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Fantasy The Lady of Decay (F4A) Dark Medieval Fantasy


New Member
Pestilence, famine, war and death. The four horsemen of the apocalypse, mystical beings known far and wide. The land of Astreau has not known peace in ages, plagued by disease and monsters alike, the people look to their God, Emirath, but they receive no response. People begin to look for other foundations, people, myths, anything to put their belief in. Some have turned away from hope completely while others have turned to worship the very beings of chaos themselves. Cults following the horsemen begin to rise, the first and foremost, following Death, then War and Famine. Lastly there is pestilence, or better known as decay, the least known of the four, who's following is few and far between.
You are no one, or perhaps the one. It is up to you. I sort of intend this to have a rpg game vibe, where you are the protagonist. You can choose your gender, lifestyle, weapon. I will be most of the world, the npcs if you will, but first and foremost, your companion and guide, none other than the Lady of Decay herself. I’m imagining a witcher-type world, magic, dark fantasy elements etc. I also tend to really delve into the rp, making playlists, looking at art that matches the aethetic etc.
About me: I am 22, female and will only rp with 18+ people, 20+ prefered. I live in EST, but I tend to be a bit of a night owl, so my most active times are between 6-11 pm. This can be a romance, as I tend to find those to be more enjoyable to rp, but no nsfw. Not that this really matters, but as a disclaimer, my personal seuxality does not always align with those that I rp, but I do prefer to rp as my gender as I am most comfortable with that.

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