The New OOC and Hangout

I would note also that S can cause devastation potentially globally whereas A would have to destroy the world a city block at a time.

also some A ranks are just very strong in personal combat, but can't affect whole blocks at once.

There is a numeric sub classification which covers the scope of the damage potential.

roughly speaking, 1 is just you personally, 2 is arms reach, 3 is line of sight, 4 is citywide to statewide and 5 is nationwide to global.

so an unlimited regenerator would be A1 but a crazy strong fighter might be A2. Laser vision would be A3 earthquake powers A4. A5 could shake nationwide, but not to disaster levels and it might kill them to try.

S is a whole other level. Potential global disaster even at S1, for instance a regenerator who could turn other people into zombie copies of himself by just a single drop of blood. And so on. S5 could consume the planet whole, and still be hungry for more.

unrelated note. @welian asked me to pass along that there is a discord server for discussions during the downtime. PM her or necessity4fun to get an invite.
I have two C ranks and I love them!

This RP it's not just about strength and conflicts, is about the humanity, the portrayal and the interactions and growth of the characters~

You can have a great time with any rank, tho C and bellow certainly trigger the 'okay, what can I do in this situation' thing. Some powers are extremely passive or just for distraction, and that's totally fine. They'll get to contribute with something other than fighting! What about logical thinking, plan making, what about spying? There's definitely room for everyone >w<

It's gonna be fun, I guarantee it!
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My character, Hadrian, is a C-rank, and he's a badass! He tanked an axe swing to the chest and enough electricity to kill a man already!
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I would note also that S can cause devastation potentially globally

Keyword is potentially. Keep in mind, especially the newbies, that S rank is the Category 5 of hurricanes in that there is a lower boundary, but no upper boundary. However, the number of people with "globally devastating" powers exponentially decreases due to the simple fact that people die from their own powers.

If you can cause enough destruction that the military needs to show up (think tanks coming after you in Saints Row 3), you are definitely an S rank though.
So essentially... It's not a terrible idea to make a lower rank? I was simply worried that most of the higher ranks would be the primary focus... And I have the irrational fear of random character death. Well, not death so much as being pretty much turned into a pile of meat that has no purpose. The last time I made a character below a certain power threshold, they were simply turned into a quad amputee, and made useless. I just had them get killed off to make a new character, since there was no point in RPing someone that can't do anything.
@Tanya Degurechaff Everyone is the primary focus in this RP, or at the very least, every character has the chance to receive the spotlight no matter how "weak" they are. 

Also please know that you'll never have to experience your character having a sudden death or wound inflicted upon them without your express permission being granted.

If this RP purely focused on those who had higher rank, we'd have pretty crappy RP going given we'd only focus on like 5-10 people out of 50. 

Also remember that simply being a low rank doesn't make them weak.

For example, @SweetNicole's character who is Security Chief is a "mere" E rank, no special abilities apart from her exceptional talent of knowing a multitude of languages. Nothing else.

In most situations, she'd probably be able to kill a fair few of the B-A rank students if she desired purely because she has far more experience and knowledge of combat than them, despite them being traditionally considered "stronger" than her. 

Just because you're an S / A rank doesn't mean you're going to make everyone your bitch and go through every combat situation easily. Anyone & everyone has the capability and capacity to be a badass without being reduced to nothing immediately even if you're an E rank.
And I have the irrational fear of random character death. Well, not death so much as being pretty much turned into a pile of meat that has no purpose.

Hey, there are almost 60 active players in the roleplay all with one or multiple characters. None have died so far without the permission of the user who created them. The only time I remember someone dying is some time ago and the player was fully onboard. Dying is a vague term tho because through the nature of the character's powers he was able to make a come-back very recently.

My character more or less lost her face but that was fixed through cybernetics. And like in any good roleplay your in-character actions dictate the outcome. If your character made the wrong decisions they'll have to face the consequences, but in no way are they going to be randomly wounded/killed.
I mean, take it from me, I have an E Rank, D Rank, and B Rank...and my B Rank sucks ass at using her superspeed power so she'd likely be the first to face plant and screw up a combat scene. I'd strongly suggest starting with a D/C Rank, as those give your character more chances of friendly interactions even if their powers go on the fritz. Make friends, learn lore, and getting the hang of how this RP works is ideal when you start off. My character introduction with a B Rank was just her getting injured and then my missing out on ideal interactions in general. I'd strongly suggest a C Rank or below.
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I started with C. He is the one who  'died' and then came back. I now have one character of each rank, and they are all lots of fun. My S rank is a big softie on account of being an S5 since he was six years old. He is terrible at combat because he never had to learn how to really fight. My most combat competent character is C rank. My most dangerous character by far is my E rank, Lars.
Unfortunately I'm away from my computer at the time...

Besides that though, what rank would you guys associate this power with...?

The ability to transfer their soul/consciousness to a separate personal dimension, removing the body from the current one, searching over the different dimensions, selecting another version of her body, then summoning that one up in the current dimension and repossessing it? Now, this is made to be a teleport essentially... Basically bringing up the body from the other dimension in the state and position it was in, allowing for a teleport. This may also benefit her in terms of conditioning. Supposing she got injured due to a failed mission/event but was still conscious, it may be possible to find a version nearby that had a successful mission in her place. Then, taking the place of the other body would effectively heal her wounds. Of course, there's also the chance that she may gain injuries as well through this, though they may be better than dying on the spot. (No, I won't be using versions with other powers, plus that can't really happen... It'd replace her power and she wouldn't be able to swap anymore.)
Unfortunately I'm away from my computer at the time...

Besides that though, what rank would you guys associate this power with...?

The ability to transfer their soul/consciousness to a separate personal dimension, removing the body from the current one, searching over the different dimensions, selecting another version of her body, then summoning that one up in the current dimension and repossessing it? Now, this is made to be a teleport essentially... Basically bringing up the body from the other dimension in the state and position it was in, allowing for a teleport. This may also benefit her in terms of conditioning. Supposing she got injured due to a failed mission/event but was still conscious, it may be possible to find a version nearby that had a successful mission in her place. Then, taking the place of the other body would effectively heal her wounds. Of course, there's also the chance that she may gain injuries as well through this, though they may be better than dying on the spot. (No, I won't be using versions with other powers, plus that can't really happen... It'd replace her power and she wouldn't be able to swap anymore.)


We don't really have fantasy / supernatural stuff like souls in this RP, so best to keep that in mind. As for how the power itself looks, I see a problem in the whole probably healing her and maybe getting her injured thing. It would be really hard to strike a balance for it unless you made it a lot more complexity for the GMs and they had to roll a d20 or something every time she teleported.

As it is now, I'd put it at an A-rank. Her Health and Agility would be very high, owing to her ability to essentially go where she pleases and instantly heal whenever she does. If you were to put some more restrictions on it - for example, she has to recharge between uses for a few minutes - then that might drop it down just a little.

It's certainly an interesting power, but perhaps it could do with a little simplification in practice. Welian always tells us to make simpler powers, and I think the Character Committee agree on that front, so making it less complex might up your chances of being accepted. Perhaps she simply heals when she teleports, and you can just keep the universe stuff in the background to be mentioned OOC.
Unfortunately I'm away from my computer at the time...

Besides that though, what rank would you guys associate this power with...?

The ability to transfer their soul/consciousness to a separate personal dimension, removing the body from the current one, searching over the different dimensions, selecting another version of her body, then summoning that one up in the current dimension and repossessing it? Now, this is made to be a teleport essentially... Basically bringing up the body from the other dimension in the state and position it was in, allowing for a teleport. This may also benefit her in terms of conditioning. Supposing she got injured due to a failed mission/event but was still conscious, it may be possible to find a version nearby that had a successful mission in her place. Then, taking the place of the other body would effectively heal her wounds. Of course, there's also the chance that she may gain injuries as well through this, though they may be better than dying on the spot. (No, I won't be using versions with other powers, plus that can't really happen... It'd replace her power and she wouldn't be able to swap anymore.)

I may be misunderstanding, but I would have some issues with this as written. Alternate universe versions of you would not share your history and would come with different memories and all sorts of issues. Besides that, it seems like a form of reality manipulation which is pretty thoroughly forbidden in the world of AEGIS as it allows very easily god modding and other stuff. That said, teleporting is ok and regeneration is ok. I could see doing both if you could find a different way to tie the m together logically. Maybe teleportation Star Trek style where you disassemble your body to subatomic particle stream and reassemble it 'to spec' in a different spot? That sounds like b rank probably.
I may be misunderstanding, but I would have some issues with this as written. Alternate universe versions of you would not share your history and would come with different memories and all sorts of issues. Besides that, it seems like a form of reality manipulation which is pretty thoroughly forbidden in the world of AEGIS as it allows very easily god modding and other stuff. That said, teleporting is ok and regeneration is ok. I could see doing both if you could find a different way to tie the m together logically. Maybe teleportation Star Trek style where you disassemble your body to subatomic particle stream and reassemble it 'to spec' in a different spot? That sounds like b rank probably.

Well, technically they are only swapping bodies, not consciousnesses.

Eh, it doesn't really matter, I just thought it wouldn't be too strong to have at the moment. Maybe I don't really get how strength works? 

So what is C-Rank stuff these days...? Since it seems like strength isn't a concern... 
Honestly, I would strongly suggest dumbing it down to a simpler power to start off with. Like, I chose superspeed for my first one (B Rank), which isn't overly complicated if you simplify it enough. Or my D Rank character simply has wings and can fly about with them much like a bird, but on a bigger scale since she's a human. 
I finished moving out to a new place today~ Tomorrow might still be busy with unpacking my belongings though 

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