The New OOC and Hangout

You lost the slaughter in the Discord channel owo

(Totally does not throw more lumber in the fire~)


Also, happy anniversary AEGIS!

The only RP where i have to actually write down what's going on in a notebook so i'm not forgetting who's who and what's going on right now.
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Mission Ideas:

  • Obligatory beach episode, non-canon, basically a filler episode that exists outside the timeline
  • “In the Halls of the Commonwealth” A Commonwealth-themed mission where everyone gets to be suits on a mission to… do something, idk.
  • Metagame where our characters play D&D or something in-character.

plz 2 add 2 list?
Also, after a burst of inspiration and people liking the idea, I'ma run a Childhood AU Mission for AEGIS. 

Details and explanations to come o wo)-b

Childhood AU is going to take place in a Neighborhood Suburb and explanations for things are going to change.

For example, Rapture disappearing? Their families moved away after some controversy with the local Commonwealth Club went down. :D

Of course, I still gotta detail everything down for the mission, but I'll have something about it in the next few days.
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Everyone: The Shipper mission is now open. Students and facility should be arriving to start the day and come across the bizarre sight in the front entrance. This does take place "after" the events of Episode 4 in-universe.
Naran got accepted


Aw yis, here comes the dynamic entry!
Just a quick reminder that the site will be offline for a couple days on Sunday while our hard-working staff team switches software! If you aren't in the Discord server and would like to be, please PM me - or KingHink - or just about anyone in the roleplay, really - for an invite to the server.

Sorry, forgot to tag in the Eve/Kate Post.

Edited it in, but I am told that doesn't work.

So… Kate has a few questions for Mr. Ward, if he can spare a few moments of his time.
Missions for Max & Luther (PD classes)

  • Dodgeball
  • Camping

ROFLMAO!  Best thing ever to stumble upon coming in to introduce oneself! XDDD

Hello, I'm Nidelia, but most call me Nid.  ^.^  I just got done posting a player app and had it looked over and such and was told I should introduce myself.  If you have any questions let me know, I'll answer, to the best of my ability.  (yes, I know, a lot of you will try to throw troll questions my way :P)

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