The New OOC and Hangout

I am heading to bed, but I'm super cool with brainstorming and thinking character relationships and all that Jazz!

If ya need me to anything, don't hesitate to ask! I'll check here first thing in the morning :3
Is it permissible to add a section detailing a character's philosophy? 

There personality section should encase such views. If your Chars philosphy is an important part of how that character acts and behaves, a summary of it should be one of the traits. Or have the philosphy broken down into traits.

But if you wanted to add it, you could maybe add it to the history in that why they think the way the do.
Personality and philosophy are two separate things for me. Personality details how a character acts, more as a result of genetic predisposition and childhood upbringing, whereas philosophy dictates what my character holds as important values and is one the key factors in what motivates their actions. I will try to include it in history.
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Personality and philosophy are two separate things for me. Personality details how a character acts, more as a result of genetic predisposition and childhood upbringing, whereas philosophy dictates what my character holds as important values and is one the key factors in what motivates their actions. I will try to include it in history.

Irregardless, the personality section still needs to encompass your character. And give readers a good idea what to expect from that character. The big traits that define them. I would suggest merging the philosphy into the personality traits if you feel that a seperate section is needed to tell people such things. Welian explained it better than I can somewhere in the char critique section.
The Help Desk is the place for lore questions right? I've got quite a few I'm looking to ask.
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That is less clear. We only have two robots. One is maintenance guy for school. The other is posing as human

Things like rights and such have not been explored yet to my knowledge, but lore questions are for @welian 

@Gus Prehensile hair sound awesome btw.

Robots should have no rights.

If they did, they would not have any reason to be our tyrannical oppressors in Season 3.

@SweetNicole yeah, if you can't contact someone who'd know, general rule of thumb is supers definitely have the Third Amendment going for them. Anything else can usually be violated without a 'boo' being said. :/
I was only gone a week, why are there so many characters for me to look at?
Should this character's hero score be 29 or is there something I'm missing as to why it is 21? I'm going through and looking at all the hero scores, and the eyeball math for this one didn't add up.
She's a clone. Clones don't copy morality very well. 

She tried to kill a nurse who was trying to help her. 

Welian knows. 

Winky winks! 
So I'm a total nerd with nothing better to do with my time so I mapped out every accepted character's hero scores to find the distribution. Interestingly, the general shape is a bell curve, although a very steep one. I would have changed the scale down, but it was looking all screwing on Google Sheets, and I didn't feel like messing around with the histogram that much. It seems that overall most characters lean towards slightly heroic, but no one has extremely low heroic scores (lowest:12) nor extremely high as only was 50+ (50).


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Hunh, I didn't realize I fucked up the arithmetic there. Thank you for pointing that out!
So I'm a total nerd with nothing better to do with my time so I mapped out every accepted character's hero scores to find the distribution. Interestingly, the general shape is a bell curve, although a very steep one. I would have changed the scale down, but it was looking all screwing on Google Sheets, and I didn't feel like messing around with the histogram that much. It seems that overall most characters lean towards slightly heroic, but no one has extremely low heroic scores (lowest:12) and only was 50+ (50).

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Charts! The fastest way to a welian's heart! 


Working on one right now to examine each individual heroism trait, gender, age, and rank although I'm going to have to prune at least one outlier for age (Vos Schieffer with that age of 366 screwing my averages)
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