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The Prince and The Maid [1x1] (Twilight sparkle and Kitty-Chan)

Yuki lifted his head up, and blushed. "Um, okay." He said. "Sure. I mean, I would love to."

Akari hurried back, "Yuki!" She shouted. She stopped in front of him, and hugged him as softly as she could. "Do I look familiar now?"

"Kind of, but I still don't quite remember." Yuki answered. "Anyway, I'll look forward to tonight, Nichole."
Nichole nodded blushing and said"s-see you tonight. " then looked at akari. She went to set up a picnic for tonight and smiled humming. Nichole thanked the cook and hugged him and grabbed some blankets.
Akari tilted her head, "What are you doing tonight?" She asked. "Can I come?"

"I'm just going to spend some time with Nichole." Yuki said. "And, no. You need to speak with my mother, don't you?" With that, he stood up, using the table to steady himself.

"Oh, fine." Akari sighed, clearly upset. "But, at least let me help you get around, until that girl can." With out waiting for an answer, she took his arm, and laid it on her own shoulders.
Nichole finished setting everything up and walked back to the dinning room. She gently moved akari away from yuki with a smile and led yuki away. She stuck her tongue out at akari as she passed her.
Akari crossed her arms, and turned away, angrily. She wasn't going to stand for someone making a move on her man, and she sat down.

Yuki blushed, and felt like he was missing something. But, didn't pay it to much mind. He was just happy that Nichole appearently didn't hate him.
Nichole smiled and then saw it was close to sunset and led him to the balcony. She helped him sit down and blushed smoothing out the blanket and took out the food. "I-i made this myself."
"Really?" Yuki asked. "It looks very good." He looked at his lap, super embarrassed. He was alone with Nichole and they were having a picnic that she set up herself. All of this was making his heart beat faster.
Nichole said"t-thanks." She smiled taking out a cake placing it down then the food.<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/images-57.jpeg.23496e2b9d0d807757e41ce9c0442540.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="18726" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/images-57.jpeg.23496e2b9d0d807757e41ce9c0442540.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Yuki was going to wait for Nichole to start eating, before he did. After all, she was the one who had set up the whole thing, and he saw it as polite.
Yuki was hesitent, but he opened his mouth. Blushing, he closed his eyes. "Ah..." He said. The fur on his tail stood up, he was so nervous.
Nichole said"thanks." Blushing and ate some. "Oh um would you like some hot cocoa or tea. Or um some wine." She stuttered as she was going to pour him up some of which ever he chose.
"Hot cocoa sounds good." Yuki answered, with a small smile. His tail set itself in his lap, and he set his hands on top of it.
Nichole nodded and poured him up some. She handed him a cup with marshmallows and some whip cream and chocolate shavings with a cherry on top.
Taking the steamy, hot chocolate, Yuki took a deep breathe. "It smells really good." He said, before taking a sip. "And, it tastes even better."
Nichole smiled and said"that makes me so happy. " her face brightening and sipped her own. "Ooh look!" Pointing to the sky and saw a meteor shower.
Yuki looked up, whipped cream on his nose. "It's really pretty." He said. It wasn't any where near often that he got to spend time like this, and he was really enjoying himsef.
Nichole nodded smiling. She then noticed the whipcream and wiped it off licking her finger with a giggle. Then her eyes twinkled under the stars.
Blushing, Yuki laughed as well. He was feeling really good, and relised this would be the perfect time to give Nichole the bouqet, but he hadn't finished it yet. So, he decided to leave it for now, and just enjoy his time outside with her.
Nichole cuddled up to him and blushed smiling feeling happy for once. Then looked up at him blushing more. "Um y-yuki?" She asked stuttering and licked her lips nervously.
Yuki looked over at Nichole, "Hm?" He asked, still blushing. "What is it?" He felt himself begin to get nervous again, but in a way, it felt oddly comforting and relaxing.
Nichole leaned up her eyes closed her lips hovering over his. She kissed him shyly blushing like a crimson rose. This was her first kiss ever!

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