The New OOC and Hangout

well fuk and here i thought i was being hella original 

Eh, he's basically an edgier version of Gambit.  You can riff off that and come up with something different.

What if you can't turn it off? Or if it maxes out at a flash bang?

Or if it takes hours to ramp up?

Or if is ALWAYS ramping up and if you don't release it from time to time, you'll eventually explode yourself?

Also there is personality.  Leon was an anarchist, and fair enough. But what if you are a straight edged law abiding citizen? What do you do with a power like that then?

There is a lot of room to explore...
well fuk and here i thought i was being hella original 

Hey, if you'are looking for some inspiration, there's a ton of powers out there that can be used similarly. If you're familiar with the anime "Darker Than Black" (a fantastic show, in my opinion), you might want to look at the characters Maki, or Paul, maybe someone like Wei Zhijun, (the names aren't important other than the powers attached to them). 

Obviously they work in-universe well, but you might have to tweak them for this setting. I found Maki's power to be particularly interesting, but Wei's could be tweaked a bit to create some unusual abilities. Here's a link to the wiki page that has the characters on it, some of them might give you some ideas too. Obviously, since it's a wiki about characters in a show, expect spoilers if you read too much into it and don't want to ruin a pretty great show:
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There are no original ideas, only unique perspectives.

I think some dumb ideas could probably qualify as original...

Use your microwave as a hairdryer!

Use the flush handle on your toilet as the trigger for a trebuchet in which the toilet is loaded!

Skydive with a picnic basket instead of a parachute!

Be pedantic with your game master!  

…wait. ^That's been done to death. 
1 minute ago, Gus said:

I think some dumb ideas could probably qualify as original...

Use your microwave as a hairdryer!

Use the flush handle on your toilet as the trigger for a trebuchet in which the toilet is loaded!

Skydive with a picnic basket instead of a parachute!

Be pedantic with your game master!  

…wait. ^That's been done to death. 


Play tag with leopards!
My post is almost complete, it's sitting in a word document on my laptop back home. I'm gonna finish writing it when I get home from class today.

Sam can finally know what hot chocolate and even chocolate itself tastes like! :D
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Man walks into a pub, there's a giraffe lying on the bar, neck stretched the full length of the serving area. Unable to see how he is supposed to get served, he asks the bartender in frustration, "HEY! What's this lying here for?!"

Bartender says "Son, tha's not a lion! 'S a giraffe!"
@The Suspicious Eye

I am so so sorry! I just realized that my Manami post completely failed to notice bianca's grand entrance!!!

And after I criticized @Syrenrei about being too jaded to even comment on the falling from the sky part!

I edited and added a tag.

(In my defense, being yelled at by a teacher is WAY more shattering to Manami than even if you had landed directly on her)
@The Suspicious Eye

I am so so sorry! I just realized that my Manami post completely failed to notice bianca's grand entrance!!!

And after I criticized @Syrenrei about being too jaded to even comment on the falling from the sky part!

I edited and added a tag.

(In my defense, being yelled at by a teacher is WAY more shattering to Manami than even if you had landed directly on her)


Dude it's all good. I don't even mind. 

It gives me more to read.  ^_^

Plus it wasn't that grand.


I just feel really sad the post turned into a collab and then I couldn't do the entire "intro reaction thingy" I usually do >w<
But things will get properly reacted to on a next post, promise!

I just... didn't want to out of nowhere have a paragraph of reacting and break the post's mood QAQ It would break the dialogue too much >w<

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Really impractical, bad for your knees. But so cool!


Lol It is, but luckily Bianca is durable. 


I just feel really sad the post turned into a collab and then I couldn't do the entire "intro reaction thingy" I usually do >w<
But things will get properly reacted to on a next post, promise!

I just... didn't want to out of nowhere have a paragraph of reacting and break the post's mood QAQ It would break the dialogue too much >w<


......Wait PM me? Wow I am being noticed all around by my senpais today!!  :*
Despite not having started being apart of this community, I think I'm going to have to prematurely leave for a time. >.<

Real life's cropped up in the worst fashion, so I'll be unable to roleplay (entirely) for several weeks at least.

If/when I return, I'll hopefully be able to commit! I'll send a PM to somebody here at that time, hopefully for re-acceptance. ^-^
Is it possible for a character to have two powers if they're pretty passive? Such as Ghost: A mix of invisibility and stealth; can turn invisible, pass through both the animate and inanimate. Sound levels are reduced when activated + Desire Form: The user can take on the form of others' greatest desire, becoming what the viewer most wants their observant to be.
The usual format is one primary power and up to two related supporting powers.

So I guess it would depend on how you present those as being related?  On the face of it, i don't see it.

Ghost form: Able to become intangible <-- would make a decent primary power

Supporting powers: invisible and inaudible <-- plausible supporting powers

Other possible supporting powers might be levitation or flight, icy presence, recording device disruption, weak telekinesis

Heart's desire seems more like a primary power in it's own right, and an interesting one, but tough to implement in an RP. It also treads near to the line for mind control, so it would be difficult to get past the character committee I suspect.  Try to keep the focus narrow and simple, especially for your first character.
@Ophirius In the way you've worded it, no, not really.

Supporting powers gotta be related to the primary in some way that makes sense. For example, A fire manipulator also being immune to fire.

Also that desire form wouldn't really work with the previous one mentioned, they aren't really linked in anyway.

Desire form also seems a tiny bit god-moddish and would, like Gus has stated, be difficult to get past us; especially considering that if you applied for that idea, it would be your first character. 

I would certainly suggest trying to go for a more simplistic power or one with non-complicated to deal with mechanics as your first character.

Also, just to mention, but I believe someone is already working on a character with Invisibility & Intangibility. 
tbh as much as i would like to i don't think ill be able to read all the material for this episode im just too far behind

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