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Fantasy The Rookies-Lore



The Thundering Mustelid
The World

History wasn't recorded in any written manner until 1,700 years ago when the Great Pylon was Built. Before this Spoken history tells of man being born from vast metal caves. Initially they were Nomads, living off of monster flesh and running from the larger monsters. After many dozens of generations of this humans began to manifest abilities from the same purple miasma that birthed monsters. They began fighting back and 6 generations from then Amiko Ieno Was born with the power of super intellect. She developed the great pylon which generated a field of energy which removes the possibility of the miasma forming into monsters and repels most monsters. This was The start of Panorama city and marks Year 1. For 1764 years mankind has been thriving in the great pylons field. In the year 564 As more people began to develop powers and the population rose the Hero Academy/Organization was founded. The rank system was designed a full 77 years later in year 641. During that time there was a sixth rank above Platinum called Cobalt. However another 473 years later the Cobalt rank had a civil war and destroyed themselves. Year 1114 marked the end of the sixth rank. With the cobalts out of the way all the ranks of hero realized they needed to band together and for several hundred years panorama city was safe. Then 26 years ago panorama city was hit by the Big One.
A 385ft behemoth who radiated enough heat to kill with its presence alone. 147 heroes lost their lives 1,197 civilians perished ,and 5 districts took severe damage. No one actually remembers how it was brought down. But that is what caused the dramatic rise in the hero numbers. In the time since then many great heroes have risen. After Mr.Meteor Made it to platinum rank 1 he published a tell all superhero book,which caused a 11% increase in heroes actually making it to the Platinum rank. Panorama city has never been stronger.​
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Being a Hero

To become a hero of panorama City is no easy task. Having powers is not enough one must go through the mandatory 5 year hero academy. And after graduation they must undergo a physical exam and mental evaluation to ensure they are in peak physical and mental health. Only then can they be certified by the board of the Hero Council. Being certified grants a hero insurance to protect them from any collateral damage that happens on the job. It also offers top of the line medical care, access to all city records, and media coverage.

The Hero Academy

Hero academy is divided into 5 courses each one covered in a year. No weekends. No Holidays, no Breaks. 5 years of nothing but preparations to be great.

Year 1 Power control & Combat Prowess testing

Year 2 Team operations & Strategy

Year 3 Weapons Training & Monster physiology.

Year 4 Disaster prevention & Advanced Science

Year 5 Criminal psychology & Legal education.

After they do these things heroes are allowed to pick their hero name, gain their badge, and begin active duty. Many choose to start as a sidekick to another hero as it gets them out of the "Brass Rut" quicker.

The Ranks

The hero organization had initially created 6 ranks. But the Cobalt ranks civil war ended the 6th and most powerful rank. Now only the five ranks are there but the witnessing of the civil war crushed and ill will the ranks may have had for one another.

Brass- The new recruit heroes, or sidekicks. Brass rank heroes often find themselves in the "Brass rut". Big hero jobs don't call on the brass rank so they often don't get coverage. They are heavily monitored by the organization and if they fail to make it out of brass rank before 1 years time a hero will lose their license. Many choose to become another hero's sidekick for that very reason.

Copper- Heroes who make it copper no longer need worry about a timer. They are often called upon to handle street level events but have jurisdiction to engage any criminal or monster activity they see. Many heroes spend their entire life in this rank.

Silver- Heroes who prove their ability to consistently handle threats with minimal damage to their environment or the civilian population. They are generally popular and silver tier heroes are well remembered.

Gold- Elite heroes who have time and time again proven their dedication and power. They are household names and often take sidekicks. The gold rank heroes handle the biggest threats and have clearance to leave the Pylon's Barrier.

Platinum- The pinnacle of achievement, less than .01% of heroes make it to this rank. The power required to make this rank is insane and currently only 56 heroes hold this rank. They are the greatest that panorama city has to offer. They can reverse natural disasters, Tango with the strongest of monsters, and even handle alien threats. The words of platinum heroes can even sway the hero council.​
Panorama City

the only populated place in the world. It holds 17.8 million people. The Government is the Hero Council, made up of half elderly citizens half retired heroes. In place of a police force the city is protected and its laws enforced by heroes. There are general laws enforced but a heroes judgement is used to cover the grey areas instead of bureaucracy. The city itself is divided into 26 districts which are simply rings of cityscape built around the pylon. The closer to the pylons the higher the quality of life. District A is where most of the cities wealth and resources lie because it is the most protected region. Where as district Z is A nigh unlivable region that most heroes avoid. Monsters have nests there and villains make their bases there. The people who live there do so out of lack of options.

The Laws

1. Violence Against fellow humans is Prohibited.

2. Thievery is Prohibited.

3. Vandalism is Prohibited.

4. Public Sexual Conduct is Prohibited.

5. Public intoxication is Prohibited.

6. Endangering others is Prohibited.

7. Public use of Superpowers without probable cause is Prohibited.

8. Heroes may violate laws 1-7 in pursuit of justice. All stolen materials must be replaced.

9. Murder is Prohibited

The Media

Like The media of our world the news relays information to the public. They are a separate entity from the hero council and as such are free to report as they see fit. Usually they like to help budding heroes, but they can break a heroes career if that hero makes bad call. Many media members are powered individuals and have access to high tech gadgetry to make their job easier.

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