don't rely on physical superiority so he can always come to his sister's rescue.​
Speed: 3|5
Emilia is a quick thinker and has relatively good reaction times. But again Jack outshines her. He is much faster physically, and at least when it comes to fighting he's usually thinking a few seconds into the future and relying on instincts to course correct. The boy is a fighter through and through, without any doubt. Certain transformations such as a wolf or a bird allow for faster ground and air movement.​
Defense: 3|2
Emilia is generally pretty good at using dark energy to protect herself, but because the energy wants to mimic something real, it's generally much easier to launch a powerful attack than it is to throw up an effective defense. Jack doesn't care much for defense, also preferring to just hit fast and hit hard. Besides, even if he gets hurt he can just have Emilia carry him back.​
Versatility: 10|6
Finally it's Emilia's time to shine. The things she can create and do with their power is only limited by her own vast creativity and their self-imposed bird theme. Dark energy might mimic it's shape, but it that shape doesn't have to be based in reality, as she's shown by turning Jack's sword into a sword of black lighting, turning a created raven into a hellish dragon-demon monstrosity ("CHEATING!"~Jack), and disintegrating the wall of a building using a "black hole cherry bomb". She seems to enjoy stealing ideas from her books and games. Jack can technically do all the same things, but he isn't nearly as creative.​
Recovery/Resilience: 1|3
They don't have much in terms of recovery. Jack is stubborn enough to take a few hits before needing to switch out, but that's about it. Since they're usually running around as one body to act as a hero, to basically have to treat them like a boss with two health bars. The fight isn't over until both are down.​
Energy: 8|4
Another example of Jack technically being able to to everything Emilia can but not having the creativity and skill to do so. So long as they are together, and it isn't high noon, their dark energy isn't likely to dry up quickly. Emilia is much more efficient using the power due to a better understanding of how various forms will interact. For example when they were training using their power Emilia was able to delicately carve a rock into a statue of a crow (which she gave to Jack) by shifting dark energy between a liquid and solid form. Jack just blasted his rock with a bunch of black lighting until it blew up.​


Name: Julia Holt

Gender: Female

Age: 24

Appearance: With long, blonde hair, blue eyes, and an alluring figure, Julia seems to be more like a pop star or a dancer rather than a superhero. However, this wouldn't be a reason to underestimate her in any shape or form. She often wears heaps of jewelry around her wrists.
  • Height: 5'5
  • Weight: 143



Resources: She's pretty well off. She became a hero based on recommendations and also in part of her family name.

Equipment/Weaponry: Metal beads that are there to ground her and her powers in reality.

*This RP allows a maximum of up to 3-4 different superpowers. Power sets are good, but try to keep your powers themed. Don't try to have everything under the sun.

Tier: Copper

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Power: Energy Empowerment - Julia is capable of drawing power from sources of energy, such as fire, tasers, microwaves, and other types of technology that give off energy. She cannot gain energy from bullets, as they hurt.
  • Superhuman Reflexes - Based off of energy, Julia's reaction times are increased many times, so much so that she can react to situations in 8 milliseconds, and perceive things moving through the air at 1000+ meters per second.
  • Superhuman Speed - Julia is capable of drawing from most sources of energy and moving at superhuman speeds, ranging up to slightly above Mach 1 (350 m/s) in short bursts. This allows her quick travel, the ability to move quickly through space to avoid and evade attacks, and even flip someone on their head simply through motion. Unlike most who can move at tremendous speeds, Julia is also capable of displaying considerable speed in water, ranging up to 900 km/h (250 m/s).
  • Superhuman Stamina - Since energy is the source of her speed, and not her own body's muscles doing all of the work, she is capable of sustaining for a long time in physical activity.
  • Metabolization - If exposed to energy, such as sunlight, Julia can bypass the need for food and water, as long as it is constant. She can self-sustain herself for up to 5 weeks without eating, though this with ill effects such as weakening, delirium, and other side effects.
Power: Xeno-Ergokinesis - Julia is capable of creating and manipulating 3 types of unknown energy. The names aren't known, but they are capable of behaving differently compared to most things on Earth.

Catalysts: She seems to be a lot stronger around sources of energy, namely communication devices and energy weapons.
Weakness: While the true extent of her power is unknown and her weaknesses classified, she is unable to handle pure brute strength in excess of 400 tons, and has trouble relating her powers to those who work along the lines of regular matter.

Skills: Skills are things that your character can do WITHOUT their superpowers. Things like martial arts, firearm usage, cooking, or even having a lot of knowledge about powers all go under skills.

STATISTICS (If you don't need this let me know and I can remove it entirely. This is just for balancing)
1 - Julia's strength is normal for an athletic human her size and shape that partakes in low to medium weight training. Caps at around 200 lbs.

Speed: 7 - Julia is probably one of the fastest recruits, able to keep up with supersonic speeds (350 m/s) on land and in the air, and is capable of swimming at a considerable rate as well (250 m/s)

Defense: 1 - She has never been seen using any sort of defensive ability, preferring to avoid and evade rather than tank attacks.

Versatility: 5 - Julia has many uses for her ability, from making constructs to firing beams to even using it to gather information about how something works.

Recovery/Resilience: 1 - Julia has never used her ability to regenerate damage on her body.

Energy: 10 - Crazy high, Julia is capable of generating hefty amounts of kinetic, thermal, and some byproduct electrical energy, and if left unchecked, can do an incredible amount of damage to large pieces of infrastructure. In fact, her use of energy is so vast that it has been considered by the council to put an energy leash on her to restrict the amount of output.

She bears a strong resemblance to [RHERBLJSBFLJASBZL]

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Name: Jude Delmas

Gender: Female

Age: 23

Appearance: https://i.pinimg.com/originals/9b/d6/3c/9bd63c3dcc1240de5a2ce17393836c26.jpg

Height: 5' 6''
Weight: 105 lbs

Mentality: Jude is extremely neurotic and tends to overthink things. As a result, she is also very analytical. She views heroism as a necessity to life, but would prefer if monsters didn't exist so that no one would have to risk their lives. Her own motives for becoming a hero, however, are strictly monetary. Although she is proficient at both, she also has a preference towards defensive and support manuevers as opposed to fighting herself.

Backstory: Jude was born into a rundown family in District W. She witnessed horrific monster attacks more often than the people in the inner districts, one of which ended with her older brother being taken. One night when she was eight years old, a large dark shape had walked by her window and dragged her screaming brother away into the night. Neither of her parents bothered to call a search party; everyone knew he was already dead.

As a result of this and the frequent monster attacks that followed, Jude found herself always worried that something was going to happen to her or her parents. So she taught herself to calm down by immersing herself in something until it was all she could think about. At first it was cartoons or video games, until she became interested in science and language and became very studious. She spent hours in her room reading stories and articles, as well as watching science fiction movies that interested her, becoming somewhat of a nerd in the process. However, one particularly interesting quirk that she hadn't been meaning to discover was her own ability. After focusing for a long time, Jude found that her brain was so overactive with skittish analytics that, when she finally took the time to actually focus on something, she had amassed enough brainpower to create psychic constructs out of thin air using only her mind.

Little did she know, her parents whom she had looked up to her whole life were secretly villainous kingpins known as Thunderbrand and Miss Hap. Their base of operations was underneath their house and, while it wasn't entirely clear what they had been doing, there was a blueprint of Panorama city covered in various notes as well as multiple bags of money stashed in their lair that had been found after they were reprimanded and taken to prison. A confused 12-year old Jude was essentially shoved into the arms of foster care, where she lived out the next six years of life with the knowledge that her parents had been villains.

When Jude turned eighteen and earned her free will, she escaped foster care. The first thing she did after declaring herself a free woman was, after some convincing from her friends, go out for a few drinks. However, Jude's obsessive behavior resulted in a few drinks becoming a few too many, leading to her becoming intoxicated. Since this was illegal in Panorama City, she spent the night in a holding cell, but while under the influence of alcohol she discovered n secret that she had much greater control over her own abilities, and that they became considerably stronger when she was inebriated And seeing as how she had little to no plans after leaving her foster home, she decided to enroll in the hero academy.

Naturally, it was a hard task. Her entry was thwarted by not only her being the child of two villains, but also her newfound mild criminal offense. However, she managed to circumvent both obstacles smoothly and landed herself a place in the academy. While in school she tried to keep a low profile, but thanks to some of the nosier students she was eventually found and outed as the child of two villains. From then on she faced a fair bit of discrimination, until she was able to circumvent this obstacle as well with a well-timed speech during one of her classes. In this, she declared that all people, heroes and villains alike, could find an enemy in monsters. Heroism was a practice of protecting not just the good, but all of mankind.

Jude's first year was her hardest; it was about power control and combat training, and even though she had trouble getting her power to manifest on account of her skittishness she was able to get it right once she focused. However, she had to resist the urge to come to class drunk on many occasions. She excelled with advanced science in her fourth year, but her fifth year was also a challenge, since it opened old scars about her past in the process of learning how criminal behavior worked. Once Jude came to graduate, she dubbed herself "Synapse" on account of both her powers and the neurotic personality she had come to be known for by her academic peers.

Resources: Using her exceptional grades in Advanced Science and an optional standardized test, Jude found a job within a research program after graduating which grants her a fair amount of spending money.

Equipment/Weaponry: Nothing really, she doesn't much like violence


Tier: Brass

Power: Jude can create and manipulate psychic energy into constructs with her mind. Her skittishness and overactive analytical mind creates a large buildup of brain function which, on the rare occasion that she is able to focus her mind, she can generate energy with her mind and shape it however she pleases, such as in the form of a blast or a barrier.

Catalysts: Although she tries not to use it, Jude's primary catalyst is the consumption of alcohol, which allows her normally skittish mind to immediately quell itself and forces her to relax her thoughts. With this, she is capable of doing much more than normal with her abilities, both in terms of damage and support.

Weakness: Jude's primary weakness is sensory overload. The more there is going on around her or the more she finds it particularly difficult to focus, the more difficult it is to use her ability.

-Knowledgable with science
-Fast reader and writer
-Very analytical


Power: 5(Fairly destructive when energy is channeled into blasts)

Speed: 1(Human)

Defense: 5(Energy is fairy dense and makes for very good barriers and shields)

Versatility: 5(Can be used in a large number of ways)

Recovery/Resilience: 1(Human)

Energy: 8 (Psychic Energy)
WIP Still have a bit of work to do before I'm happy with it, but here are the broad strokes. The basic idea is a hero who can excel at one thing at a given time, at the cost of others.

Jack Hawkins a.k.a. Crystalline

Gender: Male

Age: 24

Appearance: Tall and slim, with pale skin and fine, almost delicate features. A strong nose and a slightly arrogant smirk save him from being called pretty. His shoulder length black hair and fair skin have a faint bluish cast to them when his powers are dormant.


  • Height: 5’ 11’’
  • Weight: 70 kg.

Mentality: While he acts relatively cool under pressure, Jack is painfully aware that he is as of yet untested under “Real” pressure. As such he has a subconscious fear of screwing up and getting others hurt. Not that he would ever admit that to the others.

Backstory: Born to a well of District C family, Jack grew up wanting for little. The youngest member of a large family, he found that little was in fact, demanded of him in either. Left to his own devices, he did little more than play with the other children and fawn over heroes. He studied their styles, strategies and gear, heart set up joining their ranks one day.

For many years his life was idyllic, following the tested pattern of study, play and hero worship. But as the years passed things became, if not bad, certainly less pleasant. His father, a media mogul, was attacked and injured by a former hero, one who felt his lost licence was due to the Hawkins family. While his father survived many of his siblings were caught in the blast as they played together as a family.

Enraged, Jack struck out with his developing powers, convinced that he would take this man down. Connived that nothing could stand in his way. Sadly, he was wrong. While anger boosted his powers, it proved inadequate when compared to the might of even a newly minted hero. Jack was injured, if not as badly as others. A few broken bones, some scars.

He made a decision that day. Before he’d wanted to be a hero for the glory, the strength and the power. Now, he would do it for them. Now, he would be a real hero. He enrolled as soon as possible, training hard to develop powers, to be the best, the strongest the fastest. He made an admirable showing, making himself one to keep an eye on, if nothing incredible.

And now, graduation. Now, the real work begins.

Resources: Reasonable, at least in so far as finance. His parents provide him with enough to fill his needs, but are hesitant to spend too much. They’re still unhappy with his chosen career, hoping that that lack of funds might get him to leave in search of more lucrative work.

Equipment/Weaponry: Jack carries a few knives for back up, but tends to rely on his powers for combat purposes. He usually brings a well equipped med kit, a testament to his first failure as a “hero”.

He also uses a specially crafted uniform, designed to provide mounting points for his crystalline creations, and a pair of bracers to help focus more long ranged attacks.

*This RP allows a maximum of up to 3-4 different superpowers. Power sets are good, but try to keep your powers themed. Don't try to have everything under the sun. No Mystical powers, no magical powers. If you cannot explain your ability with science it is not acceptable. Feel free to hit me up in OOC if you need help. Keep in mind your power may be claimed already by an NPC. I will pm you in that case.

Tier: Brass

Power: Crystal Armoury

  • The main outlet of his power, Jack can create incredibly dense crystals over his body, shaping them to his needs before hardening them. The crystals provide the backbone of his defensive abilities, but provide little in the way of weapons, beyond blunt and inelegant tools, i.e. maces, hammers.

Power: Crystal blade

  • When used in attacking form, Jacks crystals become light weight and sharp, providing excellent melee weapons, more than sufficient to deal with most foes. However, they provide little in the way of armour, beyond basic reinforcement along the relevant limb. Fully shapable, they allow him to reach through crevices in armour, though doing so makes them more delicate. Similarly, they can be adapted to climb most surfaces.

Power: Crystal Blast

  • By stretching his crystals thin, Jack and project them a short range from his hands, aided by his bracers. When they come into contact with a target, he can harden them, providing a quick restraint or foot hold. However, these projections tend to be much weaker than crystals mounted on his body, broken with a moderate amount of effort.
Power: Crystal River

  • An extension of Crystal Blast, Jack can project his crystals ahead of him, providing a slick surface he can slide along. While lightweight and relatively weak, the constructs can carry him quite rapidly from point to point, and raise him to quite a height. However they disintegrate shortly after he crosses them, meaning that if he screws up at height or at speed, there may be little he can do to solve the matter.

Catalysts: In a word, anger. When enraged, his powers become stronger, appearing faster and for longer. The extreme emotion seems to grant him access to all his powers, with a degree of mastery that he rarely exhibits normally.

Weakness: Most of his powers cannot be used simultaneously, requiring too much concentration to maintain. When he exits an enraged state he is often “winded” and unable to use his powers for several hours. But his primary weakness is time. If he uses his powers for too long, or too often, the crystals start to form inside his body, cutting into his muscles and blood vessels and leaving him crippled with pain.

Skills: As part of his training Jack picked up a wide verity of martial arts techniques, both armed and unarmed. Most of these he adapted to suit his power. But he is quite handy with knives, often hiding a few out of view. He is also a skilled field medic, having learned from experience what fighting someone better than you can earn.

STATISTICS (Characters begin with 25 points.10 is the current max per category. Certain things in story will allow you to increase these stats including natural growth, power augmentation, training, etc.)

3 – 9

Speed: 3 - 9

Defence: 3 – 9

His attack defence and speed abilities are situational depending greatly on the power and concentration devoted to a given ability. As such one can easily max out his current abilities leaving him vulnerable in other states. i.e., when power, speed or defence is at 10 the others reset to 3 leaving him open without support.

Versatility: 6- While his shaping abilities are realitlvy simple, they can in theory be adapted to fit a verity of situations.

Recovery/Resilience: 1- In this regard, Jack is painfully normal. He can however provide temporary patch jobs with his crystals, though these often lead to worsening symptoms at a later date.

Energy: 3: Jack can create short burst to restrain targets or create barriers, but these are relatively weak, requiring time to build to any real strength. His movement ability suffers from similar restrictions, lasting just long enough for him to slide over them.
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Name: Cassidy Maxine Caine "Flare"

Gender: Female

Age: 23



  • Height: 5’7”
  • Weight: 138.5 lb

Mentality: Cass is tough. So tough in fact that she was voted least likely to take any shit from anyone by her closest friends at the academy. Beneath that however is someone that cares deeply for others and views all life as sacred and deserving of protection; that is until you spend your time trying to hurt others. At that point you end up on the business end of one of her solid light weapons or a plasma bolt. She however isn’t without a sense of humor albeit one with a sarcastic bent that has plenty of quips for both enemies and allies alike. Outside of hero work Cass makes her living as a freelance artist and courier the former feeding her soul and the latter increasing her knowledge of the layouts city’s various districts.

Backstory: The turns her life had taken still surprised her at times. She’d never imagined that at just 23 be a graduate of the academy and a registered hero let alone an orphan. That last bit was something that had often crossed her mind. Wondering if her parents would still had accepted the mission and gone out to fight the swarm if they had known that they would be among the casualties reported. And almost as soon as she’d asked herself she instantly knew the answer. Yes, it was a resounding yes, a thousand times over. As much as they’d loved her the calling at outweighed any and all personal attachments even their obligation to her.

She shook her head as if to exorcise the less than the less than pleasant train of thought before thinking slightly forward to the five years; those had been spent training. She’d studied endlessly, honed her body and reflexes, discovered new depths to and ways to use her powers all so that on the day she’d graduated and became a hero in her own right she could have some hope that she’d made them proud wherever they were. Today was that day.

Resources: Solid Middle Class

Equipment/Weaponry: Hero Uniform & Utility Belt with 3 “Juice Packs” UV light cells that she can use to charge up. 2 Collapsible batons that can combine into a quarterstaff, and a COMM device should she need additional support or to report back in the field.


Tier: Brass

Power: Photonic Absorption

  • Cass’s body is in a constant of absorbing and metabolizing photonic energy be it from UV radiation, natural, or artificial light sources. With focus and in times of dire need she is able to accelerate the rate at which her body absorbs photonic energy but the use of this skill functions like a shot of adrenaline, giving her a sudden burst of power, which temporarily overtaxes her ability to absorb photons and which she must later recuperate from. A side effect of her being able to absorb photons is an inability to be light blinded.​
Power: Photonic Metabolism

  • Once photonic energy has been absorbed, her body uses a portion of it to bolster various processes such as the immune, nervous, and endocrine systems. This additional fuel allows her to perform at her highest level of physical capability for lengthier periods of time than most baseline humans.​
Power: Luminance

  • With sufficient stores of energy Cass is able to shed light from any part of or her entire body in a radius. She can vary the intensity and length of the light anywhere from a prolonged gentle glow to a blinding flash.​
Power: Photonic Constructs

  • Cass is capable of harnessing her absorbed energy and manifesting it in the environment around her in forms that mimic the four known states of matter.​
    • Solid – Solid light can be used to create luminous constructs of varying size and function. She is most often observed manifesting a wide variety of weapons, platforms for movement and barriers for defensive purposes.​
    • Liquid – Liquid light can manifest in a variety of ways with its consistency varying from water to paint to ink, and even oil.​
    • Gas – Gaseous light can be used to create glowing vapor of varying density and volume capable of being shaped according to her wishes.​
    • Plasma – Plasmatic light can be projected toward distant targets in a manner similar to lightning.​

Catalysts: Sources of Potent Light and UV Radiation can, when coupled with her ability to temporarily boost her power to absorb photons supercharge her cells giving her a greater store of energy to draw from. The boost however is temporary as her cells can only safely maintain a set amount of power

Weakness: Her physiology and powers are dependent upon regular exposure to ultraviolet radiation and visible light. Typically, she’s able to metabolize what she needs from a standard day’s activity and exposure. On the flip side of that prolonged light deprivation accelerates her body’s consumption of its store of energy, weakening her powers and ultimately draining her of her vitality reducing her abilities to levels comparable to that of a sick human. Using her power to amp up her absorption while useful does have a downside, following it her body must rid itself of the excess energy and recuperate before such a feat can be reproduced without running the risk of damaging her powers and body.

Skills: Being able to create nearly any melee weapon she can dream of Cass placed a large amount of focus on knowing how to use as many weapons as possible and has taken as many courses as possible on martial combat both within the academy and in her own personal time. Coupled with that she is a gifted natural athlete practicing gymnastics free running to assist in being able to navigate the rooftops and back alleys in times where ground travel would be detrimental.


Power: 3 Cass’s powers aren’t inherently damaging and only become so when paired with their versatile nature and her extensive combat training. The single ability she has that is itself is capable of inflicting harm is her plasma blast and it is used sparingly so as to conserve energy.

Speed: 4 Her body’s store of photonic energy both fuels her active abilities but also improves her existing athleticism allowing her to operate and maintain a higher than normal level of physical activity for prolonged lengths of time.

Defense: 3 Her defensive capabilities are limited to her being able to generate protective barriers and constructs the durability of which is tied to the amount of energy she has available. She typically focuses more on combating her foes leaving her defenses lacking in comparison to her offensive abilities.

Versatility: 6 Versatility is where Cass really shines. Her ability to release light in all of the known states matter gives her a variety of options for dealing with obstacles; from creating solid light constructs for offense, defense, and transportation, to luminous clouds for illumination and distraction, liquid light for a variety of purposes and last but not least photonic plasma for ranged offense.

Recovery/Resilience: 2 While she does possess great potential for recovery her ability to absorb light and UV Radiation is passive and takes more time than most combat scenarios would all of to assist her in recovering her stores of energy following massive expenditure.

Energy: 7 Cass’s powers are centered around her ability to absorb ambient UV Radiation and Visible light. Once absorbed her body uses it to bolster such things as her immune, nervous, and endocrine systems. When she harnesses the energy however she can manifest it in her environment and have it mimic the four know states of matter. The passive function of her powers is constant and without additional usage she can store enough energy to last a number of days without exposure. More strenuous use can typically be maintained upwards of three hours before she begins to feel the drain.​
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//Pyre Gallian\\




127 lbs

Pyre puts on a front of apathy while trying to hide her irrational fear of being eaten, seemingly cold while trying to keep people away from her. She sees her 'powers' as a way to protect herself, and to never feel helpless to anyone again. Sees everyone else, at first, as neutral parties, that could potentially consume her if they so chose. Slow to trust, but an unwavering ally if that trust if built. Betrayal isn't something she takes lightly. Most people she encounters are a means to an end, but with enough persistence it's possible to form a connection with her.

A troubled one, mostly because of her 'powers'. A majority of her problems were in her childhood, where she literally got partially consumed on multiple occasions. Her parents tried doing whatever they could to help, but with her father's sugar manipulation power and her mother's powerlessness, they just couldn't do much. They supported her emotionally whenever she needed it, however, and Pyre loved them dearly for this. Feels bad for those without powers, as they are much less powerful than her; feels obligated to protect them because of this fact.

Several years after 'discovering' her powers, the girl didn't realize she could control the goo inside of her until one of the bullies in her school had literally cut her head off. She blacked out for a moment, then, after coming back into consciousness, she saw the bully licking her cheek; she screamed, and her headless body exploded into a red liquid form and tackled him.

She caught her head with her new body, and the bully quickly sprinted away. It took her several days to figure out how to return to her regular form, but at least no one tried eating her while in this form... Finding new courage with this discovery of her hidden ability, she felt empowered and much less helpless. Vowing at that moment to never allow any situation to make her feel helpless, her determination was set. No one would eat her just because they could, ever again... And if anyone tried, she could defend herself without worry of being unable to.

She attended the academy as she should have for 5 years after a long while of contemplation. Although, after finally coming to the realization that heroes were the least likely to be taken advantage of in situations, her mind was set. She would pursue this path as best she could, but she wouldn't necessarily need to be 'the top'. She just needed to survive... Taking this to heart, she continues on this path, at least until a seemingly better one decides to show up...

Herself and some measly funds from her parents.

Nothing; she can't really use anything while in her liquid form as it is, so why even bother?



- Sugar Rush -
(She 'endearingly' calls it this)

Pyre could be compared to a Gusher, soft and flexible on the outside while having a vibrant, flavor-packed, goo-filled interior.

Quite like this snack, Pyre's skin is fragile and sugar coated, and a simple bite could tear through it with little resistance. This seems to be purposefully implemented, because it allows Pyre to better use her true powers. Occupying her blood stream instead of blood, she holds different colored 'goos' that allow her to implement her ability to its full extent. All of them taste differently and have various properties, although all of them can be consciously controlled by Pyre like any other part of her body.

She has several different types of goo that can be used, all located in a different body part. Her arms and legs are where the 4 types of goos are located, whereas a special type of goo is located in her chest and head. Her right arm contains red goo, left surrounds green; her right leg holds blue goo, while her left leg has yellow. If a large portion of any of these colored goos leaks from Pyre's body, it quickly absorbs the rest of Pyre's being and allows her to shift into a liquid form, with the traits of that color of goo. Goo can't be combined in liquid form, and thus she has to choose which one she wants more. While in her human form, each goo forms pseudo 'bones' that dissolve once she enters a liquid form; they allow her human body to actually have shape, however, and serve a purpose.

The goo in her chest, white in color, protects her vital organs. If touched by a foreign entity, it quickly hardens and reduces her to a, more or less, inert form; all the goo in her body retreats to her body and defends it by hardening around her vital parts as well. All goo takes on the same white color, and becomes a sort of tough 'cocoon' surrounding her vital parts. Very, very difficult to penetrate (although not impossible), and repeated attempts will only harden it further. Once the white goo feels Pyre is in a safe environment, it allows her to revert back into an unconscious, normal state. Pyre also reverts back to her regular form after recollecting most of her liquidated form, allowing her to reform her skin and overall body shape around the goo. Takes a bit to do, so she can't do this instantaneously.

Most 'offensive' color, fairly quick, relatively stiff, most dense of all colors, exerts the greatest force/strength, can be used to meld different shapes, a bit more brittle after being made into something; has a smell and taste like cinnamon.

Incredibly viscous, impervious to quick attacks (which bounce off harmlessly, more or less), absorbent (as in, it absorbs force quite well, meaning brute force has little effect), tastes and smells like grapes. Used defensively, for blocking attacks, or slowing enemies.

Permeable, low friction, easily flowing, very quick, smells of lemons. Used for superb mobility, for dodging, or quick strikes. Much runnier than other colors and appears to be the most liquid-esque of them all. Uses tiny 'hairs' (still made of goo) to rush across surfaces faster than other colors, rather than traditionally 'crawl' along them.

Has properties like Aloe Vera or Neosporin, can be placed on a wound to help ease and heal it; doesn't work instantly, but can definitely help provide relief and slightly faster recovery rates. If the person hasn't been harmed too much, however, it can actually fortify their physical conditions slightly, especially if she uses more goo on the person; Smells of mint, and tastes like it too.

Eating things that have similar properties to a certain type of goo enhances that goo type to a certain extent;
- Syrupy, viscous liquids support her blue goo further, making it more resilient
- Chewing and eating gum of any sort aids her yellow goo
- Aloe Vera, Neosporin, and/or other natural, healing herbs assist her green
- Salt and brittle substances help her red goo solidify easier

- Versatile and useful in most situations
- Pyre's liquid form is resistant to most forms of damage, besides when her white core is targeted
- Can use multiple goo colors when she's not in liquid form, allowing her right arm to become red goo and her left arm to become green goo (or other combinations), although she has to be careful to not destroy too much of her physical form or she will revert into her liquidated state
- Ruptured skin can be 'healed' by recollecting the goo that leaks out
- Her pain receptors are significantly numbed from constant bodily harm needed to access liquid form; still feels pain, though
- She can generate goo from her being, allowing for a large quantity of goo to leak from a wound or for her to change her size while in liquid form
- Most forms of her goo can glide across ceilings or walls with relative ease

- Easy to find out what colors do what if you're around her enough
- Can be wounded and forced into liquid form if her arms or legs are punctured too much
- Can be forced into a comatose/immobile state if she is attacked where her vitals are/the white goo is located
- If she can't gather most of her liquid, she can't shift back into her regular form
- Can't use multiple goos when in liquid form, and is more or less stuck with that goo color until she recollects herself
- Could very well be manipulated by those who can control water or something similar while in liquid form
- Has been known to be exceptionally tasty, and can actually be eaten with relative ease; the idea terrifies her
- Is literally the definition of candy gore

- Surprisingly good with numbers
- Intuitive
- Talented improvisor
- Wonderful conversationalist Convincing liar



Varies from 1 - 7;
Her red goo allows her to exert about ~5,500 newtons (~520 kg; comparable to a professional boxer's punches) in quick succession; all other forms of goo can, at max, exert around ~2,800 newtons. In her human form, however, she has a regular human's strength for someone her size.
(Red: 7; Human: 1; Other colors: 4)

Varies from 1 - 7;
Dependent upon goo type she is using. The yellow goo has properties similar to a superfluid, where it has minimal viscosity and can climb sheer walls with little trouble. This means it can move at astoundingly fast speeds (around 60 miles per hour at max), and make sporadic movements.
(Yellow: 7; Blue: 1; Other colors: 4)

Varies from 1 - 7;
In any goo form, her ability to withstand damage is significant because she can't exactly be damaged as a liquid, besides in her white center; however, because of her blaring weakness, it makes it hard to determine her 'real' defense capabilities.
(Blue: 7; White: 1; Other colors: 4)

All of her goo can be used in most situations, effectively making her a Swiss knife on the battlefield or in other environments.

Incredibly poor because of her main weakness, forcing her to stop in the middle of a fight if she's injured in her white center (the only real place she can be injured)

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//Pyre Gallian\\




127 lbs

Pyre puts on a front of apathy while trying to hide her irrational fear of being eaten, seemingly cold while trying to keep people away from her. She sees her 'powers' as a way to protect herself, and to never feel helpless to anyone again. Sees everyone else, at first, as neutral parties, that could potentially consume her if they so chose. Slow to trust, but an unwavering ally if that trust if built. Betrayal isn't something she takes lightly. Most people she encounters are a means to an end, but with enough persistence it's possible to form a connection with her.

A troubled one, mostly because of her 'powers'. A majority of her problems were in her childhood, where she literally got partially consumed on multiple occasions. Her parents tried doing whatever they could to help, but with her father's sugar manipulation power and her mother's powerlessness, they just couldn't do much. They supported her emotionally whenever she needed it, however, and Pyre loved them dearly for this. Feels bad for those without powers, as they are much less powerful than her; feels obligated to protect them because of this fact.

Several years after 'discovering' her powers, the girl didn't realize she could control the goo inside of her until one of the bullies in her school had literally cut her head off. She blacked out for a moment, then, after coming back into consciousness, she saw the bully licking her cheek; she screamed, and her headless body exploded into a red liquid form and tackled him.

She caught her head with her new body, and the bully quickly sprinted away. It took her several days to figure out how to return to her regular form, but at least no one tried eating her while in this form... Finding new courage with this discovery of her hidden ability, she felt empowered and much less helpless. Vowing at that moment to never allow any situation to make her feel helpless, her determination was set. No one would eat her just because they could, ever again... And if anyone tried, she could defend herself without worry of being unable to.

She attended the academy as she should have for 5 years after a long while of contemplation. Although, after finally coming to the realization that heroes were the least likely to be taken advantage of in situations, her mind was set. She would pursue this path as best she could, but she wouldn't necessarily need to be 'the top'. She just needed to survive... Taking this to heart, she continues on this path, at least until a seemingly better one decides to show up...

Herself and some measly funds from her parents.

Nothing; she can't really use anything while in her liquid form as it is, so why even bother?



- Sugar Rush -
(She 'endearingly' calls it this)

Pyre could be compared to a Gusher, soft and flexible on the outside while having a vibrant, flavor-packed, goo-filled interior.

Quite like this snack, Pyre's skin is fragile and sugar coated, and a simple bite could tear through it with little resistance. This seems to be purposefully implemented, because it allows Pyre to better use her true powers. Occupying her blood stream instead of blood, she holds different colored 'goos' that allow her to implement her ability to its full extent. All of them taste differently and have various properties, although all of them can be consciously controlled by Pyre like any other part of her body.

She has several different types of goo that can be used, all located in a different body part. Her arms and legs are where the 4 types of goos are located, whereas a special type of goo is located in her chest and head. Her right arm contains red goo, left surrounds green; her right leg holds blue goo, while her left leg has yellow. If a large portion of any of these colored goos leaks from Pyre's body, it quickly absorbs the rest of Pyre's being and allows her to shift into a liquid form, with the traits of that color of goo. Goo can't be combined in liquid form, and thus she has to choose which one she wants more. While in her human form, each goo forms pseudo 'bones' that dissolve once she enters a liquid form; they allow her human body to actually have shape, however, and serve a purpose.

The goo in her chest, white in color, protects her vital organs. If touched by a foreign entity, it quickly hardens and reduces her to a, more or less, inert form; all the goo in her body retreats to her body and defends it by hardening around her vital parts as well. All goo takes on the same white color, and becomes a sort of tough 'cocoon' surrounding her vital parts. Very, very difficult to penetrate (although not impossible), and repeated attempts will only harden it further. Once the white goo feels Pyre is in a safe environment, it allows her to revert back into an unconscious, normal state. Pyre also reverts back to her regular form after recollecting most of her liquidated form, allowing her to reform her skin and overall body shape around the goo. Takes a bit to do, so she can't do this instantaneously.

Most 'offensive' color, fairly quick, relatively stiff, most dense of all colors, exerts the greatest force/strength, can be used to meld different shapes, a bit more brittle after being made into something; has a smell and taste like cinnamon.

Incredibly viscous, impervious to quick attacks (which bounce off harmlessly, more or less), absorbent (as in, it absorbs force quite well, meaning brute force has little effect), tastes and smells like grapes. Used defensively, for blocking attacks, or slowing enemies.

Permeable, low friction, easily flowing, very quick, smells of lemons. Used for superb mobility, for dodging, or quick strikes. Much runnier than other colors and appears to be the most liquid-esque of them all. Uses tiny 'hairs' (still made of goo) to rush across surfaces faster than other colors, rather than traditionally 'crawl' along them.

Has properties like Aloe Vera or Neosporin, can be placed on a wound to help ease and heal it; doesn't work instantly, but can definitely help provide relief and slightly faster recovery rates. If the person hasn't been harmed too much, however, it can actually fortify their physical conditions slightly, especially if she uses more goo on the person; Smells of mint, and tastes like it too.

Eating things that have similar properties to a certain type of goo enhances that goo type to a certain extent;
- Syrupy, viscous liquids support her blue goo further, making it more resilient
- Chewing and eating gum of any sort aids her yellow goo
- Aloe Vera, Neosporin, and/or other natural, healing herbs assist her green
- Salt and brittle substances help her red goo solidify easier

- Versatile and useful in most situations
- Pyre's liquid form is resistant to most forms of damage, besides when her white core is targeted
- Can use multiple goo colors when she's not in liquid form, allowing her right arm to become red goo and her left arm to become green goo (or other combinations), although she has to be careful to not destroy too much of her physical form or she will revert into her liquidated state
- Ruptured skin can be 'healed' by recollecting the goo that leaks out
- Her pain receptors are significantly numbed from constant bodily harm needed to access liquid form; still feels pain, though
- She can generate goo from her being, allowing for a large quantity of goo to leak from a wound or for her to change her size while in liquid form
- Most forms of her goo can glide across ceilings or walls with relative ease

- Easy to find out what colors do what if you're around her enough
- Can be wounded and forced into liquid form if her arms or legs are punctured too much
- Can be forced into a comatose/immobile state if she is attacked where her vitals are/the white goo is located
- If she can't gather most of her liquid, she can't shift back into her regular form
- Can't use multiple goos when in liquid form, and is more or less stuck with that goo color until she recollects herself
- Could very well be manipulated by those who can control water or something similar while in liquid form
- Has been known to be exceptionally tasty, and can actually be eaten with relative ease; the idea terrifies her
- Is literally the definition of candy gore

- Surprisingly good with numbers
- Intuitive
- Talented improvisor
- Wonderful conversationalist Convincing liar


Varies from 1 - 6;
Her red goo allows her to exert about ~5,000 newtons (500 kg; comparable to a professional boxer's punches) in quick succession; all other forms of goo can, at max, exert around ~2,300 newtons. In her human form, however, she has a regular human's strength for someone her size.
(Red: 6; Human: 1; Other colors: 3)

Varies from 1 - 6;
Dependent upon goo type she is using. The yellow goo has properties similar to a superfluid, where it has minimal viscosity and can climb sheer walls with little trouble. This means it can move at astoundingly fast speeds (around 50 miles per hour at max), and make sporadic movements.
(Yellow: 6; Blue: 1; Other colors: 3)

Varies from 1 - 6;
In any goo form, her ability to withstand damage is significant because she can't exactly be damaged as a liquid, besides in her white center; however, because of her blaring weakness, it makes it hard to determine her 'real' defense capabilities.
(Blue: 6; White: 1; Other colors: 3)

All of her goo can be used in most situations, effectively making her a Swiss knife on the battlefield or in other environments.

Incredibly poor because of her main weakness, forcing her to stop in the middle of a fight if she's injured in her white center (the only real place she can be injured)

Unfortunately the rookie roles are full however copper and silver rank heroes are open
Clair O'Reilly (Death Blossom)

Gender: Female

Age: 31


  • Height:5'9​
  • Weight:119lbs​

Clair is lazy, extremely lazy. She strives to achieve her goals with minimum effort and has always had a knack for finding shortcuts and loopholes to abuse. Idealistically she would like to spend her days sleeping, lazing around and realistically doing whatever peaks her interest at any given moment.

Clair is however well aware she cannot afford to do this, quite literally. As such she often finds herself doing tasks she would much rather not, such as chasing down hoodlums in the strangest of districts. All and all Clair has a rather dry personality. She's lazy, hates working, has a hard time socializing yet despite her awkwardness has no problem flirting with younger guys the second an opportunity opens up. Perhaps the only interesting part of her personality is the fact she blatantly hates attractive women. Which she has no reasoning behind, or so she says at least.

She isn't officially suffering from any mental illness but then again others would beg to differ.

Clair doesn't disclose much of her childhood with anyone not even those closest to her. She never discusses her family life, upbringing or the topic of how she managed to attain her skills.However, it is common knowledge that she is, in fact, the daughter of Yoshimitsu the #2 rank platinum hero. But on the other hand, Clair's life after entering the academy is fully on display, one need only look at the trophy case for a split second to spot an array of awards presented to her during her academy days. And if that's not quite enough for you Nigel is more than knowledgeable in the tomfoolery she got herself caught up in, heck he was always right there beside her.

Yep, if you haven't guessed it already Nigel Hearth was her classmate in the academy and not just that but both he and one other were what you'd call best friends. The three were inseparable and where one wandered the others were bound to follow. Be that good or bad is really a topic not spoken about openly. But for the most part, it was pretty great. All three enjoyed there time together and to this day both Clair and Nigel are the best of friends, despite what they might tell you.

Anyway, enough of that, let's get down to business. Clair was an excellent student during her time at the academy, she scored consistent top marks in her physical exams and came second only to the good doctor himself in terms of academics. She was really a hero in the making. Many staff members sang her praise and almost everyone was certain Clair was heading for the title of Platinum or at least number one in gold. But alas things didn't quite turn out that way. Life is cruel.

Shortly after graduating from the academy Clair returned from a mission to receive the worst news of her life. News that not only shook her to the core but forced her into a completely new type of being. The outwardly, optimistic and enthusiastic Clair was killed on the spot. What remained was the Clair of today.

Clair has spent her years after graduation doing as little as possible, doing what she must to provide for herself but little more. She still works alongside Nigel on occasion despite the council's wishes but aside from that, you won't see her name in the papers. That is unless it follows the title "Platinum Superhero sees daughter throw away career"

Resources: Clair has very little to call her own, she lives in an apartment but said the apartment is pretty run down and has no functioning ac. Despite this Clair tends to mooch off her friend Nigel whenever possible. His "spare room", well what he claims is his "spare room" is more appropriately titled "Clair's Room".

Bliadhna bàis: This advanced laser-based sword is top tier and one of a kind. A custom work made for Clair upon her promotion to the silver rank. The sword itself is more or less your average laser blade weapon bar one major difference. This sword, unlike any other, has the ability to diminish it's power to the point it can be used for non-lethal takedowns. Okay look it can turn into a taser more or less. But it sure as hell looks cool and comes with a fancy name! Made and gifted to Clair by the one and only DR. Nigel Hearth


Tier: Silver

Speed Augmentation​

  • The ability to enhance the speed of oneself or others through the manipulation of vectors. Clair can enhance the speed of herself or others so that they can reach incredible velocities instantaneously, Clair herself can even reach levels of speed that are far beyond the limits of the human body. Her current max speed is Mach 5. Some confuse this ability with teleportation.​

Enhanced Perception​

  • The power to perceive everything at an accelerated rate. Clair's mind and senses process information at such speeds that time appears to have slowed down, allowing her to perceive what would normally be moving too fast to see and respond accordingly. (Like Neo from the matrix)​

Enhanced strength​

  • The power to wield strength unobtainable by others under normal circumstances. Moving to Mach is no easy task as not only does it require a unique ability of its own but also the strength to back it up. The strength to survive. Clair, possess strength far beyond that of a normal everyday man. However, her strength does not lie in her ability to strike out blows but completely opposite. Clair's body is what's strong her bones and even her skin Are more like titanium than anything else. Of course, if you then combine this with her ability to manipulate vectors she is in contact with. Well, she can bench quite an absurd amount.​
Sword Steal​

  • Clair's combination of perception and sword skill has given her a power born from hard work. The power to steal others movements. Others techniques. The ability, through observation, to mimic others. Note this ability is only capable of stealing movements not other abilities.​

Catalysts: Extream distress in terms of rage and or sorrow

Clair can achieve amazing speeds but with those speeds comes a risk, one slip up. A literal slip up, could leave Clair hospitalized or worse even dead

With strength comes resilience to great speeds and while all that may seem good and all, Clair is not invincible. Sharp weapons or anything sharp really can and will cut her.

Clair is human internally, she can be poisoned, become ill and suffer in biological ways.

Clair is allergic to nuts, coming in contact with them makes her swell up and if not treated immediately she will suffocate.

Clair is able to demonstrate a natural aptitude for the ways of the sword, including anything sword-shaped. she is able to wield a sword with incredible proficiency in speed, power, and skill, allowing her to perform feats such as stopping and deflecting arrows, decimating large objects or areas, cutting through a solid material such as steel, and she can even hold back her strength to deal non-fatal damage to her target.​

Clair is also skilled in hand to hand combat as she has studied several martial arts ranging from taekwondo to judo. Her early life is steeped in hardcore training regiments and strict ethics. Clair is also quite good at cooking and baking although that is a secret only one other knows.


Power: 5, Clair is fairly strong but her speed is really what drives the impact of her strength up to a six

Speed: 15, If you could run at Mach 5 you also should have fifteen points placed into your speed. That's impressive.

Defence: 5, With her body reinforced and her ability to avoid most projectiles with a combination of perception and speed Clair is pretty solid on defence.

Versatility: 5, When you're as fast as Clair and have an arrange of combat techniques at your fingertips you become pretty well set up to handle most if not any situation that arises.

Recovery/Resilience: 2, Clair posses no power that enhances her recovery but through training, she can fight through pain quite well. But then again it's nothing miraculous

Energy: 8, Clair has complete control over her vectors and can withstand speeds of up to Mach three for approximately one hour. Mach four halves this to thirty and Mach five drops then again to a measly five minutes. what really drags her rating down to an eight is the fact she can't control the vectors of others as well as she can her own. She can only propel others to their own max speed and for a duration of five minutes.​
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