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Fantasy The Labmates (Closed)

"Oh.. Ali its you.." the wall leaves and she steps out of it and kneels down to the little girls level and smiles.. Magik has always had a way with children but she doesn't really know why. Maybe its because mentally she is a child.. having never had a proper childhood like most people in the facility. "This is my new friend William.. He is nice to me." She seems proud of that statement and the word "friend" as she only really has none, Ali is a child.. she feels more like a sister than a friend.

Error404RealityFailed Error404RealityFailed Kloudy Kloudy
Beast growled quietly as he got to the lounge area. Peaking his head in through one of the doors before ducking more and crawling into the room. The massive spikes on his back scraping against the door way as he entered the room to some tells from other patients as they ran out. Groaning happily as he stood up tall and looked around curiously as the doctors came rushing in again to stop him. It only annoyed the monster though as he growled and got back down on his feet and fists and started to walk away from the scientists. Not to an exit but just to a different part of the lounge room. Ignoring anyone still left
Kloudy Kloudy Magikkitten Magikkitten
(I'm so sorry guys ;-; a lot of shit just went down and I couldn't get on)
Annabelle had frowned when the child had stormed out. She knew Zerica hated it here and trust me if it were to Annabelle zerica would have been let out ages ago. But sadly it wasn't so and she had to deal with it. Frowning as she got up and reached into her lab coat. Pulling out a few tasty chocolates she had snuck in she placed them on Zericas desk before leaving her room
Error404RealityFailed Error404RealityFailed
William Rundell Haus Code

William was confused and slightly startled at the current turn of events. He reassured his new friend with a pat on the hand, "I'm fine, thank you. But I must say, you have a very unique name. Your own choice, perhaps?" William then seemed to remember that there were others in the room and so he promptly turned towards them with a confused smile, his eyebrow quirked curiously, "Hello? You must be a friend of 1- of Magik's. I am William Rundell Haus Code, it's nice to meet you." His polite smile did not falter as he offered his hand out again to the one who had bumped into them, remaining calm and civil despite the rude interruption.

Some could argue that perhaps William was too nice and too calm, that perhaps he did not have any drive to stand up for himself. Of course, William did, but such small things such as these did not warrant and argument and he spoke louder with actions than with words. This became evident as William suddenly tensed up as his head swung past the girl. Something had entered his area of influence, something large and monstrous in size. It was now that he became aware of the sound of large feet stomping and panicked scientists trying to calm the creature down. William could only concentrate on trying to "see" the creature as he slowly spoke in a concerned tone, "Magik. What is that over there?"

Magikkitten Magikkitten Error404RealityFailed Error404RealityFailed Daniel Reaving Daniel Reaving
Zerica stumbled away from beast, a small growl escaping her throat. She was rather annoyed that he kept trying to drive everyone else away. "Hello William! Uh, where are you?" She asked again, trying to find him based on where his voice had come from. Of course, it was a bit harder after getting so close to seeing, but she finally found the two and reached out towards their face before halting. "U-Um, can I touch your face? I haven't met you, and, uh, I don't know what you look like... And hello Magik! Good to see you, well sort of."

Alissia crawled out of her box and scampered across the floor and over to William. Her little form had fluffed up almost totally, so she seemed like a little ball. William seemed very interesting to her, so she crawled onto his lap, purring deeply in her kitten form.
Magikkitten Magikkitten Kloudy Kloudy Daniel Reaving Daniel Reaving
Kloudy Kloudy Error404RealityFailed Error404RealityFailed Daniel Reaving Daniel Reaving

She found herself rather startled by the fact a monster was in the room but then got distracted by Willams statement about her name. "It was given to me by one of the Scientists in my old area.. Because I was practically made from magic.. More like genetics and a lot of work but you get it." She states rrying to explain of her origins to her new found friend..

"I-its some sort of monster.." The girl grips Will's hand and tries to stay calm, Magik hates to be startled since she was never allowed to know her schedule before, mostly because all the experiments done were very painful and traumatic..
William Rundell Haus Code
William gripped Magik's hand in turn, remaining calm as the monster trudged out of his sphere of influence and past where he could detect it. Well that was fine, so long as it didn't come closer and attack them. That was when William was snapped out of his stupor for the second time that day as the other girl proposed a question to him, "Oh, I see. You're like me. Of course, be my guest Ms...?" William didn't know her name either, but he now realised she wore a blindfold to cover her eyes. He must have missed her saying her name from before... So there was another blind person here, at least there was someone who could relate to him then.

William 'looked' down in surprise as a fluffy thing jumped up into his lap and made itself welcome, drawing a warm smile to his lips as his free hand came up to stroke it lightly. He wasn't sure who the pet belonged to, but it was quite beautiful nonetheless. The soft fur was a calming agent that helped put him at ease, almost to the point where he had forgotten all about the scary presence of the elephant, well, the monster in the room. William's curious smile returned with that quizzical look as he shook his head in wonder, "I honestly can't remember the last time a single day has been so eventful. And here I was thinking I'd just be painting all day!" He laughed heartily for a moment and then adjusted his glasses again because they had slipped.

One of the civil servants from the facility had come along to help tidy the mess they had created, righting the overturned coffee table and cleaning up the tea William had been drinking. The maid told William she would bring another if he so wished for one and he nodded in acknowledgement. The staff treated him quite well despite his demoralizing performances in testing and so he was lucky enough to be gifted with tea and other items like his painting equipment every so often. Of course, he couldn't get too greedy with his requests and the supply of items would probably slow if his results started to decline in progress, but for now it seemed like an appropriate trade off for him and he was happy with that. Besides, it appeared he had all these friends to talk with now, aside from the large monster nearby, William was fairly content with his life right now - even despite the few flaws it contained.

Daniel Reaving Daniel Reaving Error404RealityFailed Error404RealityFailed Magikkitten Magikkitten
Kloudy Kloudy Error404RealityFailed Error404RealityFailed

Magik noticed Will's smile and did so as well.. Noticing the similarities of the two 1402 then frowned, seeing as she had nothing related to her new friend. Narrowing her eyes she took whatever the fluffy thing was and moved it to the floor in a jealous movement, the girl moving him back and keeping him away from the small child along with the monster- The sound of cracking bones coming from her as she generated separate arms to act as defense in case the roaring beast acted.

"Whatever you are stay away from my friend!" She growled in anger.. bringing Ali and the small creature behind them to protect all of the people in the room that weren't the strange being in front of them. Her real arm wrapped around William's waist in a firm- surprisingly strong hold for someone of her size.
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Zerica waved her arms in protest as Magik dragged her behind her arms. "You still didn't tell me who's there!" She cried, really rather annoyed as she felt for William's face. "Oh, uh, is it okay if I?" Her head tilted as she asked the question, smiling hopefully at where she assumed he was. "Also, beast won't harm much. He's usually just a bit upset... Is that Ali too? Cat again sweetie?" Zerica asked, and Kitten Ali purred in agreement.
Kloudy Kloudy Magikkitten Magikkitten
Beast immedietly growled at the menacing figure with muliiple arms. Getting up he thudded Over till he stood inches from her and bent down. His face coming within centimeters of hers as his glowing orange eyes stared her down. She could feel the heated breath comping from him with each deep powerful huf that came from his mouth along with an ember here or there as he stared the girl down
Magikkitten Magikkitten Kloudy Kloudy Error404RealityFailed Error404RealityFailed
William Rundell Haus Code

William kept his face still as got familiar with his features, opening his mouth to say something as Magic removed the cat from his lap but closing it again he decided against it. Instead, he simply smiled in response to the blind girl, "I must say, it is quite a surprise to see, well, meet another person so afflicted as we both seem to be. I don't think I quite got your name though? You can just call me William or Will for short by the way, I'm not as formal as I might first appear." He laughed slightly ruefully at this, a hand reaching up to rub the back of his head, slightly embarrassed. William hadn't been in the facility for very long and the first part of it had been in complete isolation, so meeting all these new people was very exciting for him.

However he couldn't help but grow slightly disconcerted at the returning presence of that monstrous being that had decided it wanted a closer look at them. William could feel the beasts breath as well and it was all he could do to suppress his telekinetic force from crushing random objects in the room, so much so that his hand gripped and scrunched up his trousers at the knee as he bit his lip. His hair began to rise unnaturally as if he had just been shocked by static and William quickly ran his hand through it to flatten it down again. He would have to tell the guards to increase his dosage for tonight, perhaps a little more in his day tea as well to calm him down. He was normally okay but his tea from earlier had been spilled and and and- and where was his damn tea already? It felt like an eternity since that woman had left, where was she?

William released his trousers and took a deep breath, trying not to lose it. It was then that he realised Magik's arms around his waist and he smiled a happy smile at that, it was nice to know she cared about him, even if they had only met about 15 minutes ago. However that smile faded as he remembered the beast and through a sheer bravery alone, William moved Magik aside to take her place as the one standing in front of wetting and the terrifying creature. It was almost pitiful to watch: William, a slender blind human, dwarfed by the towering form of the beast as it sized up to him with its daunting features. William couldn't see it, but he could feel each every part on it's body and it told of a being evolved simply with the intent to kill and keep on killing - a mortifying analysis of something in such close proximity to himself. But of course he couldn't let it hurt the girls, that would only make him a coward and a bad person in general, and his morals couldn't handle that. Spreading his arms to the sides in an obvious gesture, William took on a stern look as he confronted the giant thing before them, his voice defiant and commanding, "I'm not entirely sure what you are, nor am I certain of your intentions or whether you are actually sentient. However, if you do intend to harm any of these people, then I will do everything in my power to stop. I swear by my name, William Rundell Haus Code, that no harm will befall these subjects, or so I will fall in their place."

His little speech was nothing short of a silencer, halting everything in the room a second he spoke with unparalleled confidence, seemingly unafraid of the monster that could likely kill him in seconds. Of course, his promise was not empty: the very second the beast decided to attack, it would be met with a powerful telekinetic wall of which it would not possess the power to break. William was not particularly skilled at controlling his power sometimes and that was dangerous because his power also retained a terrifying strength and reach to it. He was capable of crushing a man's body into a 20cm cubed ball from 5m away in any direction without even needing to see them; William could blast his way through the heavily barricaded steel doors that littered the facility; heck, he could probably blow a hole through the wall and simply leave if he was seriously pushed to his limits. His testing had not been that extensive due to the danger, he was still technically a very unpredictable and highly volatile ticking time bomb waiting to explode, the trigger being unknown. Those around were just lucky that it was William who possessed this horrifying power and not some murderous madman hellbent on world domination, although with the way testing was going, William was very uncertain as to his future.

Daniel Reaving Daniel Reaving Error404RealityFailed Error404RealityFailed Magikkitten Magikkitten
Kloudy Kloudy Error404RealityFailed Error404RealityFailed Daniel Reaving Daniel Reaving

With more horrifying crackles the extra arms that had protruded from the small girls back went snapping into her skin once more. Magik obviously in pain but not saying anything as to not seem like such a coward to show off for her new found friends- though she felt more like a monster than anything.. Feeling as if the daunting thing in front of them was more curious than anything.. "Will-" She coughs a small amount of fluid, Her powers may work in harmony but with an emphasis on the harm. The poor girl swallowing whatever came up next and gagging.

"i- i don't think it means harm.. It looks more intrigued than anything.." the substance on the floor then made its move to attach itself to will's feet.. keeping him in place as She stood up and neared the awful looking thing, Though she isn't as afraid of it anymore due to her natural understanding of animals and the way they think. Her gaze fixed on it as if she is hypnotized by it- She then sticks her hand out as an offering to either pet it or if it decides to bite.. Take over the beast's body and mind.
Alissia jerked out, and she let out a small meow of pain as her body began to shift back. It was awful, forcing her body to go back to its normal shape. Her bones had to reshift with a snap, and she had to purge the fluids from her body with a horrible retching noise. The fur on her body migrated to her scalp and Alissia gasped, now much more like herself. She still had dilated pupils, but that was fixed with another retching sound and purging the liquid, and her ears returned to normal along with the tail disappearing. The tiny girl looked exhausted, but she stood and and stumbled past the two older subjects.

"E-Excuse me misser beas, but I think you not eating us, right? You're very nice! One time you look at me! I like you much! Please no eating, right nisser beas?" She asked, tilting her head and giving him a smile. "I 'member when you no beas! You very perty misser beas!" She shot him a grin, bouncing up and down. "Have you seen Misser Pickle?" Alissia asked suddenly, starting to look and sound panicked. "Carl didn give him back..."

She should have been afraid, but honestly the only thing that scared her was needles, and Beast didn't seem to have any of those. She'd also seen him before he'd been given such an awful life, so it was easier. That was just Alissia, a perky little girl who didn't seem scared of most things. Well, except grapes... Those scared her.
Kloudy Kloudy Magikkitten Magikkitten Daniel Reaving Daniel Reaving
A sharp short knock came on Darrel's lab room door. It couldn't have been a subject, seeing as the door unlocked and the tall skinny figure of Doctor Lana came in. Some subjects supposed that the worst doctor had once been a girl, but it was impossible to tell, as Doctor Lana had no gender that they showed of. "Lemur, shoo. This is mine now." Their eyes flashed, a hint of malice in them.

As the other Doctor left, Lana came in and locked the door behind them. "So... Little Darrel, what would you like to do today? I was thinking... Trying perhaps to see if you could burn the poison out of your system, do you like that?" They asked, a cool calm exterior.
Raku Raku D duegxybus
Darrel smiled as another doctor had entered. It appeared to be the "feared" Doctor Lana. Personally, she/he was his favorite. Quick to the point in her/his testings. "Well, that would definitely be an interesting test ma'dame slash sir" he said enthusiastically. He knew that resisting wouldn't get him anywhere, so why try?

Error404RealityFailed Error404RealityFailed
Beast growled deeply when the boy had pushed the girl aside. Showing beast intent to harm him truly wasn't a good idea but the boy did it anyways. Growling deeply his breath had gotten an orange tint to it and he started to raise his left fist into the air. But before he could smash the boy into a pile of blood bones and meat. The girl who had
Multiple arms had stepped in his way. Stopping him from turning this boy into mush. Groaning quietly as it got lower to be at the girls height it looked at her hand that was out stretched for him. Sniffing it quietly before the child had stepped in and spoke to him. Sparking something in his mind he lunged at her. Picking the girl up gently and cradling her to its chest as it turned away from the others. Groaning quietly as it sat down and gently proceeded to poke at her with a claw of his other hand. He figured to everyone else it would seem he aimed to hurt her, but to the girl it would most likely seem he was being playful with her. Something he rarely ever did
Kloudy Kloudy Magikkitten Magikkitten
Error404RealityFailed Error404RealityFailed
@Daniel Shadowblade Error404RealityFailed Error404RealityFailed Kloudy Kloudy

She stares at the large animal as it picked up the child.. Understanding it wouldn't hurt such a harmless being.. So Magik approched it and walked around to the front so she could keep an eye on it as its claws poked at the small child. "Be carefull.. She isnt a toy you know.

1402 comments as her eyes bore deep into this creatures face, her opening her arms as a slow of peace and vulnerability in this common room. Her scrubs lifting up slightly as the girl stood firmly infront of it waiting for an action with a dull look on her face
William Rundell Haus Code

William stared confusedly at the hulking beast as it picked up the girl, the stare being superficial at best. Sitting back down in his chair, William shook his head in amazement, apparently finished trying to fathom the strange events that were taking place. So the beast was merely a gentle brute that wanted to play? William was past disbelieving anything at this rate, this facility was just all too crazy - and he thought he was the only out of the norm.

Back at his old facility they didn't have others with incredible powers or appearances, William was the only "special" one there, not that he exercised his speciality much. But here, well here he was more normal than ever before and the thought brought a faint smile to his face as he leaned back into his chair. A small sigh came from him as he relaxed back, simply taking in the moment. The clumsy blind girl, body morphing sweet girl that had approached him, the cat-girl-thing and the monster, it was almost peaceful.

Of course, that had to be ruined. Happiness wasn't allowed for people like him, there was no rest for the wicked. Two guards walked into the room with their arms folded across their chests, tasers at the hip, and stopped short of the group of subjects. One pointed at William with a gruff expression, "You're due in for some testing. Follow." The guard then turned and marched his way back out as the other waited for William to follow, a hand out in case he needed help walking. William promptly shook his head and stood for himself, following the guard. Briefly, he spoke to his new friends over his shoulder, "I'll see you guys later, probably." A small hand wave was all he left behind before he disappeared through the set of double doors.

Magikkitten Magikkitten Error404RealityFailed Error404RealityFailed Daniel Reaving Daniel Reaving
(Would really like to be tested on by some now before we get bombed, thanks. : D)
Magik turns around and looks at William as he's taken away to some unknown area to her- the girl rushing over but a few guards stopping her, though her face doesn't really express it the girl is extremely worried for the person who has taught her how to paint a stunning flower. "Please don't take him!" She screams out to the other pair of guards that are walking with him down the ever darkening hallway as she sees it. 1402 just about ready to use her powers to gently push through but she would rather not.

"L-let me come with him.." She says more softly at them.. So many people have been taken away from her before at the lab she was once at- back then the testing was bringing other children and putting her on the other side of a strong glass wall. They couldn't see her but all of them usually tried to get through somehow due to she attracts kids of all ages to her, even some adults were caught by this odd phenomenon. "Will!"

Kloudy Kloudy Error404RealityFailed Error404RealityFailed Daniel Reaving Daniel Reaving
Zerica reached out and put a hand on Magik's shoulder. "Don't... It will only make it worse..." She whispered. In the corner, a tall slender girl with long brown hair nodded in agreement.

"William has it easier than most. In a way. He has hidden talent, though I do not know what it was... Come sit with us?" Ackara asked nervously. "Y-You seem really nice, a-and I want to hang out with you! P-please?" She begged, biting her lip so hard a bit of blood came out. This was the resident schitzo, the one with scars covering her body. Her face had skin torn from it, and her arms were covered in wounds and old scars from episodes. Normally she was alone, but this patient seemed to have a weird obsession with gaining Magik's attention. It could have been Magik's powers, but it might have been just wanting to have a friend.
Magikkitten Magikkitten Kloudy Kloudy (Don't know who's going to test you XD)

Alissia giggled in delight at Beast's touch, clinging to his claw with a grin. "Misser beast! What was your name?" She asked, tilting her head slightly and letting go of his claw. "I don remember it... And that's sad, but you do right!" The girl cried, giving him a hopeful smile.
Daniel Reaving Daniel Reaving

Doctor Lana gave Darrel an unstable grin and pulled out several syringes full of the toxins. "So, blue, red, or purple?" They asked. "Nevermind! You get them all!" They cried, slowly moving to inject to fluids. The poisons ranged from common potency, to as deadly as rattlesnake poison. "Ready?" No chance was given for him to protest. The first needle was injected.
Raku Raku
Darrel smiled as Lana presented him the poisons. "That's why you're my favorite!" he shouted out. As the first needle was injected Darrel took a few deep breaths and chuckled. "Let's go!" he said as he tried to increase his own body heat. He was doing his best to keep it from sparking but the readings on the monitor began to spike.

Error404RealityFailed Error404RealityFailed
Doctor Lana continued to stare at Darrel, looking a bit disappointed. "Might have to get a replacement..." They mumbled, pacing around. "Might be worth it. Could try and add resistance..." Still pacing, they considered the merits of possible other children they could start with. "Not too big of a loss. We should be fine. Try harder Darrel! Prove your worth!"
Raku Raku
Darrel complied as he began to push himself further. His fists clenched and his teeth gritted as he kicked it up a notch. The temperature readings began to rise to temps that would kill a normal person quickly. Darrel began to radiate heat as temperatures rose. A normal person's blood and bodily fluids should be boiling by now, but thanks to the test performed on him they didn't. "How long till I get to burn something?" he asked through gritted teeth.

Error404RealityFailed Error404RealityFailed
Doctor Lana chucked and sighed. "Ahaps later, but you are burning the poison. So, would you like to burn that? Or I suppose you could just ignore it and drop dead within the hour..." That seemed to answer the question enough in the Doctor's mind. "So pick your choice, life? Or burning some puny wood..."
Raku Raku
Forced into the room, Umbrella was strapped to the table with stainless steel clamps. As he writhed to escape a reflection of Dark crimson caught his eye. "Commander Red" Umbrella growled Suddenly a sharp pain hit him as a needle with blue liquid was injected into his body. The radiation branching from his eyes began to disappear until it was completely gone. As the pain ebbed away Umbrella heard the commander whispering to one of his guards. Something about "a failed termination, and no replacement needed yet"...

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