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Dice The Northern Isle (closed) - OOC

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I absolutely love the stories yall are setting up. A bit of info - at the start your characters are all are aboard the stormrider, bound for the port town of haemstead. They have all known of each other for at least a year, and have been together for a few months minimum. They have at least a working relationship with each other. I will give some specifics about the island locations later today, when i have access to my computer
I absolutely love the stories yall are setting up. A bit of info - at the start your characters are all are aboard the stormrider, bound for the port town of haemstead. They have all known of each other for at least a year, and have been together for a few months minimum. They have at least a working relationship with each other. I will give some specifics about the island locations later today, when i have access to my computer
Rightyo, seems pointbuy is winning btw.
I absolutely love the stories yall are setting up. A bit of info - at the start your characters are all are aboard the stormrider, bound for the port town of haemstead. They have all known of each other for at least a year, and have been together for a few months minimum. They have at least a working relationship with each other. I will give some specifics about the island locations later today, when i have access to my computer
*ponders making the character terrified of water*
the Merc will have come from a fishing town so boats will be of no concern, likely will be fishing msot the way.
Sounds feasible. I did some math and found that to be about the equivalent of a 7 year old human, my character will be 4 years and eight months years old as a Kenku.

One idea that pops through my head is that maybe your hat was saved one day after getting blown by a mountain's wind or something similar. The saviors of the all-too-important item were none other than a certain Kenku family, ten years ago. Sometime later your character finds out they were atacked, comes to the rescue but is too late.

Now they meet my character, and the age at which my character lost their parents seems oddly similar to the one in which those Kenku died. So your character could start getting suspicions or even projecting that family onto my character. We could leave it up in the air whether it really was my character's parents or not though, build a little mystery.

Let me know what you think :)
oh shoot no i didn't, reason why I bloody hate this new fangled way of notifs.

hmm.. that seems possible, plus shows a start for a like towards Kenku and their odd ways. How odd it is to only be able to speak from words you've heard.
oh shoot no i didn't, reason why I bloody hate this new fangled way of notifs.

hmm.. that seems possible, plus shows a start for a like towards Kenku and their odd ways. How odd it is to only be able to speak from words you've heard.
Would you like me to tag you or somethin? Or maybe discuss this in PM or discord to make it easier for ya?
Would you like me to tag you or somethin? Or maybe discuss this in PM or discord to make it easier for ya?
oh yea shit you put your discord down, gimme a sec to hunt that thing.
So, I'm finally back from the dog walk and the phone, and can tag you peeps. jaydude jaydude Orikanyo Orikanyo Buckteeth Buckteeth kniightofspace kniightofspace MISTER UN. 0W3N MISTER UN. 0W3N - can settle up what our characters have in common, and such.
Me and Idea Idea had a discussion, and MC probably saver their character from that childhood working house (or however it was called), and generally MC can tag along. It's a big, mighty, shiny LG warrior, of an altruistic/idealistic sort who just happen to eat raw flesh. Just sayin'.

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